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Jewish kid kicked off Anderson HS robotics team for making anti-Semetic joke

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Posted (edited)
  On 3/3/2020 at 12:58 AM, ChickenSandwich said:

He is clearly not an adult and his refusal to mentor the team should have lead to his blackball from the education system. 


Woah, woah, woah. Let's watch the language here, mister. If you want to stay on the robotics team, you're going to need to say "African-American ball".

Edited by HornOnTheBayou
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  On 3/3/2020 at 2:49 AM, Beau Vine said:
  On 3/3/2020 at 1:02 AM, ChickenSandwich said:
Uhhh. See Oberlin College, or the Mizzou...”We need some muscle over here” professor etc. 
the fact he is a teacher makes the stated facts MORE believable. 

To be accurate, the Oberlin bunch were all administrators, who are typically professors who have had the common sense node of their brains removed.


Also, I don't think anyone but locals paid much attention to the Oberlin deal until it was already tried and a verdict delivered.

At that point, we were dealing with a pretty full exposition of the facts and not one-sided pleadings.

  On 3/3/2020 at 3:35 AM, DalTxHornFan said:

What a dumb fuck.  AISD will hire some high-powered outside counsel and then write a couple of big checks to make it all go away.  Then they will have to deal with Mr. Wrencher and the teacher's union related to his employment situation.  So much stupid here, but par for the course.



No teachers' unions in Texas brah.


The district could get rid of him today, and all the district would have to do is pay him for the remainder of his contract. (And the district could probably get out of that if they could prove he knowingly violated district policies). Unless AISD signs multi-year teacher contracts, which I would bet they don't, the district is out the remainder of this guy's pay for this school year, 4 or 5 or maybe 6 months, so 25K at most.

But the district wouldn't do that. They would reassign him to tutor in the learning lab or some shit until the end of the school year, then not resign him next year.



  On 3/3/2020 at 4:23 AM, High Plains Drifter said:


No teachers' unions in Texas brah.


The district could get rid of him today, and all the district would have to do is pay him for the remainder of his contract. (And the district could probably get out of that if they could prove he knowingly violated district policies). Unless AISD signs multi-year teacher contracts, which I would bet they don't, the district is out the remainder of this guy's pay for this school year, 4 or 5 or maybe 6 months, so 25K at most.

But the district wouldn't do that. They would reassign him to tutor in the learning lab or some shit until the end of the school year, then not resign him next year.




That will all be news to the fine folks at Education Austin.

"Education Austin is the labor union for certified and classified employees of the Austin Independent School District. Created in 1999 from the merger of the NEA-affiliated Austin Association of Teachers (AAT) and the AFT-affiliated Austin Federation of Teachers/Allied Education Workers (AFT/AEW).

Education Austin is the first merged local in Texas and is affiliated with the NEA, AFT, TSTA, Texas AFT, and the AFL-CIO. It is by far the largest organization for AISD employees".

Link: https://educationaustin.org/



That association may call itself a union, but teachers do not have the right of collective bargaining, which for most people is what defines a union. The district would not have to "deal" with Education Austin in any way, shape, or form if they discipline, reassign, or fire this guy.

Wrencher could be removed from the classroom tomorrow by the district, and other than maybe getting the rest of this school year's pay, he's out of a job. And neither Wrencher, Education Austin, the NEA, the AFL-CIO or the corpse of Jimmy Hoffa could  do a thing about it.



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  On 3/3/2020 at 4:44 AM, High Plains Drifter said:


That association may call itself a union, but teachers do not have the right of collective bargaining, which for most people is what defines a union. The district would not have to "deal" with Education Austin in any way, shape, or form if they discipline, reassign, or fire this guy.

Wrencher could be removed from the classroom tomorrow by the district, and other than maybe getting the rest of this school year's pay, he's out of a job. And neither Wrencher, Education Austin, the NEA, the AFL-CIO or the corpse of Jimmy Hoffa could  do a thing about it.


Good point, but I bet they are pretty good at creating public controversy about "racism" and such -- the type of stuff that incumbent school board members would rather avoid by writing checks to the disgruntled.

  On 3/2/2020 at 4:56 PM, Huckleberry said:

Actually, I can see taking the hard stance that absolutely nobody can make that kind of joke at school or a school function. I have no issue with that.

But the punishment here is so outlandishly excessive that somebody should have snapped out of it at some point. If you have that kind of zero tolerance policy then make the kid write "I will refrain from offensive jokes" 50 times on a sheet of notebook paper and call it a day. More realistically, if you're the adult then you just walk up to him and say "You can't say that here, even as a deflection or defense mechanism." Then the kid probably wouldn't do it again and the situation is over before it started.


Nah, more sensible to go scorched earth and write scathing letters to destroy this kid’s career. This kid. Jesus. 

Also, robotics team. Bet he gets loads of ass. 

  On 3/3/2020 at 4:23 AM, High Plains Drifter said:


No teachers' unions in Texas brah.


The district could get rid of him today, and all the district would have to do is pay him for the remainder of his contract. (And the district could probably get out of that if they could prove he knowingly violated district policies). Unless AISD signs multi-year teacher contracts, which I would bet they don't, the district is out the remainder of this guy's pay for this school year, 4 or 5 or maybe 6 months, so 25K at most.

But the district wouldn't do that. They would reassign him to tutor in the learning lab or some shit until the end of the school year, then not resign him next year.




Dude of course there are teachers unions. My wife, before she retired not too long ago, was constantly being bombarded to join the union. 

  On 3/3/2020 at 3:29 AM, mchookem said:

so...my niece knows them both (student and teacher). she wasn't there but her take (pardon teenage parlance and stream of consciousness):

" mr wrencher really enforces like... acceptance and equality and apparently the joke was anti-semitic so mr wrencher kicked him off and then the kids parents were like wtf we're jewish chill and mr wrencher was like no omfg it's either me or him. the story is accurate haha. everyone thinks it's so stupid it's equivalent to a black person saying the n word. like he's reclaiming the term bruh, chill "

it does seem like that's the story


OK, I got this.    NO WAAAAAAY !!

Posted (edited)
  On 3/3/2020 at 4:01 AM, DalTxHornFan said:

Ooooh good finds.  He has a somewhat checkered work history, also.  Those cases aren't insane, but do reflect something of a malcontent, which kind of jibes with his work history.

He also has an unaccredited law degree.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincent-wrencher-9641b919  That is a terrible sign.

Edited by TwiceHorn

Teacher, with 2 or 3 wives, robotics team admin... yeah this has I'm a dick head written all over it.


The son pantsed his best bud in gym class in HS. The asst. principal wanted to slap a sexual predator comment in his permanent record.  His argument, what if he'd done  this to a total stranger in the mall ?  

The principal, me and his mom all had a hand over mouth snicker at the stunt and the deans comments. She said don't worry I'll take care of it.  Just tell him to find another less personal prank to play next time.

Some people have power when they shouldn't.


One of my best friends in school was a guy who grew up in Germany and moved here in 2nd grade. We would lovingly call him "the leader of the fourth reich". He even had 4 as his jersey number on the soccer team. 

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  On 3/3/2020 at 6:39 PM, HRSchenker said:

One of my best friends in school was a guy who grew up in Germany and moved here in 2nd grade. We would lovingly call him "the leader of the fourth reich". He even had 4 as his jersey number on the soccer team. 


If ya can't verbally, and emotionally abuse your friends who can ya ?

  On 3/3/2020 at 1:55 PM, TwiceHorn said:

Ooooh good finds.  He has a somewhat checkered work history, also.  Those cases aren't insane, but do reflect something of a malcontent, which kind of jibes with his work history.

He also has an unaccredited law degree.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincent-wrencher-9641b919  That is a terrible sign.


Nothing like an online law degree to make yourself feel extra smug.  Yeesh.

  • Like 1
  On 3/3/2020 at 6:39 PM, HRSchenker said:

One of my best friends in school was a guy who grew up in Germany and moved here in 2nd grade. We would lovingly call him "the leader of the fourth reich". He even had 4 as his jersey number on the soccer team. 


We just called our German friend "Master Race".  He had the look.

  On 3/3/2020 at 7:11 PM, Samson's Wig said:

Nothing like an online law degree to make yourself feel extra smug.  Yeesh.


A certain percentage of people who attend law school do so out of a sense of grievance ("I'm gonna sue all these motherfuckers, I sweatergawd").  I expect that's double/triple true of those who go to schools that typically don't lead to bar admission.

Posted (edited)

From fourth to eighth grade I attended an evangelical segregationist academy in Nashville. Our mascot was a Rebel in uniform, we had Confederate flags on our helmets, and "Dixie" was our fight song. The only black kid in the whole k-12 was the cook's daughter. There were a couple Chinee too -- brothers whose dad had died and whose mom ran the only Chinese restaurant in town.

Anyway, I moved back to Texas in ninth grade and would periodically visit my old buds at Nathan Bedford Forrest high. (Not the school's name, but he was revered there. I wrote a paper on him one time.) On one of my visits they had an exchange student -- Miguel, from Matamoros. He hung out with my old clique so we all went out drinking one night. He was a cool dude and he liked that I had been to Matamoros and spoke a little Spanish. He was in deep shit at NBF HS, though -- a day or so before I got there, one of the teachers asked him to talk about life in Mexico and he said something about the "poor wetbacks" in Matamoros. He didn't mean it derogatorily -- he was just translating mojados as best he could in talking about life on the border. 

Brows were furrowed and Miguel was sent to the principal. Before it was all over, that monument to racism of a school ended up expelling its first ever Mexican student for saying "wetback." 

So, kids, you see -- leftists don't have a monopoly on PC idiocy.

Edited by MaybeACoordinator
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it's like constructive communications and opportunities for life lessons are a forgotten thing of the pasts. everything goes from zero to critical skipping a whole bunch of constructive steps in between. everything is so needlessly hyper.

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I find it interesting that the young man's comment is not really anti-Semetic unless you filter it through a negative stereotype owned by the listener. "I'll pick up these coins because I'm the Jew"  

Probably not because his family is destitute or cheap. Because his parents have taught him all money has value?

I pick up coins,too. Always have. (OK, I'm cheap)

Went to Anderson as many years ago. Would have been expelled for the jokes we made back then.


  On 3/5/2020 at 4:56 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:
The kid was a "star member" of the robotics team.  Obviously Anderson is not willing to do what it takes to win.
Coach should be fired immediately.

I suggest that they use a small drone to drag a small banner over the next robotic comp that reads- “Coach is not our standard”.
  On 3/5/2020 at 9:55 PM, Jerry Callo said:

It's sorta social.  Demented and sad, but social.


I have family that competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition. It is a very cool activity and very social. The competitions are huge, the engineering impressive, and they even stream everything on Twitch. 


Here is the current season's challenge:


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