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How I feel about the Coronavirus March 2nd 2020  

128 members have voted

  1. 1. my general level of anxiety personally for myself is

    • high - I am very concerned that I might die of this shit.
    • high - I am very concerned I might die of this shit but I am old and have other health issues.
    • Elevated - I have concern and definitely have stopped running as many errands and going out to eat.
    • Moderate - I have concerns but I think the country will largely weather this and I feel my personal risk is no more than catching the flu.
    • Slight - I think some folks are gonna die but i'm going out to a concert tonight
    • No worries - unless there is no lime for my Corona!

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Posted (edited)

Just trying to get a gauge on your individual level of anxiety at this point in time.  It may be interesting to look back at in a few months. Disclosure. I personally am not overly worried about cathcing the virus itself.  I do NOT want it, but since I have no underlying health issues I am not terribly worried about it killing me, I'm in my late 50's


Shit must have hit post before putting out slight

Edited by horn4life
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I'm young and healthyish (as far as I can tell) so I'm not too worried about myself, but my boss is immunocompromised and he doesn't suck so I'd really hate to be responsible for giving him something that could kill him. 


I have tickets to the KISS tour with David Lee Roth opening next week. No way I am missing that for fear of death. 



I have moderate concern about the impact of the virus - not personal concerns about myself or family dealing with an infection, but the effect of the virus on public behavior and economic fallout.

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barely moderate for me, i'm more worried about people panicking and being dumb.

but...i have an 84 year old aunt in Tyler who has asthma and frequent hospitalizations for pneumonia or the flu already (one just a couple months ago). i am actually VERY concerned for her, especially since she's a fox news/maga type so probably thinks it's all just a hoax 😕

my 72 year old dad is in great health but has pretty constant sinus issues... little less worried about him. 

3 minutes ago, bernorange said:

I have moderate concern about the impact of the virus - not personal concerns about myself or family dealing with an infection, but the effect of the virus on public behavior and economic fallout.

This. I'm not worried about me or mine dying from it, but I worry about the mob hysteria if we start seeing a lot more cases. I've already bought some extra dry goods (beans, rice, etc), mainly because I'm worried about other people's panic buying. Yesterday at 5:00 my HEB was out of hand sanitizer, any forms of zinc cold remedy, and the dry goods isle was getting picked over pretty fast. I didn't even look at the bottled water aisle, but I'm sure it was the same. 


I’m not very worried for myself.  Mainly because there’s little point to worrying.  I take public transportation to work every day.  If it spreads in the nyc area I’m going to catch it.  

I am concerned about family members who are old or disabled.  And very concerned about the propaganda, dearth of facts, and lack of plan regarding corona 

  • Like 3
2 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

I've already bought some extra dry goods (beans, rice, etc), mainly because I'm worried about other people's panic buying.

This is part of the problem though.

Posted (edited)

I don't have much concern, personally, for myself.  But, if it kills 1% of the population, that's still 3.3M people in the US.  In my office building, that's still 7 people.  Probably someone on my floor.  1% is fairly major when you are talking about fatalities in a year.  But most likely not me. 

Of the 705 people quarantined on the Diamond Princess worst vacation ever, five of them died so far.  Those were people who were healthy enough to travel internationally. It killed the relatively young Chinese doctor who was the whistle blower.   I think people keep thinking of this as just a bad flu season.  I think it's going to be a lot worse than that.  Sure, it will rack up numbers with elderly and the sick, but it will do damage in the 50-80 year old demographic as well.  I'm certainly concerned about my parents, particularly my 88 year old step dad who is in ill health. 

It will be interesting to see how much we are willing to trade off protecting lives versus protecting the economy, or even just normal practices.  Travel restrictions will help, but have a financial impact.  Japan closed their schools.  Would we?  How much are we going to discourage large sporting/entertainment events?  Or even small ones?  Will companies basically shut down if they start having positive tests with employees, or will they just power through realizing they are risking some of their employees' lives? 


Edited by Tuco
7 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

This is part of the problem though.

no doubt, but when everyone is running for the exits, the best way to get trampled to death is to stand still. 


None of the above.  I feel a need to be prepared to lose access to our town because we live in a relatively remote rural area where our access to town is dependent on 4 people keeping things open and accessible.  It would only take 1 or 2 of the wrong people getting severely ill for us to lose access to the grocery store, liquor store, medical facilities, etc...

The immediate family members and I that are living in my home are relatively young and healthy so I don't feel directly threatened by the virus.


As has been already stated my concerns are more along the lines of dumb asses buying up tons of shit like the electrical grid is going to shut down.  Guess I need to go to HEB and see the level of panic.  I guess my one proactive thing I did was tell my wife not to toss all they shit she was going to organizing our pantry.  I told her put it all in a box in our closet, just in case.  I would feel like a real dumb ass for tossing out a bunch of past and expired canned goods, if things got dicey.

59 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

You forgot the option for "I am moderately concerned about the virus, but seriously concerned about the dumbass humans". 

100% this. My simple explanation to my wife when saying we should buy a bit more of common goods was reminding her how out of their minds Austinites got when we had to boil water. 

1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

You forgot the option for "I am moderately concerned about the virus, but seriously concerned about the dumbass humans". 

This right here.  My company just announced banning all non essential travel anywhere domestic or international.  Bunch of panicky bitches in my opinion.

1 hour ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

This right here.  My company just announced banning all non essential travel anywhere domestic or international.  Bunch of panicky bitches in my opinion.

My company banned all international travel and suggested "having a discussion with your manager on the necessity of domestic travel"


I'm not worried about the virus, but I am worried about the quarantine. 

Apparently the 183 Costco ran out of rice yesterday because of the run on staples.  On the other hand, 90% of Austin's Asian population lives us here so that may just be a regular Sunday. 


Costco was a zoo last Friday in the morning.  Huge NW Asian community.  We haven't been to the store since then I'm hoping the loons are not stripping the shelves. But... well... the loons love their facebook.


Rode on SW flight this evening.  Felt like I was in a tuberculosis ward.  Everyone snorting and blowing their nose and coughing.

The thing about this virus -- really makes you obsess about how gross 99% of the population is. 

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Posted (edited)

I fly every week of the year and am in a minimum of two cities, if not three, a week. I'm pretty elevated. My wife is pretty worried about me bringing it home too, but luckily I'm not out West for a while, mostly in the midwest and southeast for the next 8 weeks.

Nobody in Nashville seems to be worried, I can tell you that.

Edited by Rougarou

I'm not elderly, or very young, and my immune system isn't in a weakened condition, so it's a near certainty that this thing wouldn't kill me in the highly unlikely event that I actually caught it in the first place.

I'm wearing a rubber when I bang Asian hookers now, but otherwise it's business as usual.


I’m moderately concerned as I have very old parents. I’m hopeful it kills off all the other olds though that voted for Trump. 

I have moderate concern about the impact of the virus - not personal concerns about myself or family dealing with an infection, but the effect of the virus on public behavior and economic fallout.
This. Advanced bookings look like the immediate aftermath of 911. The rosy outlook says no profit sharing for 2020. Luckily management spent 8 billion dollars buying back stock the last 5 years to make Bill Lumberg's holdings go up a quarter point. How's that price look now you stupid fucks. Cash to weather this storm is king.
Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, squib said:

I have tickets to the KISS tour with David Lee Roth opening next week. No way I am missing that for fear of death. 


A KISS concert with David Lee Roth? 


Yeah, yeah, ah, yeah I live my life like there's no tomorrow

Tickets I've got, And going still 

A vaccine I can’t beg or borrow

Yes I'm livin' at a pace that kills

It was nice knowing you. That’s a coronavirus target rich environment. Olds everywhere.


Ooh, you know I

I found the simple life ain't so simple

When I went out, to the show 

I had no symptoms, no cough you'd call real

Ain't gunna be stuck, waitin' at home


RIP squib. Run with the devil, sir. Run fast.

Edited by Dnaguy
  • Like 1

I'm not super worried about it, we bought a few necessary items several weeks ago as a supplement to our regular trip and I made sure that my husband has cough syrup and allergy meds for his allergies since the season started last month or so. I did actually buy a bottle of hand sanitizer since I usually only use soap and water. When I bought it two weeks ago the shelves were full. Now they are empty. Other than that, not going crazy.

My husband's only concern is that there is the distinct possibility that the Task Force is supposed to be inept not necessarily to throw Pence under the bus (that's a bonus for them) but to have an excuse to enforce martial law in the larger mostly Blue cities. (To round up the homeless, brown people, whomever). He is in no way a conspiracy theorist. At all. He just sees the Administration for the opportunists they are.


I'm not worried for me or my immediate family, but I am somewhat concerned about my parents and in-laws.  My pops is overweight and still hits the lung darts, he also works in sales and travels quite a bit, so I'm most concerned about him catching it.

I'm also concerned about the potential for our hospitals being swamped and the 15-20% of people that catch it and need extensive time in the hospital.  I think that is the worst case scenario for this whole thing.  My concern is intensified by our clown car of an administration trying to manage the response.

And maybe it's just because of my heightened awareness of it, but I agree with Tantric upthread - it sure seems like everyone in the general public is hacking and sniffling already.

3 hours ago, Casual Encounter said:

It’s great to see that Surly is comprised of thin, healthy foods individuals. I always assumed you the opposite.

I'd say I'm more "active lifestyle" than actually thin.



I feel like I’ll be fine. I’m pretty fit. I’m more worried about my parents. My dad is prone to upper respiratory issues and, although they are trying to be more active, they aren’t the healthiest people. 


Reading this thread reminds me of a line from Miller's Crossing:

"I'd worry a lot less if I thought you were worrying enough." 


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Casual Encounter said:

It’s great to see that Surly is comprised of thin, healthy foods individuals. I always assumed you the opposite.

I’ll see you in the lifting thread, bro.  

And I’m at slight.  Although Anastasis proposed option would have been my top pick.  

Edited by ChiTownDoc
4 hours ago, Casual Encounter said:

It’s great to see that Surly is comprised of thin, healthy foods individuals. I always assumed you the opposite.

Even you’re a 80 year old fat slob with chronic respiratory problems, anxiety won’t save you. Why worry?

5 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

Even you’re a 80 year old fat slob with chronic respiratory problems, anxiety won’t save you. Why worry?

It’s like you don’t know people or something. People love to expend ample amounts of time and energy on shit we have no control over.

11 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

Even you’re a 80 year old fat slob with chronic respiratory problems, anxiety won’t save you. Why worry?

Taking the ole Clayton Williams approach I see.

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

It’s like you don’t know people or something. People love to expend ample amounts of time and energy on shit we have no control over.

Sure. But, at least in this instance, this poll suggests they aren’t, for whatever reason. It’s the whole reason you commented.

At any rate, my response was really reflecting my point of view only (though I’m not an 80 year old fat slob with upper respiratory issues). 

Edited by formermav43
5 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

Sure. But, at least in this instance, this poll suggests they aren’t, for whatever reason. It’s the whole reason you commented.

At any rate, my response was really reflecting my point of view only (though I’m not an 80 year old fat slob with upper respiratory issues). 

Well, if you get the Coronavirus you should seek out a partner with Lyme Disease.

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I think next winter will be the big die off, we are probably okay for the rest of this year. Hopefully, we prepare for next winter. This thing might mutate into a kinder gentler corona virus too. Seeing has how virus' do best when they don't kill their hosts, that would be nice.


You forgot atomheartbevo my fucking god society will never be the same you need to stockpile a years' worth of food and guns the apocalypse is here you stupid mother fuckers level.

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