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  On 4/17/2018 at 2:59 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

Which one of you is having crying jags today thinking about that horrible night when your whole world came crashing down as she lost .....to the only candidate in the entire world not quite as bad as she was.


The backlash will be worth it. No one likes her anyway.

  On 4/17/2018 at 10:05 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

Of course they don't now.............she lost..... to the only candidate not quite as bad as her criminal ass.


god damn your use of the English language is an abomination.  

reread what you typed...

and you typed it multiple times.  you are a moron.

  On 4/17/2018 at 10:20 PM, sidis said:

god damn your use of the English language is an abomination.  

reread what you typed...

and you typed it multiple times.  you are a moron.


Oh I'm sorry, let me simplify it for you professor.. Bite me.....

  On 4/17/2018 at 10:05 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

Of course they don't now.............she lost..... to the only candidate not quite as bad as her criminal ass.


No. A lot of us who voted for her didn't like her when we voted for her. 

It's undeniable that this country would be in better hands if she had won.

  On 4/17/2018 at 10:33 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

Oh I'm sorry, let me simplify it for you professor.. Bite me.....



So for clarity, it actually was your intention in those two posts to state that outside of donald trump, every single other candidate in the country is “as bad as her criminal ass”...that donald was the only candidate that was “not quite as bad.”  

Got it, shitforbrains. 

  • Haha 1
  On 4/17/2018 at 10:18 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

It’s funny she got 2,900,000 more votes and more votes than any white man in U.S. history and still lost. 


Yeah but she got fewer electoral votes (the only ones that count) than an orange man.


The Butthurt is strong with this one.



Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton accepted her defeat on election night by saying that "they" were "never" going to elect her president, according to a new book by a New York Times reporter.

"I knew it. I knew this would happen to me," Clinton reportedly said, according to excerpts from a new book published in The Daily Beast"They were never going to let me be president."

In "Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling," New York Times reporter and author Amy Chozick also details Clinton's reaction to the furor over her "basket of deplorables" remark, which infuriated Donald Trump supporters during the campaign after she used the term to refer to them.


“I really messed up," Clinton later told aides about that speech, according to the book. But Chozick claims that Clinton's use of the term reflected her longstanding beliefs.

"Hillary always broke down Trump supporters into three baskets,” Chozick wrote. “The Deplorables always got a laugh, over living-room chats in the Hamptons, at dinner parties under the stars on Martha’s Vineyard, over passed hors d’oeuvres in Beverly Hills, and during sunset cocktails in Silicon Valley."

The book also details the Clinton campaign's efforts during primary season, and explains how Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook and others sought to boost Trump to the top of the GOP pack in order to guarantee Clinton the easiest general election possible. 

“An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by Robby Mook’s office asked, ‘How do we maximize Trump?’” Chozick says of one early campaign meeting.



  On 4/17/2018 at 10:18 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

It’s funny she got 2,900,000 more votes and more votes than any white man in U.S. history and still lost. 


You do realize that the biggest factors in this are that the population of the United States is higher than it has ever been and a good chunk of those white men were running when there were only 20 or 30 states for people to vote in?  When you run at a time when there are 320 million people living in the U.S. there is a pretty good chance you are going to get more votes than a candidate that ran back when there were 50 million people living in the U.S. got.

  On 4/17/2018 at 10:39 PM, David Dennison said:

No. A lot of us who voted for her didn't like her when we voted for her. 

It's undeniable that this country would be in better hands if she had won.


It's undeniable that the bolded is an opinion and not a fact.  Let me be the first to introduce a motion to deny that.  All the stuff that Trump gets accused of doing she would be able to actually do without anyone in the media giving one swamp rat's ass about it.  The woman is a walking pus pool of corruption and there would be absolutely no one in the Department of Justice or the Washington media interested in investigating her.  She would get away with doing things a hundred times worse than what Trump gets accused of doing.

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  On 4/15/2018 at 1:23 PM, Brian Fantana said:

Lmao, he lost the popular vote you retard. Crowing about the masses being inspired by orange peel is the wrong tree to bark up.

Also weird that nobody gives a fuck or posts about Hillary except you idiots. Yeah, she was a shit candidate. She lost, it's over. And yet, you nerds are still obsessed with her.


He's #stillwithher

Posted (edited)



“No one in modern politics, male or female, has had to withstand more indignities, setbacks and cynicism. She developed protective armor that made the real Hillary Clinton an enigma. But if she was guarded about her feelings and opinions, she believed it was in careful pursuit of a dream for generations of Americans: the election of the country’s first woman president.”

That would have been the nut graf of The New York Times story about Hillary Clinton’s historic victory that would have run under the headline “Madam President” spread across six front-page columns, according to reporter Amy Chozick’s new book, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling.

Chozick writes that the Clinton campaign, which she covered from the beginning, had reacted furiously to the prospect of a Joe Biden run, as floated first in an August 2015 Maureen Dowd Times column and then in a reported story by Chozick. In the book, she writes that “Biden had confided (off the record) to the White House press corps that he wanted to run, but he added something like ‘You guys don’t understand these people. The Clintons will try to destroy me.’”

Throughout the book, Chozick refers to her fellow journalists in the small pool that flew on the campaign plane as “Travelers,” while referring to many Clinton staffers collectively as “The Guys.”

Asked to comment on the book, a former campaign staffer who’s referred to in it as one of “The Guys” told The Daily Beast: “The challenge on the campaign was that you had a reporter holding the Clintons to a higher standard through a lower standard of reporting. Amy was not always an honest broker, and this book seems to be more of the same. It ridicules people with a smile, contributing little to the public discourse.”

From early on, the Clinton camp saw Trump as an enemy to encourage, Chozick writes. During the campaign, as had been previously reported, there was an effort to elevate Trump into a so-called Pied Piper in order to tie him to the mainstream of the Republican Party. 

“An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by [Campaign Manager] Robby Mook’s office asked, ‘How do we maximize Trump?’” Chozick writes, describing a time when the GOP primary was still crowded.
Even as Trump surged in the polls, the Clinton camp still saw him as a danger to stronger candidates rather than such a candidate in his own right, Chozick reports, so that in August 2015, “when the main GOP debate came on, everyone pushed their pizza crust aside and stared transfixed at the TV set… [Campaign Manager] Robby [Mook] salivated when the debate came back on and Trump started to speak. ‘Shhhhh,’ Robby said, practically pressing his nose up to the TV. ‘I’ve gahtz to get me some Trump.’ Robby thought Rubio would be the nominee. Podesta was bullish on Kasich. Bill and Hillary, still stuck in the 1990s, feared the Bush surname most of all.”

By the time of the conventions, though, as Trump was selected as the Republican nominee, the Clinton campaign was still trying to figure out how to improve her negative favorability ratings. 

“A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick writes. “You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,” she said. 

“‘Oh, what’s the point? They’re never going to like me,’ Hillary told this friend.”

That sense of resignation about the candidate’s limitations infected her campaign, writes Chozick.

“After the convention, donors asked Brooklyn what they planned to do to pull Hillary’s trust numbers out of the toilet. The answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.’”

All that seems to lead into the damaging video of Clinton calling half of Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables,” at a New York fundraiser in September 2016. 

That was no slip of the tongue, since “Hillary always broke down Trump supporters into three baskets,” Chozick writes. 

  • “Basket #1: The Republicans who hated her and would vote Republican no matter who the nominee. 
  • Basket #2: Voters whose jobs and livelihoods had disappeared, or as Hillary said, ‘who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens in their lives and their futures.’
  • Basket #3: The Deplorables. This basket includes ‘the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.’

“The Deplorables always got a laugh, over living-room chats in the Hamptons, at dinner parties under the stars on Martha’s Vineyard, over passed hors d’oeuvres in Beverly Hills, and during sunset cocktails in Silicon Valley,” Chozick continues. 

“‘I really messed up,’ [Clinton] told aides that night,” Chozick writes of the evening when the candidate’s Deplorables shtick went public.

On the night of the election, Chozick describes a dejected Clinton when she was told by campaign staffers that it was over. 

“Of all the Brooklyn aides, Jen Palmieri had the most pleasant bedside manner,” Chozick writes. “That made her the designated deliverer of bad news to Hillary. But not this time. She told Robby there was no way she was going to tell Hillary she couldn’t win. That’s when Robby, drained and deflated, watching the results with his team in a room down the hall from Hillary’s suite, labored into the hallway of the Peninsula to break the news. Hillary didn’t seem all that surprised. ‘I knew it. I knew this would happen to me….’ Hillary said, now within a couple of inches of his face. ‘They were never going to let me be president.’”

When all was said and done, according to Chozick’s book, the somewhat acrimonious relationship between the Clinton campaign and The New York Times continued, even after the campaign ended: 

“After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected, if he kept driving traffic and boosting the company’s stock price.”


Edited by PittsburghTiger
  On 4/20/2018 at 2:52 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

So, Hillary’s fault for Trump?

if you’re running for president, do you want your opponent to be a persuasive policy wonk with experience or a total fucking moron?



Trump definitely got lucky that his opponent was the latter.

  • Like 1
  On 4/20/2018 at 2:52 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

So, Hillary’s fault for Trump?

if you’re running for president, do you want your opponent to be a persuasive policy wonk with experience or a total fucking moron?



If the below is true, then, yeah, kinda.

“An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by [Campaign Manager] Robby Mook’s office asked, ‘How do we maximize Trump?’”

  On 4/20/2018 at 2:48 PM, PittsburghTiger said:



“No one in modern politics, male or female, has had to withstand more indignities, setbacks and cynicism. She developed protective armor that made the real Hillary Clinton an enigma. But if she was guarded about her feelings and opinions, she believed it was in careful pursuit of a dream for generations of Americans: the election of the country’s first woman president.”

That would have been the nut graf of The New York Times story about Hillary Clinton’s historic victory that would have run under the headline “Madam President” spread across six front-page columns, according to reporter Amy Chozick’s new book, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling.

Chozick writes that the Clinton campaign, which she covered from the beginning, had reacted furiously to the prospect of a Joe Biden run, as floated first in an August 2015 Maureen Dowd Times column and then in a reported story by Chozick. In the book, she writes that “Biden had confided (off the record) to the White House press corps that he wanted to run, but he added something like ‘You guys don’t understand these people. The Clintons will try to destroy me.’”

Throughout the book, Chozick refers to her fellow journalists in the small pool that flew on the campaign plane as “Travelers,” while referring to many Clinton staffers collectively as “The Guys.”

Asked to comment on the book, a former campaign staffer who’s referred to in it as one of “The Guys” told The Daily Beast: “The challenge on the campaign was that you had a reporter holding the Clintons to a higher standard through a lower standard of reporting. Amy was not always an honest broker, and this book seems to be more of the same. It ridicules people with a smile, contributing little to the public discourse.”

From early on, the Clinton camp saw Trump as an enemy to encourage, Chozick writes. During the campaign, as had been previously reported, there was an effort to elevate Trump into a so-called Pied Piper in order to tie him to the mainstream of the Republican Party. 

“An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by [Campaign Manager] Robby Mook’s office asked, ‘How do we maximize Trump?’” Chozick writes, describing a time when the GOP primary was still crowded.
Even as Trump surged in the polls, the Clinton camp still saw him as a danger to stronger candidates rather than such a candidate in his own right, Chozick reports, so that in August 2015, “when the main GOP debate came on, everyone pushed their pizza crust aside and stared transfixed at the TV set… [Campaign Manager] Robby [Mook] salivated when the debate came back on and Trump started to speak. ‘Shhhhh,’ Robby said, practically pressing his nose up to the TV. ‘I’ve gahtz to get me some Trump.’ Robby thought Rubio would be the nominee. Podesta was bullish on Kasich. Bill and Hillary, still stuck in the 1990s, feared the Bush surname most of all.”

By the time of the conventions, though, as Trump was selected as the Republican nominee, the Clinton campaign was still trying to figure out how to improve her negative favorability ratings. 

“A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick writes. “You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,” she said. 

“‘Oh, what’s the point? They’re never going to like me,’ Hillary told this friend.”

That sense of resignation about the candidate’s limitations infected her campaign, writes Chozick.

“After the convention, donors asked Brooklyn what they planned to do to pull Hillary’s trust numbers out of the toilet. The answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.’”

All that seems to lead into the damaging video of Clinton calling half of Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables,” at a New York fundraiser in September 2016. 

That was no slip of the tongue, since “Hillary always broke down Trump supporters into three baskets,” Chozick writes. 

  • “Basket #1: The Republicans who hated her and would vote Republican no matter who the nominee. 
  • Basket #2: Voters whose jobs and livelihoods had disappeared, or as Hillary said, ‘who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens in their lives and their futures.’
  • Basket #3: The Deplorables. This basket includes ‘the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.’

“The Deplorables always got a laugh, over living-room chats in the Hamptons, at dinner parties under the stars on Martha’s Vineyard, over passed hors d’oeuvres in Beverly Hills, and during sunset cocktails in Silicon Valley,” Chozick continues. 

“‘I really messed up,’ [Clinton] told aides that night,” Chozick writes of the evening when the candidate’s Deplorables shtick went public.

On the night of the election, Chozick describes a dejected Clinton when she was told by campaign staffers that it was over. 

“Of all the Brooklyn aides, Jen Palmieri had the most pleasant bedside manner,” Chozick writes. “That made her the designated deliverer of bad news to Hillary. But not this time. She told Robby there was no way she was going to tell Hillary she couldn’t win. That’s when Robby, drained and deflated, watching the results with his team in a room down the hall from Hillary’s suite, labored into the hallway of the Peninsula to break the news. Hillary didn’t seem all that surprised. ‘I knew it. I knew this would happen to me….’ Hillary said, now within a couple of inches of his face. ‘They were never going to let me be president.’”

When all was said and done, according to Chozick’s book, the somewhat acrimonious relationship between the Clinton campaign and The New York Times continued, even after the campaign ended: 

“After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected, if he kept driving traffic and boosting the company’s stock price.”



Chozick acknowledged standing and applauding when Clinton walked into a town hall she covered in 2008, leading to an admonishment from a fellow reporter: “What the hell are you doing?”


  On 4/18/2018 at 1:12 PM, 77horn said:

Yeah but she got fewer electoral votes (the only ones that count) than an orange man.


These idiots don't get it.  Who wants califuckinfornia, or new york city electing our president.  Thank you founders for creating the electoral college.  Every state counts.  Happy no hildabeast Friday!

  • Fuck You 2

President Trump said something right after the election that was 100% right: "If I needed the popular vote to win the presidency, I woulda tried to win the popular vote.  And won.  And I'd be President."

  • Like 1
  On 4/20/2018 at 3:11 PM, PittsburghTiger said:

If the below is true, then, yeah, kinda.

“An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by [Campaign Manager] Robby Mook’s office asked, ‘How do we maximize Trump?’”


I’m surprised Bill Clinton has not literally beaten the shit out of Robby Mook


Slick spread rumor that the NY Times made a secret deal with Trump to keep Hilda from being Pres.


‘After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected, if he kept driving traffic and boosting the company’s stock price,’ writes Amy Chozick, herself a Times reporter and the author of a new book, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling.



  On 4/21/2018 at 6:28 PM, zork said:

Who is 'they' when Hillary said 'they were never going to let me be President"?  



That fucking asshat got a lot more votes due to her sex than she lost because of it.  That was basically her entire campaign.  Vote for me because I am a woman, and it's my turn.

Other than getting elected and appointments solely due to the man she married, she had nothing to sell by way of her own accomplishments outside getting those jobs.

Posted (edited)

Since we didn't bring over the Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT Scandal thread I am putting this here because it is all somewhat connected with the lawsuit filed because Granny Falls A Lot is not President of the United States, nor will she ever be President of the United States.




A key, if under-covered, aspect of the “Pakistani mystery man” story is that Imran Awan, the Pakistani-born IT aide of former DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, took a laptop with username RepDWS after he was banned from the House computer network for “unauthorized access to data,” and then left it in a phone booth with a letter to prosecutors.

On Friday, President Donald Trump tweeted: “Just heard the Campaign was sued by the Obstructionist Democrats. This can be good news in that we will now counter for the DNC Server that they refused to give to the FBI, the Debbie Wasserman Schultz Servers and Documents held by the Pakistani mystery man and Clinton Emails.”

Trump appears to have accurately identified a key issue with the “Pakistani mystery man” that comes straight from court documents.

Lawyers for Pakistani-born Imran Awan currently have a copy of the contents of a laptop with the username RepDWS.
Wasserman Schultz wanted to block prosecutors from seeing what was on it.

Imran’s lawyers have attempted to set up a situation where it is up to Imran whether prosecutors can see the laptop, claiming “attorney client privilege”
Other analysts say the laptop should be fair game for review

Edited by PittsburghTiger
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