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NRA: More Russian Money Than We Thought.....

Aqua Buddha

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Let's see.  A foreign government is funding a domestic group that marches around the streets with guns, calls for open insurrection in some cases, and has a board member who has made open threats to government officials.  


The National Rifle Association reported this week that it received more money from people with Russian ties than it has previously acknowledged, but announced that it was officially done cooperating with a congressional inquiry exploring whether illicit Kremlin-linked funding passed through the NRA and into Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said on Wednesday.

Wyden released a letter from the NRA, dated Tuesday, in which the gun rights group reported receiving $2,512.85 in contributions and membership dues “from people associated with Russian addresses” or known Russian nationals living in the United States from 2015 to the present. In the past, a congressional aide to Wyden said, the group had confirmed receiving only one financial contribution, in the form of a lifetime membership purchased by Alexander Torsion, a Russian banker.


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Just like to remind you that I was called crazy when I said the Russians infiltrated the NRA back in October.

The NRA was a benign organization once.  I was a card carrying member.  They promoted responsible gun ownership and safety.

Not anymore, the whole NRA operation has become a political weapon to be used by bad actors, foreign and domestic.

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4 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

But only $2500 bucks total?  Am I reading that right?   That isn't a significant amount of money. 

They are using the Facebook PR approach and slow rolling all the damning information.  There will be plenty more to come.  Blee dat.

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3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Just like to remind you that I was called crazy when I said the Russians infiltrated the NRA back in October.

The NRA was a benign organization once.  I was a card carrying member.  They promoted responsible gun ownership and safety.

Not anymore, the whole NRA operation has become a political weapon to be used by bad actors, foreign and domestic.

Excellent podcast about the history of the NRA.  Radio lab did "The Gun Show" and it's about how the Supreme Court has ruled on guns but it's also about the history of the NRA.  Lotta stuff I already knew but the SC angle was interesting.

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1 minute ago, Aqua Buddha said:

Excellent podcast about the history of the NRA.  Radio lab did "The Gun Show" and it's about how the Supreme Court has ruled on guns but it's also about the history of the NRA.  Lotta stuff I already knew but the SC angle was interesting.

My favorite part of that podcast was how the NRA got started after the Civil War.

The yankees weren’t as experienced with shooting guns as the folks in the south and this was a contributing factor to the casualties of the North.

The NRA was created to get the Yankees more familiar with shooting firearms in case their services would be called upon again.

It’s ironic the Russians would subvert an organization that was originally created out of the consequences of our own Civil War.

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1 hour ago, Mojo Hand said:

But only $2500 bucks total?  Am I reading that right?   That isn't a significant amount of money. 

For context the NRA has an annual revenue of ~$430MM.  

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