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Surly Macroeconomists-What's Your Scenario


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Just wanted to pick your brains on what you think will happen to the US dollar.

Can the US economy pay unemployment benefits on 30 million individuals? What do you think happens to unemployment benefits? 

If the US keeps stimulating the economy with trillions, do we experience hyper inflation (Weimar Republic), stagnation, deflation?

Does the US dollar maintain its position as the the World's reserve currency?

If the US government temporarily suspended all loan and utility payments, and all anyone would owe until economic situation were better is life sustaining (food, toiletries, fuel for work) would we be in a better economic situation than just printing more money?

What will happen to unsecured debt? Would it be better to just erase what is on the books and start over? 

This is the worst thing to happen to our economy since the Great Depression. It's just in the beginning stages, and may end up worse. Sorry for all the questions, not expecting anyone to spend the time to answer them all. But...all we have is time.



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We have 2-3 threads you coulda posted that in. Bada Bing doesn't need stream of consciousness threads. (We aren't Tiger Droppings.)

Now that we have that taken care of, I'll answer your question. Paying all this money is simple. We'll just print what we need.

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