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From the comments..

Roy Eugene-Lav Hedman is charged with aggravated assault inflicting serious injury.
Hedman has been arrested at least 20 times in Charlotte on various charges including resisting arrest, trespassing, protective order violation, drug charges, breaking and entering, common law robbery and probation violations. Hedman has also been charged with assault on a female three separate times - in January 2018, December 2017 and May 2017.

20 strikes and you are still not out apparently...

  On 4/12/2018 at 9:06 PM, ChickenSandwich said:

Lock him up but......

dont talk shit and put your hands on people. You never know what you are going to get, but way overboard on the reaction. 


This. It could easily be “Fight escalates too far.” 

But instead....

”Transgender gets brutally beaten” is more of a click getter for the ad traffic and our lame ass society.


Lowlife, savages. The punching is bad enough.  The head stomp crap should automatically elevate charges to the death penalty.

Head stompers deserve a window in their skulls.

Posted (edited)

why was the one holding a horse tail?

can someone hit the call button and get the stewardess to get a translator (haha get it a translator two jokes for the price of one)

if that had just been two dudes instead of two dudes with one dressed like a horribly dressed woman no one would have given a shit

the one was looking to start some shit and got it and should face charges as well even though they took an ass beating....don't go touching other people after you get in their face and if you do and you get the shit kicked out of you then tough shit take your ass beating and your charges and learn a lesson and if the other person goes "too far" well they can take some charges too, but still fuck you no pity and you take some charges still

there is nothing that indicates that had anything to do with being a tranny and from the article and argument it seems they know each other well so fuck the media bullshit trying to make it into something it is not

damn that was some sleepin and leakin

Edited by ButtFumble

Every person on that bus should be in jail. I understood like 1/10th of what they were saying. 

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