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2020 Presidential Election -- Biden v Trump: Sleepy Joe vs Dopey Don [Results begin on page 409]

Patrick Bateman

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21 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:
Posted by NashvilleTider iconAlabama.gif online on 11/23/20 at 9:25 pm to The Cool No 9
Trump won - we all know this - it’s common sense - he should tell his 70 million supporters to take up arms against the left and the uniparty. Hope he does it soon. It’s time for a war
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1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


Define irony: a man employed by a private media company trying to coerce people with manipulated information accusing another private media platform of coercing people with manipulated information 

Another day in the simulation 

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4 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

You don't thing Biden's nephew-in-law should be charged with finding peace in the Middle East?

I’m thrilled competent people are going to be in charge, so I don’t have to worry about insane shit any more. Like the head of the EPA detaching his security detail to find him lotion from multiple Ritz Carlton hotels. Or that The HUD Secretary spent $30,000+ of taxpayer money on a dining set for his *office*. Or that the President’s three country club buddies are secretly running the VA. These four years have been a nightmare 

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2 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

my theory is melania and ivanka had to bum-rush the dotard, rip his cell away from him, and, then one of them texted the language over to his cell and tweeted it.

It wasn’t half in whore and half in insipid bitch, so I doubt Melanie & Vanky wrote it.

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2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

From your second link:

2- Sidney’s Kraken Lawsuit is being filed Wednesday at earliest or Friday at latest. This lawsuit will persist NO MATTER who is President.

So if we have to lose daddy, she can still find out shite about Queen CommieLa putting in the fix. And wreck the deep state from outside:

So fucking weird. 
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1 hour ago, Pig Bellmont said:

I’m thrilled competent people are going to be in charge, so I don’t have to worry about insane shit any more. Like the head of the EPA detaching his security detail to find him lotion from multiple Ritz Carlton hotels. Or that The HUD Secretary spent $30,000+ of taxpayer money on a dining set for his *office*. Or that the President’s three country club buddies are secretly running the VA. These four years have been a nightmare 

For some reason I decided tonight to read the entirety of the Presidency of Donald Trump wiki page. And holy fucking shit, the last 4 years have been an even more surreal conflagration of nightmares than I even remembered. I guess I had started repressing stuff as some kind of defense mechanism. 

I feel like Andy Dufresne after crawling through the shit pipe.


But then I remember there are still >74 million Warden Nortons living among us. 

Edited by Hookah Horns
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12 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

You missed the correct 8 days.  We are back to celebrating this fat fuckstain getting the boot from us, the people. 


12 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

One helluva Lars Von Trier movie.  At one point, a lot of folks were gathering tree limbs and making something that they called "magical caves".


So it seems the preservation of American democracy and Trump’s hard stop on a despotic power grab came down to judges who Trump couldn’t fire and who are not beholden to the conservative street for re-election collectively saying, “No.  Now piss off” while Don’t Stop Believing fires up to play over the credits? 

I gotta say, as a series finale, it’s kind of a let down, but we are all probably better for it.

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I've been loving this shit for every minute of every day since Total Landscaping when I fully came to grasp with the depth of their incompetence, and no longer feared them knocking down any pillars of democracy.

It's a bummer that it's over other than Trump Tweet-stoking the true radicals that remain.

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3 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

I've been loving this shit for every minute of every day since Total Landscaping when I fully came to grasp with the depth of their incompetence, and no longer feared them knocking down any pillars of democracy.

It's a bummer that it's over other than Trump Tweet-stoking the true radicals that remain.

Agreed. While having flashes of complete stupidity before that, the “Four Seasons” press conference (as Biden was being declared the President-Elect) truly crystallized the level of incompetence that was going to do battle in court.

Not even Briscoe Cain could save the day...

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7 minutes ago, Left Coast said:

Agreed. While having flashes of complete stupidity before that, the “Four Seasons” press conference (as Biden was being declared the President-Elect) truly crystallized the level of incompetence that was going to do battle in court.

Not even Briscoe Cain could save the day...

They would've fared better with the maritime lawyer Michael Bluth.

Edited by Bevo14
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19 minutes ago, Left Coast said:

Agreed. While having flashes of complete stupidity before that, the “Four Seasons” press conference (as Biden was being declared the President-Elect) truly crystallized the level of incompetence that was going to do battle in court.

Not even Briscoe Cain could save the day...

but what about chad briscoe?

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14 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

I hear you, but the problem is that the GOP has both parties have somewhat delegitimized the idea of out-party participation for their supporters. Very hard to walk that back. 

It's kind of amusing to see you decrying factionalism while practicing factionalism...

13 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

I’m gonna preface this by saying I don’t think you are a nutcase, and this isn’t a personal attack.  But seriously, go spend a few hours wading through this shit, and tell me that as a reality based republic, we need to compromise.   Really.  



Meh...TexAgs has a bunch of conservatives...it's pretty far right.  And this place is a burnt orange democraticunderground.  That's why I rarely ever post here in politics even though I used to post on politics a lot on Shaggy and Hornfans...damn @Bozo_Casanova keeps sucking me back in here...😅


14 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

That’s a cute little missive. Of course you’re failing to account for the fact the Republican Party has abandoned the foundations of the reasons they formed as a party in the first place, like fiscal conservatism. Small government. They couldnt even put forth a party platform for trumps second term. It was “more Trump.” That’s the fucking definition of putting party over principles, so when there are no stated goals and the basic tenets of the party’s foundation were jettisoned years ago, by definition you have factionalism for the sake of factionalism, with no goals. You basically proved their fucking point. Bravo. 

Unless you were cooL and totally onboard with your party’s shitting all over the democracy in which we live as a platform goal. But that’s a different conversation I think. 

Your side bad, my side good.

Brilliant analysis...

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1 minute ago, Ag with kids said:

It's kind of amusing to see you decrying factionalism while practicing factionalism...

Meh...TexAgs has a bunch of conservatives...it's pretty far right.  And this place is a burnt orange democraticunderground.  That's why I rarely ever post here in politics even though I used to post on politics a lot on Shaggy and Hornfans...damn @Bozo_Casanova keeps sucking me back in here...😅


Your side bad, my side good.

Brilliant analysis...

Actually, if you’re read it, you’d understand the point was “You’re incapable or unwilling to acknowledge that your party isn’t what you think it to be.”

but yeah, excellent riposte filled with pointed and thoughtful counters. And by that I mean a complete wet fart of a cop-out.  

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4 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Actually, if you’re read it, you’d understand the point was “You’re incapable or unwilling to acknowledge that your party isn’t what you think it to be.”

but yeah, excellent riposte filled with pointed and thoughtful counters. And by that I mean a complete wet fart of a cop-out.  

Thanks for showing me the democraticunderground in you...👍

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Does Ag with Kids have some sort of history here that I'm not aware of? His avatar is a crying libs meme and every time he posts in here it's a bunch of low-effort garbage that he spends no time defending. Rather throwing out a few "both sides" and then disappearing into the void until he rinses and repeats a few months later. From what I can see he's one of the worst posters in here. Why is anyone attempting to engage him?

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15 minutes ago, Ag with kids said:

It's kind of amusing to see you decrying factionalism while practicing factionalism...

Meh...TexAgs has a bunch of conservatives...it's pretty far right.  And this place is a burnt orange democraticunderground.  That's why I rarely ever post here in politics even though I used to post on politics a lot on Shaggy and Hornfans...damn @Bozo_Casanova keeps sucking me back in here...😅


Your side bad, my side good.

Brilliant analysis...

Our side actually mostly sucks, but we're all opposed to fascism so we're better than your side. That's how it works.

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6 minutes ago, G650 said:

One side fucking heinously awful, one side mediocre is the reality of the situation. Anyone who is not on a side can clearly see this.

Yeah, I have lurked around on the Ag site long enough to watch the purity test they foist on people in order not to get dogpiled with attacks that are fairly juvenile. It isn't just the few left leaning people who get that I've noticed, either. They have something they call "concerned moderates?" which is apparently a term for anyone who remarks or questions the WH behavior or decision-making. These people libtards in disguise are labeled with a variety of other names and told to show their work, which is then apparently not deemed from an appropriate source. Conversely, any right wing talking point w/o sources is lauded but if one of the TDS sufferers asks for evidence, the reply is, "I"m not going to do your work for you..." It isn't a recipe for a healthy discussion, IMO, when it comes down to it.

I know this particular forum here is more progressive, but there is a marked difference in willingness to read/think about and debate policy between the CR here and the Politcs forum there that has grown much more in the last decade.

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I'd like to think that the last thing what went through President Trump's head, other than that bullet, was how the hell Joe Biden ever got the best of him. 

serious question for those of you with mental illness insights.  Do narcissists typically tile one way or the other on suicide?  I would think they'd be an outlier group that is either wildly more prone to suicide or wildly much less likely to commit suicide than those in the "normal" range.  Once their illusion is torn down, I could see them either wanting to end it before facing reality, or simply not accepting that the illusion has been disproven and pressing on to rebuild it until they die of natural causes.  A few years from now, faced with serious indictments, out of money, waining support/no prospects of running seriously in 2024, family that doesn't talk to him, wife in another city, a legacy exposed, etc.  Obviously it's hard to kill yourself with secret service around all the time, but it's not impossible.  Drug overdose comes to mind.  

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5 minutes ago, G650 said:

Tbh, that is debatable. It's mostly disaffected center righties imo.

Perhaps, but folks like @washparkhorn among others have pointed out sources, issues, and perspectives to read and learn about that have given me much more to think about and mull over. And the "money guy" (sorry, I'm drawing a blank on his user name--maybe bernorange?) and @Anastasis also have provided alternate viewpoints and information that informs policy.

That would be one of my biggest drawbacks/weaknesses were I to be in a government role. I like to look over a variety of information sources but at some point, one has to set the aside and move forward with action. Just talking about it never realizes the goal. Sometimes I get paralyzed with indecision.

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19 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

Does Ag with Kids have some sort of history here that I'm not aware of? His avatar is a crying libs meme and every time he posts in here it's a bunch of low-effort garbage that he spends no time defending. Rather throwing out a few "both sides" and then disappearing into the void until he rinses and repeats a few months later. From what I can see he's one of the worst posters in here. Why is anyone attempting to engage him?

He has history from old sites. He was never smart but it's just easier to see now. 

Used to be that the utter foolishness of GO TEAM GO politics was hard for some people to grasp because the deleterious effects were not as obvious to those lacking foresight. Guys like Ag With Kids and TahoeHorn. But now that the effects have been realized it takes a different kind of malevolent ignorance to still be oblivious. Bozo_Casanova still holds out hope for that type because they're not completely hopeless, but for me it's not worth the effort because they are willfully stupid and that's even worse than people who are unaware they're being dumb. Those who are unaware can be educated. Those who are willfully ignorant will refuse to learn, mostly because their pride won't let them admit that the people who were telling them this would happen for years were right and they were wrong. 

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