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2020 Presidential Election -- Biden v Trump: Sleepy Joe vs Dopey Don [Results begin on page 409]

Patrick Bateman

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Sorry, but I typically vote for Challengers.  For instance, I will not vote again for Donna Howard as my state rep.  So I'm voting for her Republican Challenger.  And a handful of judges, but that's it.  Everybody in the Executive and Legislative branch is either Democrat or Libertarian for me.  I don't want to upset stassneyhorn and a few others and say why I am voting for these handful of Republicans, so I'll just leave it at that.  Let's keep this on topic.  

I posted the part about voting for some Republicans before my anti-Trump rant much in the way you tell someone something soothing before giving them the bad news.  

Most of my votes are going through the motions, the only ones I am enthusiastic about are Biden, against the two Austin Props (I like the projects, the financing is a scam that makes the 2016 mobility bond look noble by comparison), and for a couple of friends.  Even with that general malaise on most of the ballot, I have never in my whole life been so excited to vote.  The stories about long lines and records being shattered make me tear up (literally).  

I lived in Spain for a year a long time ago.  Met a lot of older folks who told me how they privately celebrated the death of Franco.  They told me the transition plan to Juan Carlos and the Parliament was pretty clear but they still knew his loyalists weren't gonna be happy about it.  And so they held parties with 'codes', birthdays for non-existent relatives, honoring minor and random saints of late November, even 'honoring' the American tradition of Thanksgiving.  The greatest embarrassment had ever known, Franco (and these people wiped out the natives of the Americas), was at an end and they wanted to sing and dance in the streets.  But they bided their time and waited.  And then a beautiful country and a wonderful people stopped looking over their shoulder and opened up and danced and drank for what they made sound like a whole year.  Watching their faces tell the stories 20 years later was one of my favorite memories of living there.  

That's here.  That's us.  

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12 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

If y’all are looking for something fun to watch tonight and want to give a little money to Joe -


Any donation amount gets access.

I’m very excited!


I’m really glad these type of things have taken off. I’ve watched The Princess Bride table read, the Spinal Tap one, and the Dazed and Confused table read so far. VEEP is on deck. 

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Mr president, under your watch, you’ve kept over 330 million Americans from dying of the China flu. at the same time, the Dow Jones is at a record high. You even worked while at the hospital bravely fighting off the China flu which you likely contracted from a Democrat while doing America’s business. 
my question to you is, do you ever stop working for the American people long enough to get any rest?  

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So the RNC is asking FEC to fine twatter for making a Biden “ illegal contribution” for blocking stories about Hunter?   If suppressing stories to help a candidate is a “contribution” Fox News may be a juice target



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21 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Sinclair group? Who is that? Also THE CW network? Am I understanding that correctly? 

They own over 190 TV stations in over 100 markets.

And like Gil said, they've been caught spouting the exact same message across most of their stations, to the point where some personalities have even quit rather than spew them.

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18 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

sinclair is a company that bought a shitload of local channels in dozens (maybe hundreds) of markets. 


Oh for fucks sake. I remember seeing that. But doesn’t that mean visibility for this town hall and the likely demographic of likely viewers make it a nothingburger ?

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Sinclair Broadcast Group is a Trump propaganda arm. I wonder why?


Prior to Ajit Pai's appointment as chairman of the FCC, Smith had met with Pai to discuss deregulation of the FCC's media ownership rules. This meeting, plus Sinclair having been granted additional access to Donald Trump's presidential campaign, resulted in accusations that Sinclair was currying favor with the Trump administration in exchange for deregulation of the industry.[13][14][15]

Oh weird. The FCC under Trump is trying to deregulate media ownership



The issue of media ownership is back in the headlines after a federal appeals court ruled that the Federal Communications Commission “overstepped” in its recent media ownership rule changes, failing adequately to consider the effect on women and racial minorities.

The decision by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals comes after a review of the FCC’s 2016 quadrennial review order on broadcast ownership rules.

Back in 2017, the commission voted along party lines to eliminate the ban on cross-ownership of newspaper and TV stations in major markets, to ease the process for media companies to buy additional TV stations in a market, to allow local stations to jointly sell advertising time, and to let companies buy additional radio stations in some markets.

But in a ruling Monday, the appeals said it would vacate and remand the bulk of the FCC’s actions, sending it back to the commission for further consideration.

Democratic FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said the court was right to reject Republican-led attempts to loosen restrictions. “Media ownership matters because what we see on our screens says so much about who we are as individuals, as communities and as a nation,” she said. “But over my objection, the FCC has been busy dismantling the values embedded in its ownership policies. Today, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.”


And it’s going to the Supreme Court. I wonder how’s Trumps court will rule? 

And why is media ownership regulation important? 


The FCC designed rules to make sure that there is a diversity of voices and opinions on the airwaves. "Beginning in 1975, FCC rules banned cross-ownership by a single entity of a daily newspaper and television or radio broadcast station operating in the same local market."[19] The ruling was put in place to limit media concentration in TV and radio markets, because they use public airwaves, which is a valuable, and now limited, resource.

Sooooo Sinclair spreads Trumpism to get cross media ownership deregulated so they can control more of the message. 

Evil people doing evil things 

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11 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Oh for fucks sake. I remember seeing that. But doesn’t that mean visibility for this town hall and the likely demographic of likely viewers make it a nothingburger ?

it'll be the bullshit pastor preachin' to the choir.  

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29 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

So a smith nephew ortho rep who does quite well is holding an election party at silverleaf in Scottsdale.  (Paging Bama chick)

Anyway I caught wind through a buddy.  They’re all hardcore Trump.  Just invited myself and 15 people over.  He owes a lot to me so I’m sure he’s ok with me ruining their night.  Win lose or draw it’s going to be massively entertaining.  I’m always an asshole.  But that night?  


Cant wait!


When they call it you need to raise a glass and get everyone quiet and say "now give me all of your guns! Bwahaha!"

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