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2020 Presidential Election -- Biden v Trump: Sleepy Joe vs Dopey Don [Results begin on page 409]

Patrick Bateman

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1 minute ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

I'm half afraid what the Texas Lege is going to do in their upcoming go round when they meet in session. They are going to go nuclear on voting accessibility and rights.

I guarantee you this will be the last election that Nebraska splits their EVs. 

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5 minutes ago, SizzleChest said:

Considering he's already had one idiot interrupt his press update yesterday and is likely about to start getting death threats, he should get a pass.

he totally gets a pass.  he's doing a herculean job that his employers misjudged by an order of magnitude in volume.

doing a 10am pacific presser every day will help dispel the trumpkinsanity.

they just need to hold the presser somewhere that's not a warehouse or factory with all of the crashing noises in the background.

the nutter that destroyed yesterday's presser probably precipitated the move.  #gonutters

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3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Your team fought tooth and nail to keep the procedures as they are.....and are now bitching about those procedures functioning exactly as they wanted them to.

So, no, you don't get to criticize, on behalf of your candidate and his party, something that candidate and his party fought like hell to make happen.

He's not worth responding to.  This is the only narrative - "look how this is all fucked up - you can't trust it". 

The mail-in processes across these states are not perfect, but way better than the process in Florida in 2000, for example.

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8 minutes ago, UTDD said:

I'm trying to have some empathy for the county guy, he's probably not used to dealing with reporters, and you know they all have to be stressing right now.


If I was one of these guys, I'd say that to help with team building and stress reduction, all vote counters are being given a day off for putt putt golf and happy hour.


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57 minutes ago, Lobo said:

I love that some Trumpers feel Tom Cotton isn't masculine/tough enough to be their nominee in 2024?  

Trump absolutely screams "Indoorsy Type" to me.  Doesn't fish, never seen him doing anything athletic even biking or swimming despite his numerous resort pools, would probably shoot somebody if you let him around firearms, doesn't drink, wouldn't know his way around a barbecue grill, doesn't like baseball or basketball, whines incessantly, constantly feels people are trying to hurt him, likes his steaks well done with ketchup, has to pay for pussy (one way or the other), wears makeup when not on camera, probably owns only one pair of jeans and they're starched and ironed, verbally bitches and moans when anyone will listen, is incredibly vain, never owned a dog, never smoked a cigar, can't dance, can barely speak one language let alone two, doesn't read, knows nothing about WWII history, no sense of rhythm, knows nothing about cars, couldn't change a light bulb, couldn't do anything around the house, doesn't even understand how a lawn mower works (we have pics), can't please a woman, couldn't throw a baseball or a frisbee, couldn't bait a hook, couldn't use a straight razor, and can barely tie a tie.  

He's literally the least masculine President in the last century.  Other than namecalling people, he has absolutely no traditional masculine traits.

He's a massive pussy.  He literally demonstrates no other traits you'd look for in a man.  None.  How the fuck did he cast such a spell on so many "tough guys"?  

You're giving him too much credit.  He doesn't know how to close an umbrella.

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20 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

So when do the Trumpkins start freaking out and hurting people?

I mean, they saw leads evaporate late in several states that are gonna end up for Biden.  They're gonna be told it was last minute shenanigans, and they're gonna believe it.

Does it get bad tonight?  This weekend?

I think they’ll be fine. I mean, it didn’t bother them at all when Hillary had the lead in these states but trump took the lead as more and more votes were counted throughout the night and next day...

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2 minutes ago, WBT said:

Any of the networks going to have the balls to call this anytime soon?

News network decision desks are facing some pressure here in an era where Trump is trying to undermine trust in the vote count. You certainly don’t want to make a call prematurely, but you also don’t want to give him more time to make unfounded and incorrect claims.

Sounds like they want to, but are felling pressure not to call it. 

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16 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Clipped some of your post, but that's been my take on the cult aspect. Substitute Duran Duran for Trump and then look at every single thing: the parades, the rallies, the merchandise, the veneration as a prophet for the end times. Then, consider Duran Duran as having the responsibility for leading our country, meeting with other leaders, and speaking with us about the challenges we face.

Yeah, it's a cult.


Of course. Every single election official nationwide is having the same internal pep talk about "don't screw this up," and for some it just isn't their day.

And after the NV folks spent all of yesterday creating pseudonyms and opening online bank accounts and using them to place as many bets as they could find books. 

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“Nobody – no politician, no elected official – should limit the people’s right to vote. Coming after such a highly dynamic campaign, making sure that every vote is counted is a fundamental obligation for all branches of government,” said Michael Georg Link, Special Co-ordinator and leader of the short-term OSCE observer mission. “Baseless allegations of systematic deficiencies, notably by the incumbent President, including on election night, harm public trust in democratic institutions.”


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2 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

Is the right's revolt against Fox News going to push everyone to OAN? Or will Fox somehow become even more shamelessly Trumpian to mend fences? 

You need to pay a subscription to OAN, right?  

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1 minute ago, Mo Horn said:

News network decision desks are facing some pressure here in an era where Trump is trying to undermine trust in the vote count. You certainly don’t want to make a call prematurely, but you also don’t want to give him more time to make unfounded and incorrect claims.

Sounds like they want to, but are felling pressure not to call it. 

They are all probably screaming at PA to hurry the fuck up. 

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32 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

50k ballots left in GA, 13k margin. So Biden needs about 32k or 64% of the remainder - without accounting for the pointless third party votes. 

As I understand it, if Biden wins Georgia, but loses PA, AZ and NV, it's 269/269.  Have not bothered to confirm as it is highly unlikely anyway.

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Just now, Old Freak Nasty said:

PA doesn't give a fuck.  They are counting and will make Biden President Elect tonight if the other states are pussyfooting around with their counts.

Seems the same in GA. If these two states continue to go and Biden takes the lead in both this is over and the NV/AZ shit is irrelevant right?

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1 minute ago, BurntOrange&White said:

Seems the same in GA. If these two states continue to go and Biden takes the lead in both this is over and the NV/AZ shit is irrelevant right?

Right, but Trump has a good shot of keeping his GA lead and that will probably be going to a recount.  Biden is going to indisputably win PA.

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So Biden has to overcome 114K votes with 550k, and also a ton of red counties that’ll cancel those...I’m not gonna quite slam dunk Penn for Biden but I’ve been wrong before, many times

No, because even in red counties, Biden is getting a larger proportion of mail in ballots because Republican voters waited till Election Day.
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