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2020 Presidential Election -- Biden v Trump: Sleepy Joe vs Dopey Don [Results begin on page 409]

Patrick Bateman

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58 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

Yup yup.


Quiet parts out loud and all that.


No, they are still afraid of him.  It was never the Presidency that gave Trump power ove the Republicans.  He can still send out a a critical tweet and significantly hamper many Republican candidate's chance of winning.  He could tell his supporters to stay home in the Georgia runoff and deliver the Senate to the Democrats.  

56 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Archaeologists are going to discover Trump's tweets 1000s of years from now and point to the beginning of the fall of the American Empire (hyperbole, just a bit though). This truly is a historic event we are living through. Trump is sealing his legacy in history and it is not going to be a good one.

"The beginning of the fall..."  No, we've been in decline for a while.  This is just another milestone along the way.  This is not America at the top of our game.  

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4 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

There was a story about Trump's father similar to this.  He was pretty far gone but to make him feel like he was working, they set him up in an office with a phone and had him sign blank sheets of paper throughout the day.  This will be Trump for the next few years.


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1 minute ago, Kel Varnsen said:

We need more of the right leaning media to do this. It needs to be nipped in the bud.


joey bosa tech GIF

But then they simply will cease to be right-leaning media. They will be ignored by the radical fanatics and OAN or Newsmax will fill the void. 

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2 minutes ago, Tuco said:

No, they are still afraid of him.  It was never the Presidency that gave Trump power ove the Republicans.  He can still send out a a critical tweet and significantly hamper many Republican candidate's chance of winning.  He could tell his supporters to stay home in the Georgia runoff and deliver the Senate to the Democrats.  

"The beginning of the fall..."  No, we've been in decline for a while.  This is just another milestone along the way.  This is not America at the top of our game.  

There have been rags smoldering in the corner of the garage, but this is those rags catching the 5 gallon gas can on fire. 

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24 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Seriously, what recourse do we have to get Trump the hell out of there now?  I have serious concerns that he is going to do something fatally stupid and treasonous given the folks he has fired since Saturday.

Here are your options:  impeachment, 25th, coup, death.

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33 minutes ago, Foosters said:

Will they hear about negative court rulings? Will they media they exclusively consume explain to them what is actually happening? Right now, we have millions of people who believe the Dems are a LITERAL satanic baby-eating death cult. We have 70 million Americans who voted for the guy who, in the middle of a pandemic that has killed 250K+ Americans, said we just need to inject sunshine or bleach and it will go away. Since then, he has embarked on a several month long pout-a-thon and has refused to do anything to help Americans. I could obviously list dozens of additional examples of behavior that would have immediately disqualified any person from being a serious candidate for the highest office in the land during any other point in our nation's history. But again, the "normal" voters don't see that or they don't care. They have hand-waved away every single bit of information that would lead an ordinary person to reject him outright.

And honestly, where are those voters anyway? I know 2 types of republicans right now: Those who voted Biden and are physically ill at what is happening, and those that are all in on Donald. There's no middle ground.

I sure hope you're right, but nothing I've seen over the last 4 years - and especially the last 4 months - that leads me to believe this will move the needle at all.  




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Just now, BradInATX said:


God damn. Almost the entire party is all-in on trying to steal an election. That's unbelievable. 

Non-shitty GOP people need to recognize this and reject this trash at all levels of government for the foreseeable future. 

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2 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

They’re going to try to push for appointed electors. GOP senate majority leader in PA already said they wouldn’t do that so hopefully that holds in the upper chamber.

Now that is something the Supreme court might take up.  That is a clear case of changing the rules after the election.

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9 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

So they're saying the Republicans are now also stealing the election from Trump?   Do I have that right?

There's a play here for Democrats in trying to drive the wedge that splinters the GOP into 2 parties but they won't even try it. 

They should already have a Parler bot army talking up a new MAGA party after Deep State Republicans stole the election from Trump. 

Edited by Huckleberry
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11 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

This is getting out of hand.


3 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

They’re going to try to push for appointed electors. GOP senate majority leader in PA already said they wouldn’t do that so hopefully that holds in the upper chamber.

Nobody tell Trump but if he stole PA he would still lose

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5 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

So they're saying the Republicans are now also stealing the election from Trump?   Do I have that right?

There's also the fact that Rs got more votes than Ds in both GA senate elections.

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32 minutes ago, Foosters said:

And honestly, where are those voters anyway? I know 2 types of republicans right now: Those who voted Biden and are physically ill at what is happening, and those that are all in on Donald. There's no middle ground.

I know quite a few traditionally Republican voters who don't follow politics in any meaningful way, even with a President as in your face as this one, who just vote Republican because "that's what you do when you have a little money" or "that's what you do when you're religious." Trump is just a sideshow clown to them, and they aren't acutely aware of the real, malicious harm that he and his administration are doing. Hopefully, those voters exist in Georgia and will have no choice but to see the hard truth as the world watches Republicans trying to pull voter fraud out of their asses and craft crazier and crazier narratives to undermine our democracy.

I don't know, I guess I'm cautiously optimistic that we don't have 71 million complete idiots that legitimately buy into such obviously bullshit lies and conspiracy theories, and the next two months will separate those who still see logic and can accept data, science, and research. The question is, will they value that over what they perceive is in the best interest of their bank accounts.

(Narrator: aggie08 is going to be disappointed)

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1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

I know quite a few traditionally Republican voters who don't follow politics in any meaningful way, even with a President as in your face as this one, who just vote Republican because "that's what you do when you have a little money" or "that's what you do when you're religious." Trump is just a sideshow clown to them, and they aren't acutely aware of the real, malicious harm that he and his administration are doing. Hopefully, those voters exist in Georgia and will have no choice but to see the hard truth as the world watches Republicans trying to pull voter fraud out of their asses and craft crazier and crazier narratives to undermine our democracy.

I don't know, I guess I'm cautiously optimistic that we don't have 71 million complete idiots that legitimately buy into such obviously bullshit lies and conspiracy theories, and the next two months will separate those who still see logic and can accept data, science, and research. The question is, will they value that over what they perceive is in the best interest of their bank accounts.

(Narrator: aggie08 is going to be disappointed)

I know plenty of people like that. I see a glimmer of hope there.

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If I’m Democrats I’m hammering and plastering everywhere that republicans tried to silence your voice/vote and that they don’t care about the American people’s vote but only their parties vote for the next 4 years. Couple that with sound clips from Biden continually saying let’s count every vote and let the American people decide 

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3 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

But its a Dem governor.  Assuming they want to make law I don't believe they have enough to get past Wolf's veto.

I'm not going to pretend to know how it all works. But launching some kind of investigation/audit doesn't feel like "law" to me, so I'm not sure that is something that can be "vetoed." 

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Just now, Bozo_Casanova said:



The control both houses of the legislature . This is a huge problem.

But to alter the existing certification process, they would need to take legislative action with the force of law.  With a Dem governor.

But I agree.....this is all going to get really, really, really messy.  Ultimately, I don't think the facts will be there to support any undoing of results....but we're going to go through hell to get there, and destroy our systems and country in the process.

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1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

Yeah, FOX News was so concerned that they let her make outlandish claims for a minute or so before saying "whoa whoa whoa that's CRAZY talk".

And then they'll run four hours of talking heads screaming fraud bloody murder every night for the next two months.


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1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

I'm not going to pretend to know how it all works. But launching some kind of investigation/audit doesn't feel like "law" to me, so I'm not sure that is something that can be "vetoed." 

I would imagine they have the power to investigate. I doubt they have the power to deny certification (something out of the executive branch) without a new law. 

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What is really, really disturbing....is GOP is going to burn everyone and everything down for Donald Trump.

That's it. Trump.  A person who was a Democrat as recently as what, 6-8 years ago?

We all know they sold their souls the past four years, but now, they are going to double and triple down after the election?

For Trump?




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1 minute ago, Pig Bellmont said:

1) I will believe PA refuses to certify the election results when I fucking see it. 2) Biden has GA, NV, and AZ - he doesn’t even need that state

That shit is edging dangerously close to destroying our POTUS election process, though. That's such a slippery slope. Theoretically if PA invalidated the vote and either abstained from participating in the Electoral College, or worse threw it to the guy who lost, that's end-game shit. What's to stop any state from sending whatever the fuck electors they want if the POTUS winner is in the other party as the legislature? 

That's fall of the Republic type shit. I know it's very unlikely to happen but the fact that we have a state even looking down that path is terrifying.

I'm guessing and praying that it's just a couple of noisy legislators looking to score points and not a real movement.

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