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Hi, my dad is in the hospital with a lowered immune system because of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (blood cancer)  that caused a UTI to spread to his blood stream and surround his heart. He’s on IV antibiotics to treat the infection and neupagin to increase his white blood cells. He’s been in the hospital for 10 days so far and on this particular set of antibiotics for maybe 5-7 days.

We were previously thinking he would be in the hospital for weeks and they’re talking about sending him home tomorrow with a PICC line. How common is it to be sent home after only 5-7 days of antibiotics to do it on your own at home with a PICC line? Are they pushing to get rid of him because we ask too many questions and they’re afraid of a lawsuit and want to limit liability? We’ve been up the doctor’s asses because they’ve done some questionable things so we’re worried they’re putting him out before they should be. Please tell me your experiences and what is typical in other hospitals.


I can’t speak to your father’s specific condition. But my father in law was on some pretty heavy antibiotics with a picc line to kill some sort of blood infection and the antibiotics killed his kidneys. He was on dialysis the rest of his life because of it. Not a dr, and not saying that will happen, but may want to ask about potential pitfalls of his treatment.


Are they pushing to get rid of him because we ask too many questions and they’re afraid of a lawsuit and want to limit liability? We’ve been up the doctor’s asses because they’ve done some questionable things so we’re worried they’re putting him out before they should be.

1. Patients often go home with a PICC line and there is probably more of a push to do that currently to avoid COVID-19 transmission in the hospital. Your father is immunocompromised so once he is medically stable, isolation at home is better than being in a hospital.

2. Hospitals are penalized financially for patients who are discharged and then readmitted, so there is pressure on the physician and medical team to discharge the patient only when it is medically appropriate.

3. It’s possible the medical team finds you a nuisance but they deal with nuisance patients or families routinely and everyone has too much on the line to let personal feelings negatively affect medical decision making. If they’re telling you it’s time to discharge with a PICC line, that’s probably the right plan unless you have reason to believe they are completely incompetent.

1. Patients often go home with a PICC line and there is probably more of a push to do that currently to avoid COVID-19 transmission in the hospital. Your father is immunocompromised so once he is medically stable, isolation at home is better than being in a hospital.

2. Hospitals are penalized financially for patients who are discharged and then readmitted, so there is pressure on the physician and medical team to discharge the patient only when it is medically appropriate.

3. It’s possible the medical team finds you a nuisance but they deal with nuisance patients or families routinely and everyone has too much on the line to let personal feelings negatively affect medical decision making. If they’re telling you it’s time to discharge with a PICC line, that’s probably the right plan unless you have reason to believe they are completely incompetent.
What WT said. You're just another asshole family member to me. Doesnt make me care for your family member any less

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