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Fitlump fucking won an Austin City Council seat


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1 hour ago, NopeEver said:

She’s voted “no” maybe 120 times of 2,700 times. None of the times she voted no was there a change in the outcome. Simply brought up some topic no one else did. 

she brought forward 38 resolutions/policies that passed. Mostly related to public safety. This week will be #39. 

she co-sponsored over 42 policies. That means a sponsor + 4 others had to cosponsor. It takes 6 votes to pass something. 

she has worked to try and make city council better. And she’s no Zimmerman. 

What are the 38 resolutions/policies she brought forward that were passed?

What are the X? resolutions/policies she brought forward that were not passed?


I'm sorry. I do not trust her (you?) in any way.

  • She's earned that distrust because she repeatedly lied to this online community about all manner of easily disproven stupid shit that she never copped to while relishing in the joy of causing embarrassment and harm to others.
  • She had a brief stint as a local radio host where she said some seriously hateful, racist shit.
  • She lied to the people of Austin, at large, about her educational and professional "disaster science" qualifications to pretend like she knew what the fuck she was talking about.
  • She continues to mislead the people about her personal life, including why she lost custody of her now disappeared daughter (while using her as a campaign prop to get elected), her relationship with an incarcerated pedophile with whom she visited, her supposed marriage, and her early affiliation with some very unsavory groups.
  • She enjoyed and exploited the backing of some seriously soulless motherfuckers who may well be still lurking in her corner.

While I'll certainly entertain the possibility that she's grown up and become a "serious person" with good intentions, I cannot trust her until she comes clean on the above shit.

Until then, she remains an extremely suspect character with questionable goals, intentions, and aspirations. 

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8 hours ago, royiv said:

No, she’s not. She supports shitheads. You’re back in the suite enjoying a single malt instead of on the ledge. You’re letting yourself get bamboozled by AI.

She supports shitheads AND she’s responsive to citizens, approaches the dais with an open mind, *relatively* transparent in her dealings with staff and stakeholders, and represents her district well. It’s a non partisan job and from that perspective she’s doing it well. A healthy plurality of the the big city hall politicos in Austin are supporting her, and nearly all of them are Democrats.

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There are some thirsty motherfuckers in this thread. She only seems good because she hasn't learned to grift at the level of the rest of the council. We all know her true colors. Give her another term to figure it all out. 

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3 hours ago, Deej said:

There are some thirsty motherfuckers in this thread

At the risk of being mean, since she’s apparently reading this thread, I can’t imagine thirst is motivating any of the recent posts. Genuine idiots are still genuine, and they’re relatively likable in today’s batshit political climate, no matter where they fall on the spectrum. 

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21 minutes ago, B00M said:

t the risk of being mean, since she’s apparently reading this thread, I can’t imagine thirst is motivating any of the recent posts.

I don't think so either.

I think most of us are impressed/surprised that she didn't go down in flames due to some scandal or fuckup over the past 4 years.

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  • 1 month later...
6 hours ago, Underdog said:

Ol’ girl made an appearance on Fox & Friends First this morning… 


Have heard tv adds 10lbs to your lump. 

Gotdamn, you would think you would get your hair and makeup done before going on national TV. That goes for men and women.

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