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Donald Trump 2018


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  On 6/1/2018 at 12:17 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Toddlers everywhere should be outraged 


The meeting was not open to reporters, but Rhonda Hart, whose 14-year-old daughter was killed in the shooting, told the Associated Press about the content of the meeting.

Hart told the AP that the president “kept mentioning” the idea of arming teachers, and that he repeatedly referred to the suspected shooter and the trench coat he wore as “wacky.”

“Maybe if everyone had access to mental health care, we wouldn’t be in the situation,” she said she told the president.

Hart, who is an Army veteran, told the AP that she suggested employing veterans in schools to serve as guards, and that he responded, “and arm them?”

“It was like talking to a toddler,” she said.


Well she's about to be accused of being a crisis actor.

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The thing is that the numbers weren’t even that great. They are good but not market manipulation tweet great. He is just setting it up as great and acting like a petulant child. 

But this is how he wins midterms and 2020. Get ready for it. It’s happening. Despite this not being any different than Obama’s economy. Trump is just a better marketer. 

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  On 6/1/2018 at 12:57 PM, Dr. Teeth said:

But this is how he wins midterms and 2020. Get ready for it. It’s happening. Despite this not being any different than Obama’s economy. Trump is just a better marketer. 


According to the numbers, Trump is about as popular as the Vietnam War in the late 60’s/early 70’s with only around 40% approving while over 50% disapprove with the majority strongly disapproving.

It will be an uphill battle for the Trumpkins.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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  On 6/1/2018 at 1:05 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

According to the numbers, Trump is about as popular as the Vietnam War in the late 60’s/early 70’s with only around 40% approving while over 50% disapprove with the majority strongly disapproving.

It will be an uphill battle for the Trumpkins.


It’s the economy, stupid. 

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That's because they responded to the announcement in March by factoring the tariff into their prices, and then essentially pocketed that 10 per cent surcharge during the two months that Canada enjoyed a tariff exemption.

"Trump wrote a cheque for $600 million to Canadian aluminum producers," said Jorge Vasquez of Harbor Aluminum in Austin, Tex., who has served as an adviser to both the U.S. International Trade Commission and the Canadian Trade Tribunal.

In effect, Trump's actions transferred more than half a billion dollars from the U.S. economy to Canada's since March.



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  On 6/1/2018 at 1:35 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

If this were true, Trump wouldn’t be president.


It’s easier to convince people that other things are bad if the economy is good. But Dems don’t have anything to counter with right now. 

But Clinton ignored a large part of the country that was suffering in a great economy. Trump isn’t. They still aren’t doing well, he just isn’t ignoring them. He’s just blaming all of their problems on brown people. 

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  On 6/1/2018 at 1:39 PM, retread said:

That's because they responded to the announcement in March by factoring the tariff into their prices, and then essentially pocketed that 10 per cent surcharge during the two months that Canada enjoyed a tariff exemption.

"Trump wrote a cheque for $600 million to Canadian aluminum producers,"


You cannot deny, the man is a genius.

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  On 6/1/2018 at 1:49 PM, Dr. Teeth said:

It’s easier to convince people that other things are bad if the economy is good. But Dems don’t have anything to counter with right now. 

But Clinton ignored a large part of the country that was suffering in a great economy. Trump isn’t. They still aren’t doing well, he just isn’t ignoring them. He’s just blaming all of their problems on brown people. 


Trump won because people voted with their hearts and not their heads.  

It’s foolish to think the same people are all of a sudden going to vote pocket book issues and the economy.  They will still vote Trump no matter how bad the economy gets because fuck dems. 

Economic strength is just a convenient talking point for whoever is in power at the time but it doesn’t carry the political clout it once did.

Our population is much more vulnerable to emotional manipulation and dog whistling than unemployment numbers or jobs reports.

That shit doesn’t matter anymore.

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  On 6/1/2018 at 3:17 AM, NoRagrets said:

Boomers embraced peace and love because they didn't want to go to Vietnam, and wanted to smoke drugs and bang.


Generations are stereotyped by their notable outliers compared to other generations.  Most millennials aren't hipsters and most boomers weren't hippies.  Sure, there were hippies.  400k of them showed up to Woodstock.  But 9 million boomers served during the war, roughly 10% of their generation. 2.6M of them served in Vietnam, with roughly 1 to 1.6M in combat.  There are more variances within any given generation than there are between generations. 

The biggest problem with boomers is that they are big.  When they were kids, the candy industry did well.  When they started retiring, the motorcycle industry did well.  Politics, like the markets, adjusted to their needs as they aged through different perspectives and needs. So policy adjusted to their numbers.  Now they are old and more socially conservative than today's norm.  And the politicians are still serving that viewpoint. 


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  On 6/1/2018 at 2:17 PM, Tuco said:

Generations are stereotyped by their notable outliers compared to other generations.  Most millennials aren't hipsters and most boomers weren't hippies.  Sure, there were hippies.  400k of them showed up to Woodstock.  But 9 million boomers served during the war, roughly 10% of their generation. 2.6M of them served in Vietnam, with roughly 1 to 1.6M in combat.  There are more variances within any given generation than there are between generations. 

The biggest problem with boomers is that they are big.  When they were kids, the candy industry did well.  When they started retiring, the motorcycle industry did well.  Politics, like the markets, adjusted to their needs as they aged through different perspectives and needs. So policy adjusted to their numbers.  Now they are old and more socially conservative than today's norm.  And the politicians are still serving that viewpoint. 



And soon they'll be dead.  I just hope we survive until then.

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glad to see the numbers for employment

two comments

1) the job market is not nearly as peachy as the numbers make it out to be. lots of folks aren't getting pay rises (3+ years) and instead get RSUs. The hyper stock market is allowing for companies to force ownership and keep their opex flat and squeeze their margins as much as possible. can only go so far

2) already seeing turmpers taking credit for the economy. yikes. we are a nation with the attention span of plywood. 

have a happy friday my Gs. nukes down, ass up. 

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Good work by the MapLight folks.


America First Policies, a nonprofit established last year by former Trump campaign officials, has received donations from Southern Company ($1 million), CVS Health ($500,000) and Dow Chemical ($100,000), according to corporate disclosures. Although America First Policies reportedly raised $26 million last year, it hasn’t disclosed any details about its finances yet and won’t file its first tax return until November.

In recent months, CNN found that America First Policies’ advocacy director made racist, sexist, anti-LGBT, and anti-Muslim comments online, while a policy staffer called President Barack Obama “the Islamchurian candidate.” Mediaite published a video of another policy advisor to the group saying that “the only thing the Nazis didn’t get right is they didn’t keep fucking going!”

Asked about the donations and the remarks by its staffers, America First Policies spokesperson Erin Montgomery said, “We don't comment on stories by organizations funded by the radical left, including the Democracy Alliance and George Soros.”



"Woke" capitalism is a fucking joke.  

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  On 6/1/2018 at 2:17 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trump won because people voted with their hearts and not their heads.  

It’s foolish to think the same people are all of a sudden going to vote pocket book issues and the economy.  They will still vote Trump no matter how bad the economy gets because fuck dems. 

Economic strength is just a convenient talking point for whoever is in power at the time but it doesn’t carry the political clout it once did.

Our population is much more vulnerable to emotional manipulation and dog whistling than unemployment numbers or jobs reports.

That shit doesn’t matter anymore.



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  On 6/1/2018 at 2:17 PM, Tuco said:

Generations are stereotyped by their notable outliers compared to other generations.  Most millennials aren't hipsters and most boomers weren't hippies.  Sure, there were hippies.  400k of them showed up to Woodstock.  But 9 million boomers served during the war, roughly 10% of their generation. 2.6M of them served in Vietnam, with roughly 1 to 1.6M in combat.  There are more variances within any given generation than there are between generations. 

The biggest problem with boomers is that they are big.  When they were kids, the candy industry did well.  When they started retiring, the motorcycle industry did well.  Politics, like the markets, adjusted to their needs as they aged through different perspectives and needs. So policy adjusted to their numbers.  Now they are old and more socially conservative than today's norm.  And the politicians are still serving that viewpoint. 



IMO the biggest problem with boomers is that they grew up during major prosperity they didn't earn.  That, more than anything, explains their subsequent interactions with the world. 

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Unemployment fell to 3.8%, very impressive. Some believe it could fall to 3% by the end of 2019, which would rival the levels of 1953 during the economic boom post World War II. Looks like some good times ahead gents, happy Friday.

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  On 6/1/2018 at 3:44 PM, Chrispy said:

Unemployment fell to 3.8%, very impressive. Some believe it could fall to 3% by the end of 2019, which would rival the levels of 1953 during the economic boom post World War II. Looks like some good times ahead gents, happy Friday.


Thanks Obama

Edited by SmokeyTheBear
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  On 6/1/2018 at 2:43 PM, staboner said:

2) already seeing turmpers taking credit for the economy. yikes. we are a nation with the attention span of plywood. 



Not just Trumpsters.  Relatively moderate Republican politicians are taking credit for it.  My Congressman posted this on his facebook page, from the GOP:

The April surplus claim is particularly infuriating.  Yeah, we had a surplus in April 2018.  We also had one in April 2017, April 2016...I haven't checked beyond that.  The government frequently gets a surge in revenue around tax day. They are taking credit for a tax collection surge based on 2017 tax law, which they have since changed to reduce revenue.  But, from the Facebook comments, it's obvious that many of the "conservative" posters actually believe the Republican policies are reducing the deficit. It's hard to have an informed electorate when the politicians are intentionally misleading them.  (I know, that is nothing new.) Not only are the Republicans refusing to address the deficit, they are doing their damnedest to convince people it doesn't exist.



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  On 6/1/2018 at 3:44 PM, Chrispy said:

Unemployment fell to 3.8%, very impressive. Some believe it could fall to 3% by the end of 2019, which would rival the levels of 1953 during the economic boom post World War II. Looks like some good times ahead gents, happy Friday.


By every measure you should thank Obama. Check any trend line. Remember what Bush did to the economy? 

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  On 6/1/2018 at 3:44 PM, Chrispy said:

Unemployment fell to 3.8%, very impressive. Some believe it could fall to 3% by the end of 2019, which would rival the levels of 1953 during the economic boom post World War II. Looks like some good times ahead gents, happy Friday.


I agree.  Obama did a great job turning the economy around.  I'm happy Trump hasn't ruined it yet, even though he's trying his hardest with these trade wars.  

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  On 6/1/2018 at 3:44 PM, Chrispy said:

Unemployment fell to 3.8%, very impressive. Some believe it could fall to 3% by the end of 2019, which would rival the levels of 1953 during the economic boom post World War II. Looks like some good times ahead gents, happy Friday.


Some also believe a recession will occur sometime before the 2020 election. We're way overdue.

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  On 6/1/2018 at 5:10 AM, swraith said:


In terms of physical interconnects this is true. ERCOT has little ability to import/export electricity. In regards to FERC oversight you are also correct. And FERC already sided against Trump on this.

But the Bloomberg article references this as a National Security Council memo in conjunction with DOE. This policy being couched in terms of National Security likely does have Federal reach into ERCOT.

All that said, this policy is definitely targeting coal and nuclear plants in the Midwest/Northeast.


That's how I understand it from the Bloomberg article. Because of DOE involvement, all ISO's would be impacted including ERCOT. Texas does have a number of deprecating coal plants or at least they did when I was involved with ERCOT, that might see this as a life line. But you are probably right about this targeting the northern states. I know that plants in S. Texas will sit on stores of fuel in order to resell it to the northern states during the winter since our demand drops off due to a lack of cold weather.


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  On 6/1/2018 at 3:44 PM, Chrispy said:

Unemployment fell to 3.8%, very impressive. Some believe it could fall to 3% by the end of 2019, which would rival the levels of 1953 during the economic boom post World War II. Looks like some good times ahead gents, happy Friday.


Labor participation rate fell to an all time low and wasn't Trump laser focused on that during the election?

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Unemployment fell to 3.8%, very impressive. Some believe it could fall to 3% by the end of 2019, which would rival the levels of 1953 during the economic boom post World War II. Looks like some good times ahead gents, happy Friday.



"Don't believe these phony numbers. The number is probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."


Edited by yoladu
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  On 6/1/2018 at 3:54 AM, Anastasis said:


OK.  Strauss and Howe say that the millennials will save us all, surpassing our grand parents contribution as the great generation. I won't hold my breath, but eager to see how that all plays out. 


Well this coming election will be the first time they’re all eligible to vote. If they’re gonna save the world now would be a good time to start. 

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