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Donald Trump 2018


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1 hour ago, retread said:

And don't any of you forget it.  Trump is the epitome of modern conservative values.  It's why his support among Rs is so high.  It's why so many posters on the right may wag their finger at his eccentricities, but will always deflect from real criticism of him with bothsidesism and whataboutism, or by simply disappearing.  For the few of you who actually hold what used to be conservative values thirty years ago, there's no home for you now, but you're much closer to modern Dems than Rs. 

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That said do you want to repair to your bedroom and hang yourself,  or are you going to fucking do something?  Besides bitching and picking shit out of your ass?   Oh my fucking god,  judge roybeanbag is replying to his own posts. What will my pussy ass ever do?  Get out and do something. Maybe you have. If so bravo.  If not fuck off.  

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3 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

And don't any of you forget it.  Trump is the epitome of modern conservative values.  It's why his support among Rs is so high.  It's why so many posters on the right may wag their finger at his eccentricities, but will always deflect from real criticism of him with bothsidesism and whataboutism, or by simply disappearing.  For the few of you who actually hold what used to be conservative values thirty years ago, there's no home for you now, but you're much closer to modern Dems than Rs. 

Which brings us to what really drives many of the conservatives who still vote Republican: it's the party of white people. The Democrats are a tad too ethnic for their liking.

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1 minute ago, David Dennison said:


Because he is suggesting that the House approved a bill that cut CHIP funding, and would negatively impact 400k Texas kids. Neither of those things are true. Most of the money is unspent FY 2017 funds that the spending authority had already expired on. The rest is from a CHIP fund that is rarely used by the states, and will be reallocated October 1. Here is the CBO report.  I am not sure that touching anything with the letters CHIP in it is a good move politically, because it gives people like Beto an opportunity to mislead voters with the "omg think of the children" nonsense, but in reality the rescission has no impact on the program.



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1 hour ago, RPM said:

That doesn't change the fact he's right and trying to set the next generation straight. You learn from history not to make the same mistakes.

Undoubtedly. And as I previously stated, I agreed with everything he said except for calling his audience the worst.generation.evar. To me, it sounded like the writers of the show were too scared to piss off the Baby Boomer TV audience. So, instead, they chose to take an easy dig at "those kids these days", who are rapidly becoming the recipients of the shitstorm the Baby Boomers wrought.

Typical of the "Me Generation" to blame someone else for their faults.

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12 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

Tahoe loves to suck that Trump cock. He swallows every drop every time but he hates being slut-shamed for it.


At this point, Dolemite and Swam point and laugh at Tahoe

I think the new Tahoe is the old swam. If he’s not he’s doing a damn fine impersonation. 

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10 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Because he is suggesting that the House approved a bill that cut CHIP funding, and would negatively impact 400k Texas kids. Neither of those things are true. Most of the money is unspent FY 2017 funds that the spending authority had already expired on. The rest is from a CHIP fund that is rarely used by the states, and will be reallocated October 1. Here is the CBO report.  I am not sure that touching anything with the letters CHIP in it is a good move politically, because it gives people like Beto an opportunity to mislead voters with the "omg think of the children" nonsense, but in reality the rescission has no impact on the program.



He's right insofar as the House could have voted to reauthorize and keep that $7 billion were is was. So he's a tad misleading about the effects according the CBO, but he's also a tad correct about the budget authorization.


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1 minute ago, bolverk said:

Undoubtedly. And as I previously stated, I agreed with everything he said except for calling his audience the worst.generation.evar. To me, it sounded like the writers of the show were too scared to piss off the Baby Boomer TV audience. So, instead, they chose to take an easy dig at "those kids these days", who are rapidly becoming the recipients of the shitstorm the Baby Boomers wrought.

Typical of the "Me Generation" to blame someone else for their faults.

True. That show was mishandled by Sorkin. It had a great message and cast but lost focus.

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I don’t get the argument that Trump doesn’t reflect American values or is an aberration. He did win an election saying he would do this shit.


That argument seems to imply that the form of democracy we practice is extremely flawed. 

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19 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Undoubtedly. And as I previously stated, I agreed with everything he said except for calling his audience the worst.generation.evar. To me, it sounded like the writers of the show were too scared to piss off the Baby Boomer TV audience. So, instead, they chose to take an easy dig at "those kids these days", who are rapidly becoming the recipients of the shitstorm the Baby Boomers wrought.

Typical of the "Me Generation" to blame someone else for their faults.

Baby Boomers: blaming the next Generation since 1985.

I am Gen X. We were slackers, even though we entered the worst job market in years and it has set our career earnings back for a generation.

Milennials are more or less forced to go to college and rack up debt that was unimaginable for Boomers. Housing prices are through the roof. Those smug fucks killed the American dream, and still beat off to Crosby Stills and Nash jams, because, like, they were so enlightened, and they all did such great drugs, and we all fucked each other, and it was sooooo cooolllll....And then we got our corporate jobs and calmed the fuck down and destroyed the middle class and look at those lazy kids over there. 

Fuck 'em all. I am glad I was mostly raised by my grandparents and my non-Boomer dad. My mom was the boomer in the family and she ME-ME-ME'd herself into alcoholism and heroin addiction and an early grave, but at least she didn't talk down to us as lazy slugs. 

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9 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

I don’t get the argument that Trump doesn’t reflect American values or is an aberration. He did win an election saying he would do this shit.


That argument seems to imply that the form of democracy we practice is extremely flawed. 

He said a lot of things.  We going to cherry-pick?

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3 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Baby Boomers: blaming the next Generation since 1985.

I am Gen X. We were slackers, even though we entered the worst job market in years and it has set our career earnings back for a generation.

Milennials are more or less forced to go to college and rack up debt that was unimaginable for Boomers. Housing prices are through the roof. Those smug fucks killed the American dream, and still beat off to Crosby Stills and Nash jams, because, like, they were so enlightened, and they all did such great drugs, and we all fucked each other, and it was sooooo cooolllll....And then we got our corporate jobs and calmed the fuck down and destroyed the middle class and look at those lazy kids over there. 

Fuck 'em all. I am glad I was mostly raised by my grandparents and my non-Boomer dad. My mom was the boomer in the family and she ME-ME-ME'd herself into alcoholism and heroin addiction and an early grave, but at least she didn't talk down to us as lazy slugs. 

I try not to be someone who just blindly hates all boomers and that generation, but fuck I'd like the shit out of this post if I could add more reactions today. In particular the housing prices problem is absolutely spot on, that is something where truly "both sides" (liberal NIMBYs and dipshit conservatives who freak out at any change or tax increase like for affordable housing) have properly fucked everyone else younger than them.

Edited by GSU&UT
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5 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

I don’t get the argument that Trump doesn’t reflect American values or is an aberration. He did win an election saying he would do this shit.


That argument seems to imply that the form of democracy we practice is extremely flawed. 

This is my big problem with people going apeshit over Trump, having a prolonged Mueller investigation looking for anything to pin on him.  So much of it is denial or trying to question his legitimacy.  He won.  Whether you like it or not your fellow citizens were fed up enough with same old politicians that they decided to roll the dice on the unknown. It's unprecedented and scary, but it was the will of the people. 

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1 minute ago, GRHorn said:

This is my big problem with people going apeshit over Trump, having a prolonged Mueller investigation looking for anything to pin on him.  So much of it is denial or trying to question his legitimacy.  He won.  Whether you like it or not your fellow citizens were fed up enough with same old politicians that they decided to roll the dice on the unknown. It's unprecedented and scary, but it was the will of the people. 

Three million more Americans chose the status quo.

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1 minute ago, bolverk said:

Three million more Americans chose the status quo.

And Bernie would have been another option but the DNC overlords, as always, knew what was best for the people. 

I am sure his presidency would have been a shitshow, but at least his heart would have been in the right place. 

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Just now, GRHorn said:

He won. 

Correct. But don't pretend he had a broad mandate going into this thing. More Americans than not would've preferred to stay the previous course. But for ~80,000 votes spread across three states (WI, MI, PA), we'd not be in this unfortunate position.

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18 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

It was the wealthy who destroyed this country. Don’t blame all the olds. 

The wealthy have no power without the votes of the boomer majority.  They can have the blame.

Boomers were the "No skills?  No degree?  No problem!" generation.  There was a middle class job turning a screw in a factory for damn near every one of them and they had no issue squandering the wealth of this nation, were the leaders of pointless interventionist wars, started the endless war on drugs, and so much other bullshit.  They waltzed through life with the greatest worker rights and protections this country had ever seen, and they've been doing their best to dismantle those rights and protections for future generations for the past four decades.

I have zero sympathy.

Edited by Tom
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7 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

This is my big problem with people going apeshit over Trump, having a prolonged Mueller investigation looking for anything to pin on him.  So much of it is denial or trying to question his legitimacy.  He won.  Whether you like it or not your fellow citizens were fed up enough with same old politicians that they decided to roll the dice on the unknown. It's unprecedented and scary, but it was the will of the people. 

Link to establish the “fed up enough to vote...”  rationale as the sole, oreven primary reason for Trump voters?  That’s a general and generous attribution you are making there.

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38 minutes ago, RPM said:

True. That show was mishandled by Sorkin. It had a great message and cast but lost focus.

The parts about the news were great. The soap opera parts about everyone's relationships sucked, imo. And other than Jane Fonda I'd say the female cast was pretty weak, particularly the lead. Jane killed, though. 

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Some nice lines in here:



“He’s like Heath Ledger’s Joker—but without the operational excellence.”


Rule-of-law democracies cannot deliver the emoluments Trump collects from more authoritarian regimes. They cannot expedite Ivanka Trump’s trademarks to gain favor. They don’t book their national-day celebrations in Washington’s Trump International Hotel.


“He is testing to the breaking point relationships that there was never any reason to test in the first place.”


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33 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

This is my big problem with people going apeshit over Trump, having a prolonged Mueller investigation looking for anything to pin on him.  So much of it is denial or trying to question his legitimacy.  He won.  Whether you like it or not your fellow citizens were fed up enough with same old politicians that they decided to roll the dice on the unknown. It's unprecedented and scary, but it was the will of the people. 

Bullshit.  There are serious reasons to question not only his competence to serve but whether he or his campaign betrayed their country for their own gain. You choosing not to see that is all on you and your willingness to accept bullshit. So, my big problem with you is you'd rather not know the truth because your "team" won.  

Edited by Dahobbs
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Because he is suggesting that the House approved a bill that cut CHIP funding, and would negatively impact 400k Texas kids. Neither of those things are true. Most of the money is unspent FY 2017 funds that the spending authority had already expired on. The rest is from a CHIP fund that is rarely used by the states, and will be reallocated October 1. Here is the CBO report.  I am not sure that touching anything with the letters CHIP in it is a good move politically, because it gives people like Beto an opportunity to mislead voters with the "omg think of the children" nonsense, but in reality the rescission has no impact on the program.

Nope. You don’t get to bitch about political dishonesty. It’s the new order now. It’s the new rules. Anything goes. Fuck you, I hope Beto declares himself the inventor of the question mark, Super Bowl MVP, and the best senator ever, believe me.

That’s the game now. You wanted to burn it down. You’ve got it. Enjoy the flames. I’m told that once your nerve endings are destroyed, you hardly feel the pain.
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The wealthy use the olds to put their representatives into power by playing upon cultural grievances, but the olds as a class obviously do not dictate Republican policy as that policy is often hostile to their material interests. The wealthy are the ones in the driver seat here. 

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1 minute ago, Fozzz said:

The wealthy use the olds to put their representatives into power by playing upon cultural grievances, but the olds as a class obviously do not dictate Republican policy as that policy is often hostile to their material interests. The wealthy are the ones in the driver seat here. 

Sure. Keep passing the buck. It's not like the mega-wealthy all benefit from or even support Trump and his policies. 

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21 minutes ago, scottsins said:

Link to establish the “fed up enough to vote...”  rationale as the sole, oreven primary reason for Trump voters?  That’s a general and generous attribution you are making there.

Trump was the result of a unique storm, but if establishment politicians had been doing an adequate job he wouldn't have been near the threat he became.  Then when it came down to it, a sufficient amount of Americans chose the total wildcard over the standard for the establishment (HRC).  I interpret that as people being fed up with the usual.  Otherwise why choose such uncertainty?

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Just now, Brisketexan said:

Nope. You don’t get to bitch about political dishonesty. It’s the new order now. It’s the new rules. Anything goes. Fuck you, I hope Beto declares himself the inventor of the question mark, Super Bowl MVP, and the best senator ever, believe me.

That’s the game now. You wanted to burn it down. You’ve got it. Enjoy the flames. I’m told that once your nerve endings are destroyed, you hardly feel the pain.

Well, I didn't "bitch" about anything brisket.  I said that the tweet was misleading and inaccurate, and pointed out that Beto was making political hay from a Republican miscalculation.  But you do you b. 

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1 minute ago, GRHorn said:

Trump was the result of a unique storm, but if establishment politicians had been doing an adequate job he wouldn't have been near the threat he became.  Then when it came down to it, a sufficient amount of Americans chose the total wildcard over the standard for the establishment (HRC).  I interpret that as people being fed up with the usual.  Otherwise why choose such uncertainty?

Because they finally had a politician that gave them license to do what they've been wanting to do, hate other people? While I don't think that is the majority of Trump's base, and absolutely believe (and can fucking see) that it is a huge part of it.

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Because he is suggesting that the House approved a bill that cut CHIP funding, and would negatively impact 400k Texas kids. Neither of those things are true. Most of the money is unspent FY 2017 funds that the spending authority had already expired on. The rest is from a CHIP fund that is rarely used by the states, and will be reallocated October 1. Here is the CBO report.  I am not sure that touching anything with the letters CHIP in it is a good move politically, because it gives people like Beto an opportunity to mislead voters with the "omg think of the children" nonsense, but in reality the rescission has no impact on the program.

The flip side is that the Republicans are trying to get credit for cutting spending while avoiding blame for cutting spending. If Beto’s implication is correct, they’ve reduced a buffer for CHIP spending, and that spending can be difficult to predict because it is funding state by state blocks. If Beto is wrong, the whole thing is merely an accounting adjustment with no real impact on spending. I tend to agree it’s the latter.
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4 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

Sure. Keep passing the buck. It's not like the mega-wealthy all benefit from or even support Trump and his policies. 

Outside of his trade shenanigans they by and large do support his admin’s policies. 

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Just now, Tuco said:

The flip side is that the Republicans are trying to get credit for cutting spending while avoiding blame for cutting spending. 


This is correct, and is why the GOP are some mark bitches.  They have no fucking balls. 

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7 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

Because they finally had a politician that gave them license to do what they've been wanting to do, hate other people? While I don't think that is the majority of Trump's base, and absolutely believe (and can fucking see) that it is a huge part of it.

Trump is so racist he outperformed Romney with blacks and Hispanics. And Fwiw better chance than not, that that improves in 2020.  

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