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Donald Trump 2018


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Serious question. Why are the brits protesting? He’s our problem not theirs. They should be celebrating that brexit is as dumb as they did in a vote. America said “hold my beer” and elected this buffoon to represent us.

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1 hour ago, hayden_horn said:

this fucking guy. he does an exclusive with the sun, where he slams may. he did this knowing he was going to meet with may, and, presumably, that the sun would publish his interview. now he's claiming that he didn't slam may, and that everything in that interview is fake news. even though it's all on fucking tape!

and people will fall for this. jesus y maria

The Sun is owned by Rupert Murdoch. He made Tony Blair kiss his ass, and then all the Murdoch machine (which also owns the Times of London) snapped into place behind him. Murdoch had only supported Tories until he got Blair to flip to Tory Lite. 

16 hours ago, Message Board User said:



Lincoln's numbers were not very high in the South, as I recall. 

Edited by MaybeACoordinator
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2 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

Do not sell him short.  Trump is a moron, but he speaks in simple terms his base can understand.  And he has the timing and cadence down.  Dude is actually very talented at speaking in a way that cons rubes into enthusiastic support for horseshit anti-American policies.  He hammers simple points home, over and over again and they eat it up.  

They even love his over-the-top billionaire playboy heel act.   As a speaker, Trump is the grotesque love child of Ric Flair and Adolf Hitler.  He may be unsophisticated and ignorant, but he is a very, very talented conman orator.

When his campaign first started, I assumed this was all an act because no one could be that goddamn stupid. However at this point I've realized that no, he is that goddamn stupid. If this is all an act, then he is Laurence Olivier.

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Krugman nails it here.  There is no "there" there.  It's just pure chaos.  The folks in London see it, for sure.  NATO as well.


For Trump, Failure Is the Only Option


...Trump won’t take yes for an answer. He doesn’t want negotiations with our allies and trading partners to succeed; he wants them to fail. And by the time everyone realizes this, the damage may be irreversible.



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24 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

I guess when Trumpkins see this they pivot from "it's us vs. the libtards" to "it's us vs. the world"?


I don't agree with a lot of stuff Trump does or says and I didnt even vote for him, but I couldn't care less if he is liked especially by people outside of the US.

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26 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

Krugman nails it here.  There is no "there" there.  It's just pure chaos.  The folks in London see it, for sure.  NATO as well.



Yeah, that's pretty apparent.  He sees no value in existing alliances.  For some reason, he sees value in alliances with what amount to our enemies.  We can imagine why, but that answer could honestly range from collusion to admiration of their authoritarian rule to . . . ???

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i remember not long ago a certain segment of the population being in conniptions about our degraded standing in the world and the threat to the us-uk special relationship because obama took a bust of churchill out of the oval office and gave the queen an ipod.

those were some good times...

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i remember not long ago a certain segment of the population being in conniptions about our degraded standing in the world and the threat to the us-uk special relationship because obama took a bust of churchill out of the oval office and gave the queen an ipod.
those were some good times...

I recall being told over and over that these issues were quite important. I guess the transmission was garbled or something.
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44 minutes ago, RandomIdoit said:

I don't agree with a lot of stuff Trump does or says and I didnt even vote for him, but I couldn't care less if he is liked especially by people outside of the US.

Then you’re an idiot. We are supposed to be the greatest country in the world (lol). We are the laughingstock and we all should be embarrassed. Yes, this stuff matters. 

Edited by SubliminalHorn
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1 hour ago, sidis said:

i remember not long ago a certain segment of the population being in conniptions about our degraded standing in the world and the threat to the us-uk special relationship because obama took a bust of churchill out of the oval office and gave the queen an ipod.

those were some good times...

Yep.  From the same people who were pro trade and then immediately pro tarriffs, were pro western alliances and then immediately anti EU and Canada, were pro fiscal conservatism and deficit hawks and then immediately pro $2 trillion more in deficit spending, etc.

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The last decade has clearly shown me that capitalist greed, when combined with cronyism and unchecked corruption, leads to a rapid deterioration of our fundamental systems of government and society.

My biggest concern, beyond the corruption, is that our country will look back on what happened and blame capitalism. And not the corruption and unethical behavior. Then we're really fucked.

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Unchecked capitalism is a huge problem.  It got where we are right now.  That doesn't mean communism is the answer.  Properly regulated capitalism is the answer.  What we have now is not properly regulated.

Again, just in case somebody isn't paying attention . . . communism, even socialism . . . not the answer.

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9 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Unchecked capitalism is a huge problem.  It got where we are right now.  That doesn't mean communism is the answer.  Properly regulated capitalism is the answer.  What we have now is not properly regulated.

Again, just in case somebody isn't paying attention . . . communism, even socialism . . . not the answer.

Every 20 years or so, we seem to learn this lesson the hard way and send the Republicans scurrying back under their rocks.  The GOP is the Pennywise the Clown of political parties.

Edited by BrickHorn
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6 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

I think that goes too far, at least for Americans.  Works for the nords just fine.

Lmfao it goes too far for Americans?? Right ok nevermind how too far Trump is or Bernie probably takes a good portion of his voters in a general election... a man with ethics and integrity toooo far... SMH

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I really don't think you're interpreting my position well.  I wasn't impugning Bernie -- I think his governmental philosophy is a little too regulated.  That doesn't mean I don't think more regulation isn't a good thing.

How's this:  if you gave me a choice between Trump and Bernie, I'd take Bernie in a landslide.

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2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:


Yeah, that's pretty apparent.  He sees no value in existing alliances.  For some reason, he sees value in alliances with what amount to our enemies.  We can imagine why, but that answer could honestly range from collusion to admiration of their authoritarian rule to . . . ???

There was an article a few weeks back where a reporter asked White House insiders to summarize the Trump administration's view on foreign relations..

There was one that stuck out to me, something along the lines of "No Allies. No Enemies. Only America."

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25 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

I really don't think you're interpreting my position well.  I wasn't impugning Bernie -- I think his governmental philosophy is a little too regulated.  That doesn't mean I don't think more regulation isn't a good thing.

How's this:  if you gave me a choice between Trump and Bernie, I'd take Bernie in a landslide.

Fair enough... my main point being nothing is too far for Americans.

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5 hours ago, Chad Fuck said:

Now that 12 GRU officers have been indicted, what's the over-under on Trump coming out of his meeting with Putin and saying, "He said he didn't do it.  I believe him."?


Cross post

I suspect that Trump will come away from the Putin meeting with a new understanding...

Like "I believe Putin didn't do it... He doesn't even own a computer!"

Or "Putin doesn't even know how to type! Believe me, I watched him try... He doesn't even know where the backwards R is!"

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3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:


Yeah, that's pretty apparent.  He sees no value in existing alliances.  For some reason, he sees value in alliances with what amount to our enemies.  We can imagine why, but that answer could honestly range from collusion to admiration of their authoritarian rule to . . . ???

I think Trump grew up rooting for the evil side in Star Wars. And so when Reagan compared Russia to that, he immediately gravitated to them so hard...

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1 hour ago, Scholz said:

Yep.  From the same people who were pro trade and then immediately pro tarriffs, were pro western alliances and then immediately anti EU and Canada, were pro fiscal conservatism and deficit hawks and then immediately pro $2 trillion more in deficit spending, etc.

Where's my boy Emmy at?

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1 hour ago, TornACL said:

The last decade has clearly shown me that capitalist greed, when combined with cronyism and unchecked corruption, leads to a rapid deterioration of our fundamental systems of government and society.

My biggest concern, beyond the corruption, is that our country will look back on what happened and blame capitalism. And not the corruption and unethical behavior. Then we're really fucked.

The worship of whatever people think capitalism is has led to as much trouble as anything else. The absurd notions that the market will take adequate care of an issue one refuses to face or that it eventually rights all wrongs have done as much damage to this country as anything else.

I'm not a Marxist or any -ist. I do believe putting all your belief in an illusory god or system that just happens to favor you above others to be poisonous to thought.

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