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Donald Trump 2018


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2 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Also, why aren't these things proofread?  What is going on in the White House?  "Anyone involved in that meddling to justice"?   I've clicked around the internet for other pictures of the page and that is definitely the whole sentence.  Everyone obviously knew this was a very important statement, maybe the only time he's so far out there that even the WH acknowledged he needs to admit a mistake, and they can't take the time to review anything?


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6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Why can't the left just be reasonable and accept my hysterical framing that conveniently allows me to absolve myself of responsibility by pretending the current "existential threat to the republic" is not a natural result of my worldview but is, instead, some kind of invading monster from another dimension that NEVER could've been predicted? boo hoo hoo

Donald John Trump is not an existential threat to the Republic. The political and social movement behind him might be. You guys want to make it about Trump as a person because you're blind to the reality of how the actual threat grew.

There is a lot of truth to this, which is why I've talked about Team Traitor, and not Trump personally.  There is no question that the Republican Party needs to be ripped out of the ground, root and branch, and annihilated.  

And yeah--there is a political and social movement behind Trump that is odious and that completely predates him.  I didn't recognize it.  I'm sorry that I didn't hear all the dog whistles.  But it might have something to do with me not being a fucking dog.  But as soon as I recognized it, I jumped ship.  And I didn't just sit there in the ocean playing the neutral--I joined up with the opposing team to actively oppose Team Traitor.

But look--that accounting of wartime records is something to be done after the war is won.  And the war is a long goddamned way from won.  You need to be more like Stalin--we're going to use everybody who is willing to do so to fight the Nazis.  And after the war is over, we'll send the politically undesirable ones to Siberia.  But until we're partying in Berlin, we're all on the same damned team.

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1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

Again, you guys are overestimating your importance and necessity.

If you genuinely believe in the cause, the dismissal of your virtue by a leftist shouldn't irk you.

We're as important as our votes.

Which, unless we're going to fight this one with bombs and guns (yeah, not off the table, we know), makes us pretty fucking important.

You sure as shit could have used 10k of us in Michigan and 20k of us in Wisconsin.  Dumbass, asshole, AND bad at math.  You're hitting the trifecta there.  You are indeed an overachiever.

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9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Timely message I agree with from @counterchekist

“Momentum is shifting in our direction, patriots. Don’t mock & chastise former supporters; welcome them with open arms. It’s not about being right or morally superior. It’s about saving the Republic.

Let this low spot in our history serve as the catalyst for our national rebirth.

The Republic is the one constant thing that unites us all regardless of race, sex, economic status, beliefs etc etc. When the Kremlin attacked it, they didn’t just attack Dems. They attacked all of us, and did so from both sides of the aisle. 

It’s time to start standing as one.”

Agreed.  We still have a chance, and we still have time to course correct this bullshit and fix the damage that trump has caused.  

It all starts with admitting that trump is a danger to us as a country and detaching yourself from him.  Just because you dont support trump anymore doesnt mean you have to vote democrat for the rest of your life.  Simply just dont vote for this monster in 2020 and find someone who isnt a complete disaster for 2024 that fits more inline with your views.



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There is a lot of truth to this, which is why I've talked about Team Traitor, and not Trump personally.  There is no question that the Republican Party needs to be ripped out of the ground, root and branch, and annihilated.  
And yeah--there is a political and social movement behind Trump that is odious and that completely predates him.  I didn't recognize it.  I'm sorry that I didn't hear all the dog whistles.  But it might have something to do with me not being a fucking dog.  But as soon as I recognized it, I jumped ship.  And I didn't just sit there in the ocean playing the neutral--I joined up with the opposing team to actively oppose Team Traitor.
But look--that accounting of wartime records is something to be done after the war is won.  And the war is a long goddamned way from won.  You need to be more like Stalin--we're going to use everybody who is willing to do so to fight the Nazis.  And after the war is over, we'll send the politically undesirable ones to Siberia.  But until we're partying in Berlin, we're all on the same damned team.

I celebrate this post, amazing to think think that at one time you defended George Allen.
Welcome to the big tent, homes.
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12 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Also, why aren't these things proofread?  What is going on in the White House?  "Anyone involved in that meddling to justice"?   I've clicked around the internet for other pictures of the page and that is definitely the whole sentence.  Everyone obviously knew this was a very important statement, maybe the only time he's so far out there that even the WH acknowledged he needs to admit a mistake, and they can't take the time to review anything?

The WH is running out of warm, competent bodies do this kind of shit.  

He probably had Eric or Don Jr. type this up.  

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3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

We're as important as our votes.

Which, unless we're going to fight this one with bombs and guns (yeah, not off the table, we know), makes us pretty fucking important.

You sure as shit could have used 10k of us in Michigan and 20k of us in Wisconsin.  Dumbass, asshole, AND bad at math.  You're hitting the trifecta there.  You are indeed an overachiever.

We're also important for the money we give to individual candidates, such as Beto O'Rourke and Colin Allred, even though we don't agree with all of their policy positions.  And for that matter, we're also important for the money that we withhold from individual candidates, such as Will Hurd, because even though we agree with a lot of their policy positions, they're on the wrong goddamned team right now.

And, for that matter, we're really goddamned important because we're reasonably high-profile people in our communities who are asked our opinions by virtue of our occupation, our education level, our social standing, and our socio-economic level.  And I'm sorry if that offends bad_teammate, but it happens to be true.  People actually ask us our opinion on shit in real life (as frightening as that may be to everyone on this board).  And perhaps even more frighteningly, people take our opinions seriously.  And owing to our education and occupation, we're able to express those opinions in a way that is persuasive and has a high rate of idea-conversion relative to the rest of the population.

So yeah--we actually are important.  And our importance goes waaaaay beyond our single votes.

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39 minutes ago, TornACL said:

I have tried to send George Will articles to my dad to give him something to balance out the tsunami of Fox News he consumes. My dad used to admire George Will. Now, he tells me that he's surprised that Will turned into a Democrat.


 Congratulations for having a racist for a dad! (Unless he happens to be a billionaire)

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Good discussion the last couple of pages that dilute the Trump stink a bit.

BT, though correct, is coming across as the woman who occupied the tree for couple of years to stop them being cut down. Deforestation is bad, but being up on a tree by yourself, even with your other soulmates passing food to you on a rope, is very isolationist at best, and futile most of the time.

However many wrongs that may have happened in the past, one cannot plan the next steps guided by them. In fact, you take the lessons learned, and try your best to plan for the best future outcome regardless of history. This may make sense at an abstract level, but very hard to practice. See Israel-Palestine issue as a classic example of history building up on history of wrongs because no one is ready to let go of the past.


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31 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Why can't the left just be reasonable and accept my hysterical framing that conveniently allows me to absolve myself of responsibility by pretending the current "existential threat to the republic" is not a natural result of my worldview but is, instead, some kind of invading monster from another dimension that NEVER could've been predicted? boo hoo hoo

Donald John Trump is not an existential threat to the Republic. The political and social movement behind him might be. You guys want to make it about Trump as a person because you're blind to the reality of how the actual threat grew.

I couldn't disagree more, and I'm a lifelong lib.  Trump is not a natural result of the conservative worldview.   Trumps have sprung from leftist movements around the world as much as right.   His movement isn't even about left vs. right as a political matter.   And he is an existential threat to the Republic. 

Yes, Republicans are to blame for laying the groundwork for him and for selling their souls to him in exchange for tax cuts and Supreme Court justices.   But that path they went down and continue to go down is not inherent to conservativism or the many good people who believed in traditional Republican viewpoints for good faith reasons.   It's a wrong turn.   And the viewpoints of those traditional Republicans who aren't going along for this ride are essential to restoring our country. 

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48 minutes ago, sachick said:

Feel free to post a picture of your paystub. For a friend.

(sorry, i got distracted)

For you I’ll post pics.  Check your DM’s.  

Anyway, I used to post cars at the old site.  I’m more defined by being an asshole and working myself into the dirt than money but when I’m pigeonholed as some rich snob I’ll come out punching.  

Even though BT still wants to use these trying times to score political points, I’ll look past idiots like him and get to work with the good guys - comprised of a lot of past members of Political Party #1.  

Edited by ChiTownDoc
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What the fuck are you guys even arguing about?  No republicans are actually "switching sides."  If Chi says he is, fine, but there isn't exactly a movement.  It might amount to a couple hundred new D votes nationwide.  We're seeing a few republicans posting strongly worded letters on twitter then doing jack shit to actually stop him.  A few republican voters might sit out the election or vote for fucking Gary Johnson, but they aren't going to be voting D, 'cause socialism and baby killers and libcucks and Mexican rapists are errwhere.  They've been sowing this for decades, such that the traitor in chief will never drop below 30% approval.  This is your party, republicans.  If you really want to switch sides, fine, but lets not pretend like it's actually thing and that it'll make any difference in November and in 2020.  The Dems need to grow a fucking pair, stop letting Fox News lie about you constantly, and actually get Dem voters to the goddamned polls.  Nominate someone who will actually excite the party.  "Fuck Trump" isn't going to win any elections.  It'll just move his approval to 35% from the "Always Trump" crowd.

Edited by 'stache
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42 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Or....counterpoint.....we need everyone on team Nazikiller that we can get, and shitting on new recruits because they once said some anti-semitic shit is going to cost us a lot of much-needed bodies.

Get folks fighting on the right side.  Give 'em time to adjust to their surroundings and teammates, you you'd be surprised how they end up behaving after the war.  A shitload of racist white guys spent time in foxholes with black guys in Vietnam.  They came home and weren't racist anymore.

But B-T would be the guy in the foxhole lecturing them from his high-horse while the incoming rounds are landing inside the perimeter. On the bright side, those guys often got fragged by their own men.

It's fine that the Armed Forces have a minimum ASVAB score.  It's also fine that the minimum is reduced in times of national emergency.  

We need bodies.  We aren't in a position to recruit only 5 stars.  We need to take walk-ons too, and we need to welcome them with open arms.  We can recruit over them later. 

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I'm going to take a page from Oatmeal and phrase this out in a more politically correct manner, not because I care about winning allies (a false dilemma), but because I am talking to a lot of different people right now and all of them are different.

With as much fair-mindedness as I can muster, let me break this into groups.

Group 1: Loyal GOP voters who will temporarily go Dem and then go right back to GOP.
Group 2: Former loyal GOP voters who fell away over the course of time and are swimming in the centrist waters. 
Group 3: Lifetime centrists.
Group 4: Former loyal GOP voters who fell away over time and are swimming in the Dem waters.

Groups 1 and 3 are essentially lost causes. Group 2 is kind of interesting, but meh. Group 4, let's talk.

Are those fair groups?

Anyway, for those of you just furious with me for not being so grateful ... look at how low on specifics you guys are. You're chock FULL of high-octane rhetoric about THE REPUBLIC'S FATE, but what are you even aiming for? What's your goal(s)? Seriously, please answer this, because I have no idea.

OK, Donald John Trump is vanquished (How? Do you want impeachment? A GOP primary opponent in 2020? Assassination?)... now what? Is the threat actually dead?

What it sounds like to me, and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, is that you want the left to help you defeat the Frankenstein's monster you built and then some praise from the Left for being brave enough to ask for help. (And that monster isn't Trump, it's the American conservative political movement that birthed him.)

If you aren't willing to take a sincere, critical look at what created Trump, then I have no idea why the hell I should consider you an ally or give a shit about your supposed help.

And fukkin LOL at the "you need us country club whites!"

If by "you" you mean "centrist Dem kleptocrats", you're right.
If by "you" you mean the left, lol no thanks but I guess it's fine come on if you can shut up and listen, which you can't physically do because you are convinced you are the axis around which all existence rotates.

Also fukkin LOL at the idea that being born not-rich means that you can't possibly be an out-of-touch rich guy now.




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 Because there is no distinguishable difference now in the ideology:


I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again:  Because the right has completely capitulated to Putinism, the country needs to go hard left FIRST to suffocate Putinism out of our mainstream political culture.  The GOP must be resoundingly punished by the electorate for their betrayal of American principles.  If moderates and both siders get too picky with their candidates (looking at you Gary Johnson voters), Putinism will survive and the battle for the soul of America  will rage on.

At this moment in time, candidates on the left should be judged on their trustworthiness/candor above policy because truth and facts are under attack.

If truth is lost, everything great about America will shortly follow.

 Only after the GOP has been removed from power and given the opportunity to transform into a truly American conservative movement should we entertain their consideration.

I say this as a moderate who doesn’t agree with all the ideas coming from the left. 

However, bickering about gun control, a national minimum wage, or healthcare at this time seems remarkably petty in the grand scheme of things.  There will be plenty of time to fight about those issues later.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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2 minutes ago, 'stache said:

No republicans are actually "switching sides."  If Chi says he is, fine, but there isn't exactly a movement.  It might amount to a couple hundred new D votes nationwide. 

There are at least 20 million white lawyers in country clubs who are going to... 

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30 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

We're also important for the money we give to individual candidates, such as Beto O'Rourke and Colin Allred, even though we don't agree with all of their policy positions.  And for that matter, we're also important for the money that we withhold from individual candidates, such as Will Hurd, because even though we agree with a lot of their policy positions, they're on the wrong goddamned team right now.

And, for that matter, we're really goddamned important because we're reasonably high-profile people in our communities who are asked our opinions by virtue of our occupation, our education level, our social standing, and our socio-economic level.  And I'm sorry if that offends bad_teammate, but it happens to be true.  People actually ask us our opinion on shit in real life (as frightening as that may be to everyone on this board).  And perhaps even more frighteningly, people take our opinions seriously.  And owing to our education and occupation, we're able to express those opinions in a way that is persuasive and has a high rate of idea-conversion relative to the rest of the population.

So yeah--we actually are important.  And our importance goes waaaaay beyond our single votes.


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I don't need or expect Republicans to switch parties en masse.    I want them to vote Dem for Congress in 2018 and vote for Trump's opponent in 2020.   Then we all can get back to trying to improve the Kodos v. Kang world that seems utopian compared to where we are now. 

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26 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

What's hilarious about it?  That people actually listen to aging white lawyers at the country club talking about politics?  Well, yeah--it's laughable.  But it's also true.

I accept your previous post as accurate.  I believe it. 

I'm curious...are you simply ignoring guys like Will Hurd (decent guy IMO) or are you telling him directly (by whatever means) that he no longer has your support, and why?

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The US has some of the worst voter participation rates in the developed world.  People who are eligible to vote but don't are a much larger pool of potential votes to net than country club Republicans grossed out by explicit racism and norm erosion.  A lot of work needs to be done to make voting easier to help tap into that though.

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9 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

I'm going to take a page from Oatmeal and phrase this out in a more politically correct manner, not because I care about winning allies (a false dilemma), but because I am talking to a lot of different people right now and all of them are different.

With as much fair-mindedness as I can muster, let me break this into groups.

Group 1: Loyal GOP voters who will temporarily go Dem and then go right back to GOP.
Group 2: Former loyal GOP voters who fell away over the course of time and are swimming in the centrist waters. 
Group 3: Lifetime centrists.
Group 4: Former loyal GOP voters who fell away over time and are swimming in the Dem waters.

Groups 1 and 3 are essentially lost causes. Group 2 is kind of interesting, but meh. Group 4, let's talk.

Are those fair groups?

Anyway, for those of you just furious with me for not being so grateful ... look at how low on specifics you guys are. You're chock FULL of high-octane rhetoric about THE REPUBLIC'S FATE, but what are you even aiming for? What's your goal(s)? Seriously, please answer this, because I have no idea.

OK, Donald John Trump is vanquished (How? Do you want impeachment? A GOP primary opponent in 2020? Assassination?)... now what? Is the threat actually dead?

What it sounds like to me, and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, is that you want the left to help you defeat the Frankenstein's monster you built and then some praise from the Left for being brave enough to ask for help. (And that monster isn't Trump, it's the American conservative political movement that birthed him.)

If you aren't willing to take a sincere, critical look at what created Trump, then I have no idea why the hell I should consider you an ally or give a shit about your supposed help.

And fukkin LOL at the "you need us country club whites!"

If by "you" you mean "centrist Dem kleptocrats", you're right.
If by "you" you mean the left, lol no thanks but I guess it's fine come on if you can shut up and listen, which you can't physically do because you are convinced you are the axis around which all existence rotates.

Also fukkin LOL at the idea that being born not-rich means that you can't possibly be an out-of-touch rich guy now.




You missed me in your groupings (I've never been GOP and I'll never be Dem without a major shift in their economic platform but it's in no way due to centrism), but it's fairly irrelevant anyway. You're still being a dumbass posting stupid things like "and then some praise from the Left" which nobody ever asked for. But you keep on keepin' on.

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3 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

The US has some of the worst voter participation rates in the developed world.  People who are eligible to vote but don't are a much larger pool of potential votes to net than country club Republicans grossed out by explicit racism and norm erosion.  A lot of work needs to be done to make voting easier to help tap into that though.

Yeah, step one in that process is wresting control away from the political party that already actively attempts to suppress votes and is now headed by an authoritarian man with legitimate personality disorders.

But sure, keep working on the little details instead of the big one. You know what would help with winning an election while the party in control is suppressing votes? Courting votes from people who won't have their votes suppressed (i.e. they're white so the GOP won't even think about it).

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I don’t disagree with bt. The “centrists” think the political world revolves around them. It does not. They get played the most by both party apparati. But they love hearing how important they are as they get courted every 4 years to the winning side and then shat upon. Then they go to the other side and rinse repeat. 

Theyll never have a home because we won’t ever have a “real independent political party” that forces D or R to earn their caucus vote. 

Edited by Js1
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I think this conversation with @bad_teammatehas largely run its course and the ball is not being advanced. I probably fall somewhere between Group 2 and Group 4 in his proposed groupings, as I would say that I am a lifelong Republican voter (but never a party member) who has been falling away over the course of the past decade and now is a centrist who leans slightly left. I think the Dems are nearly as corrupt as the Republicans in many ways, but at this point in time I'll settle for rooting out the most obvious devil in front of us (Trump and the corrupt Republicans/NRA/etc.) with the hope that this process ultimately leads to a cleanup of the systemic ills for both parties. Money is absolutely destroying our political system and it's a problem on both sides, it's just that the Republicans have a lot of additional problems to go along with it. Just some very incomplete thoughts.

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7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

I'm going to take a page from Oatmeal and phrase this out in a more politically correct manner, not because I care about winning allies (a false dilemma), but because I am talking to a lot of different people right now and all of them are different.

With as much fair-mindedness as I can muster, let me break this into groups.

Group 1: Loyal GOP voters who will temporarily go Dem and then go right back to GOP.
Group 2: Former loyal GOP voters who fell away over the course of time and are swimming in the centrist waters. 
Group 3: Lifetime centrists.
Group 4: Former loyal GOP voters who fell away over time and are swimming in the Dem waters.

Groups 1 and 3 are essentially lost causes. Group 2 is kind of interesting, but meh. Group 4, let's talk.

Are those fair groups?

Anyway, for those of you just furious with me for not being so grateful ... look at how low on specifics you guys are. You're chock FULL of high-octane rhetoric about THE REPUBLIC'S FATE, but what are you even aiming for? What's your goal(s)? Seriously, please answer this, because I have no idea.

OK, Donald John Trump is vanquished (How? Do you want impeachment? A GOP primary opponent in 2020? Assassination?)... now what? Is the threat actually dead?

What it sounds like to me, and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, is that you want the left to help you defeat the Frankenstein's monster you built and then some praise from the Left for being brave enough to ask for help. (And that monster isn't Trump, it's the American conservative political movement that birthed him.)

If you aren't willing to take a sincere, critical look at what created Trump, then I have no idea why the hell I should consider you an ally or give a shit about your supposed help.

And fukkin LOL at the "you need us country club whites!"

If by "you" you mean "centrist Dem kleptocrats", you're right.
If by "you" you mean the left, lol no thanks but I guess it's fine come on if you can shut up and listen, which you can't physically do because you are convinced you are the axis around which all existence rotates.

Also fukkin LOL at the idea that being born not-rich means that you can't possibly be an out-of-touch rich guy now.




That's cool.  You are only interested in folks who will swim in the 15% leftist waters you occupy.  Nifty.

There are 15% or so of folks who swim in the extreme right waters, too.  Nifty.

You want to piss in the cheerios of the 70% of folks who live in between those two extremes.  Understanding that many of those folks, on a given issue, may be further left on the spectrum on that issue, and further right on the spectrum on another issue.  But you have "no use for them."

I'd suggest, mathematically, that the rest of us have no use for folks like YOU.

But being unable to count votes has been a Democrat go-to for quite some time, you oughta stick with that.  It's been working out GREAT so far.

You indulge in logical fallacies as much as Trump.  Take this:


If you aren't willing to take a sincere, critical look at what created Trump, then I have no idea why the hell I should consider you an ally or give a shit about your supposed help.

That's EXACTLY the fucking discussion that countless posters around you have been having.  It's not our fault that you're too busy being smug to realize it.  But the thing is, you DO realize it -- you just choose to ignore it to make a post so you sound like a crusading hero.  You're not.  You're an impotent little man who signed on to an ideological movement that shoots itself in the dick so effectively that it lost a presidential race to a fucking cheeto.  Forgive us if we don't look to you Dem true-believers as the sage wisdom when it comes to "how to take out Donald Trump."  You shit the bed the last time we had that mission, and now you want to be the fucking quarterback and have the rest of us be so grateful we're happy you fucked our sister the prom queen?  Not gonna happen, bud.  You lost a presidential race.  To Donald Fucking Trump.  But now you've got it all figured out?

And if your litmus test is "wear hemp, smell like patchouli, or GTFO," then fuck your test.  Just like the GOP can get fucked with its Trump loyalty test.  Different flavors of stupidity still taste like stupidity.

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Just now, JBJ said:

I'm actually agreeing with B_T.  When the rubber meets the road, today's anti-Trump voter is not going to be tomorrow's Democrat voter.

Being pro-Trump or pro-Democrat is a false dilemma.

That's a good thing.  I don't want the Dems pulled to the right by a permanent influx of Republicans.   We make common cause now for the good of the country and then get back to normal. 

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Just now, JBJ said:

I'm actually agreeing with B_T.  When the rubber meets the road, today's anti-Trump voter is not going to be tomorrow's Democrat voter.

Being pro-Trump or pro-Democrat is a false dilemma.

That's because just like b_t you are missing the point entirely. The point is to get the current POTUS and more generally the current iteration of the GOP out of office. Not to pretend that the defectors are going to remain Democrat forever.

I will be voting Democrat in elections to national office for the first time in my life this November. I am not going to pretend that I will continue voting Democrat indefinitely.

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7 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

You lost a presidential race.  To Donald Fucking Trump. 

The GOP lost to Trump way before the democrats did.

It needs to be said, the GOP was significantly weaker as a unified movement than the democrats were.

as insignificant as that is now.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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9 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

I accept your previous post as accurate.  I believe it. 

I'm curious...are you simply ignoring guys like Will Hurd (decent guy IMO) or are you telling him directly (by whatever means) that he no longer has your support, and why?

I actually have told him directly.  I got a fundraising letter from him, because I'm on every "suckers who give us money" list the GOP has.  And I agree that he is a decent guy.  Under previous circumstances--i.e., the ones that existed when I gave him money--I wanted to see him elected.

So I picked up the phone and called his office.  I told the very nice fellow who answered who I was and that I got his campaign letter and I needed to chat about it.  Somehow, I got a call from the Congressman a few hours later.  I was very pleasant, but I told him that I wouldn't be donating to any Republicans because the Republican Party doesn't stand for any of the things for which it used to stand, and that while I appreciated his service in the past, I hoped he would be in the perpetual minority.

I didn't get any push-back.  He didn't even seem particularly surprised.  I think it's a conversation he's having with a lot of his donors, especially in that district.

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Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The GOP lost to Trump way before the democrats did.

It needs to be said, the GOP was significantly weaker as a unified movement than the democrats were.

And that's definitely fair.  But your second point is the strongest.  The GOP was busy running a 17 ring circus.  All the Dems had to do was pick one candidate who could win, and actually have her campaign where it mattered.

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1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

And that's definitely fair.  But your second point is the strongest.  The GOP was busy running a 17 ring circus.  All the Dems had to do was pick one candidate who could win, and actually have her campaign where it mattered.

Well she spent too much time trying to appeal to groups 1 and 3 in BT’s groups instead of speaking to the D base. 

Centrism loses. It’s gone. 

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22 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

The US has some of the worst voter participation rates in the developed world.  People who are eligible to vote but don't are a much larger pool of potential votes to net than country club Republicans grossed out by explicit racism and norm erosion.  A lot of work needs to be done to make voting easier to help tap into that though.

This is basically what I'm saying in a round about way.  I think BT and Brisket both are a little bit right and a little bit wrong but missing the general point.  The answer for the Dems is not to "flip" republicans.  It aint happening.  I also think its a waste of time to "court" centrists.  The way to win is to get people who identify mostly with the dems to actually go out and fucking vote.  I think the traitorous cheeto won because (a) the dems nominated an person who has been around so long she didn't really excite anyone, including casual dems, and (b) they let the fucking media treat Trump as unelectable resulting in several casual dems not going to the polls in swing states because it sure sounded like Trump couldn't win.

Here's the plan dems.  Nominate someone exciting and do every fucking thing in your power to get people to the polls.  Do the same locally, in every office, from POTUS to dog catcher.  Stop getting dominated strategically by a party that elected a fucking traitor whose approval rating will never dip below 30%.  Those people aren't "casual" republicans, they are diehards who you can damn sure bet will be at the polls in droves.  Excite your voters to get to the polls to defeat those idiots.

Edited by 'stache
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3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Well she spent too much time trying to appeal to groups 1 and 3 in BT’s groups instead of speaking to the D base. 

Centrism loses. It’s gone. 

Sadly, agreed.  Which is the original source of my Eeyore-ism that folks have laughed at.  

We get a choice of being governed by jackholes like Trump.....or jackholes like bad teammate.  Our only choice is HOW we get ass-fucked.  Lurching from guardrail to guardrail seems like a genius strategy, doncha think?  That's our future.  I agree.  The political moderate, and policies reflecting any moderation, are dead.

It's Trump's and bad teammates world, we just live in it, covered with the shit they fling.

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