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3 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

yeah, well i was typing fast. BTW, that wasn't the "original sentence" but the second sentence.

Nerds, explain this:

Ya neh poneemahyu. Your original sentence made no sense. Please review. spahceeba.

Yeah, his Russian is terrible.

Yours, on the other hand, is probably great.

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2 minutes ago, VRHorn said:

Yeah, his Russian is terrible.

Yours, on the other hand, is probably great.

Russian is unintelligible in English. 

Anyway, style over substance, can we all acknowledge the US led corruption in Afghanistan? Under Obama's watch no less, so that should encourage a Yes from the Right. 

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3 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

yeah, well i was typing fast. BTW, that wasn't the "original sentence" but the second sentence.

Nerds, explain this:

Ya neh poneemahyu. Your original sentence made no sense. Please review. spahceeba.

Spasiba is "thank you" in Russian. спасиба in Cyrillic.

Ya neh poneemahyu is "I don't understand" in Russian. я не понимаю in Cyrillic.

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Sessions announces plan to create Religious Liberties Task Force:



Jeff Sessions Announces Religious Liberty Task Force at DOJ in Response to “Dangerous Movement”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the creation of a Religious Liberty Task Force on Monday that will ensure the DOJ is prioritizing the rights of religious people and groups in its policies and legal battles by enforcing his “religious liberty” memo issued last fall.

Sessions told a crowd attending the Religious Liberty Summit at the Department of Justice headquarters that there was “a dangerous movement” eroding religious liberties and that “we have gotten to the point where courts have held that morality cannot be a basis for law; where ministers are fearful to affirm, as they understand it, holy writ from the pulpit; and where one group can actively target religious groups by labeling them a ‘hate group’ on the basis of their sincerely held religious beliefs.”

He cited the legal challenge by the Little Sisters of the Poor over its religious objections as a Catholic organization to paying for health insurance that covers contraception and the Masterpiece Cakeshop Supreme Court case dealing with a baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple.

Sessions mentioned Muslim, Jewish, and Hindu religions and proclaimed that the DOJ would protect all adherents from discrimination. But in arguing that it was an “unease” over a “changing cultural climate” that motivated Trump voters and the administration’s religious liberty policies, Sessions seemed to refer more to the complaints of the Christian right. “[Trump] said he respected people of faith and he promised to protect them in the free exercise of their faith,” Sessions said. “He declared we would say ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”

In October 2017, Sessions released a vague memo that instructed federal agencies to observe 20 “principles of religious liberty.” Activists for LGBTQ and women’s rights worried at the time that the proclamation gave broad permission for religious groups to ignore federal civil rights laws. But in reality, as Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern wrote months later, Sessions did not seem to have the authority to undermine anti-discrimination laws, and the memo seemed to have no legal force behind it.

In Monday’s announcement, Sessions said that the DOJ would work to ensure its employees “know their duties to accommodate people of faith” and put the 2017 memo into action. “Under this administration, the federal government is not just reacting—we are actively seeking, carefully, thoughtfully and lawfully, to accommodate people of faith,” he said. “Religious Americans are no longer an afterthought.”



What could possibly go wrong?


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Sessions mentioned Muslim, Jewish, and Hindu religions and proclaimed that the DOJ would protect all adherents from discrimination. But in arguing that it was an “unease” over a “changing cultural climate” that motivated Trump voters and the administration’s religious liberty policies, Sessions seemed to refer more to the complaints of the Christian right. “[Trump] said he respected people of faith and he promised to protect them in the free exercise of their faith,” Sessions said. “He declared we would say ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”

Really tacking the important issues in this Snowflake Administration.

I make it a point now to say Happy Holidays to everyone. Not because I think it's politically correct or sensitive to non-Christians, because it will wind up the uptight pieces of shit who worry about this stuff. 

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11 minutes ago, TornACL said:

“[Trump] said he respected people of faith and he promised to protect them in the free exercise of their faith,” Sessions said. “He declared we would say ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”

War on Christmas in July Sale! 

Distracting, shiny objects half price!

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fucking lulz.  by religious liberties, they mean christian only religious liberties.


if the christians in the republican party cared 1/100 as much about helping the poor, that pesky thing that jesus preached about probably more than anything else in the bible, as they did about abortion and hating gays, we wouldn't need government welfare.  

Edited by crash_davis
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22 minutes ago, TornACL said:

Really tacking the important issues in this Snowflake Administration.

I make it a point now to say Happy Holidays to everyone. Not because I think it's politically correct or sensitive to non-Christians, because it will wind up the uptight pieces of shit who worry about this stuff. 

I'm wrestling with whether to use "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Kwanzaa".  I might switch off.

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7 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

fucking lulz.  by religious liberties, they mean christian only religious liberties.


if the christians in the republican party cared 1/100 as much about helping the poor, that pesky thing that jesus preached about probably more than anything else in the bible, as they did about abortion and hating gays, we wouldn't need government welfare.  

Boy, in MAGAland, religion's fer judgin' people, not helpin' people.  Did you not get the memo?  It's on MAGA letterhead.  You were on the routing list.

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”He promised to protect them in the free exercise of their faith,” Sessions said. “He declared we would say ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”

Nothing says “religious freedom” quite like the government declaring that people will utter phrases specific to one faith.  That’s like a First Amendment double-whammy.  Trumpism is really an art in striving to be as wrong as possible on as many topics as possible.


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What’s THE single most outrageous thing Trump has said or done since taking the oath? It’s amazing to me that there are so many at this point it’s hard to remember them all, much less put them into any sort of order.

My gut says it’s probably hiring Pruitt. Compromising Israeli intelligence to the Russians in the Oval Office has to be up there. Both Sides-ing Charlotte? Declaring press an enemy of the people?

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5 minutes ago, Lurch said:

What’s THE single most outrageous thing Trump has said or done since taking the oath? It’s amazing to me that there are so many at this point it’s hard to remember them all, much less put them into any sort of order.

My gut says it’s probably hiring Pruitt. Compromising Israeli intelligence to the Russians in the Oval Office has to be up there. Both Sides-ing Charlotte? Declaring press an enemy of the people?

I was pretty shocked that one weekend that he didn't golf.

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39 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

Nothing says “religious freedom” quite like the government declaring that people will utter phrases specific to one faith.  That’s like a First Amendment double-whammy.  Trumpism is really an art in striving to be as wrong as possible on as many topics as possible.


 Alabama gonna Alabama. 

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12 minutes ago, Lurch said:

What’s THE single most outrageous thing Trump has said or done since taking the oath? It’s amazing to me that there are so many at this point it’s hard to remember them all, much less put them into any sort of order.

My gut says it’s probably hiring Pruitt. Compromising Israeli intelligence to the Russians in the Oval Office has to be up there. Both Sides-ing Charlotte? Declaring press an enemy of the people?

Separating toddlers from their parents and not keeping records so they could be reunited.

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Separating toddlers from their parents and not keeping records so they could be reunited.

Considered this one, but I think he just pushed an illegal policy that idiots then enforced in an incompetent manner.
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3 minutes ago, Lurch said:


Considered this one, but I think he just pushed an illegal policy that idiots then enforced in an incompetent manner.


The buck stops nowhere.  And then he signed an executive order pretending to end the policy after lying about the policy for days.  

Also: Muslim ban, accusing Obama of illegally wiretapping him, threatening to lock up political opponents, making up results from a summit with Un

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Calling the EU our greatest enemy

Tariffs for "national security"  reasons from Canada

Hyping up NFL players kneeling in an attempt to sow racism and discord

Going after Amazon in an attempt to stifle the Washington Post

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6 minutes ago, Red Five said:

How about endorsing a child molester for Senate.

 Almost the plot of The Contender.  The Dude ends up winning by tricking Gary Oldman  into endorsing the guy that’s going to get arrested for negligent homicide or something.  So outrageous that Oldman can’t recover from his endorsement himself. Now it’s just another day at the office for the president. 

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