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30 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Lol. This. Asswipe has met his match.  Fuck them both but I’ll be damned if I don’t enjoy Omarosa taking every page out of Dotard’s book in escalating this shitshow.   

It’s why he’s so desperately tweeting about her so much. She’s on his level and even though he knows its harming him to address her,  his mental disease simply wont allow him to stop. It would be amusing to watch until you realize once again that this shitstain is our president. 

Edited by JimmyJames
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36 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Lol. This. Asswipe has met his match.  Fuck them both but I’ll be damned if I don’t enjoy Omarosa taking every page out of Dotard’s book in escalating this shitshow.   

It's the only thing that seems to work. Somebody who's as big an asshole as he is. It's also a pretty frightening preview of coming political attractions if the R voters (and/or D voters) will only flock to people similar to Cheeto.

Edited by retread
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1 hour ago, retread said:

It's the only thing that seems to work. Somebody who's as big an asshole as he is. It's also a pretty frightening preview of coming political attractions if the R voters (and/or D voters) will only flock to people similar to Cheeto.

Remember when y'all shit on me when I said that THE effective strategy for defeating the part of Trump was to play the game like this?  And this is the future of our politics -- at least, it will be if the Dems have any plans on holding onto power?  I remember.  Now we're getting to watch it play out, and the tactic is remarkably effective.

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3 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Lol. This. Asswipe has met his match.  Fuck them both but I’ll be damned if I don’t enjoy Omarosa taking every page out of Dotard’s book in escalating this shitshow.   

He made her in his image.  She’s following his playbook. It’s awesome. 

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3 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

He said he was taking a week off. Probably needs it. 

It was pointed out that he had 7,000 posts in about 4.5 months, not including tweets and posts on other boards. Probably realized that not exercising at all  and eating hot pockets from a microwave from 6:00 a.m. to midnight ever day without ever letting up a single day is really not healthy.

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42 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

It was pointed out that he had 7,000 posts in about 4.5 months, not including tweets and posts on other boards. Probably realized that not exercising at all  and eating hot pockets from a microwave from 6:00 a.m. to midnight ever day without ever letting up a single day is really not healthy.

In order to determine my feelings on this, I am going to need to know what flavor of Hot Pockets we're talking about here. 

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25 minutes ago, woohorn said:
59 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:
People were saying similar things about Avenatti. He hasn't been on tv a lot lately. Has he already faded from our short attention span?

Pretty sure he is getting ready to run for Congress, so maybe not "fading" so much brah.

The reports are that he's exploring a presidential run. But my comment wasn't about him, it was about the short attention span of people saying the same things about Omarosa that they were saying about Avenatti just a few weeks ago and acting like it's something totally new...brah. 

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7 hours ago, retread said:

More Heidi. Quite rude.


For all those lusting after this lass, to her immediate right is a glimpse at what she will look like in 30 years. And to the right of that is what your cheeks will look like after 30 years of motorboatin'.

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12 hours ago, RayDog said:

Poor young people don't vote 

They do now in places that matter. Take southwestern PA for example. The only democrat to lose those counties in the 80 years prior to a black man running was McGovern, when Nixon won 49 states. In the Obama election those counties were slightly pink. 

Trump made it ok for them to be racist. He won some of those formerly solid blue counties by 40%.

Statewide voter turnout was up 3% this election. He won the state by 0.73%.

Most recent numbers I could find showed that voter turnout at low income levels is about 40%. That left a huge population to bring to the voting booth  

The GOP has found a new voter group by mobilizing the racist poor. 

The ONLY thing that matters to these people is that trump hates the same people they hate and he put an extra $20 in their paycheck. 

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2 hours ago, heso said:

They do now in places that matter. Take southwestern PA for example. The only democrat to lose those counties in the 80 years prior to a black man running was McGovern, when Nixon won 49 states. In the Obama election those counties were slightly pink. 

Trump made it ok for them to be racist. He won some of those formerly solid blue counties by 40%.

Statewide voter turnout was up 3% this election. He won the state by 0.73%.

Most recent numbers I could find showed that voter turnout at low income levels is about 40%. That left a huge population to bring to the voting booth  

The GOP has found a new voter group by mobilizing the racist poor. 

The ONLY thing that matters to these people is that trump hates the same people they hate and he put an extra $20 in their paycheck. 

The GOP has done a remarkable job at exploiting racial tension in order to mask class tension while simultaneously harnessing its power. This isn't new of course, the Populist Party in the 1890's was defanged by Southern Democrats with the exploitation of racial strife. By appealing to the racist sentiment of poor white southerners any sense of comradery with poor black southerners was erased. "Yeah, you are poor like the black man but you are white and therefore deserving of a higher status in society. Never mind that you share the same economic status, you can be better by preserving the privileges of the white ruling class in order to keep the negro in his place."


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1 hour ago, retread said:

Just trying to run the clock out on Mueller. If he can keep his 35-40% energized w red meat tweets and hold the Senate, he'll survive.

Bingo.  That's the entire game.  He doesn't have to win shit.  He just has to ensure that the brave souls in the GOP Senate won't vote to convict him.  And if they see his torch-bearing base ranting at them, telling them they better not betray their orange God, they'll fall in line.

Trump wins.  

We all lose.

Sic Semper fuckit.

35 minutes ago, F250 said:

The GOP has done a remarkable job at exploiting racial tension in order to mask class tension while simultaneously harnessing its power. This isn't new of course, the Populist Party in the 1890's was defanged by Southern Democrats with the exploitation of racial strife. By appealing to the racist sentiment of poor white southerners any sense of comradery with poor black southerners was erased. "Yeah, you are poor like the black man but you are white and therefore deserving of a higher status in society. Never mind that you share the same economic status, you can be better by preserving the privileges of the white ruling class in order to keep the negro in his place."


Spot-on.  It's beginner-level sleight-of-hand distraction, but it works on the gullible idiots.  It works perfectly.

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and for your wednesday morning cavalcade of donald trump screed:

primaries, serious business

now let's go down the list of "complete and total Endorsements!" these are complete AND total, so you know they are super serious.

oh, wait, shit, scott walker doesn't get the complete and total treatment. oh well, sorry, scott.


clearly watching fox and friends while going down the list of COMPLETE AND TOTAL ENSORSEMENTS

that crazy haywire schumer! anyways, more Endorsements!

oh, fuck, bob, you don't rate the complete and. you only get the total Endorsement. capitalized, of course. well, bob, it's something.

sorry, bob, you are no kris kobach. anyways, now that we are done with the sometimes complete and total Endorsements, we must spend some time on the RIGGED WITCH HUNT

no collusion!

let's all guess which network from whence this quote is sourced. NPR? PBS? oh wait. 

anyways, this fascination with yesterday's news is interesting to me. you got your pound of flesh, dude. let it go.

i'm not even sure what to do with this. we know his opinion of maxine waters (low iq, she's a black woman, she's crazy; these are all real things the president has tweeted), so clearly he thinks he's breaking some sarcasm detectors while dog whistling to his base. dur hur, donald, dur hur.

this is such an interesting case study of his random capitalization. it's really not so random. he capitalizes words to highlight their importance in the sentence, modeern day syntax be damned. in this tweet, he capitalizes Country, Tariffs, Trade Deals, President and Countries. In this tweet, he's highlighting the importance of our Country, the importance of the Tariffs that are his policy, he's making sure we understand that he's going to make some sweet ass Trade Deals, and of course, he has to highlight his own importance as President. Finally, he invokes the specter of Other Countries as a threat to our own Country. it's a fascinating case study of his psychosis. 

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