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Donald Trump 2018


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Donald, just because you say, "off the record" doesn't mean it is off the record unless the other person agrees before you spout whatever it is you say.

Yet another reason why even his lawyers avoid being alone in a room with him.

Edited by DDD Dad
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3 hours ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

Second thought: And to be fair, the Democrats are no fucking saints. They have lied to me too, but those lies have caused much less detriment to my actual daily life.

You shouldn’t be looking at ‘your’ daily life.  Hell, Trump has helped me and those like me.  That don’t make a shit.  Fuck him. 

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1 minute ago, kevwun said:

The Trump Foundation attorney managed to work a but Hillary in to his motion to dismiss the case that the NY AG  lawsuit filed against the charity.



I never thought they would try “but Hillary!” in court but here we are.

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3 hours ago, Longhorn94 said:

but its not socialism. its providing a government service that has nothing to do with socialism and everything to do with providing a foundation for a capitalist economic system in a democratic society.

It's weird because in the American lexicon, especially among conservatives, socialism is whenever the government does something they don't like. While the democrats, the DSA, and the Europeans have vastly different meanings. 

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42 minutes ago, sachick said:

I've been out of the news/twitter cycle the last 36 hours. Did I miss any new indictments or Trump start any wars?

A Manafort/Cambridge Analytica linked dude named Patten was indicted today for failing to register as a foreign agent (Ukraine).

He pled guilty and is now cooperating with Robert Mueller 

Patten also funneled $50k from Ukrainians through a straw man to Trump’s inauguration fund.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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14 minutes ago, tchookem said:
1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

I predict he'll have a prolonged, shameful death. With daily resuscitations and heroic measures on his worthless 110 year-old vegetable of a body.

Whatever resources they have available in the Leavenworth hospital unit.

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2 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

One thing that makes me smile is knowing that he will not be invited to anyone's funerals, weddings, birthdays, etc, that any other reasonable president would be.  Nothing will hurt his ego more than realizing he is truly and uniquely not liked.  

Unfortunately I don't think he'll care.  He'll have gone from forgettable D list celebrity who made cameos in Home Alone 2 and McDonalds commercials to ex-president and cult leader.  He will shun those who shun him and think of himself as better for it.  

There's not much justice to be found here unless he dies in a prison cell.  

Edited by Tom
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