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Donald Trump 2018


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7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The wording of “patriotism” in place of “nationalism” was borderline offensive.

Moreover, on Venezuela, he talked about their failure of socialism.  Then he said they should reject socialism and embrace democracy as if the two are mutually exclusive.  It was an intellectually ignorant speech filled with nonsense all around.

. . . and it played perfectly with the base, the constituents of which are so monumentally stupid that they literally have no idea what Trump is trying to say, regardless of the fact that what he is trying to say is in and of itself monumentally stupid.  

It's like a Möbius strip of stupidity.  At least the Aggies reach the end of the roller coaster ride every year.

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33 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

. . . and it played perfectly with the base, the constituents of which are so monumentally stupid that they literally have no idea what Trump is trying to say, regardless of the fact that what he is trying to say is in and of itself monumentally stupid.  

It's like a Möbius strip of stupidity.  At least the Aggies reach the end of the roller coaster ride every year.

There's some poetry in there.  I admire and approve.

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4 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

"Look, we've had tremendous success with this in America. The Dakotas get along fantastically. It's so peaceful I thought they were a part of Canada until recently. A lot of people don't know that. They're right here in America."

so, wait, that tweet is real?

i mean, i know this guy does foreign policy shoot from the hip style, but there's no way netanyahu was ready for that public statement, right?

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10 hours ago, 27-25 said:

Unlike Trump, Buffet is far too intelligent to even consider such a move.  From what I've read, I suspect Warren is far more introspective of his own strengths and weaknesses to know what seems feasible or achievable and what would not.  In this respect he's practically the anti-Trump.  So, sign me up.

One of the big problems with the Presidency is that the President has to want to be President. The position practically begs for only the biggest narcissists to run. 

We would get better candidates if we could forcibly nominate people against their will. 

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It doesn't have much meaning, and I doubt it is a problem for Netanyahu.  Being for a two-state solution publicly is in the interest of the Israeli right.   It's the terms of the two-state arrangement that matter.  And the Palestinians will not accept even the best-case scenario for what Israel would ever offer, which keeps shrinking by the year. 

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13 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

"Look, we've had tremendous success with this in America. The Dakotas get along fantastically. It's so peaceful I thought they were a part of Canada until recently. A lot of people don't know that. They're right here in America."

First, didnt Jared solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict last year?  

Second, Trump knows the Dakotas. Thats where those unpatriotic Indians live who fought against a flag waving American oil pipeline. Surprised he didnt tweet telling them to go back to India.

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5 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

It doesn't have much meaning, and I doubt it is a problem for Netanyahu.  Being for a two-state solution publicly is in the interest of the Israeli right.   It's the terms of the two-state arrangement that matter.  And the Palestinians will not accept even the best-case scenario for what Israel would ever offer, which keeps shrinking by the year. 

Hasnt the Israeli right wing always been 2 state in theory?  Being officially one state means integration (a liberal idea) or extermination (maybe a right wing desire, but not practical or something they'd say publicly).  Its politically more palatable to foment perpetual terror, respond with perpetual occupation, and encourage Palestinian emigration to the US and Europe.

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2 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

Hasnt the Israeli right wing always been 2 state in theory?  

Generally I think this is true.   I don't really know what their end game is now, or if they even have one besides kicking the can down the road, but any potential version would be consistent with publicly supporting a two-state solution right now.  My guess is that they are working towards either a tiny divided Palestinian state or a three-state arrangement, where Gaza is fully Palestinian and the West Bank becomes a controllable, but officially separate, hybrid state with its own government and a significant Jewish population.   But I don't talk to anyone in that camp anymore, so I don't have any real insight into what they are thinking. 

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13 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

Hasnt the Israeli right wing always been 2 state in theory?  Being officially one state means integration (a liberal idea) or extermination (maybe a right wing desire, but not practical or something they'd say publicly).  Its politically more palatable to foment perpetual terror, respond with perpetual occupation, and encourage Palestinian emigration to the US and Europe.

The Israeli right, regardless of what they might say publicly, believes all the land of Israel was promised to the Jews by God and their long term goal is to own it all. They will never allow a two-state solution. Nor a one-state solution. They are the Chosen. It's by divine right that they should get everything they want according to whatever they believe their scripture says was promised to them. It may take generations. It may take a century or longer. But that's the ultimate goal. 

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11 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

Generally I think this is true.   I don't really know what their end game is now, or if they even have one besides kicking the can down the road, but any potential version would be consistent with publicly supporting a two-state solution right now.  My guess is that they are working towards either a tiny divided Palestinian state or a three-state arrangement, where Gaza is fully Palestinian and the West Bank becomes a controllable, but officially separate, hybrid state with its own government and a significant Jewish population.   But I don't talk to anyone in that camp anymore, so I don't have any real insight into what they are thinking. 

I think theyre looking for a Gaza only Palestinian state and full annexation of the West Bank if the demographics ever allow for them to maintain a sizable Jewish majority in Israel with the West Bank included. Still a long way to go for that, but fertility and net migration rates favor that plan long term.

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22 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

The Israeli right, regardless of what they might say publicly, believes all the land of Israel was promised to the Jews by God and their long term goal is to own it all. They will never allow a two-state solution. Nor a one-state solution. They are the Chosen. It's by divine right that they should get everything they want according to whatever they believe their scripture says was promised to them. It may take generations. It may take a century or longer. But that's the ultimate goal. 

That's pretty much bullshit.  The nutty religious extremists in this vein have generally been anti-Zionists who believe that only the Messiah, and not ordinary Jews, can fulfill that biblical prophesy.   If the Israeli right does want the whole thing, it's for normal human reasons like wanting more land and security, not because of scripture. 

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2 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

That's pretty much bullshit.  The nutty religious extremists in this vein have generally been anti-Zionists who believe that only the Messiah, and not ordinary Jews, can fulfill that biblical prophesy.   If the Israeli right does want the whole thing, it's for normal human reasons like wanting more land and security, not because of scripture. 

Their whole reason for existence is based on scripture.

What I said definitely describes Netanyahu's philosophy. Religious conservatives of every faith are the enemies of peace and harmony between all the people. Whether they actually believe their scripture or just use it as cover for human greed and bigotry is irrelevant. 

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10 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Remember back in 2010 when Ivanka and Don Jr. were being investigated for fraud because they were exaggerating the sales of units in the Trumo SoHo building in order to lure other customers? That's the family business model. No matter how much you suck, tell people how great you are. Prey on the suckers. 

Then, of course, Don Sr's lawyer Mark Kasowitz made a $25,000 donation to the DA's reelection campaign and *poof* the investigation went away. 

Also, another habit of dear leader is the gratuitous superlatives heaped on those he is trying to pump up.  In the best cases he knows nothing about the person and is just grandstanding..in the worst he does know the person, they have deep flaws, and he peddles outright lies.  He has been doing this for years-decades really. A most egregious case occurred in 1987 where he personally vouched in writing for  convicted cocaine trafficker Joseph Weichelbaum. Trump wrote that the drug trafficker was “conscientious, forthright, and diligent" and "a credit to the community.” David Kay Johnson has accused Trump of having been in business with Weichelbaum's drug operation as the risk involved with merely associating with such characters was enough to have his gaming licences revoked.  But as with any Trump story, that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Full story in the link below.


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13 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

Standing: On the far left, Ken Starr standing next to Brett Kavanaugh. Sitting: On the far right, Rod Rosenstein. Photograph courtesy of the White House. Ken Starr, standing, far left, with members of his independent counsel team, including Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, next to Starr, and Rod Rosenstein, sitting, far right. Photograph courtesy of the White House.


let's not forget that after uncovering the affair clinton had, ken starr graduated to rape cover up at baylor university.

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1 hour ago, Mdhorn said:

Standing: On the far left, Ken Starr standing next to Brett Kavanaugh. Sitting: On the far right, Rod Rosenstein. Photograph courtesy of the White House. Ken Starr, standing, far left, with members of his independent counsel team, including Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, next to Starr, and Rod Rosenstein, sitting, far right. Photograph courtesy of the White House.


My God.  Look at the decor! It's like their decorator went to.......Vassar.

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3 minutes ago, Dropout said:

Must be what crossing a black hole event horizon feels like. Who the fuck knows what’s happening anymore. It’s all new in a scary fascinating kind of way...

This was exactly the vision I was having.  It truly is amazing.  We are in uncharted...well, not even "waters."  Where we are now isn't even possible to describe in terms of the previously known universe.

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7 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

This was exactly the vision I was having.  It truly is amazing.  We are in uncharted...well, not even "waters."  Where we are now isn't even possible to describe in terms of the previously known universe.

I suppose we should be grateful we haven’t been ripped into a million pieces.

Avenatti has been waiting for the Twitter wars w DOTUS. Commence the circus.

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