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Just now, wildcat09 said:

If you don’t think he’ll kill thousands if not millions of people to keep that you haven’t yet seen him for what he actually is.

If he is forced out, and he will have to be forced out, he will certainly try to frame it as a victory but that doesn’t mean that the actual power wasn’t extremely important to him.

The actual power is important to him but it isn’t everything and I have no doubt he would kill thousands to retain power, the problem with that is he can’t do it by himself.  I question his capability of orchestrating that without serious consequences.  He’s not sophisticated enough to sell an Iraq War like the neoconservatives were.  Plus, his base has been conditioned to be more anti foreign wars than democrats. 

I mean, look at this caravan shit.  It’s really bush league, even for him.  

Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The actual power is important to him but it isn’t everything and I have no doubt he would kill thousands to retain power, the problem with that is he can’t do it by himself.  I question his capability of orchestrating that without serious consequences.  He’s not sophisticated enough to sell an Iraq War like the neoconservatives were.  Plus, his base has been conditioned to be more anti foreign wars than democrats. 

 I mean, look at this caravan shit.  It’s really bush league, even for him.  

Oh it won't be a war in the middle east, it'll be shooting at immigrants on the border. He's in the middle of manufacturing a national emergency that will justify claiming emergency powers. It may double as an election gimmick to turn out his voters, but if that is unsuccessful he will absolutely double down on the Democrats' win being illegitimate and further proof that immigration is a national emergency justifying a "tough" response.

6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Oh it won't be a war in the middle east, it'll be shooting at immigrants on the border. He's in the middle of manufacturing a national emergency that will justify claiming emergency powers. It may double as an election gimmick to turn out his voters, but if that is unsuccessful he will absolutely double down on the Democrats' win being illegitimate and further proof that immigration is a national emergency justifying a "tough" response.

If he tries, he will be taking down the GOP with him, and making sure more Hispanics as well as a Christian whites move firmly towards voting Dem for many years to come.   Separating families already caught him a lot of flak from numerous Christian organizations. Gunning them down will be the straw that broke the camel’s back. 

Just now, atomheartbevo said:

If he tries, he will be taking down the GOP with him, and making sure more Hispanics as well as a Christian whites move firmly towards voting Dem for many years to come.   Separating families already caught him a lot of flak from numerous Christian organizations. Gunning them down will be the straw that broke the camel’s back. 

The question is how many GOP members of Congress would stick with him. I think most would, especially in the House.

1 hour ago, pyrohornIII said:

I do think though, like with the umbrella, we are seeing signs of cracking.  I personally can't see him lasting much longer, certainly not long enough to make a run in 2020.  The law will catch up to his ass, and his childrens' asses by then.  They will be drowning in their own swamp. 

We're almost 2 years from the 2016 election.  NOTHING has changed yet.  I think you're being optimistic.

Obviously, the Mueller investigation holds some promise of breaking some news that is currently not known (but largely suspected) by the general public, but until that point, I'm going to remain skeptical that anything will materially change before 2020.

52 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

I could see a 25th Amendment invocation if the GOP thinks the life of the party is on the line, but yeah, he's not leaving voluntarily unless someone pays him hard cash.

You mean the party that has embraced the following political rhetoric


KKK flyers found in metro Atlanta neighborhood


Trump hasn't endangered Republicans but shown who they really are without cover of dog whistling.  

  • Like 2
"President overturns 14th amendment via Executive Order."  
Pretty wild how all you have to do is subtract 12 from the third word in that sentence to completely change the legality of it for 40% of the country.
Openly defying the constitution to own the libs!

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

1 hour ago, Chuckie Finster said:

"President overturns 14th amendment via Executive Order."  

Pretty wild how all you have to do is subtract 12 from the third word in that sentence to completely change the legality of it for 40% of the country.

"President overturns 2th amendment via Executive Order." ???

  • Like 1
50 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Hitler was a coward too.

Trump would much rather attack the legitimacy of an election he loses and encourage his supporters to riot. He's been laying that groundwork for years. If he steps down, he goes to prison. His sons go to prison. His daughter goes to prison. He won't trust anyone he could negotiate a deal with to keep to it, because he's a bad faith negotiator and expects that everyone else is too. His ability to pardon and the submissiveness of the Republican party are the most important things to him. The GOP has spent literally decades laying the groundwork to challenge the legitimacy of an election that goes in the Democrats' favor. They don't want to lose power either and will help him attack the legitimacy of any election they lose. They are no longer in any way good faith participants in American democracy. All they care about power and maintaining it by any means necessary.

Hitler was a murderous cunt coward, for sure.  But compared to Trump, he was Richard the Lionheart. 

1 minute ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Yep.  Some future D will do this and the R's will have Trump to thank for the inspiration.

I don't think my funny turned out to be funny.

2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

"President overturns 2th amendment via Executive Order." ???


1 minute ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Yep.  Some future D will do this and the R's will have Trump to thank for the inspiration.


  • Like 2

Ignoring the fact that the 14th Amendment is there . . .


What would an EO even say to overturn it?  Who is he ordering?  What is he ordering?  There is nothing about the executive to determine who is or isn't a citizen.  You are a citizen if you meet the criteria for citizenship (whatever that may be).  That doesn't depend on the executive.

1 hour ago, triplehorn said:

A Dem controlled House with pending Mueller outcomes would alter the forecast and timeline for upheaval.   The level of upheaval will track with the level of conjoined corruption and treason.

It boils down to how damning all the evidence is.


1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Disagree.  The perception of the evidence is what matters.


1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

Oh it won't be a war in the middle east, it'll be shooting at immigrants on the border. He's in the middle of manufacturing a national emergency that will justify claiming emergency powers. It may double as an election gimmick to turn out his voters, but if that is unsuccessful he will absolutely double down on the Democrats' win being illegitimate and further proof that immigration is a national emergency justifying a "tough" response.

Fake News. Rigged. Enemies of America. Lawless Mob. Witch Hunt.

He's already got the language to shoot down facts and evidence and investigation. He tweets this vomit out and his GOP will be behind him even stronger. The combination of the top 1% and the 40% that comprise the mindless mob of hate zombies makes for a pretty formidable force.

The test to our system and unity will be the most difficult since Fort Sumter. We'll all be in for a jolly time.

8 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Ignoring the fact that the 14th Amendment is there . . .


What would an EO even say to overturn it?  Who is he ordering?  What is he ordering?  There is nothing about the executive to determine who is or isn't a citizen.  You are a citizen if you meet the criteria for citizenship (whatever that may be).  That doesn't depend on the executive.

It's just pure political pandering.  A con to take the eye away from:

- The Rico suit that got filed this week

- The fact that we've done nothing about an American resident journalist getting murdered in cold blood by an "ally"

- That Americans were killed this week, and others' murders attempted, in an environment where this behavior is tacitly (if not overtly) encouraged

- That there's still families escaping violence headed our way that we either intend to make scapegoats for our failings

- That there's a trade war on with one of our biggest trading partners

etc.  etc.  

  • Like 4
17 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

Need 2 combine the Carolinas and liquidate Lindsey's Senate seat.



I like how Graham's avatar is himself holding hands with his good friend, the poor persecuted Justice Kavanaugh. It just needs a portrait of Trump in the background. 



Assuming that this is more than just a political stunt in an attempt to rile up the base for the midterms, which I know is likely a stupid assumption since everything with Trump is about riling up the base, is there even a hint of a legal basis for an executive order to be able to undo or violate the Constitution? I mean, I only got an A- in my first year Con Law class, and I did like to skip class a lot, but I just don't remember ever hearing that you could just rewrite the constitution by executive order. Seems like a few presidents would have tried that before if it was legit,no?

3 minutes ago, MidTexHorn said:

Assuming that this is more than just a political stunt in an attempt to rile up the base for the midterms, which I know is likely a stupid assumption since everything with Trump is about riling up the base, is there even a hint of a legal basis for an executive order to be able to undo or violate the Constitution? I mean, I only got an A- in my first year Con Law class, and I did like to skip class a lot, but I just don't remember ever hearing that you could just rewrite the constitution by executive order. Seems like a few presidents would have tried that before if it was legit,no? 

It's not about rewriting the Constitution, it's about the executive choosing to ignore it in its execution of laws.

Just now, bad_teammate said:

It's not about rewriting the Constitution, it's about the executive choosing to ignore it in its execution of laws.

Let's not forget that he's already been ignoring the emoluments clause of the Constitution for nearly two years, so it's not like it'd be the first time he ignored a clear and unambiguous part of the Constitution.

4 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:



Heard an excerpt from the Axios interview on NPR this am. In response to the interviewer pointing out that this is an actual amendment to the Constitution, Trump said something like

"They are telling me I can do that with an executive order."


The obvious question to me would be: "Who? Who is telling you that you can do that with an executive order?" But that question didn't get asked, at least in the clip they played.


Anytime someone says "They are saying" or "they are telling me" or "I am hearing", the immediate follow up should be "Who? Specifically, who? Names, please."



4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

It's not about rewriting the Constitution, it's about the executive choosing to ignore it in its execution of laws.

Didn't he take a vow to uphold the Constitution?

Would an EO violating such vow constitute high crimes and misdemeanors?

Just asking questions.

11 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

It's not about rewriting the Constitution, it's about the executive choosing to ignore it in its execution of laws.

Everyone, no matter your political stripe or lack thereof, should be 100% against this tweet/idea.

Even ardent right wingers (Ted Cruz and Johnny Sack) have come out and said "nope", so that tells me that probably only the most fringey alt-righters are interested in this and that unless they make up a materially significant bloc, it's a political loser and Trump has made a rare error in pandering to his base.

2 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

This is like a 12 ring circus.  You don't even get to fully appreciate an act before they have pushed a new one at you.   Say what you will about the dotard, to keep juggling all this in the air at one time is pretty impressive.  It does seem to be his business model though, so he has had years of practice in floating lots of shady shit simultaneously.

I do think though, like with the umbrella, we are seeing signs of cracking.  I personally can't see him lasting much longer, certainly not long enough to make a run in 2020.  The law will catch up to his ass, and his childrens' asses by then.  They will be drowning in their own swamp.  I think he figures his ace in the hole is the power of the pardon.  And while the pardon can keep him and cohorts out of jail, it won't repair the damage done to their reputations as "very smart people", it can't erase the grifter label they will all be wearing their whole lives. 


Yeshua fucking Christ, even the fucking DOTARD knows how to fold an umbrella. What you saw there as he was boarding AF1 was a display of narcissism. He just didn't give enough of a shit to bother to try and fold it. Just drop it and let some toadie pick it up.

(I would say too bad it didn't get sucked into an engine on takeoff, but I'm not yet at the point where I want everybody on AF1 to die).

1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

We're almost 2 years from the 2016 election.  NOTHING has changed yet.  I think you're being optimistic.

Obviously, the Mueller investigation holds some promise of breaking some news that is currently not known (but largely suspected) by the general public, but until that point, I'm going to remain skeptical that anything will materially change before 2020.

When he took office, even HRC was willing to give him a chance, considering the fact that he was an outsider who made big promises.  I think in spite of his shady past, the media (and the public in general) gave him a pass and shelved a bunch of stuff they could have been running.  A lot of the things he is being charged with are tied to his running for and then obtaining office.  Now as it becomes more apparent he is approaching his presidency as crookedly as he does his private life, a lot of his past dealings are finally being brought out and folded into the overall assault on this con man.

We aren't even a full 2 years into his term yet and Mueller is going quicker than normal pace in his SC investigation.  That investigation has indicted over 30 and the majority stateside have already either plead or were found guilty, with more cases to come yet.  It takes time to build cases, and this guy has them all over the place, in all kinds of courts, about to explode on him. 

So to say nothing has changed is a little false.  What hasn't changed is the man and those in his family are still in power and seem unfazed.   I think more to the point is the corruption of the GOP powers that be has really come out of the shadows.  They have been forced to show their hands.  This whole solidarity between Graham and Trump is mystifying.  Regardless, Graham is his lackey for whatever reason.  So the second part of the equation that hasn't changed are his defenders and enablers.  I guess you could say we've seen a change as more of their underbelly has been forced into the open to line up behind Trump.  Kavanaugh hearings come to mind. 

I'd say the biggest thing that has changed is the public mood.  More and more are feeling emboldened to stand up for themselves, which usually is related to doing something hateful to another human.  That has changed for the worse.  And sadly, even after trump and his band of morons leave the WH, we will still have that insecurity and hate to deal with as a country.    That is the scary part.  We should be trying to figure out the basis of that hate/fear/insecurity and address that.  Because until we can, we won't progress very far.  Even if it all crashes down while Brisket and his buds watch from the ledge, unless we have an idea of how it went off the tracks, we won't ever know how to keep it from reoccurring. 

So yeah I think things have changed, and I believe that Trump and his entitled crooks will pay.  But like JJ and Brisket and others have said, will that change anything?   I'm sure it will, but will it be enough and be soon enough, I don't know. 





  • Like 1
Just now, High Plains Drifter said:

Yeshua fucking Christ, even the fucking DOTARD knows how to fold an umbrella. What you saw there as he was boarding AF1 was a display of narcissism. He just didn't give enough of a shit to bother to try and fold it. Just drop it and let some toadie pick it up.

(I would say too bad it didn't get sucked into an engine on takeoff, but I'm not yet at the point where I want everybody on AF1 to die).

Yea, I read it like you did. Like the crowned royalty who doesn't deign to do anything ordinary/low-brow and will just throw it down for the help to handle. He determined closing an umbrella isn't worth his energy or time because he's mighty (his mental assessment, not mine).

4 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

Yeshua fucking Christ, even the fucking DOTARD knows how to fold an umbrella. What you saw there as he was boarding AF1 was a display of narcissism. He just didn't give enough of a shit to bother to try and fold it. Just drop it and let some toadie pick it up.

(I would say too bad it didn't get sucked into an engine on takeoff, but I'm not yet at the point where I want everybody on AF1 to die).

Yeah, he knows how to close an umbrella.  But to me that moment was one of this "aw, fuck it, I got bigger fish to fry!" moments when our minds are too full of other shit to concentrate on a simple task.    That is what I meant by him cracking, not that he has forgotten how an umbrella works.  And you are right about the narcissism, but I think that kicked in after the fact.  So amend that to "Aw fuck it, I got bigger Fish to Fry.  Let some Peon deal with it!"

12 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Everyone, no matter your political stripe or lack thereof, should be 100% against this tweet/idea.

Even ardent right wingers (Ted Cruz and Johnny Sack) have come out and said "nope", so that tells me that probably only the most fringey alt-righters are interested in this and that unless they make up a materially significant bloc, it's a political loser and Trump has made a rare error in pandering to his base.

Lindsey Graham says hi

Posted (edited)

I don't believe there is anything Trump could propose that Graham would disagree with.  He's committed to going down with the ship at this point.

Edited by kevwun
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, kevwun said:

I don't believe there is anything Trump could propose that Graham would disagree with.  He's committed to going down with the ship at this point.

Graham has remained fairly consistent and separate from Trump on foreign policy.  

Recent example is his stance on Saudi Arabia

ETA:  but he’s still Trump’s bitch 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
Read the thread on TexAgs. They're ecstatic with the idea.
What mindfucks me the most about Trumpkins in this state is that they arrive to the same conclusion as aggy and think "Yep, no way I fucked up."

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Yep.  Some future D will do this and the R's will have Trump to thank for the inspiration.

teh creep of the executive branch has been happening for some time. 

but we know that.  

happy tuesday my Gs. 


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