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Donald Trump 2018


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1 hour ago, lemonlime said:

Some junior staffer is saying "Oh, shit.  I have to write 87 pages on WITCH HUNT! HOAX! URANIUM ONE! SETH RICH! PIZZA PARLORS! BUT HER EMAILS! this weekend"


1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

70-point font



1 hour ago, High Plains Drifter said:

2.5 line spacing

And lots and lots of pictures!

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6 minutes ago, TornACL said:

Does any R have the balls to attempt to primary him? 

I just don't see him getting out of this term, much less to run again.  I have always felt either his mind or body would give out before he could run for a second term.  And now you can throw in all the legal stuff he will be wading through.


Can you imagine being his secret service detail that has to sit through all those court appearances? 

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14 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

/sees largest D wave in decades just weeks ago

//deems them not motivated

It was a pretty weak wave when considering the dotard's actions, which are unlike anything this country has ever seen.  Outright racists still won several elections.  The most charismatic candidate in recent memory still couldn't beat that piece of shit Ted Cruz, who is a complete fucking coward when it comes to the dotard. It should have been a blue massacre, and it just wasn't.  Dems should have at least won the Senate but actually lost seats.  That's absurd considering the dickless, spineless, soulless entity the GOP has become.

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1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:


When Mullet Mueller comes for a deal he will be up against the best. I invented the deal. I'm smarter than he is. He's a Loser. Very low intelligence. My verbal may actually kill him. WITCH HUNT!

Mueller and his 31 Angry Democrats took advantage of bad deal makers. NO MORE! I did a deal with Rocket Boy and the other Chinese Guy. I'll end the INjustice Department. I'll do it fast. WINNING!

Major, major Counter Report almost ready. Many pages. Small print. Big words, the best words. I'm told it's the best Major Counter Report since...maybe ever. Me Lai Mueller to be exposed! MAGA!

My friends and countrymen, let's all spend a moment today in remembrance of Pearl Harbor, our veterans of all wars living and dead. Such service to one's country defines honor and reminds us all of our duty to the values on which America was founded. God bless you all.

Give that back to me. Your fired.

Delete previous message. Delete previous message. This isn't working. I didn't mean to type Your Fired.

Somebody else typed the last few messages. The Angry Democrats hacked my phone. SAD Presidential Harassment. China talks still going well. Big progress. Coal miners at 100% employment. Fake News won't tell you.


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1 minute ago, 'stache said:

It was a pretty weak wave when considering the dotard's actions, which are unlike anything this country has ever seen.  Outright racists still won several elections.  The most charismatic candidate in recent memory still couldn't beat that piece of shit Ted Cruz, who is a complete fucking coward when it comes to the dotard. It should have been a blue massacre, and it just wasn't.  Dems should have at least won the Senate but actually lost seats.  That's absurd considering the dickless, spineless, soulless entity the GOP has become.

The Republicans should have won more seats in the Senate given the map and who was running. 

The election in November was terrible for the Republicans and the president.

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1 minute ago, 'stache said:

It was a pretty weak wave when considering the dotard's actions, which are unlike anything this country has ever seen.  Outright racists still won several elections.  The most charismatic candidate in recent memory still couldn't beat that piece of shit Ted Cruz, who is a complete fucking coward when it comes to the dotard. It should have been a blue massacre, and it just wasn't.  Dems should have at least won the Senate but actually lost seats.  That's absurd considering the dickless, spineless, soulless entity the GOP has become.

All true, but it still means the Ds won by almost 9%.  Trump isn't going to win short of an economic miracle.

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1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

The Republicans should have won more seats in the Senate given the map and who was running. 

The election in November was terrible for the Republicans and the president.

Should have been terribler.  That's all I'm saying.  If that's the best of the backlash, we're not going to see the type of institutional changes that are going to be needed to fix the damage the dotard has done. And I think he will be re-elected.  The way the electoral college works, the way GOP have gotten away with gerrymandering and voter suppression, it's all lining up for dotard to do it again regardless of what happens with the Mueller investigation (his voters don't give a shit and actually get more motivated when facts come out against him (fake news!!  witch hunt!!  librual deep state!!)).  

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22 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

/sees largest D wave in decades just weeks ago

//deems them not motivated

yes, and that wave overwhelmed whatever tricks the russians (republican and otherwise) pulled that we haven't discovered yet.

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26 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

Um, they flipped more seats in the House since Watergate. 

Donald Trump is going to get his shit handed to him in 2020.

This country didn't spit them out in 2018. The gains in the House seem like a big deal if you look at the election against other elections, but we're in new waters here. 

We have a substantial minority completely divorced from actual policy or even a care about personal integrity looking to have their basest fears and prejudices exploited. Trump will likely go down in flames, but what next?

That huge minority will want somebody else to avenge Trump and stroke those same deplorable aims. It's the electorate that's the problem. A single election won't undue 30 years of hate programming. Programming in both senses of the word: the electorate has been programmed by radio programs.

I can see Dems celebrating the defeat of Trump and Trumpists showing up to protest the deep state, fake news, the ascendancy of wimmin and nigras, and the crucifixion of their combed-over god. I see deaths. I wonder about terrorism masquerading as patriotism.

Trump just took the wheel of that car. Pulling him from behind the wheel won't stop the car.

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This.  We are a body politic.  30-40% of our body politic is completely taken over by the cancer of Trumpism.  No matter what happens in the next election - say the 60% not infected takes control -- we still have cancer in 30-40% of our body politic.  And it's not going to go away.

By the way, that's why I've said what I've said all along, and it's what anyone observing a patient with that volume of tumors: we're toast.  We MAY survive Trump.  We will NOT survive Trumpism.

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34 minutes ago, TornACL said:

Does any R have the balls to attempt to primary him? 

The problem is that any serious primary attempt would most likely doom Trump or the other candidate to lose in the general.   So if you are a Romney or Kasich, you would basically be handing the general election to the Dems in every scenario.   But then again perhaps they would be willing to do that.

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12 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

That huge minority will want somebody else to avenge Trump and stroke those same deplorable aims. It's the electorate that's the problem. A single election won't undue 30 years of hate programming. Programming in both senses of the word: the electorate has been programmed by radio programs.

These people weren’t able to keep a Black, Muslim, Atheist, Socialist, Marxist, Communiy Organizer, Sleeper agent born in Kenya and Chicago by the name of Hussein Barrack Hussein Obama Hussein out of the White House. 

They needed Hillary Clinton running to get somebody like Trump elected.  

And they’ve lost the EVs of four states they can’t afford to lose, and possibly 5-6, if Trump is able to run again. 

And if Trump decides he doesn’t want to lose, assuming the Senate protects him, and bows out and says his work is done, then many are liable to stay home in 2020.  Trump and Hillary struck a chord with them. 

And for all we know, Trump might go scorched earth on the GOP. Hell, if he is forced out, or it’s clear he can’t win, he will go scorched earth. We saw him doing that on Republicans who lost last month. Just imagine if he’s he one leaving politics. 

Edited by atomheartbevo
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9 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

The problem is that any serious primary attempt would most likely doom Trump or the other candidate to lose in the general.   So if you are a Romney or Kasich, you would basically be handing the general election to the Dems in every scenario.   But then again perhaps they would be willing to do that.

Noble, but unlikely and ineffective.

That huge national minority is an imposing party majority. Look at the high approval for Trump among GOPs. The GOP apparatus would have to find a way around the vast majority of their voters to nominate a non-Trumpist. That's the opposite of what a political party is designed to do.

If the GOPs manage a Romney as nominee, they'll lose the general election (probably, who knows for sure?) and their party majority will turn on them with vengeance. The traditional GOP is already done. Hell, a lot of the remaining supposed traditional GOPs will likely be linked to the NRA/Russia conspiracy.

It's a shit show.

Edited by RomaVicta
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1 hour ago, 'stache said:

Horseshit.  The GOP has run a successful 30 year campaign to make Democrats not just wrong, but literally evil.  Like preachers saying or implying that voting dem is a sin. Like catholic churches threatening to withhold communion from democrat politicians. When you consider the opposition literally evil and sinful it's justifiable to "cheat" and to rig the system against them. Not justifiable, but morally imperative. Because they are up against actual immorality, actual evil.

The result is that a compulsive liar who doesn't care about church and who has had several marital affairs is a fucking hero to evangelical christians. These people vote in droves. There aren't any swath of dem or even moderate voters who are going to fix this. Dems should have won the Senate and taken a larger majority in the House. There should be several more dem governors. But that didn't happen. Because white christans came out in droves to vote against actual evil. The dems don't have that type of emotional plea and is why we are heading towards theocracy, which will apply to libruls, but with lots of wiggle room for "true conservatives," because their moral flaws aren't real or can be ignored, cause "conservative."

About the 1:00 mark is relevant. (I know this video is heavily altered) 

Edited by SmokeyTheBear
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30 minutes ago, 'stache said:

It was a pretty weak wave when considering the dotard's actions, which are unlike anything this country has ever seen.  Outright racists still won several elections.  The most charismatic candidate in recent memory still couldn't beat that piece of shit Ted Cruz, who is a complete fucking coward when it comes to the dotard. It should have been a blue massacre, and it just wasn't.  Dems should have at least won the Senate but actually lost seats.  That's absurd considering the dickless, spineless, soulless entity the GOP has become.

Thats not because the Dems were unmotivated to vote. 

That's because at least 33 to 40 percent of this country are steaming piles of shit racist white people. 

America isn't in decline because of trump. It's in decline because it's citizenry is so full of ignorant and uneducated morons. 

The Dems crushed the racist idiot horde in the suburbs where the educated whites live. Unfortunately there's nothing to be done about the uneducated/stupid and ignorant fucks short of extermination, and Mike Judge already told you how they like to procreate.  

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5 minutes ago, Junior Miller said:

Thats not because the Dems were unmotivated to vote. 

That's because at least 33 to 40 percent of this country are steaming piles of shit racist white people. 

America isn't in decline because of trump. It's in decline because it's citizenry is so full of ignorant and uneducated morons. 

The Dems crushed the racist idiot horde in the suburbs where the educated whites live. Unfortunately there's nothing to be done about the uneducated/stupid and ignorant fucks short of extermination, and Mike Judge already told you how they like to procreate.  



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58 minutes ago, TornACL said:

Does any R have the balls to attempt to primary him? 

best way to dethrone this idiot racist moron parade is to have someone who's not really a modern republican run as an independent throwing out the same racist poor ignorant white rural rhetoric that trump does. That will split the trump vote enough to sink him. 


I wouldn't even worry about primarying him. Ross Perot his ass with an independent ticket and social media campaign to reel in the morons. 

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4 hours ago, Chad Fuck said:

Does anyone else find it incredibly creepy that Dotus gives a shout out to Ohr’s wife in one of his morning shit tweets?

SIAP... I'm a page and a half behind on this thread.

But he got Ohr's wife's name completely wrong.


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34 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

This country didn't spit them out in 2018. The gains in the House seem like a big deal if you look at the election against other elections, but we're in new waters here. 

We have a substantial minority completely divorced from actual policy or even a care about personal integrity looking to have their basest fears and prejudices exploited. Trump will likely go down in flames, but what next?

That huge minority will want somebody else to avenge Trump and stroke those same deplorable aims. It's the electorate that's the problem. A single election won't undue 30 years of hate programming. Programming in both senses of the word: the electorate has been programmed by radio programs.

I can see Dems celebrating the defeat of Trump and Trumpists showing up to protest the deep state, fake news, the ascendancy of wimmin and nigras, and the crucifixion of their combed-over god. I see deaths. I wonder about terrorism masquerading as patriotism.

Trump just took the wheel of that car. Pulling him from behind the wheel won't stop the car.

Death will. Every day means fewer of these people.

Edited by David Dennison
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42 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

Noble, but unlikely and ineffective.

That huge national minority is an imposing party majority. Look at the high approval for Trump among GOPs. The GOP apparatus would have to find a way around the vast majority of their voters to nominate a non-Trumpist. That's the opposite of what a political party is designed to do.

If the GOPs manage a Romney as nominee, they'll lose the general election (probably, who knows for sure?) and their party majority will turn on them with vengeance. The traditional GOP is already done. Hell, a lot of the remaining supposed traditional GOPs will likely be linked to the NRA/Russia conspiracy.

It's a shit show.

This is the simple and distilled truth.  There is no saving the GOP.  The GOP IS Trumpism.  And there is no saving a country that has that GOP in it.  It's as bad as we've been telling you from the get-go.  And honestly, we're almost certainly understating it.

39 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

About the 1:00 mark is relevant. (I know this video is heavily altered) 

Say what you will, but that baked potato soup by-the-bucket that they sell...I'd probably put an eatin' on it.

Then I'd poop in the bucket, because SURVIVAL.

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2 hours ago, David Dennison said:

Um, they flipped more seats in the House since Watergate. 

Donald Trump is going to get his shit handed to him in 2020.

With a highly pro Republican gerrymandered district maps. When you use percentage of votes over districts won it was the highest percentage since these things started getting tracked in 1946.

Edited by ShaggyBevo RIP
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2 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

So predictable.

I know I shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore, but JFC at the President calling his Secretary of State "dumb as a rock" and "lazy as hell."  But, hey, trump's upholding the decorum of the office by not wearing tan suits (or suits that properly fit him).  And he's white.

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