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Donald Trump 2018


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So we shut down the border, but then we will use tax dollars to subsidize the companies that are losing money due to the border shutdown.  8d chess.

trump is going to burn down the country at some point so perhaps pelosi and Schumer should force him to do it sooner rather than later.   It will just bring about the recovery that much sooner.

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1 minute ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

The Dotard in Chief

Democrats shouldn't give one cent to his wall. 

Pelosi should just keep publicly repeating that elections have consequences and Americans just said they want democrats in charge of the purse strings.    How many more voted for Dem house candidates than gop?

Edited by Nice Guy Eddie
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2 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

God damn selfish Central American banana republics.  The United States goes out of its way to interfere in their elections, steal their resources, and oppress their people, and what to they give us in return?  Nothing!  They just take, take, take.  

They provide us cheap labor, the driving force behind a lot of our economy, specifically Texas.  


everything about Wall ignores this and I fear it's winning in the public opinion.   

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According to a Business Insider poll—released as the government shutdown over wall funding continued into its sixth day—only 19 percent of respondents said a border wall would be "the best use" of $5 billion.

Meanwhile, 36 percent said $5 billion would be better spent on healthcare and 30 percent said they would want the funds to go toward infrastructure.

In total, 81 percent of respondents said the best use of the $5 billion would be on healthcare, education, or infrastructure, not the border wall.


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1 hour ago, HenryJames said:

Normal stuff.


Why's Dotard bitching about NAFTA again?  I thought he already fixed it and the best people were now saying our new agreement was the greatest trade deal they've ever seen?

Edited by Tom
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17 minutes ago, Tom said:


Why's Dotard bitching about NAFTA again?  I thought he already fixed it and the best people were now saying our new agreement was the greatest trade deal they've ever seen?

Hasn't been ratified yet. This guy's a moron. Dems need to dig in andnot give an inch. Public is blaming Trump. I can't see and end game for him here.

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25 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

They provide us cheap labor, the driving force behind a lot of our economy, specifically Texas.  


everything about Wall ignores this and I fear it's winning in the public opinion.   

One would hope that this would finally be the impetus for Congress to actually come up and pass a full comprehensive immigration policy that included huge fines for employers hiring illegals, a very generous/open worker visa program, and a secure border.  If we have laws on the books about legal entry, then enforce them or change them as selective enforcement of any law is incredibly dangerous.  I also would love to see a list of what the punishment is for each country (Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, etc) if an American enters (or overstays) illegally. Maybe we should just copy it for each.  You want to change a bad law, then the easiest way is to enforce it fully.

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2 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

Hasn't been ratified yet. This guy's a moron. Dems need to dig in andnot give an inch. Public is blaming Trump. I can't see and end game for him here.

He refuses to end the shutdown, so the Senate votes to impeach him?  Pelosi has him by the balls.  She's not letting go and he's too stupid to realize it.

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1 hour ago, HenryJames said:

Normal stuff.

The corn industry just shit a giant chunk of corn with tiny pieces of feces in it that it doesn't remember eating.

Edited by Chooky
Mexico - largest export market for corn in the world.
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Just now, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

Is anyone else rooting for him to crater the economy? It feels rather strange hoping he causes extreme financial pain for most Americans, myself included, but I feel like it’s the surest way to end this madness and sink the GOP for decades.

I’d prefer a quick crash and recovery to a slow bleeding death.

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15 minutes ago, Whitman said:

I also would love to see a list of what the punishment is for each country (Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, etc) if an American enters (or overstays) illegally. 

I can’t speak for those countries specifically, but in some other countries dashing your local immigration official $20 is about the most punishment you will encounter.

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1 hour ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

Our President is tripling down on brown people are scary! Happy Holidays 


1 hour ago, mdmost said:

Caravan is the bogeyman he needs to use "national security" as the reason to shut down the border. Does he not realize how much commerce and tourism goes through the southern border?

He normally doesn’t stay so focused on one topic.   Means something else is coming down the pipeline.   Perhaps Mueller-related.   

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4 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

Is anyone else rooting for him to crater the economy? It feels rather strange hoping he causes extreme financial pain for most Americans, myself included, but I feel like it’s the surest way to end this madness and sink the GOP for decades.

Rooting? No. Expecting? Yes.

What I'm rooting for is that the middle class dipshits who keep voting for Republicans against their own financial interests finally wake the fuck up when it happens AGAIN and realize they've been played for suckers. Maybe the third time will be the charm. 

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4 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:


He normally doesn’t stay so focused on one topic.   Means something else is coming down the pipeline.   Perhaps Mueller-related.   

Every time he goes on these rants people think the Mueller report is about to drop.  Not the case at all, he’s just a fat, crazy old man.

Edited by Fudge Nuggets
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1 hour ago, HenryJames said:

Caravan 2: Boogaloo Electrico

Because the best thing to do to make people not want to leave these countries is to cut off one of the only sources of funding that they have.


”Since you want to come to the US I’ll just make your current country a shittier shithole*”

*tm Donald Trump

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Really long piece, but worth the time.  Some goodies:


“The Apprentice” portrayed Trump not as a skeezy hustler who huddles with local mobsters but as a plutocrat with impeccable business instincts and unparalleled wealth—a titan who always seemed to be climbing out of helicopters or into limousines. “Most of us knew he was a fake,” Braun told me. “He had just gone through I don’t know how many bankruptcies. But we made him out to be the most important person in the world. It was like making the court jester the king.” Bill Pruitt, another producer, recalled, “We walked through the offices and saw chipped furniture. We saw a crumbling empire at every turn. Our job was to make it seem otherwise.”


Trump maximized his profits from the start. When producers were searching for office space in which to stage the show, he vetoed every suggestion, then mentioned that he had an empty floor available in Trump Tower, which he could lease at a reasonable price. (After becoming President, he offered a similar arrangement to the Secret Service.) When the production staff tried to furnish the space, they found that local venders, stiffed by Trump in the past, refused to do business with them.


More than two hundred thousand people applied for one of the sixteen spots on Season 1, and throughout the show’s early years the candidates were conspicuously credentialled and impressive. Officially, the grand prize was what the show described as “the dream job of a lifetime”—the unfathomable privilege of being mentored by Donald Trump while working as a junior executive at the Trump Organization. All the candidates paid lip service to the notion that Trump was a peerless businessman, but not all of them believed it. A standout contestant in Season 1 was Kwame Jackson, a young African-American man with an M.B.A. from Harvard, who had worked at Goldman Sachs. Jackson told me that he did the show not out of any desire for Trump’s tutelage but because he regarded the prospect of a nationally televised business competition as “a great platform” for career advancement. “At Goldman, I was in private-wealth management, so Trump was not, by any stretch, the most financially successful person I’d ever met or managed,” Jackson told me. He was quietly amused when other contestants swooned over Trump’s deal-making prowess or his elevated tastes—when they exclaimed, on tours of tacky Trump properties, “Oh, my God, this is so rich—this is, like, really rich!” Fran Lebowitz once remarked that Trump is “a poor person’s idea of a rich person,” and Jackson was struck, when the show aired, by the extent to which Americans fell for the ruse. “Main Street America saw all those glittery things, the helicopter and the gold-plated sinks, and saw the most successful person in the universe,” he recalled. “The people I knew in the world of high finance understood that it was all a joke.”



Originally, Burnett had planned to cast a different mogul in the role of host each season. But Trump took to his part more nimbly than anyone might have predicted. He wouldn’t read a script—he stumbled over the words and got the enunciation all wrong. But off the cuff he delivered the kind of zesty banter that is the lifeblood of reality television. He barked at one contestant, “Sam, you’re sort of a disaster. Don’t take offense, but everyone hates you.” Katherine Walker told me that producers often struggled to make Trump seem coherent, editing out garbled syntax and malapropisms. “We cleaned it up so that he was his best self,” she said, adding, “I’m sure Donald thinks that he was never edited.” However, she acknowledged, he was a natural for the medium: whereas reality-TV producers generally must amp up personalities and events, to accentuate conflict and conjure intrigue, “we didn’t have to change him—he gave us stuff to work with.” Trump improvised the tagline for which “The Apprentice” became famous: “You’re fired.”



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Cutting off all aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador is the dumbest thing he's said and that's really saying something. 


1.) That'll degrade their economies leading to even more refugees

2.) That's a sure way to destroy the Monroe Doctrine when suddenly those three nations have an influx of Chinese aid

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8 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

I mean, my opinion of Trump hadn't changed since roughly 1986. I'm still staggered by anyone who thought differently of this clown.

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2 minutes ago, G650 said:

I mean, my opinion of Trump hadn't changed since roughly 1986. I'm still staggered by anyone who thought differently of this clown.

I think some version of this every day. I'm 42 years old and grew up watching this buffoon. I wonder how many of his supporters' first exposure to Trump was on a reality tv show?

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Cutting off all aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador is the dumbest thing he's said and that's really saying something. 
1.) That'll degrade their economies leading to even more refugees
2.) That's a sure way to destroy the Monroe Doctrine when suddenly those three nations have an influx of Chinese aid

Username checks out
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They provide us cheap labor, the driving force behind a lot of our economy, specifically Texas.  
everything about Wall ignores this and I fear it's winning in the public opinion.   

It’s like fucking a fat chick. You’re ashamed and do it in secrecy then overcompensate publicly by making fun of fat chicks and others who fuck fat chicks.
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5 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

So apparently Trump (or someone in the admin) called some hedge fund manager after the most recent sell off to ask him how to unfuck the market and he told him to stop tweeting and make a deal with China.  LOL. 

I mean, it's so obvious.

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