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10 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

No, just reacting to the brain dead partisanship  others continue to post. Yeah, we know what Trump is - I said so when he announced he was running. IDGAF if he gets impeached & convicted, he's a deserving candidate for a prison cell - along with most of his crowd.

What amazes me are those who think his political opponents are the answer to our country's ills. They are not, just as DJT never has been. They are as bad as he is but the blinders they hand out are working as planned for the cattle who support them (Both parties).

I gave up on the republicans at the turn of the millennium. Why haven't you people done the same with your own corrupt slimeballs?

Are you trying to build an army of strawmen or something? Nobody is suggesting any of the shit you keep spewing.

Posted (edited)


22 minutes ago, Armybrat said:


What amazes me are those who think his political opponents are the answer to our country's ills.


Gottdamn. Another strawman from the man who believes Donald Trump is the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln. 


Edited by Hornius Emeritus
22 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

What amazes me are those who think his political opponents are the answer to our country's ills. They are not, just as DJT never has been. They are as bad as he is but the blinders they hand out are working as planned for the cattle who support them (Both parties).

No, you're wrong.  They may be bad but they are NOWHERE NEAR as bad as Trump.  

Stop it.

27 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

No, just reacting to the brain dead partisanship  others continue to post. Yeah, we know what Trump is - I said so when he announced he was running. IDGAF if he gets impeached & convicted, he's a deserving candidate for a prison cell - along with most of his crowd.

What amazes me are those who think his political opponents are the answer to our country's ills. They are not, just as DJT never has been. They are as bad as he is but the blinders they hand out are working as planned for the cattle who support them (Both parties).

I gave up on the republicans at the turn of the millennium. Why haven't you people done the same with your own corrupt slimeballs?

So anarchy then? 

12 hours ago, GRHorn said:

Whoops guess they didn’t get fired.  Must’ve seen the light.  



11 hours ago, David Dennison said:

Or they already know the answers.

Doesn't this move Trump's action from a twitter rant to an official order? Seems that going along with Trump putting his foot in the snare may not be simple compliance for fear of losing one's job.

Trump babbling on the shitter isn't the same level of abuse of power as ordering the DOJ to do help you out of a legal jam.


10 hours ago, Theo Huxtable said:
17 hours ago, Bama Chick said:
Which one is Uday and which one is Qusay?
Read more  

Uday and Qusay, evil as they were, would devour these creampuffs. Can anybody imagine these Brylcream Bitches going out with guns blazing hopelessly surrounded? They'd be weeping in fetal balls calling out for Daddy.

Sad that comparing any set of brothers to the Hussein boys can actually make the Husseins look a little better.

  • Like 3
5 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:


Doesn't this move Trump's action from a twitter rant to an official order? Seems that going along with Trump putting his foot in the snare may not be simple compliance for fear of losing one's job.

Trump babbling on the shitter isn't the same level of abuse of power as ordering the DOJ to do help you out of a legal jam.


Or maybe there was something shady going on.  The more interesting angle to me is that now FBI, DOJ are being compelled to share info with congressional leaders about the investigation that they gave been withholding for whatever reason. 

7 minutes ago, Armybrat said:


What amazes me are those who think his political opponents are the answer to our country's ills. They are not, just as DJT never has been. They are as bad as he is but the blinders they hand out are working as planned for the cattle who support them (Both parties).


There is no answer. There is no human being you can elect that will be faultless or without shortcomings. There is no right or left policy that's going to result in some problem-free utopia. There is only better and worse. The Right depends on people like you who continually get suckered into buying their false equivalencies- who can't differentiate between the broad daylight corruption of Trump, admissions of corruption, track record of documented fraud, indictments, guilty pleas and decades of Fox/right-wing punditsphere carpet bombing Hillary/Obama with insinuations and accusations that end up fizzling like Whitewater, Vince Foster, Benghazi,  emails, Pizzagate, birtherism, Jade Helm, death panels, Obama's Dept of Ag discriminating against white farmers, crisis actors, etc....


Good God it's a beating. 

  • Like 5
1 hour ago, Armybrat said:

Gottdam,  bullshit posts like yours are really stupid - all of you who have any faith in your political parties have no clue.

Carry on with your naïve delusions that your leaders are in it for you.



  • Like 3
12 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

Or maybe there was something shady going on.  The more interesting angle to me is that now FBI, DOJ are being compelled to share info with congressional leaders about the investigation that they gave been withholding for whatever reason. 

They have been withholding the identity of a classified source because they know Nunes will leak that to the press, which is bad. Outing confidential sources is a serious federal crime, and the DOJ goes to great lengths (as it should) to prevent that from happening. 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Armybrat said:

Gottdam,  bullshit posts like yours are really stupid - all of you who have any faith in your political parties have no clue.

Carry on with your naïve delusions that your leaders are in it for you.


Very clearly one party is substantially more dangerous than the other and is playing off very dangerous tones of protectionism, populism and anti-market policies. 

I am on record for 15+ years that voting for either party is terrible and pointless. So in general I would agree with you that they both are horrible, and I still do, but you need to work on admitting the shit show you see in front of you. Saying you didn't vote for Trump is not enough. The shit that the are pulling needs you and others with a conservative bend to call it out, like the rest of teh conservatives on this board that aren't standing for it.

Edited by staboner
  • Like 1
26 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

Or maybe there was something shady going on.  The more interesting angle to me is that now FBI, DOJ are being compelled to share info with congressional leaders about the investigation that they gave been withholding for whatever reason. 

National security is the reason. 

1 hour ago, Armybrat said:

No, just reacting to the brain dead partisanship  others continue to post. Yeah, we know what Trump is - I said so when he announced he was running. IDGAF if he gets impeached & convicted, he's a deserving candidate for a prison cell - along with most of his crowd.

What amazes me are those who think his political opponents are the answer to our country's ills. They are not, just as DJT never has been. They are as bad as he is but the blinders they hand out are working as planned for the cattle who support them (Both parties).

I gave up on the republicans at the turn of the millennium. Why haven't you people done the same with your own corrupt slimeballs?

so have we

this post is exactly why I tell me liberal leaning friends that you cannot just vote for democrats. Even if you believe somehow they can do anything you think is helpful, in the end will they (being in office) pull us out of the death spiral? No, it and they won't.

Its a death spiral. Needs reform.

13 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

They have been withholding the identity of a classified source because they know Nunes will leak that to the press, which is bad. Outing confidential sources is a serious federal crime, and the DOJ goes to great lengths (as it should) to prevent that from happening. 

Both sides leak any confidential info that is beneficial to them.  Seems like every conversation is leaked. It’s pathetic. I doubt that’s the reason.


5 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

National security is the reason. 


Maybe. Maybe not.  Fact is, DOJ and FBI are subject to congressional oversight by elected representatives.  They’ve been avoiding it.  

Just now, GRHorn said:

Both sides leak any confidential info that is beneficial to them.  Seems like every conversation is leaked. It’s pathetic. I doubt that’s the reason.

Maybe. Maybe not.  Fact is, DOJ and FBI are subject to congressional oversight by elected representatives.  They’ve been avoiding it.  

Sure, but they don't have to share classified information with uncleared members.

1 hour ago, Armybrat said:

No, just reacting to the brain dead partisanship  others continue to post. Yeah, we know what Trump is - I said so when he announced he was running. IDGAF if he gets impeached & convicted, he's a deserving candidate for a prison cell - along with most of his crowd.

What amazes me are those who think his political opponents are the answer to our country's ills. They are not, just as DJT never has been. They are as bad as he is but the blinders they hand out are working as planned for the cattle who support them (Both parties).

I gave up on the republicans at the turn of the millennium. Why haven't you people done the same with your own corrupt slimeballs?

If you believe that, you're a fool. 


1 hour ago, Armybrat said:

I gave up on the republicans at the turn of the millennium. Why haven't you people done the same with your own corrupt slimeballs?

In terms of Democrats, I vote for them because they are the only viable candidates who will more often than not vote for legislation that aligns with my ideology.


1 hour ago, Armybrat said:

No, just reacting to the brain dead partisanship  others continue to post. Yeah, we know what Trump is - I said so when he announced he was running. IDGAF if he gets impeached & convicted, he's a deserving candidate for a prison cell - along with most of his crowd.

What amazes me are those who think his political opponents are the answer to our country's ills. They are not, just as DJT never has been. They are as bad as he is but the blinders they hand out are working as planned for the cattle who support them (Both parties).

I gave up on the republicans at the turn of the millennium. Why haven't you people done the same with your own corrupt slimeballs?

FYI, the “both-sides-are-the-same” rationale is a meme. It’s a meme because people mock it. People mock it because it is intellectually lazy.

37 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

They have been withholding the identity of a classified source because they know Nunes will leak that to the press, which is bad. Outing confidential sources is a serious federal crime, and the DOJ goes to great lengths (as it should) to prevent that from happening. 

I thought this already happened, the tabloids have published his name as soon as nunes got the information, but the respected outlets haven't. Or is this a different informant?

8 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

 I am a small farming town white catholic Texas STEM guy, which basically means Republican 99 times out of 100.   I just walked out of voting in my first Democrat primary. I’ve gotten to where I can’t fucking stand the R party because of how anti-intellectual they have become. I feel like they actively fight against the very idea of obtaining knowledge. 

The goal of republicans is to keep the electorate stupid. Defund education, smear intellectuals and academia. It’s working. Americans are amazingly dumb and the results of the GOP’s efforts is unfolding before our eyes. 

  • Like 3

Even funnier are the dishonest third party frauds, who think that adding a third party or one of the 2 majors getting replaced would Chang anything.   If the libertarians had any power whatsoever, they’d be no different than R/Ds.  It’s absolutely laughable to think somehow Ls would be any different.  They come from the same stock as the other politicians. They’d be playing under the same rules.  

Start getting the money out of politics, that’s what needs to happen to see any sort of impactful change.  Voting for a loser party with no chance to win does zip.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

Both sides leak any confidential info that is beneficial to them.  Seems like every conversation is leaked. It’s pathetic. I doubt that’s the reason.



Maybe. Maybe not.  Fact is, DOJ and FBI are subject to congressional oversight by elected representatives.  They’ve been avoiding it.  

The both sides argument is getting old. It’s intellectually weak IMO. See false equivalence fallacy.

I do not believe that both sides leak classified/confidential information for the purpose of political gain that puts our nation’s security at risk. See Valerie Plame, the Nunes memo, and this example of outing a foreign CIA/FBI asset.

Edited by GW Hayduke
  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

Start getting the money out of politics, that’s what needs to happen to see any sort of impactful change.  Voting for a loser party with no chance to win does zip.

SCOTUS fucked us with Citizens United.

  • Like 4
5 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

Start getting the money out of politics, that’s what needs to happen to see any sort of impactful change.  


13 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

Even funnier are the dishonest third party frauds, who think that adding a third party or one of the 2 majors getting replaced would Chang anything.   If the libertarians had any power whatsoever, they’d be no different than R/Ds.  It’s absolutely laughable to think somehow Ls would be any different.  They come from the same stock as the other politicians. They’d be playing under the same rules.  

Start getting the money out of politics, that’s what needs to happen to see any sort of impactful change.  Voting for a loser party with no chance to win does zip.

If you really want money out of politics, then you need to vote for Democrats. They, more than Republicans, are more open to the idea that money isn't speech.

27 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

 I am a small farming town white catholic Texas STEM guy, which basically means Republican 99 times out of 100.   I just walked out of voting in my first Democrat primary. I’ve gotten to where I can’t fucking stand the R party because of how anti-intellectual they have become. I feel like they actively fight against the very idea of obtaining knowledge. 

I've voted Democratic regularly for a long time. I've never, ever said that traditional Republican values were anything other than essential to the political debate in this country. Non-traditional GOPs are greasing the skids for a spectacular crash of a system already in spiral.

Many on here have no doubt become bored by my description of how I vote when I pull the Dem lever. Here's a visual representation:






23 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

The both sides argument is getting old. It’s intellectually weak IMO. See false equivalence fallacy.

I do not believe that both sides leak classified/confidential information for the purpose of political gain that puts our nation’s security at risk. See Valerie Plame, the Nunes memo, and this example of outing a foreign CIA/FBI asset.

19 minutes ago, RPM said:

SCOTUS fucked us with Citizens United.


I am hoping there is a cultural/strategy changer where, with the power of the internet, politicians taking money will start having more negative consequences than it's worth.  That's what liberals/Democrats are trying to do with the NRA supported candidate.  I'd be doing it with anybody who took money from ATT or Lockheed Martin (because of their connection with Korea Aerospace), and tie it back to Cohen. 


  • Like 1

Whether the deal gets made or not, who knows?  It's a deal.  You never know with deals.  You go into deals that are %100 certain and it doesn't happen.  You go into deals that have no chance and deals happen.  Sometimes it happens.  And sometimes it happens very easily, that I can tell you.  I've made a lot of deals.  I know deals better than I think anybody knows deals.  Do you wanna interpret to him so he could hear it?  Because, you know, he's not hearing what we're doing hear.  We'll just let that be interpreted.  He probably knows.  He probably knows better than we do, that I can tell you.

Donald Trump -- May 22, 2018

35 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

The both sides argument is getting old. It’s intellectually weak IMO. See false equivalence fallacy.

I do not believe that both sides leak classified/confidential information for the purpose of political gain that puts our nation’s security at risk. See Valerie Plame, the Nunes memo, and this example of outing a foreign CIA/FBI asset.

The both sides argument is often a tally of offenses or accomplishments that are equal in number but not in stature.

At my house it might go something like this:

Wife's morning: Unloaded dishwasher, took out recycling, made the bed. Total time spent 15 minutes.

My morning: Clean out clog of baby ass wipes (that wife put in there over time) and reflush the whole line.  Total time spent 4.5 hours up to my elbows in shit.

When finished wife says I did three things things this morning and you only did one. I do so much more around here than you.

  • Like 5
  • Haha 1
49 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

Even funnier are the dishonest third party frauds, who think that adding a third party or one of the 2 majors getting replaced would Chang anything.   If the libertarians had any power whatsoever, they’d be no different than R/Ds.  It’s absolutely laughable to think somehow Ls would be any different.  They come from the same stock as the other politicians. They’d be playing under the same rules.  

Start getting the money out of politics, that’s what needs to happen to see any sort of impactful change.  Voting for a loser party with no chance to win does zip.

That's racist.

Posted (edited)

Whether the deal gets made or not, who knows?  It's a deal.  You never know with deals.  You go into deals that are %100 certain and it doesn't happen.  You go into deals that have no chance and deals happen.  Sometimes it happens.  And sometimes it happens very easily, that I can tell you.  I've made a lot of deals.  I know deals better than I think anybody knows deals.  Do you wanna interpret to him so he could hear it?  Because, you know, he's not hearing what we're doing hear.  We'll just let that be interpreted.  He probably knows.  He probably knows better than we do, that I can tell you.

Donald Trump -- May 22, 2018

word salad. 

Edited by Anastasis
Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

Seems normal. 


Imagine what would happen if all of the people who rally around the second amendment reacted similarly to threats to the amendment that comes right before it.

Edited by Chuckie Finster

Trump just said something along the lines of 'lots of people are saying that the FBI spied on our campaign, and, if they did, it would be a total disgrace."

So depressing that 35% of Americans lap this up and believe his superlative word salads.

Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Whether the deal gets made or not, who knows?  It's a deal.  You never know with deals.  You go into deals that are %100 certain and it doesn't happen.  You go into deals that have no chance and deals happen.  Sometimes it happens.  And sometimes it happens very easily, that I can tell you.  I've made a lot of deals.  I know deals better than I think anybody knows deals.  Do you wanna interpret to him so he could hear it?  Because, you know, he's not hearing what we're doing hear.  We'll just let that be interpreted.  He probably knows.  He probably knows better than we do, that I can tell you.

Donald Trump -- May 22, 2018

word salad. 

I do feel a bit sorry for Kim's interpreter.  "No, really, that's what he said.  I don't know what it means either.  Nobody does.  Please don't shoot me with an anti-aircraft gun."

Edited by Tuco
  • Like 8
  • Haha 1
6 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Imagine what would happen if all of the people who rally around the second amendment got similarly outraged to threats to the one that comes right before it.



We're banning media outlets from summits about contaminated water.  The fucking EPA is barring media coverage for discussions on allowing an acceptable ceiling on chemical levels that have contaminated drinking water across the country.  Welcome to Zimbabwe.

  • Like 4
1 minute ago, Chooky said:

We're banning media outlets from summits about contaminated water.  The fucking EPA is barring media coverage for discussions on allowing an acceptable ceiling on chemical levels that have contaminated drinking water across the country.  Welcome to Zimbabwe.

Ya, but only the pussy media people who believe in clean water and pussy shit like that. The fox guys were there, in the back, chugging oil. 

10 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Imagine what would happen if all of the people who rally around the second amendment reacted similarly to threats to the amendment that comes right before it.

They don't even know there are any other amendments......

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