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Donald Trump 2018


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49 minutes ago, Satchel said:

What about health care. Now that Republicans have neutered O'Care's funding mechanism in order to pay for tax cuts, they have said virtually nothing about Trump's promise to quickly cover everybody and to do it cheaply. People are losing the little lifeline they had. Dems have to club Republicans over the head with this early and often.

He's going to sign everyone up for the $12 a year Gerber life insurance from the commercial he saw on Fox News. Insurance is insurance. Easy peasy.

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44 minutes ago, retread said:

I think next year's healthcare premiums are set to be announced right before the election :popcorn::

And yet, Trump and conservative media will blame Obamacare as being a flawed system and we will slide further away from any real solutions. 

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35 minutes ago, Gengs1 said:

What is really sad is we are at a turning point and there is no going back, from now on you will need to be trump like to get nominated and is all going down hill. All the stuff he is doing is becoming normal and will be used later that will just be worse.

Oh hell yeah.  So far all the Trimplicans have been kissing his ass publicly hoping solidarity will be enough.  Even the pedo had Trump's support.

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9 minutes ago, Skyline said:

And yet, Trump and conservative media will blame Obamacare as being a flawed system and we will slide further away from any real solutions. 

But they still go without affordable health care and if you're not getting medical care and you're old--you're straight f'ed.  

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5 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Free trade, regular order,  universal health insurance coverage and cost containment via somrthing like Wyden-Bennett, deficit reduction, containment of the national debt reduction of military headcount and new WPA and CCC to give those willing to work a job guarantee and hands-on training for today's market. Want more?

I'd also add an affordable college education.  


Catching up on reading the thread and see that this was already mentioned.  

Edited by Mdhorn
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4 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Third rail for Donald. He's pissing on NATO turf now. He's tried it already and he ended up with minders like Kelly and McMaster, and he's got too much of a mancrush on Mattis to know that he's talking to his old buddies in the Pentagon regularly. Fuck with NATO, and you go down, one way or another. 

it's just whether he takes us down with him.  Cowards don't like to go alone and especially one with bone spurs.

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5 hours ago, Skyline said:

Ding ding ding, this is the winner. Early midterm polling states that yet again, healthcare will be foremost on people's minds. GR's ignoring the biggest issue. 



Income inequality is the root of a lot of the other concerns.   It should be higher.  Maybe even highest. 

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4 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

So here's an interesting exercise.  I had an acquaintance ask me "so give me examples of Trump's bad morals as of January 2017", which presumably means PRIOR to that date, because she touted "3 marriages?" as a starter.

Off the top of my head, if I am forced to reduce his behavior to what a fundamentalist Christian might call "bad morals", I'd start with:

-- sexual predator

-- serial philanderer

-- bully

-- liar

-- doesn't pay his bills (what would this be in terms of "immorality"?)



I'm looking for the top 3 so as to not overwhelm her.  What am I missing?



coward--draft dodger and fires by tweet or through the press versus face to face.  

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I can’t believe a U.S. Senator was denied access to a detention center, any detention center.  

Those security guards have some serious balls because getting on the wrong side of a U.S. Senator is not advisable as a government employee.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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3 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

I know I shouldn't be... I know... but I am still amazed that "of course he would commit perjury if interviewed" is a generally accepted talking point about THE PRESIDENT.  Now he's openly talking about pardoning himself, good lord.

There is a reason why members of TexAgs and Free Republic love him so much. He is more of an aggy President than Rick Perry could ever hope to be. 

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5 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

I know I shouldn't be... I know... but I am still amazed that "of course he would commit perjury if interviewed" is a generally accepted talking point about THE PRESIDENT.  Now he's openly talking about pardoning himself, good lord.

It's really not fair to hold him to one version of events because his recollection keeps changing.  

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What could possibly make Trump freak out like this?  Did Trump get news that Manafort flipped?  He’s been talking about him an awful lot lately. 

More likely cohens tapes and files and all the criminal activity they document.
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I know it's ultimately a good thing, but I wish we had more of what Mueller knows. Just tired of waiting for the Dotard to stroke out, which is what it feels like it's going to take to get rid of the worthless fuck.

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11 minutes ago, Red Five said:

Man that must suck for Mueller, having to remain silent while the President screams Witch Hunt! every day.... and as he wades through pile after pile of actual witches.

i have a suspicion it doesn't bother him at all.  bet he smiles his little smile and goes back to work.

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12 hours ago, retread said:

America 2018. He never gained access.


this is another one of those moments where we ask "how could people act like this?"

its people in the middle of a war that act like this. a stupid fucking fake war because we are too goddamn immature to stop the arguing and start solving problems.

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