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1 hour ago, trauma babe said:

So, when do Canada and a coalition of European forces invade? 

I hope I end up in the British Occupied Sector.

Hello hot Brit Soldier Boys!!

Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


I’m highly skeptical of stuff like this on Twitter.  

Honestly, this looks like Russian propaganda pushing on the left.

I’m not saying it is but this is the type of shit they do.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I’m highly skeptical of stuff like this on Twitter.  

Honestly, this looks like Russian propaganda pushing on the left.

I’m not saying it is but this is the type of shit they do.

The point isn’t the photo. The point is how people reacted which should be no surprise. They are an embarrassment to humanity

1 hour ago, Aphelion said:

I post on many forums under many different handles.  I seldom use the same user name twice.  I don't want to be found and identified by folks in other arenas.  So I will not be linking anything.  Also, I have many conversations in real life with folks on these topics and I cannot link those.  While you are going back through your memories on shaggy, see if you can find anything that remotely suggests that I was a Trump advocate or even moderately interested in US politics.  

What I am suggesting is that the form that these discussions take are less than ideal.  To give an analogy, let's say I don't think run and shoot offense is the most effective offense and that there are better ones out there.  I tell this to a fan of the of the Falcons in 94 and he says "this is because you are a fan of the 49ers and secretly hate the Falcons."  


Dude, I've tried to engage you in a civil manner and even went so far as to provide wholly made up numbers to meet your "quantifiable" demand. And to my following question:


You state you're not a fan of Trump, yourself. Please, elucidate clearly in "verifiable" and "quantifiable" terms your own concerns regarding his presidency. We'd like to see some numbers, of course.

You gave me the above?

Why don't you answer someone else's questions for a change? You're not the only curious person on this board. If you ignore my question or refuse to answer, then I'll be forced to conclude you're no better or different than the multiple trolls we have lurking around here. You're just more verbose and articulate.

Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

The point isn’t the photo. The point is how people reacted which should be no surprise. They are an embarrassment to humanity

Yeah, just like the Russian trolls.

During the 2016 election cycle I was unwittingly following one of the Internet Research Agency’s troll accounts.  It was a big one that Michael Flynn actually retweeted at least once.

here’s a link to some of the Kremlin troll’s tweets


Anyway, after following her for a while, I found her tweets too offensive and over the top, even for me.

 I ended up unfollowing her before the election because her posts were so divisive and propagandy.  I honestly think she may have been my only unfollow in 2016.  I try to follow all sides of the ideological spectrum but that account was just too much.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
44 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I know this is going to sound crazy but deep down, not all politicians are amoral nihilists. They didn’t all enter the invasive profession of public service just for the money and power.  

They get put in positions where they have to compromise their values to retain power or achieve one of their benevolent objectives and that’s unfortunate.  The Republicans are being tested right now like never before to see how far they will go and they are failing miserably.



43 minutes ago, Skyline said:



He's easily super popular among his party members. We have to remember that Bush was there due to a war and 9/11. Otherwise Trump would be leading this. 

I really missed my calling. I should've gone into politics as a Republican (when I actually still was one) to represent the Permian Basin. Imagine all the oily lube and cash dollahs I could be smearing all over myself right now. Kinda makes me horny.

Oh well.

2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Someone get Mattis a Twitter account.

This is precisely the scenario that leads us to a military coup. The Pentagon and the White House are not on the same page. They are not even reading the same book. Trump seems to be getting bolder and bolder with his pro-Russia, anti-NATO line.

Laugh now, give me $9.95 later. 

1 hour ago, Mapache said:

Pruitt Just Gutted Water Protections for 117 Million , informed Trump in a happy birthday tweet

The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday inched closer to proposing a regulation to replace an Obama-era rule that clarified which bodies of water qualified for federal protection. 

The proposal comes more than a year after EPA administrator Scott Pruitt signed an executive action to revoke the 2015 Clean Water Rule, also known as the Waters of the United States, or WOTUS, rule. The regulation clarified which wetlands and streams could be protected under the Clean Water Act and expanded federal authority to all “navigable” waters. That extended the federal safeguards to 2 million miles of streams and 20 million acres of wetlands, securing the drinking water of more than 117 million Americans. 

But a federal judge stayed the Clean Water Rule in 2015; the rule has since bounced around the courts. In January, the Supreme Court volleyed the case back to the district court level. In the meantime, Pruitt began the process of repealing the rule outright. 

On Thursday evening, Pruitt said he planned to send the new rule to the White House Office of Management and Budget. In a tweet wishing President Donald Trump a happy birthday, Pruitt said he announced the WOTUS replacement in a meeting with farm interests in Lincoln, Nebraska. 



If there is anyone I hate as much if not more than Trump it's this piece of shit



Make America Flint Again!

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Dude, I've tried to engage you in a civil manner and even went so far as to provide wholly made up numbers to meet your "quantifiable" demand. And to my following question:

You gave me the above?

Why don't you answer someone else's questions for a change? You're not the only curious person on this board. If you ignore my question or refuse to answer, then I'll be forced to conclude you're no better or different than the multiple trolls we have lurking around here. You're just more verbose and articulate.

You can see how I may have missed the attempted civility on your part since in your first post to me you told me to "get the fuck out of here."  Also, I'm not sure why you would think giving made up numbers is somehow useful in any way or would be perceived as a good faith attempt at addressing points or engaging in the discussion. 

To answer your question, I have no idea how bad Trump is or what negative actions will follow as a consequence of his presidency.   The things I don't like about him are that he is needlessly divisive and vain and seems almost entirely driven by satisfying his own ego.  But is this enough to ruin the country or bring about civil war or war with our allies?   To me these things don't necessarily follow from the problems I have with him.  So I figured I would ask those who feel compelled enough to speak out about the dangers of this president for what they think will actually happen and for clear reasons in support of the more ominous predictions.  

53 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:



Remember when conservatives/Repubs on the old board kept going on about how we shouldn't call them racist because we thought everything was and how the word didn't mean anything anymore?

Yeah, you're definitely fucking racists.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

This is precisely the scenario that leads us to a military coup. The Pentagon and the White House are not on the same page. They are not even reading the same book. Trump seems to be getting bolder and bolder with his pro-Russia, anti-NATO line.

Laugh now, give me $9.95 later. 

There’s not going to be a military coup.  This is crazy talk. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Aphelion said:

You can see how I may have missed the attempted civility on your part since in your first post to me you told me to "get the fuck out of here."  Also, I'm not sure why you would think giving made up numbers is somehow useful in any way or would be perceived as a good faith attempt at addressing points or engaging in the discussion. 

To answer your question, I have no idea how bad Trump is or what negative actions will follow as a consequence of his presidency.   ...  So I figured I would ask those who feel compelled enough to speak out about the dangers of this president for what they think will actually happen and for clear reasons in support of the more ominous predictions.  

Threatening to pull the NBC broadcst license. 


Edited by LongestHorn
“Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.” —U.S. Supreme Court Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo in Palko v. Connecticut
  • Like 1
4 hours ago, TornACL said:

At UT I studied quite a bit about Germany leading up to WW2 and post-war. In fact, these studies frequently required me to walk around campus carrying books with titles such as "The Rise of Hitler", which occasionally led to some ignorant fucks thinking that I was some kind of Neo-Nazi. It was an interesting subject, trying to understand "How could something like that happen?"

My biggest high level takeaway from those studies is that it can happen ANYWHERE. It's kind of like how a fungus will grow when the conditions are just right.


Ol Vito here is old enough where his two years of HS Spanish sufficed, and the University let you take 15 hours of ""European Studies" as an alternative to a foreign language. I had some great German and Russian professors who lived thru the very shit in the textbooks.

The similarities to what we are witnessing today are frightening. 

2 hours ago, David Dennison said:

I disagree. And that's cool. Barack Obama got elected in the United States of America. Politics is cyclical. The momentum will shift back to the Democrats. 

Barack Obama didn't have Russia's help, and Trump's efforts to manipulate voter rolls and even election results are only going to get more successful.  In my mind the only winning strategy is to simply overwhelm with numbers, and that might not work.

5 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

One week of training to learn how to care for a FOUR year old who has just been ripped away from his/her parents and may not speak the language. Fucking disgusting. 



I'm a few pages behind, but I just had to stop and quote this. It's so fucking tough to hear this as a parent now but I can even think back to when I was that age and had to stay with some neighbors while my parents were out of town for a few days. I remember being in tears a few times because I missed them so much and I was being taken care of, this is just nauseating.

34 minutes ago, retread said:

The hacker could just be somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds.

No way Kim will do it personally IMHO. 

  • Like 5
39 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Why do I have this sudden uneasy feeling that the 2018 midterms are going to be meddled with by North Korean hackers?

It's a foregone conclusion that some groups are going to try and meddle with them, the question is how successful will they be? I'm saying it again for the millionth time, there are several states (swing and ripe to swing) where the GOP controlled state congresses are doing nothing to address the vulnerability. I have no faith in our election process unless we go back to 100% paper ballots.

It's a foregone conclusion that some groups are going to try and meddle with them, the question is how successful will they be? I'm saying it again for the millionth time, there are several states (swing and ripe to swing) where the GOP controlled state congresses are doing nothing to address the vulnerability. I have no faith in our election process unless we go back to 100% paper ballots.

The GOP won’t just “not address the vulnerability.” They’ll actively assist with it.

When you understand that the GOP is full-on against free and fair elections, you’ll begin to understand what we’re facing.
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

The GOP won’t just “not address the vulnerability.” They’ll actively assist with it.

When you understand that the GOP is full-on against free and fair elections, you’ll begin to understand what we’re facing.

I’d just like to note the Russians got involved in the Alabama senate race, backed Roy Moore with the full smear of bots/trolls, and they still lost...to a democrat...in Alabama 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I’d just like to note the Russians got involved in the Alabama senate race, backed Roy Moore with the full smear of bots/trolls, and they still lost...to a democrat...in Alabama 

I'm not claiming they are outright rigging elections, but there is a lot of evidence they penetrated several systems. That's enough for me to question if we're having truly accurate counts.

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

I'm not claiming they are outright rigging elections, but there is a lot of evidence they penetrated several systems. That's enough for me to question if we're having truly accurate counts.

Which is precisely the goal of the Russians.

I’d also like to point out the Russian elections are done by paper ballots.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Which is precisely the goal of the Russians.

I’d also like to point out the Russian elections are  done by paper ballots.

Are you suggesting paper ballots are easier to manipulate? I don't see how that end goal serves them, Oregon in particular does exclusively vote by mail and I've not heard of any security issues related to this.

24 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I’d just like to note the Russians got involved in the Alabama senate race, backed Roy Moore with the full smear of bots/trolls, and they still lost...to a democrat...in Alabama 

As long as the Republicans keep running pedophiles, the Democrats should be in good shape. 

10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Which is precisely the goal of the Russians.

I’d also like to point out the Russian elections are done by paper ballots.

And when you're voting for Putin you can submit as many ballots as you like. In plain sight!

Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

Are you suggesting paper ballots are easier to manipulate? I don't see how that end goal serves them, Oregon in particular does exclusively vote by mail and I've not heard of any security issues related to this.

I’m saying paper ballots doesn’t prevent the possibility of rigging.  I’m all for paper ballots as a check against hacking but the ballot box is still only as trustworthy as the people operating the voting booths. 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I’m saying paper ballots doesn’t inoculate from rigging.  I’m all for paper ballots as a check against hacking but the ballot box is still only as trustworthy as the people operating the voting booths. 

I think I have more trust in those who are running the voting booths right now than a very insecure system that can be targeted halfway around the world. I am in particular bitching about paper ballots because currently my state of Georgia does not have a paper trail for its electronic voting systems. That is, if we questioned the accuracy of our counts they couldn't verify it by any other means, that is fucking crazy.

  • Like 1
On 6/14/2018 at 6:01 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:


They clearly went after low hanging fruit.

I would love to see a county breakdown of the data, to see how influenced those key areas in the rust belt were affected.

I’d just like to note the Russians got involved in the Alabama senate race, backed Roy Moore with the full smear of bots/trolls, and they still lost...to a democrat...in Alabama 

Say what you will about Young Boozer...

Beto O'Rourke went on Christ Hayes's MSNBC show this evening to talk about the new separation of family policies. It's pretty rough,



He handled that well.


We’re still the nation that sent the Jews on the St Louis back to Europe to die.


If God is a just God, someday soon our country will suffer a great catastrophe/collapse, and we Americans will need to seek refuge among our neighbor nations...and they will treat us EXACTLY as we treat the foreigner.


And we should fucking shut up and fucking take it. When the Trumpkin fleeing the collapse has her child taken from her in Juarez, not knowing where she went, or when/if she’ll ever see her again....well, that’s just “returning the favor.”


Human decency is incompatible with this country.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

The GOP won’t just “not address the vulnerability.” They’ll actively assist with it.

When you understand that the GOP is full-on against free and fair elections, you’ll begin to understand what we’re facing.

I keep telling y’all but Brisket seems to be the only one that gets it. 

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

If God is a just God, someday soon our country will suffer a great catastrophe/collapse, and we Americans will need to seek refuge among our neighbor nations...and they will treat us EXACTLY as we treat the foreigner.

And we should fucking shut up and fucking take it. When the Trumpkin fleeing the collapse has her child taken from her in Juarez, not knowing where she went, or when/if she’ll ever see her again....well, that’s just “returning the favor.”


That great catastrophe will be kicked off by cold fusion experiments in College Station.  I just know it.

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