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On 6/13/2018 at 1:57 PM, Johnny Sack said:

Imagine not respecting someone who is cozy with a man who sodomized a 13 year old girl.  

Imagine not respecting a man who fucked around on this wife with multiple women, including porn stars. Then imagine not voting for that man to be President.

36 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The way Maxine Waters can trigger the Trumpers is breathtaking.

She’s a loud opinionated black woman. That’s a huge trumpkin trigger. 

They prefer to call those “libs.”

51 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Got a laugh out of this one:


I think Trump will decide to "finish" the job in 2 years.  Think of the bragging rights..."Most Presidents take 8 years to get the job done, but I Finished in just 2; which has never been done before.  No one can finish the job like Donald Trump, believe me."

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

Fuck your ideas.  Your guy doesn't get to run roughshod over the entire Constitution and then you get to say "hey, guys, what you got?  Let's caucus!  Let's make this better!"

I'm sorry I haven't been clear.  Fuck you and yours, and stop being a pussy while you're at it.  I am starting to welcome the opportunities that will be afforded me when this descends into civil war.  Make of that what you will, it's probably what you think.  But maybe not.  Who knows?  Let's caucus!

You’ve been clear.  You seem to be a sad, bitter man that acts out on the internet.  Go make a difference in the real world.  Be a real revolutionary instead of insulting people here.  I wish you and yours well.

1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

McConnell ain’t gonna do shit to piss Trump off.

Mrs. Mitch pulls down $200,000 a year as long as Turtle keeps Trump happy. 

Drain that swamp. But make sure and hire the Senate leader’s wife so he can’t fuck you. 

Wonder if Mrs. Mitch gets paid by the NRA along with Mitch?

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

This should go well...


and they're going to ask if there's a dvd.

Edited by Mdhorn
1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Got a laugh out of this one:


but he wants to campaign and use that money for personal and legal bills.  

2 hours ago, retread said:

What happened to "I'll sign anything" and then Schumer offering him most of what he demanded? He shot that down, and he owns the DACA crisis.

He decided to hold children hostage in cages to get concessions from the parents and from the Ds in Congress. He owns that, too.

You're discounting the Miller/Kelly effect as well. 

5 hours ago, GRHorn said:

Ok. Then now is the Ds chance to submit ideas. The media blitz that they’ve supported has worked.  Now put up or shut up. 

They have. For fucks sake. They offered the fucking wall and he said no. Stop with the ridiculous both sides bullshit

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

At least this is interesting. I'm just bored with the things he tweets over and over, like his other one below.


He's like a one trick pony....except he doesn't know any fucking tricks.  


It’s one thing to target Jeff Bezos for perceived unfair treatment.

It’s something completely different to target a small business in rural Virginia.

Both are wrong and probably violate federal ethics laws.


to add to the above ^^^^^^^



The kitchen at Trump’s private Mar-A-Lago club found 13 violations during an early 2017 inspection, including three “high priority” violations that could allow the presence of illness-causing bacteria on plates in the dining room.


DJT steakhouse at Trump International Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip was cited for 51 violations during a routine inspection in 2012.


The kitchens at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster have been cited at least 17 times for health code violations between 2011 and 2016.


A guest settled with Trump Organization in May 2017 over an alleged bedbug infestation at Trump National Doral Miami resort the previous year.

  • Like 2

No longer going out to eat for fear of being refused service to own the libs.

If we're lucky, it means these snowflakes might just stay home and keep to themselves and stop going out in public. #winning


Just adding to the concept that Trump is a figurehead for something growing in the American population. 

Trump Isn't The Problem, He's the Manifestation of America's Id

"The speed of America's moral descent under Donald Trump is breathtaking. In a matter of months we've gone from a nation that stood for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to a nation that tears children from their parents and puts them in cages. ~~ Paul Krugman, New York Times column, June 21, 2018

Economist Paul Krugman is a smart Princeton professor who won a Nobel Prize, and most of what he says in this column is heartfelt, decent, and humane. His argument is relatively simple: since there is no present immigration crisis, there is no basis -- practical, moral -- no decent basis whatsoever for the current government's inhumane, illegal, brutal treatment of immigrants and their children. In an apparently deliberate exercise of hatred and bigotry, the Trump administration is committing crimes against humanity.

That's all quite true, quite obvious, and millions of people already recognize the government's mindless cruelty for what it is -- mindless cruelty that stimulates the mindlessly cruel base of Trump supporters from the cabinet on down.

But the way Krugman opens his column is mind-bogglingly delusional at best, dishonestly partisan at worst. Yes, "America's moral descent under Donald Trump is breathtaking," but not because of its speed. America's moral descent has been with us from the beginning. America's beginning was a struggle to ascend from the accepted moral order rooted in slave-holding authoritarianism, where inequality was God-given and women and children were property.

The big difference between now and then is that then, the angry white men making a revolution had enlightened ideals that were in conflict with the darker angels of their nature. The core dynamic of American history has always been the struggle between those who want to realize American ideals and those who don't. The record is decidedly mixed, but the big victories mostly belong to the exploiters and killers. Trump is clearly in that line of descent.

Krugman asks us to believe that, in January 2017, America was "a nation that stood for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." This is just a fantasy. These are words from the Declaration of Independence and have no weight in law that defines the nation. The preamble to the Constitution sets our national goals as a more perfect Union, Justice, domestic Tranquility, the common defence, general Welfare, and the Blessings of Liberty. In January 2017, our common defence was secure, except in the paranoid rantings of demagogues. Every other aspiration of the Constitution was in a shambles of long duration.

As he rose to the Presidency, Donald Trump was not so much a unique persona in triumph as he was the cobbled-together excrescence of more than 40 years of collective struggle by right-wing operatives trying to build their own fantasy of America, which Trump now embodies, perhaps imperfectly in the eyes of the idealist right. But he's their Frankenstein creation and the rabble loves him, contradictory sewn-together bits and all.

Trumpenstein was a long time in the making, but one could see the first bits taking shape at least as early as Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign. The racist veins were pulsing clearly at the kick-off in Philadelphia, Mississippi, in quiet celebration of the lynching of the three civil rights workers, Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner, who went unmentioned.The racism of the right has only grown with race-based drug laws, race-populated prisons, race-based poverty, police executions, and on and on. The Clintons were shameful accomplices. No president since Reagan has dialed back American racism. Obama spoke eloquently about race, but that didn't keep Republicans from racializing politics, much to the glee of the Tea Party, and Obama never pushed back effectively, instead becoming the deporter-in-chief after blessing the military coup in Honduras that later fed the immigration wave fleeing oppression and murder.

Yes, we are now officially "a nation that tears children from their parents and puts them in cages." We are also a nation that took years to notice our official brutality to immigrants, especially asylum seekers, and most especially those seeking asylum from brutal dictatorships we nurture and support. American brutality on the border is hardly a serious departure from American brutality in Iraq or Vietnam or Korea or in nations of Native Americans where we took children and put them in cages we called Christian schools.

Krugman surely knows all this and more, so why won't he see it or say it? It's as if he's drunk the kool-aid of American Exceptionalism and must deny anything not pre-blessed by our cultural cult. Republicans were rabid to impeach Clinton for lying about a blow-job, Democrats couldn't even impeach Bush for lying us into war (a war we've yet to escape). Obama couldn't even close Guantanamo, but he refused to prosecute the torturers, and now one of them runs the CIA. It's taken America years of bipartisan betrayal to get where we are now, but how can we change if we can't even say clearly and directly who we are and how we got this way?

Krugman is wholly justified in any moral outrage he may feel about the Trump administration, but he is not justified, morally or intellectually, in making Trump a scapegoat embodying longstanding American evils long promoted by the right with little opposition. Trump is a mirror for the country, and if the country doesn't like what it sees, the country needs to change.

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.

Posted (edited)

Trump is one giant Russian Active Measure.

It’s misleading to say Trump isn’t the problem.

Trump is nothing but a problem, his supporters like that he’s a problem, they just don’t see the consequences of the problem. 

It’s one big joke to them.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trump is one giant Russian Active Measure.

It’s misleading to say Trump isn’t the problem.

Trump is nothing but a problem, his supporters like that he’s a problem, they just don’t see the consequences of the problem. 

It’s one big joke to them.

But city libs are mad. That's worth having your farm go bankrupt. 

57 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trump is one giant Russian Active Measure.

It’s misleading to say Trump isn’t the problem.

Trump is nothing but a problem, his supporters like that he’s a problem, they just don’t see the consequences of the problem. 

It’s one big joke to them.

Trump is the sore that won't go away because of some deeper infection.  He's such an ugly sore too, everyone is turning away from America. 

Trump is A problem.  A big problem.  But he's not the only problem.  That's what I think the op/ed is trying to relate. 

  • Like 1
44 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

Trump is the sore that won't go away because of some deeper infection.  He's such an ugly sore too, everyone is turning away from America. 

Trump is A problem.  A big problem.  But he's not the only problem.  That's what I think the op/ed is trying to relate. 

All this is accurate.  But saying “Trump isn’t the problem” inadvertently denies him of any responsibility.  That’s not accurate.  Foreign influence campaigns exacerbate already existing  problems which in itself is a big fucking problem.

Posted (edited)

What sucks is our government isn’t set up to deal with the current Russian influence operations.  

We dismantled the agency assigned with combating Soviet propaganda shortly after the Cold War.

The CIA/NSA/FBI works mostly on suppressing  foreign threats abroad.

The Russia problem is a domestic problem first, foreign problem second, and the government isn’t going to protect us from this.  We’re on our own with the exception of Robert Mueller laying down the law well after the damage has already been done.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz

But what about our very bigly, bigliest military protecting us?   And now the space force!  I mean, it's where the bulk of all funds are being placed.  

Hell, there was money put aside for just this type of operation, to prevent foreign governments interfering with our elections.   2016, right?   But dotard hasn't done anything about it. 

He's not about to stop Russia from interfering.  All the funding is going to give him a grander military to show off in parades.  So yeah, he's definitely part of the problem. 

We are all in on a big military, and I can see how that can help prevent someone (say Russia) from physically invading our land and shooting us.  What doesn't seem to be being accepted is there are now proven ways that they can infiltrate without stepping foot on our soil.    They don't have to invade and shoot us when they can trick us into shooting each other. 

1 hour ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

what a time to be alive

"I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!"

I use the same rule for a president.

  • Like 4
4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

It’s one thing to target Jeff Bezos for perceived unfair treatment.

It’s something completely different to target a small business in rural Virginia.

Both are wrong and probably violate federal ethics laws.

Best thing that ever could have happened to them.  There will be lines out the door for weeks. 

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