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  On 7/16/2018 at 5:18 PM, Post Oak said:

Can you imagine being mad that black athletes kneel for the National Anthem but not at this treasonous shitstain selling out America to Russia.



Where is that "Reset" button when I need it?

“the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years." 

  • Fuck You 8
Posted (edited)
  On 7/16/2018 at 6:31 PM, longhornmatt said:

But Obama!   Obama said a lot of dumb shit, so that means it’s ok to be a traitor now!  You libtards just don’t understand facts and logic!


Obama was a traitor as well.  It's just sad you dont see it.  His administration literally worked for Putin...Crimea, Georgia,  knowing about Russia's internet interference, killing missile defense in Poland and Czechoslovakia.   What specifically has the Trump administration done to favor Russia?

Edited by ScottishHorn
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  • Fuck You 26
  On 7/16/2018 at 6:29 PM, ScottishHorn said:

Where is that "Reset" button when I need it?

“the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years." 


That quote has been mined every day for the last 18 months by Trump apologists.  Russians kill journalist.  [insert quote].  Russians kill British folks.  [insert quote]  Russians invade Crimea.  [insert quote].  Russians are ID'd as the perps in election fraud.  [insert quote].  Russians are indicted for election fraud.  [insert quote].  President is ramrodded by Putin on national TV.  [insert quote].  


Every time it becomes increasingly clear that Trump is only acting in Trump's best interest even when it is directly adverse to the U.S.'s direct interest when it comes to Russia, that quote gets inserted.  You are right.  The Russians are not our friend.  The Russians are the enemy.


But:  You will vote for Trump again.  You put that quote out there to point out how ridiculous it is that someone could ignore the Russian threat.   And you prepare yourself to vote for him again.  Not just after we all suspected it to be true (during the campaign when your ignorance was a little excusable), but now that we know it is true.  You're going to vote for him again despite watching him do this.  And you use the quote to show someone else is naive?

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  On 7/16/2018 at 6:15 PM, Anastasis said:

I think that we will both be disappointed.

I don't think today impacts the Senate in 2018.  I think D House in 2018, D POTUS and Senate 2020.  And it stays that way for 6-8 years. 


And the country will survive just fine.  The alternative?  Probably not.


This is the most disloyal act of shilling for foreign influences since Obama started the Black Lives Matter movement for the Kenyan Chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

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  On 7/16/2018 at 6:37 PM, ScottishHorn said:

Obama was a traitor as well.  It's just sad you dont see it.  His administration literally worked for Putin...Crimea, Georgia,  knowing about Russia's internet interference, killing missile defense in Poland and Czechoslovakia.   What specifically has the Trump administration done to favor Russia?


Plus, he's black. You left the most important part out.

  On 7/16/2018 at 6:37 PM, ScottishHorn said:

Obama was a traitor as well.  It's just sad you dont see it.  His administration literally worked for Putin...Crimea, Georgia,  knowing about Russia's internet interference, killing missile defense in Poland and Czechoslovakia.   What specifically has the Trump administration done to favor Russia?


God DAMN you are one stupid motherfucker.  I know you're just trolling but for fuck's sake you need to be gone.  


I think my favorite part of today was when Putin went “extradition? Lulz. Tell you what, how about you send Mueller over to Russia and we’ll work with him. How about that.”
And Trump was like “what a great idea! Let’s do it!”.


I remember when the Dixie Chicks saying they were ashamed of Bush at a concert in the UK was such a big deal because "politics stop at the water's edge" and "you don't criticize our government on foreign soil!" 

What a difference today, where Trump trashes Americans and sells out our intelligence services to one of our biggest enemies on foreign soil.  And Republicans love it. 

Posted (edited)
  On 7/16/2018 at 6:52 PM, SimonBolivar said:

Tuned into Rush while sitting in my car at lunch. He was asking what proof do we even have the Russia colluded!?!?!?




This is known as the “keep proving it treadmill”.

A tactic used by propagandists foreign and domestic.

No amount of evidence will ever be enough.

It’s why I always ask the skeptics, “What would collusion look like?”

If you can’t come up with a reasonable example of what collusion looks like, then you’re easy prey for the “keep proving it treadmill”.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
  On 7/16/2018 at 6:07 PM, Anastasis said:

This has to result in the end of the Republican party as we know it, right?


you mean as you used to know it?  i would think that today cemented the end of that.  what you saw today IS today's GOP.  anyone who self-identifies as a republican after today is complicit and by association, a traitor.  i'm sure that may be difficult for some to accept, but sorry, it is a straight fact.

  • Like 4

The pee pee tape is real and he saw it in the meeting.  It is the only explanation other than some other compromat.(sp?)

  On 7/16/2018 at 6:37 PM, ScottishHorn said:

Obama was a traitor as well.  It's just sad you dont see it.  His administration literally worked for Putin...Crimea, Georgia,  knowing about Russia's internet interference, killing missile defense in Poland and Czechoslovakia.   What specifically has the Trump administration done to favor Russia?


bye, shitstain

  On 7/16/2018 at 7:00 PM, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Just caught up, what an unmitigated disaster. "I honestly don't see how Trump survives this" is a refrain I've repeated a few times this year, so I guess that means he will be fine, but oof. This was about as bad (or good, if you are anti-trump) as could be hoped for. 


See, I absolutely loathe this line of thought.  No, it's not the best I could have hoped for.  The best I could have hoped for is that Trump would have woken from his feverish syphilitic dream and started to act like an American President.

Fuck you for implying that those who are anti-Trump are rooting against him.  That's straight up bullshit.   I desperately want the man to start acting like he deserves the office he occupies. 

  • Like 8

Imagine holding a political opinion, realizing that the only other people who share that opinion are aggies, then thinking "yep, I'm definitely right."

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On the lighter side of shallow observations among this historic day of watching a U.S. President kneel before a former KGB Director and lifelong Soviet patriot, did anyone notice that Trump was freshly "oranged" for this meeting or "re-oranged?"  He was orange radiant today.  He wore his best orange spackle for a former KGB spy.  There's something almost adorable about that.

  • Like 2
  On 7/16/2018 at 7:02 PM, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

i feel like this is sort of a big deal.  the DNI isn't normally doing unilateral press releases that push (however gently) on the president.


If you're the DNI, and you feel you have to publicly say, "I did my job and warned Dotus about the Russkies"  yeah, I'd say that's a big deal.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/16/2018 at 7:07 PM, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Fair enough and agreeable. I guess I mean, reasonably speaking, he is who he is and the best that can be hoped for is not a miracle (that he snaps out of it) but that he does something to get voted off the island and relieved of the office. Right?


I have no reason to believe Trump will ever be removed from office until January 2021.  I am simply hoping the Dems can take the House (and God grant me my dream scenario, the Senate) in the meantime.  Trump is not getting impeached, and if he were to actually be indicted, it would cause a Perfect Shitstorm of such epic proportions that it's easy to conclude he wouldn't even see a courtroom before the 2020 elections.  He is our POTUS until then -- my best case scenario is that he actually succumbs to party pressure and starts acting the part.  I know that won't happen.




Edited by jimmyjazz
I crack myself up
  On 7/16/2018 at 7:09 PM, jimmyjazz said:

I have no reason to believe Trump will ever be removed from office until January 2021.  I am simply hoping the Dems can take the House (and God grant me my dream scenario, the Senate) in the meantime.  Trump is not getting impeached, and if he were to actually be indicted, it would cause a Perfect Shitstorm of such epic proportions that it's easy to conclude he wouldn't even see a courtroom before the 2020 elections.  He is our POTUS until them -- my best case scenario is that he actually succumbs to party pressure and starts acting the part.  I know that won't happen.


If Democrats take the House, he'll be impeached. 

  • Like 1
  On 7/16/2018 at 6:59 PM, Jack Straw said:

what you saw today IS today's GOP.  anyone who self-identifies as a republican after today is complicit and by association, a traitor.  i'm sure that may be difficult for some to accept, but sorry, it is a straight fact.


Pretty much sums it up for me.

  On 7/16/2018 at 7:07 PM, Chooky said:

On the lighter side of shallow observations among this historic day of watching a U.S. President kneel before a former KGB Director and lifelong Soviet patriot, did anyone notice that Trump was freshly "oranged" for this meeting or "re-oranged?"  He was orange radiant today.  He wore his best orange spackle for a former KGB spy.  There's something almost adorable about that.


Do you think it's a spray tan? It probably is. He probably has a spray tan lady that travels with him. Could you imagine her job? She has to see him stripped down to his tighty-whities to spray him.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/16/2018 at 7:13 PM, Chad Fuck said:

If he isn't removed, then that's just symbolic and Dotus will give zero fucks.


I’ve been saying for a while Trump fears a trial in the Senate, even if he has the votes to protect him from removal.  

It’s why I think he will resign if it gets that far. He will want to maintain control of the narrative. Resignation is the only way to do that when facing public trial.

 A trial in the senate would be devastating for him, his family, and the GOP. 

Even if he wouldn’t be removed.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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