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3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

I think Brisket and Ghost of LL do, doubt most of the current crop of crossovers do. But I also think it's largely irrelevant whether most of them currently believe and support it so long as they vote with us. If anything shuts the MAGA shitheads up, it's going to be a colossal defeat at the polls, and a vote is a vote. 

As for getting their support on issues going forward, we won't get most, but we'll get more than we would otherwise if we actually make an effort to welcome them in to the team. Nobody is a perfectly rational actor and we're all guilty of motivated reasoning. If they feel like there could be a place for them on the left, some will adopt more progressive policy views on at least some issues because that's how people work. That doesn't mean ignoring the fact that they supported the GOP for part of the road it took to now. Guys like Brisket and Ghost of LL have already examined some of their priors and realized they were wrong on some shit, and more like them will if we don't shut them out. Many more will never really have the self awareness to do so, but may change their minds on issues anyway without ever really acknowledging that they've even changed their minds. Those people may not be reliable long-term, but their votes count and I'll gladly take them if they suddenly up and decide that they support universal healthcare, net neutrality, student debt relief, etc.

No, see, what's important is that bad teammate have 40% of America join him in ideological purity, rather than have 60% of America join him in a version of his ideology that is perhaps a tad more centrist than he would like.  Because he wants to win purity points, not elections.

You're either with him 100%, or you're no better than a Trump supporter.  Fuck, this is a FASCINATING pathology to watch -- it's the other side of the coin from "if you don't swear 100% loyalty to Trump, yer a libtard!"

16 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Do you think our new friends believe this and support this?

Every accusation a confession.
Both sides.
But Hillary.

But seriously Brisket, what do you even want besides the opportunity to wring your hands dramatically? Do you want Donald Trump impeached? Do you want Dems to take Congress in 2018 and the presidency in 2020? Who do you want to be the Dem candidate in 2020 and why?

I've asked a few times and I get nothing, but what do you guys actually want? I think that, for some of you, part of your collective hysteria and fury is that you don't actually know.

What is your ideal for 2020 or 2024? If it's a return to the pre-Trump status quo, that's might not even be worth fighting for. If it's something new, what is it? What is the larger social and political movement that led to Donald Trump's election and what do you want to see happen beyond a few more Dems in office?

Look at Ghost's call to the rep. Vague "direction" talk. Nothing specific. Ever.

Speaking as a lifelong lib, I want this to resolve in:

-Hardcore punishment (including impeachment and sanctions) for all those involved with the illegal activities during the election, and any cover-up activity since. I want it to be public and I want it to serve as a message to both traitors and other countries that want to meddle. 

-If votes were proven to be altered that directly led to a trump victory? All reversable actions that can be taken, are taken. Scotus picks vacated, pending laws hatled, revert to a state before the transition. (As an aside: I can't even fathom the particulars of a transition to Hillary but I believe that would be the correct action as it would be proved she won the election. Also, our society would have a break but one I think we can survive. But we must suffer it. We need the pain documented for hundreds of years so that our grandkids' grandkids will learn from it.)

-If no votes were changed, then the highest ranking admin who is clean is the new President and we move forward best we can. 

-From that, I want the country to take a hard look at money in politics because that was a catalyst to our current situation. Destroy Citizens United. (I think this item alone would minimize the power of the GOP moving forward)

-I want the country to take a hard look at our election system. Focusing on new ways at voting in an age where everyone could potentially leverage devices they own to both authenticate to vote and actually vote. This would require several security layers but it's possible and with the benefit of allowing, for the first time ever, the opportunity for everyone who can vote, to vote. 

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56 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

I like your made-up statistics. They're cool.

Many of the policies I consider central to my political worldview (universal healthcare, abortion rights, living wage, higher taxes on the rich) are actually extremely popular ones. But I guess 15% validates your worldview so run with it.

lol you are literally Donald Trump both-sides'ing because your feelings are hurt (just like you literally But Hillary'd earlier)

The extreme right is Nazis. My extreme left wants kids out of cages and free college for poor kids. Both sides.

I am a leftist. I literally have a Democratic Socialists of America card in my wallet and have for years. Obviously I vote Dem way more than I vote Republican, but for someone who has expended so much righteous outrage at being pigeonholed, you seem to revel in the thing you accuse me of. Like Trump, every accusation is a confession.

I voted for Bernie in the Dem primary then Hillary in the general. I have zero guilt about voting for Hillary, because Donald was the other choice.

This gambit you're trying of turning Trump's election around on the ideological left is hilarious. Keep going.

lol this guy

Have you always voted independent/Libertarian previously?

Also, getting "the current iteration of the GOP out of office" is not "the point". It's YOUR point, but that's kind of what I'm getting at where people like you think that your freshly-minted crisis is everyone else's crisis because people like you think they are the center of the universe.

Here's a question that might better resonate in what appears to be a fabulously drunk brain:

Would you rather these guys vote R in the midterms?

1 minute ago, austingirl said:

What response am I to take from this?

If you would rather have W in office than Trump, then you are really a Trumpkin, and bt has no use for you.

Purity tests.  What a nifty thing.



6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

America is going to exist in 2020 and 2024. Trump isn't going to destroy the Republic.

You're wrong.  He will.

That's why defeating him and his party is a prerequisite before we deal with any policy issues.

12 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

OK.  But must "she" assert that privilege?  Can Trump assert it on her behalf?   What if she's a loyal patriot and wants to spill the beans?

The executive holds the privilege.  The executive can bar any member of the executive branch from testifying, assuming the privilege applies.

6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

I think Brisket and Ghost of LL do, doubt most of the current crop of crossovers do. But I also think it's largely irrelevant whether most of them currently believe and support it so long as they vote with us.

That is very cynical, my man.

1 minute ago, austingirl said:

What response am I to take from this?

Aim higher. We can have a great future.

Just now, Brisketexan said:

Because he wants to win purity points, not elections.

Donald Trump is president. Stop pretending to be a pundit.


I will say that it is so nice to see so many former conservative posters waking up to what their party has become. It was mostly dominated by a few idiots who have been more or less removed, but it pissed me off so much to see so many otherwise intelligent posters dismiss the idea of universal healthcare who thankfully have now come around to realizing how awful our healthcare system is and how the Republican party seems insistent on continually punishing those who need it most.

Just now, bad_teammate said:


Donald Trump is president. Stop pretending to be a pundit.

Stop demanding that people suck your cock before you'll accept them voting for your team.

50 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

More importantly for the time being though, is getting every single person that we can over to our side to get rid of Trump and the current iteration of the Republican party. Beating them by 5% in a few elections isn't going to cause them to go away. They need to be ground into fucking dust, and that dust then needs to be salted and buried under a mile of concrete. We need to embarrass them so thoroughly they'll be terrified of ever speaking their bullshit in public again. We need to chase them out of the public sphere and shame them so badly their children disown them. Being a MAGA dipshit should get you fired from a job just like a swastika tattoo will. To do that is going to take a shitload more people than just liberals. And hopefully while we're working together to annihilate the MAGA dipshits, some of the not awful conservatives will take the time to learn why charter schools are fucking trash.

"I suppose when you get back to Oklahoma City you're going to take off that MAGA hat and burn it? You see, we like our Trumpsters in uniform. That way we can spot 'em just like that. But you take off that MAGA hat ain't no one ever gonna know your were a Trumpster...and that don't sit well with us. So, I'm gonna give you a little something you can't take off"  


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3 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

Speaking as a lifelong lib, I want this to resolve in:

-Hardcore punishment (including impeachment and sanctions) for all those involved with the illegal activities during the election, and any cover-up activity since. I want it to be public and I want it to serve as a message to both traitors and other countries that want to meddle. 

-If votes were proven to be altered that directly led to a trump victory? All reversable actions that can be taken, are taken. Scotus picks vacated, pending laws hatled, revert to a state before the transition. (As an aside: I can't even fathom the particulars of a transition to Hillary but I believe that would be the correct action as it would be proved she won the election. Also, our society would have a break but one I think we can survive. But we must suffer it. We need the pain documented for hundreds of years so that our grandkids' grandkids will learn from it.)

-If no votes were changed, then the highest ranking admin who is clean is the new President and we move forward best we can. 

-From that, I want the country to take a hard look at money in politics because that was a catalyst to our current situation. Destroy Citizens United. (I think this item alone would minimize the power of the GOP moving forward)

-I want the country to take a hard look at our election system. Focusing on new ways at voting in an age where everyone could potentially leverage devices they own to both authenticate to vote and actually vote. This would require several security layers but it's possible and with the benefit of allowing, for the first time ever, the opportunity for everyone who can vote, to vote. 

Out of rep, but fucking this. This so much, we know it would never happen but if any voting rolls or counts were altered then these two SC justice picks (at a minimum) should be removed.

3 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:


You're wrong.  He will.

That's why defeating him and his party is a prerequisite before we deal with any policy issues.

The executive holds the privilege.  The executive can bar any member of the executive branch from testifying, assuming the privilege applies.

thank you Counselor. 


Having fun here thinking about Reagan saying "Mr. Gorbachev, don't tear down this wall" and only realizing 24 hours later.

Nixon saying “I’m a crook” and not realizing it until 24 hours later.

"I did have sexual relations with that woman"

"I take pride in the words... “I’m not from Berlin!”

  • Like 2
Just now, Brisketexan said:

Stop demanding that people suck your cock before you'll accept them voting for your team.

Vote for the Dems have a great time. Make a day of it.

Please do not suck my cock.

I'm just going to roll my eyes as you and your comrades slap each other on the back as if voting for centrist kleptocrats is some great blow for patriotism and the salvation of the Republic.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

If you would rather have W in office than Trump, then you are really a Trumpkin, and bt has no use for you.

Purity tests.  What a nifty thing.

Well, there are a lot of ex-presidents I'd rather have in office. Most of them, actually. But besides that, saying "Well, THIS guy sucked and you didn't mind him as much, so you can't complain" is a shitty argument.

  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

OK so why are you talking to/about Dems or leftists? What do they have to do with this goal? They can't do that. They could do a historic 2018 sweep and not impeach him. It's math. Not only that, the Dems don't even want to impeach him.

Newsflash, dipshit:  the electorate is not the Congress.

2 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

Brisket and GOLL:  If you don't mind me asking, have either of you actually changed your registration to D?

Well, Texas doesn't really work that way -- you don't register as a member of a party.  You just vote in the primary.  And, this last primary, I voted in the GOP primary (feeling pretty fucking dirty about it, but I live in Texas -- if I wanted a say in most of the local/regional races that matter, you gotta vote in the GOP primary).  But....I'm rather confident it will be my last GOP primary.  I can't do it anymore.  And I've contributed more money to Dem candidates in the past 6 months than I've contributed to political races in my entire life before.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

Vote for the Dems have a great time. Make a day of it.

Please do not suck my cock.

I'm just going to roll my eyes as you and your comrades slap each other on the back as if voting for centrist kleptocrats is some great blow for patriotism and the salvation of the Republic.


Trumpkins: "failure to support Trump 100% makes you a commie libtard!"

Bad teammate: "voting for anyone not at the Bernie Sanders spot on the spectrum means you favor centrist kleptocrats!"

I'll say it again -- observing two dueling manifestations of the exact same pathologies is FASCINATING.

  • Like 2
Just now, Brisketexan said:


Trumpkins: "failure to support Trump 100% makes you a commie libtard!"

Bad teammate: "voting for anyone not at the Bernie Sanders spot on the spectrum means you favor centrist kleptocrats!"

I'll say it again -- observing two dueling manifestations of the exact same pathologies is FASCINATING.

Both sides.

The Dems are centrist kleptocrats. I don't think that's actually controversial of me to say, is it?

Can anyone explain to me the mechanics of how Trump is going to destroy the Republic?

13 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

Uhh, we weren't worse off, but there were (and obviously still are) a lot of people who weren't doing well in the pre-Trump status quo. I think BT is particularly angry because getting rid of Trump and a few Republicans isn't going to move this country forward, we need to take this opportunity to make full wholesale change to benefit those who have suffered the most due to their race and/or economic status.

Ah, you're talking about on an individual level. I guess I was thinking more in terms of our country as a whole. But I understand what you're saying.

Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Longhornman2007 said:

First post, whatever. No one gives a shit. Point is if a president can’t communicate with another head of state through interpreters that are free from questioning by another body, then that is an issue. I guess we better hope our future presidents know every language spoken in the world.

I’m not one to defend Trump. He’s an ass, bigot, and is dangerous to this country. But there are better means than going after the interpreters.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

A private meeting would be perfectly fine.... if the president's allegiance wasnt in question and he didnt look like a treasonous traitor on the national stage.

Edited by DiceHands
  • Like 1
Just now, bad_teammate said:

Both sides.

The Dems are centrist kleptocrats. I don't think that's actually controversial of me to say, is it?

Can anyone explain to me the mechanics of how Trump is going to destroy the Republic?

Most likely scenario would be economic collapse and world war snowballing into martial law, secessions, and/or civil war. 

Posted (edited)

At least Trump is an incompetent and absurdly ignorant Russian puppet that plays golf and watches TV most of the time.

I would hate to think of the consequences if we got a likable well educated policy wonk workaholic Russian puppet. 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

If you would rather have W in office than Trump, then you are really a Trumpkin, and bt has no use for you.

Purity tests.  What a nifty thing.

I know you get this, so this is a more general comment, but there is a problem when people horrified by Trump suddenly see W in a better light. Hell, to this point in their respective presidencies, Trump has been less of a disaster. He's on pace to be worse, and is a legitimate threat to the Republic in a way that W never could be, but this is the type of thing where BT's comments need to be remembered.

I don't think it's likely to happen because I think the GOP has been truly transformed into a party of drooling racist morons and a few billionaires, but there is and will continue to be a strong public desire to return to the "normal" era of politics pre-Trump. If that happens, we'll just be back here in the same place 10 years later. Trump simply came in and slapped his name on a project that the GOP worked on for 30 years. Part of really moving forward will require a sufficient number of ex-GOP voters to really understand what they missed along the path and, depending how deep into the GOP vortex they went, actually recalibrate who they are and what they believe. BT is acting like a bit of a cunt (ok, more than a bit) but he's right about that.

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, Gil Bang said:


I honestly don't know how some of these folks can say what they do with a straight face. Does he really believe what he says?  There is speaking in support of Trump and there is insanity. I dare say this boarders on the latter.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:


Can anyone explain to me the mechanics of how Trump is going to destroy the Republic?

Sure.  He's normalized government by extremism, gaslighting, and deception.  Those ills have been utilized and deployed by folks on the extreme left end of the spectrum in the past -- they are not toys exclusive to any particular political ideology.  They will be deployed by folks on the left again -- indeed, it's proving that it's the only way to win and govern the United Stupid States of America.

We are going to lurch from extremist liar to extremist liar, smashing against the guardrail repeatedly until, eventually, it fails altogether.

  • Like 1
Just now, wildcat09 said:

I know you get this, so this is a more general comment, but there is a problem when people horrified by Trump suddenly see W in a better light.

W was a simple man manipulated by evil staffers.  Trump is a simple, evil man ignoring less evil staffers.  Either way, most of the decisions suck.

  • Like 1
Just now, wildcat09 said:

I know you get this, so this is a more general comment, but there is a problem when people horrified by Trump suddenly see W in a better light. Hell, to this point in their respective presidencies, Trump has been less of a disaster. He's on pace to be worse, and is a legitimate threat to the Republic in a way that W never could be, but this is the type of thing where BT's comments need to be remembered.

I don't think it's likely to happen because I think the GOP has been truly transformed into a party of drooling racist morons and a few billionaires, but there is and will continue to be a strong public desire to return to the "normal" era of politics pre-Trump. If that happens, we'll just be back here in the same place 10 years later. Trump simply came in and slapped his name on a project that the GOP worked on for 30 years. Part of really moving forward will require a sufficient number of ex-GOP voters to really understand what they missed along the path and, depending how deep into the GOP vortex they went, actually recalibrate who they are and what they believe. BT is acting like a bit of a cunt (ok, more than a bit) but he's right about that.

It's a reasonable and interesting argument to have, but I think Trump was the perfect storm.   I can't think of a single other person who would be similar.  If Trump hadn't run this year, we would have had a standard-issue Republican as president. 

1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

I know you get this, so this is a more general comment, but there is a problem when people horrified by Trump suddenly see W in a better light. Hell, to this point in their respective presidencies, Trump has been less of a disaster. He's on pace to be worse, and is a legitimate threat to the Republic in a way that W never could be, but this is the type of thing where BT's comments need to be remembered.

I don't think it's likely to happen because I think the GOP has been truly transformed into a party of drooling racist morons and a few billionaires, but there is and will continue to be a strong public desire to return to the "normal" era of politics pre-Trump. If that happens, we'll just be back here in the same place 10 years later. Trump simply came in and slapped his name on a project that the GOP worked on for 30 years. Part of really moving forward will require a sufficient number of ex-GOP voters to really understand what they missed along the path and, depending how deep into the GOP vortex they went, actually recalibrate who they are and what they believe. BT is acting like a bit of a cunt (ok, more than a bit) but he's right about that.

Good post, and I am in general and broad agreement.  And if he'd said what you just said, he'd find a much more receptive audience.

But he's not interested in receptive audiences, or actually improving anything.  He's interested in winning the "I'm more ideologically pure than you" olympics, where the prize is another lost election and a set of steak knives.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

Sure.  He's normalized government by extremism, gaslighting, and deception.  Those ills have been utilized and deployed by folks on the extreme left end of the spectrum in the past -- they are not toys exclusive to any particular political ideology.  They will be deployed by folks on the left again -- indeed, it's proving that it's the only way to win and govern the United Stupid States of America.

lol you say "sure" and then don't provide any specifics or mechanics at all, you just go into a vague both sides


We are going to lurch from extremist liar to extremist liar, smashing against the guardrail repeatedly until, eventually, it fails altogether.

What fails? How? What, specifically, are you afraid of?

3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

I know you get this, so this is a more general comment, but there is a problem when people horrified by Trump suddenly see W in a better light. Hell, to this point in their respective presidencies, Trump has been less of a disaster. He's on pace to be worse, and is a legitimate threat to the Republic in a way that W never could be, but this is the type of thing where BT's comments need to be remembered.

I don't think it's likely to happen because I think the GOP has been truly transformed into a party of drooling racist morons and a few billionaires, but there is and will continue to be a strong public desire to return to the "normal" era of politics pre-Trump. If that happens, we'll just be back here in the same place 10 years later. Trump simply came in and slapped his name on a project that the GOP worked on for 30 years. Part of really moving forward will require a sufficient number of ex-GOP voters to really understand what they missed along the path and, depending how deep into the GOP vortex they went, actually recalibrate who they are and what they believe. BT is acting like a bit of a cunt (ok, more than a bit) but he's right about that.

"Right, But A Cunt" is my middle name.

Just now, bad_teammate said:

lol you say "sure" and then don't provide any specifics or mechanics at all, you just go into a vague both sides

What fails? How? What, specifically, are you afraid of?

You want specifics and mechanics?  For fuck's sake, pick up any newspaper from the past 18 months -- THOSE specifics and mechanics.  Are we having this conversation?  Are we going to argue about whether there are any examples of manipulative, deceptive autocrats from the left side of the spectrum in world history?  Fuck you, this is a fucking waste of goddamned time.

Just now, Brisketexan said:

You want specifics and mechanics?  For fuck's sake, pick up any newspaper from the past 18 months -- THOSE specifics and mechanics.  Are we having this conversation?  Are we going to argue about whether there are any examples of manipulative, deceptive autocrats from the left side of the spectrum in world history?  Fuck you, this is a fucking waste of goddamned time.

This is awesome. You seriously cannot explain how Donald Trump is going to destroy this Republic, but it's the entire crux of your tirades.

Donald Trump isn't going to destroy this Republic. Fascists will. Authoritarians will. Defeating Trump will not defeat fascists and authoritarians. What will defeat fascists and authoritarians is addressing those ideologies and policies directly and completely independent of Trump. And punching them in the fucking face.

Both sides, man. Both sides.


Arguing with BT is a lost cause. 

He will never lose because he talks in circles, and moves the goalposts so deftly, that you'll get so tired of going round-and-round that you'll eventually just stop caring, and move on.

It's actually quite impressive.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

For fuck's sake, pick up any newspaper

LULZ, that's a good one... newspaper... HA!

  • Like 2
Just now, bad_teammate said:

Donald Trump isn't going to destroy this Republic. Fascists will. Authoritarians will.

"Guns aren't the problem.  Crazy people with guns are the problem."

Trump is the fucking weapon.  I want to take out BOTH the weapon and the nutbars.  But the immediate concern is the fucking gun pointed at our heads.  But you keep being you.  That ideological purity merit badge is gonna go far when we're in someone's re-education camp (fascist camp, communist camp, who gives a fuck -- all I know is that I'll be happy to catch a rat to eat every now and then).

16 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

At least Trump is an incompetent and absurdly ignorant Russian puppet that plays golf and watches TV most of the time.

I would hate to think of the consequences if we got a likable well educated policy wonk workaholic Russian puppet. 

That's truly the scary part. Trump's general incompetence has thankfully added more hurdles to the march away from democracy. 


Heard a podcast the other day that seemed to represent everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party in less than an hour. 

It was the latest episode of Lovett or Leave It, hosted by Jon Lovett, who also co-hosts Pod Save America and is a former Obama speechwriter. He is also the romantic partner of Ronan Farrow. Nothing wrong with that, but...

This episode was supposed to be about the Strzok hearings. I eagerly downloaded it, because I was traveling the day they occurred and wanted to hear and read as much as I could about them.

As with all of the Lovett or Leave It podcasts, it was recorded live, and his panelists were all women: two white comedians (Megan Gailey and Kate Willett) and Melina Abdullah, a professor of Pan African Studies at Cal-State LA.

So they started talking about Strzok. The two comedians said their little bits. Neither was very enlightening. And then Prof Abdullah said something like "No black people know who this fucking Strzok is and we don't give a shit, because both parties fucking suck" and proceeded to go on a white-guilt inducing tirade for about five minutes, completely derailing the entire show. The middle class white liberal well-intentioned crowd had no choice but to applaud as she went on and on about issues we've already gone over and over the last few years, and she even stuck the knife in them, talking about liberal racists in the SF Bay Area. Fine, whatever, but that is not what this show was supposed to be about. 

Abdullah went on to say that as far as black people were concerned, Dems and Republicans were the same. Both parties had fucked her people over. Again, fine, fair point - BUT NOT FOR A SHOW ABOUT THE STRZOK HEARINGS. 

Nobody reined her in -- if there's anything a white liberal won't do, it's tell any African American in righteous, fist in the air indignation that maybe they are straying from the script.

Look, if Abdullah had been brought on to talk about police violence or annoying wypipo calling the cops on blacks for petty shit, she would have been great. But she was not: she was supposed to talk about the Strzok hearings, and presumably she agreed to that. And it was patently obvious she just didn't do any research at all, so she just shifted the entire focus of the show onto her own turf. They never did come back around to Strzok. Seriously, they talked about him for about five minutes.

And then it was on to abortion. Abdullah said her bit. One of the comedians said her bit. Lovett said his bit. All were pretty much standard-issue, "We deplore abortion but it is a necessary evil," but then the other comedian was like "If Roe V Wade is overturned, I will open a bed and breakfast where we will perform abortions. Sweater God that's what I'm gonna do." Cheers from the crowd.

It came across as her sounding like she couldn't wait for that day to come, where she could be some kind of Chica Guevara of coat hanger abortions.

So: no straight cisgender males on the stage. One woman who seems more pro-abortion than pro-choice. An African American woman who refused to engage on anything beyond the strict confines of her own community. Lovett cracked a couple of jokes about gayness, IIRC. The plot was lost almost immediately among all the special interest groups.

The whole thing played out as a GOP caricature of the "Democrat" party. And I didn't get any insight in the Strzok hearings. 



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