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22 minutes ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

July 17, 2018 and a Russian puppet is President of the United States.

Look, you fuckers just don’t get it.  THE MEETING WAS A SUCCESS WHY DONT YOU LOVE ME!!!!!????


7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

This is awesome. You seriously cannot explain how Donald Trump is going to destroy this Republic, but it's the entire crux of your tirades.

Donald Trump isn't going to destroy this Republic. Fascists will. Authoritarians will. Defeating Trump will not defeat fascists and authoritarians. What will defeat fascists and authoritarians is addressing those ideologies and policies directly and completely independent of Trump. And punching them in the fucking face.

Both sides, man. Both sides.

Trump is the one empowering those fucknuts.  

If there's an impeachment, I fully expect a number of trumpkins to take up arms.  They are morons, and they believe that the system is rigged against them.  For fucks sake, one of them took a fucking AR into a pizza parlor to rescue children that Hillary was holding captive.  That's how fucking moronic they are

21 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

That is very cynical, my man.


I wanted to circle back to this, because while it is certainly cynical, and I am certainly a cynical asshole, there is a grain of optimism in there that I think was missed. People are very rarely swayed by political arguments, no matter how overwhelmingly the evidence may support a specific argument. I think we liberals as a whole do a better job of consciously taking our own motivated reasoning into account, but we're the same creatures as Republicans and our brains work in generally the same way. Now there really are some cognitive differences a lot of people on the left and the right, but there are also plenty of people on both sides (HI ANASTASIS!) who hold their political views primarily because they were raised on one team or the other, and then spent most of their life interacting primarily with people of a similar political persuasion, entrenching their views. Politics has always been first and foremost about identity. I figure our best hope to get increased support for progressive causes is to bring more people on to the team, and the longer they vote for progressives and interact with other progressives, the more likely they are to actually adopt progressive ideas as their own.

It's like raising dogs or training kids, you train the right behavior and the personality that affirms the good behavior comes after. We're relatively simple creatures in many ways. Is that cynical? Maybe, but I'd prefer to simply train the Republicans that are trainable to behave properly rather than spend a lifetime in an ongoing debate that never wins their votes.

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Trump is the fucking weapon.  I want to take out BOTH the weapon and the nutbars.  But the immediate concern is the fucking gun pointed at our heads.  But you keep being you.  That ideological purity merit badge is gonna go far when we're in someone's re-education camp (fascist camp, communist camp, who gives a fuck -- all I know is that I'll be happy to catch a rat to eat every now and then).

The fascist camps already exist, and they exist because of people who talk about "common sense immigration reform", which is a phrase that means absolutely nothing but allows anything.

We can get to ideological purity, but first we have to have some discernible ideas to work with. I don't know why you hold policy and idea discussion in such scorn.

1 minute ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

So: no straight cisgender males on the stage. One woman who seems more pro-abortion than pro-choice. An African American woman who refused to engage on anything beyond the strict confines of her own community. Lovett cracked a couple of jokes about gayness, IIRC. The plot was lost almost immediately among all the special interest groups.

The whole thing played out as a GOP caricature of the "Democrat" party. And I didn't get any insight in the Strzok hearings. 

Straight white man engages with culture not catering directly to him: "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!"

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Heard a podcast the other day that seemed to represent everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party in less than an hour. 

It was the latest episode of Lovett or Leave It, hosted by Jon Lovett, who also co-hosts Pod Save America and is a former Obama speechwriter. He is also the romantic partner of Ronan Farrow. Nothing wrong with that, but...

This episode was supposed to be about the Strzok hearings. I eagerly downloaded it, because I was traveling the day they occurred and wanted to hear and read as much as I could about them.

As with all of the Lovett or Leave It podcasts, it was recorded live, and his panelists were all women: two white comedians (Megan Gailey and Kate Willett) and Melina Abdullah, a professor of Pan African Studies at Cal-State LA.

So they started talking about Strzok. The two comedians said their little bits. Neither was very enlightening. And then Prof Abdullah said something like "No black people know who this fucking Strzok is and we don't give a shit, because both parties fucking suck" and proceeded to go on a white-guilt inducing tirade for about five minutes, completely derailing the entire show. The middle class white liberal well-intentioned crowd had no choice but to applaud as she went on and on about issues we've already gone over and over the last few years, and she even stuck the knife in them, talking about liberal racists in the SF Bay Area. Fine, whatever, but that is not what this show was supposed to be about. 

Abdullah went on to say that as far as black people were concerned, Dems and Republicans were the same. Both parties had fucked her people over. Again, fine, fair point - BUT NOT FOR A SHOW ABOUT THE STRZOK HEARINGS. 

Nobody reined her in -- if there's anything a white liberal won't do, it's tell any African American in righteous, fist in the air indignation that maybe they are straying from the script.

Look, if Abdullah had been brought on to talk about police violence or annoying wypipo calling the cops on blacks for petty shit, she would have been great. But she was not: she was supposed to talk about the Strzok hearings, and presumably she agreed to that. And it was patently obvious she just didn't do any research at all, so she just shifted the entire focus of the show onto her own turf. They never did come back around to Strzok. Seriously, they talked about him for about five minutes.

And then it was on to abortion. Abdullah said her bit. One of the comedians said her bit. Lovett said his bit. All were pretty much standard-issue, "We deplore abortion but it is a necessary evil," but then the other comedian was like "If Roe V Wade is overturned, I will open a bed and breakfast where we will perform abortions. Sweater God that's what I'm gonna do." Cheers from the crowd.

It came across as her sounding like she couldn't wait for that day to come, where she could be some kind of Chica Guevara of coat hanger abortions.

So: no straight cisgender males on the stage. One woman who seems more pro-abortion than pro-choice. An African American woman who refused to engage on anything beyond the strict confines of her own community. Lovett cracked a couple of jokes about gayness, IIRC. The plot was lost almost immediately among all the special interest groups.

The whole thing played out as a GOP caricature of the "Democrat" party. And I didn't get any insight in the Strzok hearings. 



so you listened to a shitty podcast and you somehow think that it's reflective of something...anything?  Man, you should have heard Bobo on Stern today.  It was really something.  

Edited by Gil Bang
20 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Sure.  He's normalized government by extremism, gaslighting, and deception.  Those ills have been utilized and deployed by folks on the extreme left end of the spectrum in the past -- they are not toys exclusive to any particular political ideology.  They will be deployed by folks on the left again -- indeed, it's proving that it's the only way to win and govern the United Stupid States of America.

We are going to lurch from extremist liar to extremist liar, smashing against the guardrail repeatedly until, eventually, it fails altogether.


Just now, bad_teammate said:

The fascist camps already exist, and they exist because of people who talk about "common sense immigration reform", which is a phrase that means absolutely nothing but allows anything.

We can get to ideological purity, but first we have to have some discernible ideas to work with. I don't know why you hold policy and idea discussion in such scorn.

Straight white man engages with culture not catering directly to him: "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!"

Way to miss the point. It was supposed to be, and was billed as, a podcast about the Strzok hearings. 

1 minute ago, Gil Bang said:

so you listened to a shitty podcast and you somehow think that it's reflective of something...anything?

It's one of the most popular podcasts on the left side of the aisle, and I thought that particular episode illustrated the faults of the Democratic Party in stark detail. And I am a lifelong liberal. 

2 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Way to miss the point. It was supposed to be, and was billed as, a podcast about the Strzok hearings. 

Dude, Lovett or Leave It is never about one topic, it's pretty much a variety show. I think the "they're both the same!" argument during the Trump presidency when he's locking up brown kids in concentration camps was dumb, but that's all it was. 

Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Trump is the fucking weapon.


“Perhaps Potus is a weapon of the Kremlin inflicting trauma on our country and engaging in KGB style psychological warfare on America.”

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
Mistakes were made
2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Dude, Lovett or Leave It is never about one topic, it's pretty much a variety show. I think the "they're both the same!" argument during the Trump presidency when he's locking up brown kids in concentration camps was dumb, but that's all it was. 

She was asked about Strzok directly, and she refused to answer, and turned it into a tirade about stuff that has been covered over and over and over again. 

2 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

Trump is the one empowering those fucknuts.  

If there's an impeachment, I fully expect a number of trumpkins to take up arms.  They are morons, and they believe that the system is rigged against them.  For fucks sake, one of them took a fucking AR into a pizza parlor to rescue children that Hillary was holding captive.  That's how fucking moronic they are

He openly asked them to do something on twitter and nothing happens.  The moment they realize somebody is posting their photos online, they slink off into the shadows, scared they will get kicked out of Eastern Appalachian School for Pizza Cooks.

They are the most easily triggered snowflakes around, and yet their only real response is to troll online. 

2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

He openly asked them to do something on twitter and nothing happens.  The moment they realize somebody is posting their photos online, they slink off into the shadows, scared they will get kicked out of Eastern Appalachian School for Pizza Cooks.

They are the most easily triggered snowflakes around, and yet their only real response is to troll online. 

That’s most of them, but there’s a lot of heavily armed dipshits in militias that can’t wait for an excuse to start shooting, and the feds haven’t been keeping proper tabs on many of them for a long damned time.

31 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Sure.  He's normalized government by extremism, gaslighting, and deception.  Those ills have been utilized and deployed by folks on the extreme left end of the spectrum in the past -- they are not toys exclusive to any particular political ideology.  They will be deployed by folks on the left again -- indeed, it's proving that it's the only way to win and govern the United Stupid States of America.

We are going to lurch from extremist liar to extremist liar, smashing against the guardrail repeatedly until, eventually, it fails altogether.

He's right, you know.


6 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

she sounds like a dumb cunt. end of discussion.

Well, it gave me flashbacks to my ex-wife...

"Honey, where is there a scrape on the driver's side door of the car?"

"I have no idea. Let's talk about how you got drunk and made an ass of yourself at Thanksgiving dinner in 1998."

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

“Perhaps Potus is a weapon of the Kremlin inflicting trauma on our country and engaging in KGB style psychological warfare on America.”

This was me a year ago.

checks out.

Friendly note of criticism: don't do what you did here. You are doing it too much and it devalues you as a poster. 

4 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

That’s most of them, but there’s a lot of heavily armed dipshits in militias that can’t wait for an excuse to start shooting, and the feds haven’t been keeping proper tabs on many of them for a long damned time.

They survived under Obama without an armed uprising.  I’m sure they can tolerate Mike Pence’s love of penis.

8 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

That’s most of them, but there’s a lot of heavily armed dipshits in militias that can’t wait for an excuse to start shooting, and the feds haven’t been keeping proper tabs on many of them for a long damned time.

and he just pardoned a couple of their "troops".  They''re rock hard for trump right now. 

5 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Well, it gave me flashbacks to my ex-wife...

"Honey, where is there a scrape on the driver's side door of the car?"

"I have no idea. Let's talk about how you got drunk and made an ass of yourself at Thanksgiving dinner in 1998."

well, you were a bit of an asshole. 

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Who is the left's analog to Trump?

If not a name, what would it even plausibly look like?

Elon Musk? I doubt he’d get much support from black voters so he’d probably be doomed in a primary, but there’s a large segment of leftish idiots who revere a bunch of the Silicon Valley techbros.

Edited by wildcat09
9 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

That’s most of them, but there’s a lot of heavily armed dipshits in militias that can’t wait for an excuse to start shooting, and the feds haven’t been keeping proper tabs on many of them for a long damned time.

You’re talking about people who jerk off to Red Dawn, and their Prez just openly revealed his true loyalty to the Russians.

These people did nothing when we had a Socialist Marxist Atheist Muslim from Chicago, Hawaii, Kenya, named Barrack Hussein Obama.

They will be just fine with President Pence.

Just now, wildcat09 said:

Elon Musk? I doubt he’d get much support from black voters, so he’d probably be doomed in a primary, but there’s a large segment of leftish idiots who revere a bunch of the Silicon Valley techbros.

He's a fucking douche.  I respect the shit out of his accomplishments, but he's almost as big an asshole as Donnie Two-Scoops. 

8 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Who is the left's analog to Trump?

If not a name, what would it even plausibly look like?

It would look sort of like Kanye West with Bernie's policies. 

1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

You’re talking about people who jerk off to Red Dawn, and their Prez just openly revealed his true loyalty to the Russians.

These people did nothing when we had a Socialist Marxist Atheist Muslim from Chicago, Hawaii, Kenya, named Barrack Hussein Obama.

They will be just fine with President Pence.

I dunno, you could essentially say the same for literally every group of armed revolutionaries/terrorists/rebels/inbred fucking morons ever. They aren’t violent until they are. Something like a Trump impeachment could very well be what triggers a bunch of them.

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Elon Musk? I doubt he’d get much support from black voters so he’d probably be doomed in a primary, but there’s a large segment of leftish idiots who revere a bunch of the Silicon Valley techbros.

Elon Musk is a Republican.

But you're right about #TheResistance types and their worship of guys like Musk. Spank me, Daddy Billions!

(I ask because I'm genuinely wondering what Brisket is worried about with regard to BOTH SIDES extremism.)

Edited by bad_teammate
9 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Well, it gave me flashbacks to my ex-wife...

"Honey, where is there a scrape on the driver's side door of the car?"

"I have no idea. Let's talk about how you got drunk and made an ass of yourself at Thanksgiving dinner in 1998."

"Well, I made an ass outta your mom....wait, your mom's ass is Thanksgiving...shit..."

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

I dunno, you could essentially say the same for literally every group of armed revolutionaries/terrorists/rebels/inbred fucking morons ever. They aren’t violent until they are. Something like a Trump impeachment could very well be what triggers a bunch of them.

We absolutely cannot let the threat of Trumpkin whackjobs influence our democratic system’s decision making.  That’s idiotic.  


LOL, Hannity and Piero full blast against this leftist media attack on our 'duly elected President'.  The attack is due to his blowing the Russian dictator who has meddled in our elections...it was cool when they attacked the Negro President for tan suits / feet on furniture / spicy mustard...but these attacks?!  So out of bounds.  It's good to watch a few minutes every night just so you see how state run TV works.  They're actually worse than RT. 


Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

We absolutely cannot let the threat of Trumpkin whackjobs influence our democratic system’s decision making.  That’s idiotic.  

Oh I agree, I was just saying that I expect some militia types to respond violently. 

30 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Elon Musk? I doubt he’d get much support from black voters so he’d probably be doomed in a primary, but there’s a large segment of leftish idiots who revere a bunch of the Silicon Valley techbros.

I think what might do him in is the fact that he's a huge donor to the GOP PACs

26 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

I dunno, you could essentially say the same for literally every group of armed revolutionaries/terrorists/rebels/inbred fucking morons ever. They aren’t violent until they are. Something like a Trump impeachment could very well be what triggers a bunch of them.

Putting aside that their Dear Leader just gave Putin a handy in full view of everybody, and that’s Trump was okay with cops taking guns of people that might be a threat without Due Process, plenty of these folks are going to be hurt by a trade war that Trump not only created, but owns up to on a near-daily basis.  See how loyal they are if he hits them in the wallet and the bank is threatening to take their double-wide.

Like I said though, it won’t put Hillary in office. It gives them Pence, an actual Christian (in their eyes).

Just now, MaybeACoordinator said:

Musk is gonna come apart before he ever has a chance to run for office. He is not the techbro you are looking for. 

What do you mean “is”.  That little stunt with calling a rescuer in Thailand a pedo is going to cost him a shitload of money and/or cause him to be barred from traveling to various countries.

He really fucked up.

8 hours ago, David Dennison said:

It's because many Americans buy into the notion that one day they will be rich. What they fail to understand is that the rich have become that way by redistributing wealth from the bottom up.

Utter horseshit. 

8 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Musk is gonna come apart before he ever has a chance to run for office. He is not the techbro you are looking for. 

I am looking for techbros to test a thing...


  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

What do you mean “is”.  That little stunt with calling a rescuer in Thailand a pedo is going to cost him a shitload of money and/or cause him to be barred from traveling to various countries.

He really fucked up.

I think one of his businesses will come unraveled, which would matter even more in America. Lots of voters here obviously don't care what our supergenius leaders so about furriners, so long as they are perceived to be titans of industry. But when and if Tesla goes down, he fucked. That's supposed to be the honeypot that he feeds Space X and all his other schemes off of....


Last few pages took an interesting turn.  Can you guys hold off on the Democrat infighting, at least until the utter and complete destruction of the Republican party is ensured.  We can pivot to the Democrats after we got that one in the bag. kthxbai. 

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