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5 minutes ago, Message Board User said:


Ohh I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that he hasn't read a page of that book. I think the last thing Trump has read in a long time was his prepared statement that he believes our IC, which he stumbled through and contradicted within hours. 

4 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

The people who should feel even worse based on that are Republicans. They could have won the election with any candidate and we could have any Republican POTUS right now and they threw in with Donald Trump.

Well I suppose feeling bad presumes there are Republicans with a spine and guiding principles beyond GET MINE, so scratch that.

No kidding.  The irony of hitching one's wagon to Donald Trump as opposed to, oh, Mitt Romney is mind-blowing.  

14 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

I believe you are significantly underestimating a massive helping hand Russia/GRU was given by US persons/corps  and Trump affiliated folks in their attack in the form of targeted American voter data.

You mean like Cambridge Analytica who was with Ted Cruz initially and would have gone with the GOP nominee regardless? 

2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

The people who should feel even worse based on that are Republicans. They could have won the election with any candidate and we could have any Republican POTUS right now and they threw in with Donald Trump.

Well I suppose feeling bad presumes there are Republicans with a spine and guiding principles beyond GET MINE, so scratch that.

Some Republicans (and likely Dems) don't feel worse.  It's now no secret that if individual weaponized social media psy-ops is effective enough to get a reprobate like Trump elected, it can work for you too !


9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

You mean like Cambridge Analytica who was with Ted Cruz initially and would have gone with the GOP nominee regardless? 

Who cares?  This nonsense diverts from the real message.  You don't know if Cruz would have colluded, nor to the degree with which the Trump campaign did so.  

Democrats and the left in general continue to be swayed by Russian messaging.  Keep your fucking eye on the prize.

2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

You mean like Cambridge Analytica who was with Ted Cruz initially and would have gone with the GOP nominee regardless? 

No, the mass amounts fake news and propaganda created by GRU/Russia proxies needed spotters for directions where to aim their fire.  What Russia lacked was the real time grasp of the American voter landscape down to the precinct at nut cutting time.  Congressmen investigating this have made this observation.

Here's a take that incorporates why the connected Spectrum Health - Trump Tower - Russian Alfa bank servers appear to have been involved in database replication activities:

Spectrum Health’s Role in the Trump-Russia Server Scandal


Much speculation and rumor has surrounded the mysterious data connections that bounced back and forth between Russia’s Alfa Bank, Trump Tower and the DeVos family’s Spectrum Health in Michigan prior to the 2016 election.  Rather than concentratin’ on whether it was top-secret spyware, database replication or some other whiz-bang data transmittin’ software, let’s step back and look at the role each site played and what value each player might have added to this little Trump-spiracy.

Now that some of the smoke has cleared, we know two basic facts.

Russian hackers were able to acquire voter rolls from a number of key battleground states.

Russian bot-farms were able to inundate social media with fake news, propaganda and Trump-friendly talkin’ points in the run-up to the election.

The question we must ask is a simple, but important one, because the plausibility of this whole data-sharin’ shindig rests on it…

How did the Russians convert generic voter roll information into a specific list of targeted social media contacts?

In simpler terms…

Voter rolls have basic information: name, address, maybe a phone number, but that’s it.  Unless you plan a massive door-knockin’ campaign, it’s pretty useless.  So, to repeat the question, how do you get from generic voter rolls to micro-targeted social media lists?  What’s the one thing that ties all these things together?  An email address!

All Russian intelligence needed was to associate an email address with a name and address of a voter and bingo! Every social media account you own is tied to your email address, right?  Once they had an email, they could data-mine everything about you from your social media feeds.  They immediately knew if you were a Trumper, a Hill-bot, a Bernie Bro or a Stein fanatic, and could tailor a bot-campaign custom-made for you!

So where did they get the email addresses?  This is where Spectrum Health comes in.  Located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Spectrum is smack dab in the middle of one of the states the Trump campaign had to tip to win.  They are a huge health-care provider with subsidiaries that include hospitals treatment facilities, urgent-care clinics, as well as physician practices that serve the western Michigan area.  But the big enchilada for this caper is their access to insurance provider databases from all over the United States.  And what do those insurance database all have?  Email addresses tied to a name and address!

So what did the DeVos family get in return for Spectrum’s role in this little ping-ping wing-ding?  You’ll have to ask the new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos!


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Who cares?  This nonsense diverts from the real message.  You don't know if Cruz would have colluded, nor to the degree with which the Trump campaign did so.  

Democrats and the left in general continue to be swayed by Russian messaging.  Keep your fucking eye on the prize.

The prize our eye should be on is the Russian interference.  The Trump/GOP part of it is important but not nearly as significant/dangerous as what the Kremlin did. 

I’m trying to illustrate that just because Trump conspired with Russia doesn’t mean this threat goes away once Trump is gone.  Trump has done a great job of convincing everyone the Mueller investigation is all about him.  It’s not. 

It’s about a direct attack on the people of the United States by a hostile foreign power, Putin’s Russia.  Which Trump and the GOP are currently protecting by trivializing what Russia did. 


Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
7 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

Here's a take that incorporates why the connected Spectrum Health - Trump Tower - Russian Alfa bank servers appear to have been involved in database replication activities:

I’ve seen the theories on this and I have little doubt something nefarious was going on there but the extent and impact remains unknown, at least to me.

3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The prize our eye should be on is the Russian interference.  The Trump/GOP part of it is important but not nearly as significant/dangerous as what the Kremlin did. 

I'm sorry, if Putin had enabled Romney to beat Hillary we would not be in the same deep shit we're in now.  It might have delayed the final extrication from said shit, but our odds of drowning in it would have been significantly reduced.

30 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

Ohh I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that he hasn't read a page of that book. I think the last thing Trump has read in a long time was his prepared statement that he believes our IC, which he stumbled through and contradicted within hours seconds. 


  • Like 2
2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The prize our eye should be on is the Russian interference.  The Trump/GOP part of it is important but not nearly as significant/dangerous as what the Kremlin did. 

I’m trying to illustrate that just because Trump conspired with Russia doesn’t mean this threat goes away once Trump is gone.  Trump has done a great job of convincing everyone the Mueller investigation is all about him.  It’s not. 

It’s about a direct attack on the people of the United States by a hostile foreign power, Putin’s Russia.  Which Trump and the GOP is currently protecting by trivializing what they did. 


No.  The focus should be squarely on the GOP, Trump, and Trumpism. Once we have someone in office that actually represents America, we will do something about the Russian interference. The main problem is right here in the United States.  Russia stuff is overblown until further notice.




33 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

Ohh I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that he hasn't read a page of that book. I think the last thing Trump has read in a long time was his prepared statement that he believes our IC, which he stumbled through and contradicted within hours. 

in the next add-libbed sentence out of his mouth.

1 minute ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Russia stuff is overblown until further notice.

Trump and the current state of the GOP is a direct consequence of Russian influence.  

Until people start to see this, we are lost and Russia will continue to exploit us. 

13 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The prize our eye should be on is the Russian interference.

No. No.

People are suffering terribly in this nation right now and Russia has nothing to do with it. Little kids are in prison camps. Wages are stagnant while inequality is rising. The natural environment is burning us alive.

Let the fucking functionary nerds in the intelligence agencies and interdepartmental Congressional committees worry about Russia.

Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The prize our eye should be on is the Russian interference.  The Trump/GOP part of it is important but not nearly as significant/dangerous as what the Kremlin did. 

I’m trying to illustrate that just because Trump conspired with Russia doesn’t mean this threat goes away once Trump is gone.  Trump has done a great job of convincing everyone the Mueller investigation is all about him.  It’s not. 

It’s about a direct attack on the people of the United States by a hostile foreign power, Putin’s Russia.  Which Trump and the GOP is currently protecting by trivializing what they did. 

This (bolded), a thousand times, this.  The media on both sides has run with this in a way to focus everything on Trump re: Mueller.  I'd love to see Fareed Zakaria, Chuck Todd or George Stephanopolous refocus the narrative when it comes to Mueller away from Trump, and I mean completely (God knows Tapper won't do it).   Until Trump is actually brought in, interviewed, indicted or what have you, instead focus on what *HAS* occurred in the investigation, and what we *DO* know.  Take Trump completely out of the picture, and still, between what the IC has found, and what Mueller has let us in on, what the Russians did is bad for everyone in our country they didn't directly or indirectly bribe, and there is still a lot to talk about.

The reasons are three fold (1) Trump is doing enough other god awful things to be criticized, and perhaps ultimately impeached, for (immigration, tariffs), so there are plenty of other items to fill airtime to bitch about him, (2) the focus on Trump being the center of the investigation (which he isn't) is what is scuttling it with the low information voters and validating the idea "America doesn't agree with the investigation" when we really truly need it to run its course, and (3) a response to Giuliani or whoever Trump's mouthpiece is that day (or Trump himself) that it's not about Trump will make their heads explode.  If Mueller eventually gets there with DOTUS to show he is guilty, lay down the law as best as we can.  

Take back control of the narrative rather than feeding the trolls.  

Edited to add after reading others: I fully support taking down Trump, and I fully agree the urgency is less there if Romney or Kasich had won election with same interference.  But the anti-Trump narrative is reactive.  It needs to grey rock any bitching about Mueller from the Trump camp because the approach is doing more harm than good.

Edited by A-Tex Devil
Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trump and the current state of the GOP is a direct consequence of Russian influence.  

All Russia helped Trump do is figure out how to target the already existing racial and gender hatred that existed in this nation and has been festering longer than Vladimir Putin has been alive. Russia didn't invent the problems within our nation that led to Trump's election, he just helped Trump capitalize on them.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, A-Tex Devil said:

This, a thousand times, this.  The media on both sides has run with this in a way to focus everything on Trump re: Mueller.  I'd love to see Fareed Zakaria, Chuck Todd or George Stephanopolous refocus the narrative when it comes to Mueller away from Trump, and I mean completely (God knows Tapper won't do it).   Until Trump is actually brought in, interviewed, indicted or what have you, instead focus on what *HAS* occurred in the investigation, and what we *DO* know.  Take Trump completely out of the picture, and still, between what the IC has found, and what Mueller has let us in on, what the Russians did is bad for everyone in our country they didn't directly or indirectly bribe, and there is still a lot to talk about.

The reasons are three fold (1) Trump is doing enough other god awful things to be criticized, and perhaps ultimately impeached, for (immigration, tariffs), so there are plenty of other items to fill airtime to bitch about him, (2) the focus on Trump being the center of the investigation (which he isn't) is what is scuttling it with the low information voters and validating the idea "America doesn't agree with the investigation" when we really truly need it to run its course, and (3) a response to Giuliani or whoever Trump's mouthpiece is that day (or Trump himself) that it's not about Trump will make their heads explode.  If Mueller eventually gets there with DOTUS to show he is guilty, lay down the law as best as we can.  

Take back control of the narrative rather than feeding the trolls.  

Completely backwards.  100% wrong.  Trump is the immediate problem.  He is a legitimate threat to our Republic.  I am flabbergasted that anyone would argue otherwise.  

Whatever the Russians are going to do in November is largely written in stone.  I honestly don't think there's anything we could do about it at this point if we tried.  Vigilance would help, if anyone had the wherewithal to be vigilant.  Right now, it's about numbers and solidarity.  That's it.  Vote them down.  If they try to prevent the election or invalidate the results, then that's yet another step that will require even more drastic response.  Unfortunately, I don't think most of you have the stones to step up.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trump and the current state of the GOP is a direct consequence of Russian influence.  

Until people start to see this, we are lost and Russia will continue to exploit us. 

No, it's not. It's party over country. Disingenuousness over sincerity. Rich over poor.  Distinctly American issues that have festered and now hit the fan with Trump as POTUS. We need to take responsibility and fix ourselves first. 



Edited by Hank Kingsley

Voting in Dems is what will matter and people don't care about Russia.

Even if you think Russia is a greater threat to our lives than poverty, income inequality, concentration camps for babies, the deregulation of everything, the upcoming removal of abortion rights, and the destruction of the natural world, Russia focus is not how you're going to win voters.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

No. No.

People are suffering terribly in this nation right now and Russia has nothing to do with it. Little kids are in prison camps. Wages are stagnant while inequality is rising. The natural environment is burning us alive.

Let the fucking functionary nerds in the intelligence agencies and interdepartmental Congressional committees worry about Russia.

From a electoral/political process yes.  I agree.  But not when it comes to the Mueller investigation itself.  

42 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I think you’re missing my points. This speculation if the Russians changed votes in machines is important but not a criteria needed to conclude the Kremlin attack worked to elect Trump.

 Everyone looks at this scandal as Trump and Putin masterminding some elaborate conspiracy five years ago.

When it was more the Russians working within the Republican networks over a long period of time and the more spontaneous Trump plan worked a lot better than expected.  

It’s all just as horrible and treacherous as before,  just a little different perspective.

Perhaps a better analog is what Nixon did to lock up the 1968 election 3 days prior, i.e. political opportunism resulting in a treasonous outcome.  The only difference is the Russians were already here and wired in to places like the NRA.  

Nixon's people actually picked up the phone and told the South Vietnamese leadership they would get a better deal from Nixon, so skip that Paris trip until we win, mmmkay.  In part, it shows how Nixon was equally smart as fucking evil because he knew LBJ couldn't do shit about it because it would have blown up CIAs intel sources and methods.  Trump's people just lumbered into the Russians thinking they were all smart and sneaky, but they were / are fucking rubes.

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Completely backwards.  100% wrong.  Trump is the immediate problem.  He is a legitimate threat to our Republic.  I am flabbergasted that anyone would argue otherwise.  

Whatever the Russians are going to do in November is largely written in stone.  I honestly don't think there's anything we could do about it at this point if we tried.  Vigilance would help, if anyone had the wherewithal to be vigilant.  Right now, it's about numbers and solidarity.  That's it.  Vote them down.  If they try to prevent the election or invalidate the results, then that's yet another step that will require even more drastic response.  Unfortunately, I don't think most of you have the stones to step up.

I'm focusing on Mueller investigation in my response (sorry if that isn't clear).  That process has to run its course.  I agree with you politically, electorally, the electorate needs to be vigilant and active to take both houses away from GOP in the fall.

If someone else finds a smoking gun before Mueller does, though, by all means, I hope that happens and they produce it.

Edited by A-Tex Devil
4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

All Russia helped Trump do is figure out how to target the already existing racial and gender hatred that existed in this nation and has been festering longer than Vladimir Putin has been alive. Russia didn't invent the problems within our nation that led to Trump's election, he just helped Trump capitalize on them.

You’re minimizing the Russian attack as if Russia just gave Trump some money, roadmap, and script to win the election.

Russia attacked all of us, democrats and republicans, Trump was just one weaponized aspect of it.  You want to know why we have Nazis, right wing extremists, more school shootings, and Qanon idiots everywhere? 

It’s not because of Trump. 

9 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

No. No.

People are suffering terribly in this nation right now and Russia has nothing to do with it. Little kids are in prison camps. Wages are stagnant while inequality is rising. The natural environment is burning us alive.

Let the fucking functionary nerds in the intelligence agencies and interdepartmental Congressional committees worry about Russia.

You're talking about symptoms.  

Russia is a parasite infesting our already weakened immune system.  We ignore that, it's at our own peril.

7 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

No, it's not. It's party over country. Disingenuousness over sincerity. Rich over poor.  Distinctly American issues that have festered and now hit the fan with Trump as POTUS. We need to take responsibility and fix ourselves first. 



I agree the problem is us.  We are unable to defend ourselves from information warfare coming from abroad.  Mostly due to lack of awareness and moral standards.  We should probably work on both if we want to prevent another Trump from taking over. 

Posted (edited)

These things aren't mutually exclusive, and we are kind of arguing past each other.  Mueller (and the IC and others) can be left to their devices to nail as many people as possible involved in any Russian interference in electorate past/present/future.  My opinion, when it comes to that, is that the good guys have lost control of the narrative and need to take it back.  This is the investigation approved by DJT's own appointed justice department (including the DAG).  The special counsel has his directive, and DJT may or may not be a person of interest, but it is bigger than that.  

When it comes to everything else, whether it is immigration, Kavanagh, tariffs, whatever I don't think I disagree with anything bad_teammate or jimmyjazz said.  Do what it takes to delay the appointment and take back the houses through the election.  

Edited by A-Tex Devil
  • Like 1
26 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

I'm sorry, if Putin had enabled Romney to beat Hillary we would not be in the same deep shit we're in now.  It might have delayed the final extrication from said shit, but our odds of drowning in it would have been significantly reduced.

Romney would have crushed the fastball Obama left right into the upper deck. I saw him in the airport a few years back, and his hair is even better in real life. 

11 minutes ago, SizzleChest said:

You're talking about symptoms.  

Russia is a parasite infesting our already weakened immune system.  We ignore that, it's at our own peril.

And they're doing their damnedest to take apart the EU and NATO.  Imagine if NATO turns to Article 5 collective defense for Russia's attack on the UK's democratic process (mostly same methods and actors involved as in the US election attack).  What does Trump/USA do ?  Past collective defense measures were organized after the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  If NATO collective defense fractures, Putin will roll unopposed.  For Putin, this is about way more than the US elections, but having inserted a servile blackmailed puppet is tilting towards an insanely huge payoff .

1 hour ago, Huckleberry said:

The people who should feel even worse based on that are Republicans. They could have won the election with any candidate and we could have any Republican POTUS right now and they threw in with Donald Trump.

Well I suppose feeling bad presumes there are Republicans with a spine and guiding principles beyond GET MINE, so scratch that.

They have nobody to blame but themselves. 

Posted (edited)

Russia would've never backed Romney.  And Romney would've never colluded if they had.   If the Romney campaign had gotten the email leading to the Trump Tower meeting, he would've notified the FBI, no question in my mind. 

Edited by Mojo Hand
  • Like 5
Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

Russia would've never backed Romney.  And Romney would've never colluded if they had.   If the Romney campaign had gotten the email leading to the Trump Tower meeting, he would've notified the FBI, no question in my mind. 

Romney may have gone a step further and called out Russia.  Like McCain, he would have publicly rejected any assistance from Russia instead of protecting the assault like Trump and McConnell. 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz

To Russia, beating Hillary was like banging the cute girl you’ve had your eye on for a few weeks in psych class.

But to get Trump in there was like a three way with Kate Upton and ScarJo. Given those two scenarios anyone would step up their efforts to achieve the latter beyond all rhyme or reason and I think that’s just what Russia did. 

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

Meanwhile, Ivanka is shutting down her clothing line.  Which indicates that not everything is sunshine and rainbows in the Trump business orbit.

Sign of the female vote in 18?

2 minutes ago, Message Board User said:


I don't see it on my bestsellers page on amazon... I wonder if he's just getting fed more political-type stuff on his recommendations page

1 minute ago, Captainant said:

I don't see it on my bestsellers page on amazon... I wonder if he's just getting fed more political-type stuff on his recommendations page

did you look in fiction?

  • Like 6
  • Haha 3
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

I'm sorry, if Putin had enabled Romney to beat Hillary we would not be in the same deep shit we're in now.  It might have delayed the final extrication from said shit, but our odds of drowning in it would have been significantly reduced.

And this is why I see Trump as a potential long term positive (if we survive).  If Russia did what they did with Romney or if Hillary had won, much of this would have been swept under the rug to fester in the background.

Trump is like the experimental chemo treatment that could kill you but it could also eliminate the cancer permanently and make you stronger in the long run.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
No, the mass amounts fake news and propaganda created by GRU/Russia proxies needed spotters for directions where to aim their fire.  What Russia lacked was the real time grasp of the American voter landscape down to the precinct at nut cutting time.  Congressmen investigating this have made this observation.

Here's a take that incorporates why the connected Spectrum Health - Trump Tower - Russian Alfa bank servers appear to have been involved in database replication activities:

Spectrum Health’s Role in the Trump-Russia Server Scandal

Spoiler Much speculation and rumor has surrounded the mysterious data connections that bounced back and forth between Russia’s Alfa Bank, Trump Tower and the DeVos family’s Spectrum Health in Michigan prior to the 2016 election.  Rather than concentratin’ on whether it was top-secret spyware, database replication or some other whiz-bang data transmittin’ software, let’s step back and look at the role each site played and what value each player might have added to this little Trump-spiracy.

Now that some of the smoke has cleared, we know two basic facts.

Russian hackers were able to acquire voter rolls from a number of key battleground states.

Russian bot-farms were able to inundate social media with fake news, propaganda and Trump-friendly talkin’ points in the run-up to the election.

The question we must ask is a simple, but important one, because the plausibility of this whole data-sharin’ shindig rests on it…

How did the Russians convert generic voter roll information into a specific list of targeted social media contacts?

In simpler terms…

Voter rolls have basic information: name, address, maybe a phone number, but that’s it.  Unless you plan a massive door-knockin’ campaign, it’s pretty useless.  So, to repeat the question, how do you get from generic voter rolls to micro-targeted social media lists?  What’s the one thing that ties all these things together?  An email address!

All Russian intelligence needed was to associate an email address with a name and address of a voter and bingo! Every social media account you own is tied to your email address, right?  Once they had an email, they could data-mine everything about you from your social media feeds.  They immediately knew if you were a Trumper, a Hill-bot, a Bernie Bro or a Stein fanatic, and could tailor a bot-campaign custom-made for you!

So where did they get the email addresses?  This is where Spectrum Health comes in.  Located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Spectrum is smack dab in the middle of one of the states the Trump campaign had to tip to win.  They are a huge health-care provider with subsidiaries that include hospitals treatment facilities, urgent-care clinics, as well as physician practices that serve the western Michigan area.  But the big enchilada for this caper is their access to insurance provider databases from all over the United States.  And what do those insurance database all have?  Email addresses tied to a name and address!

So what did the DeVos family get in return for Spectrum’s role in this little ping-ping wing-ding?  You’ll have to ask the new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos!




Folks. It’s really not that complicated. I sell data aggregation suites that utilize 1st (internal), 2nd(other companies’ internal), and 3rd party(data aggregations like Neilson) data to create highly specific user profiles.


You would be shocked at what a marketer, at, say, American Airlines can build with a few simple key strokes. To be fair, the software utilized by US firms is de-identified and is used for segmentation and population building purposes- but it would be very easy for someone with software engineering capabilities to reidentify the data.


If you have ever -

Bought anything online

Had a social media account

Responded to a promotional email (like from Home Depot)

Given your email address to a doctor or a government

Had an account with Amazon

Had a Netflix account


Or basically ever given anything other than a credit card number and SS number to a US company, you have a profile - and I sell the capability to utilize those profiles.


And there are plenty of buyers.



36 minutes ago, Gardner Barnes said:



Folks. It’s really not that complicated. I sell data aggregation suites that utilize 1st (internal), 2nd(other companies’ internal), and 3rd party(data aggregations like Neilson) data to create highly specific user profiles.


You would be shocked at what a marketer, at, say, American Airlines can build with a few simple key strokes. To be fair, the software utilized by US firms is de-identified and is used for segmentation and population building purposes- but it would be very easy for someone with software engineering capabilities to reidentify the data.


If you have ever -

Bought anything online

Had a social media account

Responded to a promotional email (like from Home Depot)

Given your email address to a doctor or a government

Had an account with Amazon

Had a Netflix account


Or basically ever given anything other than a credit card number and SS number to a US company, you have a profile - and I sell the capability to utilize those profiles.


And there are plenty of buyers.



That's helpful.  We know FaceBook accepted fucking rubles.  So knowing what you know, is there any reason why Russian military intelligence would want to avoid having a large data sales receipt end up on their doorstep ?

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Message Board User said:


Republican groups have been buying up books en masse for decades now just to pump up their “ratings.” Every thrift store in America is full of GOP diatribes that nobody has read. It’s legitimized corruption. Vote the way the moneybags want you too, then a friendly publisher will print your ghost written book that nobody wants to read, then the PACs buy it by the pallet, and everyone profits. Same goes for Dems who don’t rock the boat. It’s a racket. 

1 hour ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

did you look in fiction?


Edited by MaybeACoordinator
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