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5 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

I learned from the John Adams miniseries that tarring and feathering is a lot worse than I had expected. 

It is pretty bad. But for Benedict Mitch, given the harm he’s done to the country, I’ll allow it.

2 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

So, they think BEFORE wasn't a "dark place?"

Giuliani said they listened to 180+ conversations that Cohen taped, and that they are fine with them being released.  

He's lying of course, but trying to say that they don’t care if they are released is a signal to Trumpkins to ignore the fake media playing  the tapes. 

During this period that the info on the number of conversations was revealed, Trump ramped up his tweets, and it coincided with Giuliani claiming that collusion doesn’t matter.


What is Fox's goal with Shep?  He's the only part of their torrid organization that actually tells the truth so they can claim fair and balanced?  How has CNN or whoever not offered him double his salary to jump ship?

What is Fox's goal with Shep?  He's the only part of their torrid organization that actually tells the truth so they can claim fair and balanced?  How has CNN or whoever not offered him double his salary to jump ship?


  • Like 4
18 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

What is Fox's goal with Shep?  He's the only part of their torrid organization that actually tells the truth so they can claim fair and balanced?  How has CNN or whoever not offered him double his salary to jump ship?

When he came out as gay publicly, a whole bunch of FNC viewers lost their shit and wanted him fired.  He survived.  

I sometimes think he’s there to float trial balloons, and, as you said, to do the fair and balanced thing. 

But I sometimes wonder if he represents the Murdoch family. 

I just want his financial exposed.  That will take him to rock bottom.
No shit. How much justice would it be if the only places he feels welcomed are the backwards, shithole #MAGA towns he's played for fools?

Oh, he might escape to Trump properties, but if he attends a gala, or a charity event, he's gonna have to be a pariah.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

2 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

She is gonna OD one of these NYC party nights. 

Prime candidate to OD in Mary Kate and Ashley’s apartment, because Lindsey Lohan was on vacation. 

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Good leaders react to a crisis swiftly and honestly. Bad leaders blameshift, like, cover, and lawyer up.

Terrible leaders pretend there is no crisis, lie to their stakeholders, the press, and the public. They are frequently shocked how bad it really looks from the outside.

The current crisis will test three groups of leaders. First, Trump and his WH. He wants to destroy Mueller desperately, passionately, and instantly. His staff, such as they are, are simply among for the ride, oblivious to their historical and legal liabity

They have eyes on the crisis, and know that the CEO of this particular operation is out of his goddamn mind. But not one of them will quit. Not one of them will speak out on the record. Not one of them will stand up no matter how dangerous the path Trump puts them on.

Obviously, the coming moment will test the Republican Congress hardest. They will display both but the terrible kinds of leadership. They will pretend they had nothing to do with it, it never happened, they're mere particles in a dance of chaotic forces beyond their control.

The thick, grunting Trumphadis and the Dunning-Kruger test case wannabe players in the great game will pretend the laws don't matter,  Fox News can fix it, and that if only we got Hillary's emails we find the real killetd. Same show, different day.

I will remind them for the hundredth time that in 1973 Nixon's fans or exactly where they were. Stubborn, confident, screeching about fake news and liberal media conspiracies. In November of 1974 57 of them, 49 in the house and 8 in the Senate were out of a job.

There's a difference between now and then, however. The difference is Nixon did not have a cadre of Republicans in the house aggressively seeking to obstruct justice, and to end the Watergate probe.

Sadly, Paul Ryan will go down in history as a Speaker who presided over the utter collapse of a Republican caucus and even when the crisis Peaks and Trump starts firing people he will do nothing. He will sit, passive and terrified.

The next group is crisis will test is the Democrats. can they keep your eye on the ball? Can they actually work a problem? can they get through an election season without squandering the opportunity of the century? Or will they run down dumb issue rabbit holes?

 can they pretend for once not to be like a cat chasing a laser pointer?

Can they get on, and stay on a unified message, for once?

 Finally, the media is going to be tested like never before. Donald Trump is a weaponized distraction machine, and the more desperate he becomes the more absurd and dangerous the distractions will be. The media saw very clearly...

 ... in two major recent stories that Donald Trump is not immune when you focus. On both child separations and Helsinki, Trump completely lost control of the media narrative and for just a moment Americans opened their eyes again.

/Rick Wilson


Agree with pretty much all of it except the part about the Democrats needing a unified message.  They don’t need a central target for the Republicans to attack.  They need to stick to the issues important to their constituents in their districts. 


"They need to stick to the issues important to their constituents in their districts."

Hugo, this is exactly what Rick was talking about re: the Dems.

They consistently turn into Tommy boy with a dinner roll anytime a golden opportunity drops into their laps.  

If they run an issues based campaign, they will lose.  This election is about one thing...Trump.  If them Dems wanna take control of both houses, they need to talk Trump, all day, everyday, and twice on Sundays.  Don't get into the wonky shit your base cares about...they're voting for you anyway...you need to convince the fence sitters who don't like Trump, but don't want a "commie".

Keep the focus on Trump.  He'll self destruct and the Dems will impeach.

Edited by DixonHur
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

What is Fox's goal with Shep?  He's the only part of their torrid organization that actually tells the truth so they can claim fair and balanced?  How has CNN or whoever not offered him double his salary to jump ship?

Was wondering the same thing. I believe people are inherently good, so maybe the lies and bs are simply ratings/money makers (lots of idiot trumpkins out there but hey, they got money) and they keep shep as their lone call for truth. Kind of like the Felix gaeta in the battle star Galactica. Do bullshit but deep down they really mean well. Or they just suck, dunno. Guess we’ll find out.

Edited by achooloco
54 minutes ago, DixonHur said:


"They need to stick to the issues important to their constituents in their districts."

Hugo, this is exactly what Rick was talking about re: the Dems.

They consistently turn into Tommy boy with a dinner roll anytime a golden opportunity drops into their laps.  

If they run an issues based campaign, they will lose.  This election is about one thing...Trump.  If them Dems wanna take control of both houses, they need to talk Trump, all day, everyday, and twice on Sundays.  Don't get into the wonky shit your base cares about...they're voting for you anyway...you need to convince the fence sitters who don't like Trump, but don't want a "commie".

Keep the focus on Trump.  He'll self destruct and the Dems will impeach.

This is what I don't get.  Why do the Dems get a golden opportunity then go cater to BadTeammate and his ilk on the FAR left?  I don't even have anything against BT.  But for strategy, just absolutely bludgeon the public with antiTrump marketing.  Instead, they look to BernieBros and talk nonsense like free college for all.  Don't fucking scare the people center right / center left who are just beggin for you to give them a reason to vote AGAINST Trump...not necessarily FOR anything in particular. 

Even as an ExRepublican I can tell you their playbook to vote AGAINST the BS on the left, has worked much better than the left asking folks to vote FOR all their cool programs that are good for the masses.  Now, we're coming to find the R's are not, and likely never were, about fiscal responsibility etc...but by constantly shitting on the Dems for all the crap they're for, rather than admit they're just as for big govt, they keep winning with inferior candidates. 

That's a convoluted post and I keep repeating myself, but I'm on my second glass of scotch and frustrated as all hell as I see just how the Dems are going to blow this.  

  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

This is what I don't get.  Why do the Dems get a golden opportunity then go cater to BadTeammate and his ilk on the FAR left?  I don't even have anything against BT.  But for strategy, just absolutely bludgeon the public with antiTrump marketing.  Instead, they look to BernieBros and talk nonsense like free college for all.  Don't fucking scare the people center right / center left who are just beggin for you to give them a reason to vote AGAINST Trump...not necessarily FOR anything in particular. 

Even as an ExRepublican I can tell you their playbook to vote AGAINST the BS on the left, has worked much better than the left asking folks to vote FOR all their cool programs that are good for the masses.  Now, we're coming to find the R's are not, and likely never were, about fiscal responsibility etc...but by constantly shitting on the Dems for all the crap they're for, rather than admit they're just as for big govt, they keep winning with inferior candidates. 

That's a convoluted post and I keep repeating myself, but I'm on my second glass of scotch and frustrated as all hell as I see just how the Dems are going to blow this.  

That is the stupidity of the left, they just shouldn’t go full retard and promise all these things, stick to winning and get in power, then implement them.

It’s like being with a girl and she wants to bang you but you stop it to talk about the dangers of ecoli 

18 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

This is what I don't get.  Why do the Dems get a golden opportunity then go cater to BadTeammate and his ilk on the FAR left?  I don't even have anything against BT.  But for strategy, just absolutely bludgeon the public with antiTrump marketing.  Instead, they look to BernieBros and talk nonsense like free college for all.  Don't fucking scare the people center right / center left who are just beggin for you to give them a reason to vote AGAINST Trump...not necessarily FOR anything in particular. 

Even as an ExRepublican I can tell you their playbook to vote AGAINST the BS on the left, has worked much better than the left asking folks to vote FOR all their cool programs that are good for the masses.  Now, we're coming to find the R's are not, and likely never were, about fiscal responsibility etc...but by constantly shitting on the Dems for all the crap they're for, rather than admit they're just as for big govt, they keep winning with inferior candidates. 

That's a convoluted post and I keep repeating myself, but I'm on my second glass of scotch and frustrated as all hell as I see just how the Dems are going to blow this.  

I think your point of confusion comes from the fact that Bernie's policies are not far left policies anymore. They are mainstream policies supported by the majority.


13 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:


Was weird to see Obama at a Georgetown bakery yesterday. Forgot what it’s like for presidents to frequent businesses they don’t own.

Maybe I'm a moron, but it really seems that he and Biden are tight.  They really seem to like and respect each other.  

14 minutes ago, RayDog said:

I think your point of confusion comes from the fact that Bernie's policies are not far left policies anymore. They are mainstream policies supported by the majority.


They’re LOVED on the left.  LOATHED center right.  Anyways, again, fuck the policies.  Just bash this treasonous asshole all the way to a super majority...

3 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

Personally I’m kind of glad that both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will go down in history as spineless weasels who destroyed their own party because, well, they were spineless weasels in the face of obvious tyranny and they deserve it.  

I don’t think they should be tarred and feathered as a result, but if they were, I wouldn’t lose a whole lot of sleep about it. 


I agree, they shouldn't be tarred and feathered. They should be placed up against a wall and shot.

39 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

This is what I don't get.  Why do the Dems get a golden opportunity then go cater to BadTeammate and his ilk on the FAR left?

A golden opportunity to... what?

Win power and do nothing with it?


Even as an ExRepublican I can tell you their playbook to vote AGAINST the BS on the left, has worked much better than the left asking folks to vote FOR all their cool programs that are good for the masses.

In accomplishing what?

The center-right Dems have gotten their faces stomped for a decade+ in every race that isn't the presidential race. Republicans control everything. They have passed no real meaningful legislation of any kind. They have not stacked the courts with progressive justices.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, MidTexHorn said:

Yeah, we'll I'm surrounded by them out here in the Permian Basin. It's not a pretty thing and it will get really ugly if this goes where I think it's going to go.


You're telling me... I passed through my hometown of Big Spring two weekends ago and hung out with a couple old high school buddies who I hadn't seen in about 10 years and who were once sane and relatively apolitical. Things were going well until one of them asked me if I supported Trump. After I responded truthfully that I thought he was like a carnival barker at a three-ring circus, I thought all hell was about to break loose by the torrent of well-rehearsed Fox News talking points spewed in my direction.

Pro-abortion! Pro-open borders! Nancy Pelosi! Second Amendment! Jesus fucking Christ, guys. All I wanted to do is catch up and remark on how old we all got.

You'd think their world was about to come to an end. But no, they're both doing great - each making close to 6-figures without a college degree doing stupid menial jobs that a monkey could do in the oil field, like driving around in a pick-up and checking gauges as if they were the meter man for your local electric company. I guess driving around in a white company truck all day listening to AM radio really will fry your brain.

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, bolverk said:

You're telling me... I passed through my hometown of Big Spring two weekends ago and hung out with a couple old high school buddies who I hadn't seen in about 10 years and who were once sane and relatively apolitical. Things were going well until one of them asked me if I supported Trump. After I responded truthfully that I thought he was like a carnival barker at a three-ring circus, I thought all hell was about to break loose by the torrent of well-rehearsed Fox News talking points spewed in my direction.

Pro-abortion! Pro-open borders! Nancy Pelosi! Second Amendment! Jesus fucking Christ, guys. All I wanted to do is catch up and remark on how old we all got.

You'd think their world was about to come to an end. But no, they're both doing great - each making close to 6-figures without a college degree doing stupid menial jobs that a monkey could do in the oil field, like driving around in a pick-up and checking gauges as if they were the meter man for your local electric company. I guess driving around in a white company truck all day listening to AM radio really will fry your brain.

We all live in varying levels of filter bubble. In the very few interactions I've had like this, the guys are genuinely flustered and upset by any pushback because their filter bubbles do not involve any critical thinking. Some people reach out of theirs (many of us here, just by participating here, have our beliefs constantly challenged), but I think MOST people really do live in an informational and ideological isolation tank.



Very satisfying evening.  It was my mother’s birthday.  My father is a Trumpkin (btw, I love that this was an auto fill choice), and I picked a fight with him.   My mom, who leans right but who I sense is disgusted by trump and has squashed any discussion of politics at family events, let it go for a while.  She normally shuts it down because she just wants to spend time with her grandchildren in peace.  My father became a coward when confronted with his indefensible positions, and  my mother tacitly approved.   #sortofwinning

  • Like 3
53 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

A golden opportunity to... what?

Win power and do nothing with it?

In accomplishing what?

The center-right Dems have gotten their faces stomped for a decade+ in every race that isn't the presidential race. Republicans control everything. They have passed no real meaningful legislation of any kind. They have not stacked the courts with progressive justices.

I think you misunderstood me.  I’m saying the R’s just bash whatever the fuck D’s on the far left are for.  They traditionally keep the far right rhetoric down somewhat and steal a lot of votes in the middle.  This is the D’s chance to return the favor.  Fuck what you’re for...bash Trump and the loons on the far right and get into office.  Quit blabbering about how awesome your ideas on the far left are, most of us don’t want to hear that...and we are the ones in the middle.  You know, the people that will decide elections...

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, texas08 said:

Haha, we have a cock sucker for a president. That guy is a pathetic human being. FUCK YOU if you support this imbecile.

A lot of people on this earth suck cock.  And 99.9% of them would be a better POTUS.  The cocksucking ain't the issue dude. 

  • Like 5

Maybe JB Sessions will grow a pair of Elf balls, reinstate himself, fire Mueller and publicly claim he was following the Presidents clear directive. And flush this whole mess deservingly down the toilet. 



6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:


Attack him.  Humiliate him.  Taunt him.  Mock him.  RELENTLESSLY.  His ego is his strength, and his weakness.  Attack it without mercy or pause.  He has tiny hands, a little dick, and no money.  He's a functional retard.  The only way he can get pussy is to buy it, which means he's never been with a woman who isn't a whore.  He has the mind of a child.  He eats like a brat.  He cheats at golf because he fucking sucks at it.  Everyone in the world has made him their bitch.  Everyone in the world laughs at him. 

Agreed.  It’s not enough to just get Trump out of office.  His head needs to be on a metaphorical pike at the whitehouse gate.  Unqualified narcissists, unscrupulous profiteers, foreign-leveraged invertebrates and wanna-be despots need to be forever deterred from a desire to be President.  If Trump has a happy ending, we will see more of his ilk seeking the power and profit of the presidency.

Whether by vote or an act of Congress, I think he leaves office after no more than one term and in ruin.   His marriage destroyed and half of his children in prison.  Exposed as a sham with his facade of wealth and cunning laughably absurd in retrospect.  The eponymous brand he’s built over his lifetime worth some number less than zero. His chapter in American history rudely but not wrongly unkind.  It will read as some unbelievable-if-you-didn’t-live-through-it mashup of Mein Kampf, 1984, Wag the Dog, Forrest Gump, Raising Arizona and Dumb and Dumber.

Aww, hell.  Who the fuck am I kidding?  Even if all of the above comes to pass, he’ll be a martyr to the dumbest 35% of the country with a lucrative future pimping out Trump-branded Golden Corral restaurant clones bankrolled by some Russian gangster.


  • Like 2
4 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

When he came out as gay publicly, a whole bunch of FNC viewers lost their shit and wanted him fired.  He survived.  

I sometimes think he’s there to float trial balloons, and, as you said, to do the fair and balanced thing. 

But I sometimes wonder if he represents the Murdoch family. 


3 hours ago, achooloco said:

Was wondering the same thing. I believe people are inherently good, so maybe the lies and bs are simply ratings/money makers (lots of idiot trumpkins out there but hey, they got money) and they keep shep as their lone call for truth. Kind of like the Felix gaeta in the battle star Galactica. Do bullshit but deep down they really mean well. Or they just suck, dunno. Guess we’ll find out.

I think it's more sinister. The sole mouthpiece for the truth on that network...well, he's one of 'em queers, and whatever he says cain't be true 'cause he's a librul hoe-moe.

2 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

They’re LOVED on the left.  LOATHED center right.  Anyways, again, fuck the policies.  Just bash this treasonous asshole all the way to a super majority...

What do you mean? Example, Medicare for all has polled at over 60%.

You are not center-right.

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