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8 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

Can't get much more Aryan than that, can you?

Those two girls don't have to look both ways to cross the street, if you get my drift

  • Like 2
10 hours ago, Thetexashammer said:

I think today's Dem Party is like an Islamic Sharia party. The more traditional view is that "democratic SOCIALIST" is quite similar to "national SOCIALIST". All three ideologies are totalitarian and therefore despicable and borderline genocidal.

The more the Democratic Party tightens its grip, the more starsystems will slip through its fingers. Carry on with your poisonous insanity.

your uncle is your brother, isn't he?


19 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

Yeah their argument is that better fuel efficiency increases driving which leads to death and mayhem on the roads. 

This has been an argument since 08 at least.   Trump says that with worse fuel economy, people will drive less, therefore less wrecks.  That is dumb and has never been the argument.

What has been argued is we are exchanging fuel efficiency for safety.  Better fuel efficiency relies somewhat on lighter vehicles.  To get lighter and retain strength, they have gone to more brittle, harder alloys.  Crumple zones are being reduced and the ductile materials that normally absorb the shock of a collision are being removed or replaced by more rigid materials.  Therefore the inertial force of the impact is absorbed more by the occupants instead of the vehicle.  

I do not know if this argument is valid or not.  That was presented to us as part of an extrication class for newer model cars.


10 hours ago, Thetexashammer said:

I think today's Dem Party is like an Islamic Sharia party. The more traditional view is that "democratic SOCIALIST" is quite similar to "national SOCIALIST". All three ideologies are totalitarian and therefore despicable and borderline genocidal.

The more the Democratic Party tightens its grip, the more starsystems will slip through its fingers. Carry on with your poisonous insanity.

homer simpson blinking.gif


This is exactly the kind of trash that Trump is trying to purge from Our Great Nation:


“She represents the best that the Army has to offer: a smart, agile young leader capable of handling immense challenges with marked success,” the supervisor wrote.


  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

She’s more of a loyal American than the president is. Deport him. Keep her. We all win.

One thing I noticed last time I hung out with Republican relatives that finally swore off Trump... expelling undocumented immigrants from the military was the last straw for them, and honestly it might have been the only straw needed. For much of the GOP base, the adoration of anyone who wears the uniform supersedes their stance on illegal immigration. And she isn't the first undocumented immigrant to be discharged from the military. Trump is an idiot for allowing this. It's the kind of move that can sour him with at least part of his base.


I get really tired of people finding something someone said 20 years ago about one issue, as an attempt to prove their hypocrisy on another issue.

That's a game that the shitstain Trumpistans love to play. Fortunately, Trump's bumbling idiocy and team of crooks and liars provide far more material to work with, so that the other side shouldn't need to resort to such measures.


She's not even undocumented, except for the fact that third parties were dealing in fake visa applications.  She thought she had done everything by the book.


Lagging indicators + I don't think we as a society are strong enough to pull together through a crisis.

I think if we had our power grid shut down for 72 hours it would be Lord of the Flies by the time we saw the second sunrise.

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Quick question for those prophesying the doom and end of USA as we know it:

How do you reconcile today's reports of "full employment" with unemployment rate at record lows of 3.9%; good job growth across multiple sectors, the world's first trillion dollar company breaking that sound barrier this week, and wage growth of 2.9%.

Serious question from a barely interested party on how people who swear that Trump will destroy America are squaring the above circle. Is it one of these things:

* Trump/WH said all this-- it's fake news!

* These things aren't reflection of the WH or TRUMP! America is doing great again DESPITE Trump!

* Trump/WH does not affect on these things. Hello? Gas Prices, much?

* LAGGING INDICATORS. These are actually OBAMA's wins from 5 years ago. We won't see the affect of Trump's horribleness until 2023.

* Other

Bread and circuses.

Quick question for those prophesying the doom and end of USA as we know it:
How do you reconcile today's reports of "full employment" with unemployment rate at record lows of 3.9%; good job growth across multiple sectors, the world's first trillion dollar company breaking that sound barrier this week, and wage growth of 2.9%.
Serious question from a barely interested party on how people who swear that Trump will destroy America are squaring the above circle. Is it one of these things:
* Trump/WH said all this-- it's fake news!
* These things aren't reflection of the WH or TRUMP! America is doing great again DESPITE Trump!
* Trump/WH does not affect on these things. Hello? Gas Prices, much?
* LAGGING INDICATORS. These are actually OBAMA's wins from 5 years ago. We won't see the affect of Trump's horribleness until 2023.
* Other

Combination, but all have to do with lag. It takes years for most govt action to materially impact the economy. We know that there are things done by this admin that will have long term negative effects. We also know that we are due for some sort of downturn soon (nothing to do with any admin - just the natural cycle). And the actions of the admin have already removed several of the tools we would ordinarily have to spur the economy in such times.

But I know that most folks perceive and attribute everything with immediacy. It’s wrong, but that’s what they do.
12 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Serious question from a barely interested party on how people who swear that Trump will destroy America are squaring the above circle.


What a load of horseshit, Swam2.0.

"Just asking questions"

  • Like 3

Sen. Orrin Hatch: “We do not expect our presidents to lie under oath...If...there has been intimidation of witnesses...if there is subornation of perjury, SERIOUS felony. If there is obstruction of justice, that’s one of the most serious charges you can have.”

Funny how all that changes with a R president.


My USA is doomed belief is largely independent of the economy.  Economy is good right now.  Trump might even have something to do with that, but I don’t know.  

My belief in the doom of our country is that up until today there’s always been a sort of governor on the type of person that gets put into the highest offices. There are automatic assumptions on his patriotism, the fact that he’s working in the interest of United States, his desire to see all of America prosper and not just those that supported him, etc.  (this next part is decidedly unamerican I admit).   There’s also been institutional forces and soft forces that prevent people less capable of making sound decisions about governorship preventing them from influencing elections. Now with things like Facebook, crazy message boards, the derogation of the “elites” where more expertise means you are less trustable,  the exact idiots that have no ability to make responsible decisions are certain of their own correctness in making those decisions  and motivated to exercise their rights to make those decisions. 

  • Like 1
41 minutes ago, Pancho Negro said:


Yeah, this is exactly the kind of immigrant we need more of. There is zero explanation for discharging and working to deport someone like this other than racism. Zero.

11 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

My USA is doomed belief is largely independent of the economy.  Economy is good right now.  Trump might even have something to do with that, but I don’t know.  

My belief in the doom of our country is that up until today there’s always been a sort of governor on the type of person that gets put into the highest offices. There are automatic assumptions on his patriotism, the fact that he’s working in the interest of United States, his desire to see all of America prosper and not just those that supported him, etc.  (this next part is decidedly unamerican I admit).   There’s also been institutional forces and soft forces that prevent people less capable of making sound decisions about governorship preventing them from influencing elections. Now with things like Facebook, crazy message boards, the derogation of the “elites” where more expertise means you are less trustable,  the exact idiots that have no ability to make responsible decisions are certain of their own correctness in making those decisions  and motivated to exercise their rights to make those decisions. 


14 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

So, if I am hearing correctly, the doom and end of the USA at the hands of DJT, is a healthy prediction based on indicators that will bear their fruit in the future. It's like the calm before the storm right now. 

Also I think what I'm hearing is, irrespective of our economy and if people have jobs, and nice wages, and a great economic outlook, the republic will still be damned and doomed because of everything else that DJT has done to erode the constitution or prestige and persona of the Presidency and all the marginalized folks like Js1LBT's and PoC's and other horrible crimes against the founding fathers.

I agree that everyone is wired to tie immediate or current results and effects to recent causes instead of seeing a longer picture.

Well, let's look at a hypothetical.  Imagine the US lowers taxes to 0%.  No more tax collection.  What happens in the near term?  Pretty sweet, right?  The immediate reaction is prosperity.  it does not take much foresight to know that the inevitable downside is coming.

A night full of drinking is great fun.  Those who've been through it enough times know that what's coming the next morning will not be.

If someone thinks the current state of affairs is the only information to take into account then I really would hate to see what their retirement planning looks like.

  • Like 1
He's just a right wing pigeon from outer space, sent here to destroy the human race.
"Look at what the queers are doing to our soil!"

I like you Stewart. You’re not like all the other kids here in the trailer park.
  • Like 2
Add another imbecile that somehow got elected a US Congressman 

Why do we need to build a Great Wall? The Mongols haven’t destroyed us and raped and pillaged yet.
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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, HenryJames said:


A private immigration bill pending just for his wife?   What makes her so worthy? 

From the article:

"His wife first tried to enter the U.S. illegally in May 1998 by falsely claiming to a Customs and Border Patrol agent that she was an American citizen. Juarez admitted she is Mexican and said she was interrogated by agents and unwittingly signed paperwork to avoid six months at a federal detention center in exchange for being immediately released to return to Mexico.

It turned out she had signed a waiver that bans her future rights to a permanent resident card, visa or a path to naturalized citizenship.

Juarez briefly returned to Mexico but soon crossed over into the U.S. unnoticed. She and Temo married in 2000 and settled down in Central Florida. Temo said he knew his wife could eventually be deported if she was caught."

.......So, she's a repeat offender who lied to border agents.  Her only worthiness for an exception is that this" super conservative" married her.   This is modern conservativism — freedom for me to do what I want, but not for others in the same situation who I don't care about. 

Edited by Mojo Hand
  • Like 6
Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:


Why do we need to build a Great Wall? The Mongols haven’t destroyed us and raped and pillaged yet.


That's pretty much the exact right answer in terms of analogy. The response should be "No country has ever successfully invaded and conquered the United States of America, so according to your logic we should stop spending money on the military and our national defense."

Edited by Huckleberry
  • Like 1
40 minutes ago, TornACL said:

Lagging indicators + I don't think we as a society are strong enough to pull together through a crisis.

I think if we had our power grid shut down for 72 hours it would be Lord of the Flies by the time we saw the second sunrise.

The threat of a snow storm that only lasts a day or two totally wipes out grocery stores in the East.  It's maddening how cray people get. 

42 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

I'm going to go ahead and answer this as if you weren't "just asking questions" and are actually interested in a response.

Trump's economic and trade policies are retarded.  The consequences of his lunacy are yet to be even marginally realized.  I am confident things are about to get worse, because he's too stupid to just stay the course and ride the gravy train he was gifted.

Regardless, my concerns about Trump's economic policies pale in comparison with my concerns that the wipes his ass with the Constitution on a daily basis, couldn't tell the truth if you paid him $1B to do so,  and is an absolute moron with zero knowledge of history or law or international relations and he's jacking off all over the globe.  The consequences of his foreign "policy" are potentially grave.  The consequences to our system of government are absolutely dire.

The fact that he's rolling back qualifications for judges, destroying consumer protection agencies along with other federal protection agencies and passing tax cuts for the rich that will be paid for by our social security, medicare and medicaid should be enough to bring concern from any citizen.  Then add the restrictions that were imposed on banks and stock markets for fraud and predatory lending which lead to the housing crash being removed and history repeats itself.  

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Js1 said:

He's losing by an average of 16 points and not even breaking 30%.  So, the best Trump-endorsed candidate.

i am beginning to wonder if the GOP Trumpkins running for Congress realize they can't win a two way race without the majority of the vote, unlike Dear Leader.


1 hour ago, 27-25 said:

Well, let's look at a hypothetical.  Imagine the US lowers taxes to 0%.  No more tax collection.  What happens in the near term?  Pretty sweet, right?  The immediate reaction is prosperity.  it does not take much foresight to know that the inevitable downside is coming.

A night full of drinking is great fun.  Those who've been through it enough times know that what's coming the next morning will not be.

If someone thinks the current state of affairs is the only information to take into account then I really would hate to see what their retirement planning looks like.

This is a great analogy, because reading this thread makes me want to drink heavily.

Lagging indicators + I don't think we as a society are strong enough to pull together through a crisis.
I think if we had our power grid shut down for 72 hours it would be Lord of the Flies by the time we saw the second sunrise.

Agreed on both points.
And what country has breached our electrical grid and poked around? Our friends in Russia!
2 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

So, if I am hearing correctly, the doom and end of the USA at the hands of DJT, is a healthy prediction based on indicators that will bear their fruit in the future. It's like the calm before the storm right now. 

Also I think what I'm hearing is, irrespective of our economy and if people have jobs, and nice wages, and a great economic outlook, the republic will still be damned and doomed because of everything else that DJT has done to erode the constitution or prestige and persona of the Presidency and all the marginalized folks like Js1LBT's and PoC's and other horrible crimes against the founding fathers.

I agree that everyone is wired to tie immediate or current results and effects to recent causes instead of seeing a longer picture.

Indeed, short term economic prosperity is not an indicator of the health of a republic.  Mussolini was able to get the trains to run on time.

2 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Also I think what I'm hearing is, irrespective of our economy...

What you're not hearing is a president who delights in rousing anger and resentment against not only the institutions on which our country is based but the individuals associated with them. He has harnessed the hate engine that the right created to generate votes to generate irrational hate of things and people we all need.

The racism is more than troublesome.

The lying matters to some people, but maybe honesty isn't your thing as long as you have a job and steel-belted radials on the Buick.

Lastly, I don't think you would even recognize the end of the republic so long as you were content with your income and that you were not on the list of people persecuted by the state. The Roman republic did not sink into a hole in the ground with Rome disappearing forever. It went on for centuries as the mercy of tyrants some of whom were enlightened and others who were narcissistic sadists sure that they were themselves gods.

But ignore history. Abandon principle. Turn your back on fellow citizens. You got a job, man!

  • Like 8

So I guess QAnon will see this as a 4D chess move by Trump to ensnare more pedos before he breaks up the massive child sex ring. Or I guess these kids don't matter to them because they're not Americans, i.e. human. 


15 hours ago, Thetexashammer said:

I think today's Dem Party is like an Islamic Sharia party. The more traditional view is that "democratic SOCIALIST" is quite similar to "national SOCIALIST". All three ideologies are totalitarian and therefore despicable and borderline genocidal.

The more the Democratic Party tightens its grip, the more starsystems will slip through its fingers. Carry on with your poisonous insanity.


Meanwhile, in the real world, the Trump administration and the Republican Congress are pushing us into a gigantic debt problem.  Debt levels are piling up, pushing borrowing costs up. The Treasury Dept. just announced that it will be increasing the size of its auctions to help pay for the exploding deficit, and the early results are showing that the the Trump administration's contention that economic growth would make up for shortfalls from tax cuts and spending increases is flat wrong.   The U.S. recorded a 75 billion dollar deficit in June, a month in which the government has run a surplus in 52 of the last 64 years.  Revenue from corporate tax payments was down 20 billion dollars from June, 2017.  Through the first nine months of this calendar year, revenues have totaled $2.54 trillion, an increase of 1.4 percent from the same period a year ago ------- bug government spending has totaled $3.15 trillion, an increase of 3.9 percent from a year ago.

I am so glad I don't have kids. 

Posted (edited)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs, today released the following statement on the July 30, 2018 election in Zimbabwe:

“Over the past several days, I have had the privilege of observing Zimbabwe’s historic elections. After decades of misrule by Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe deserves to have a government worthy of its people.

“After a day of peaceful voting on July 30th, the violence on August 1st that claimed the lives of at least six people and injured many more was a throwback to the old days. The use of the Zimbabwean military to respond to political protests, or the use of the police force to disrupt press conferences, does not signal a new era, rather it echoes a dreadful past. 

“In order to instill confidence in the election results, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission must now make good on its commitment to release comprehensive polling data in a transparent manner that includes results from each polling station signed off by party agents who were present for the casting of ballots and the tabulation of results. Challenges to the results must be pursued through legal channels.

“During my visit to nearly a dozen polling stations scattered throughout rural Zimbabwe, I saw citizens, some young and agile, others bent with age, walking miles for the chance to cast a vote that mattered. I saw representatives of ZANU PF and MDC Alliance sitting together, chatting amicably and helping each other keep proper tallies. In everyone I encountered, I saw the hope for a brighter, more democratic and prosperous future for Zimbabwe.

“Here’s hoping that future is at hand.”




Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

Despite Trump tariffs, Trade Deficit up 7%.


Trade Deficit is down 7%

Putin didn't want Trump to win

The Russian thing is hoax.

Comey wasn't fired because of the Russia probe.

Obama wire tapped Trump Tower

The GOP tax cut is going to cost Trump and his 1% buddies a fortune.

Image result for trump voters

Edited by yoladu
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