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29 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

I’m gonna laugh hard if Omarosa ends up getting some folks fired.  Sarah Sanders should be buying Tums by the barrel. 

She comes across as dumb, but damned if she hasn’t been popping out with audio every time somebody disputes her account. 

People wouldn't be recording their conversations if this White House/President had a record of being honest straight shooters. Anyone that works in the West Wing knows that a recording is their only recourse/defense as the President will spew lies once you are out of favor/the door.

It is pretty damn smart, in my opinion. I'd be doing it if i worked there.

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11 hours ago, Gil Bang said:





that’s the heart of the Trump era: permitting cruelty without consequence for the powerful. It’s harmful to the weak — birds, in this case, whose beauty needs no argument — but also to the strong who, in the exercise of cruelty, become less humane, less human. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ tells His followers that not a single sparrow falls from the sky without God’s knowledge

pretty spot on

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18 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

He’s like a Ken doll down there.  

Naah, he's a guy.

A very sexually frustrated guy who couldn't get many dates or action.  Because he's fucking Ted Cruz.  Read the accounts of his college roommates.  Ted was the guy who creepily prowled every event, every party he managed to weasel his way into....and he only succeeded in making every girl there uncomfortable as hell, ruining the vibe for everyone else.

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24 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Naah, he's a guy.

A very sexually frustrated guy who couldn't get many dates or action.  Because he's fucking Ted Cruz.  Read the accounts of his college roommates.  Ted was the guy who creepily prowled every event, every party he managed to weasel his way into....and he only succeeded in making every girl there uncomfortable as hell, ruining the vibe for everyone else.

Holy shit! He's Greg Miller!

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43 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Naah, he's a guy.

A very sexually frustrated guy who couldn't get many dates or action.  Because he's fucking Ted Cruz.  Read the accounts of his college roommates.  Ted was the guy who creepily prowled every event, every party he managed to weasel his way into....and he only succeeded in making every girl there uncomfortable as hell, ruining the vibe for everyone else.

To be fair to Ted (just stay with me a second here), that describes basically every College Republican.

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3 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

peter strzok started the investigation? can anyone verify this?

Any Trump supporter will verify this. So will the mysterious characters who loathe (they always say loathe like they were trained together or something) Trump but rise to attack his critics as intolerant group-thinkers. 


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56 minutes ago, Jack Straw said:

ok, so when does this start? 

I still haven't been convnced that there aren't plenty of reinforcements waiting to replace them. I know quite a few whose ages range from their 20's to their 60's. I have a couple teenage nephews who probably don't have the will to defy their indoctrination. 

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22 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

I don't think Omarosa is helping by coming out with all of these allegations.  If anything, she detracts from his more credible detractors.  Mueller should tell her to STFU.

I think the bigger surprise is who has NOT talked to Mueller yet.  At this point, he's pretty much talked to everyone but Trump.

Edited by Js1
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Does it really matter if he did get caught saying n***** on tape? Would anyone be surprised? Would that change his ratings at all? Would Republicans in congress suddenly get off their asses and do something?

Let me help you out here...



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21 minutes ago, sachick said:

Does it really matter if he did get caught saying n***** on tape? Would anyone be surprised? Would that change his ratings at all? Would Republicans in congress suddenly get off their asses and do something?

Let me help you out here...



As mentioned above, his approval rating with Republicans would go UP.  Because that's where we are these days.

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Duh?  People don't look like a sunburnt raccoon naturally.


Manigault Newman, 44, writes that Trump allegedly tans in the mornings so that he will look good for the rest of the day.

In fact, she claims, Trump was alone in the room that contains his tanning bed when he now infamously tweeted out made-up word “covfefe.”

The bed was a point of contention for the president, she says, and led in-part to the firing of Angella Reid, the chief White House usher. According to Manigault Newman, Trump had Reid removed because he thought she mishandled the transportation of his tanning bed to the White House.

"I've never seen a thin person drinking diet coke!" - Donald Trump's twitter


Manigault Newman also comments on Trump’s dietary habits in her book. Calling the president “clearly obese,” she alleges that he drinks eight cans of Diet Coke per day. She further claims that she once gave him a study about the risks of drinking too much Diet Coke but that he did not read it.


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1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

I don't think Omarosa is helping by coming out with all of these allegations.  If anything, she detracts from his more credible detractors.  Mueller should tell her to STFU.

That's an amusing notion, my friend. Omarosa looks like a woman who will respond obediently to being told to shut the fuck up.


I'm also not sure why she would be hurting if she can prove the things she is saying. Her taped call with Trump contrasts well with him calling her a lowlife, wacky dog.

Let Trump roll around in the dirt. He may have met his match.


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