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30 minutes ago, Captainant said:

I get that you probably have some latent syphilis from your time at tech that's slowing down the ol' graymatter, but you really need to pull your head out of your ass my dude. 


20 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Who even uses the phrase "jet fighters?"  Is he quoting fucking "Rock the Casbah?"

....because if he is.....fuckin' a, he finally did something I can respect.


He might be able to get one F-15E.  What a bargain!


Well, when you factor in how he usually prices things: agree on a price, stiff the contractor, pay pennies on the dollar, it makes at least a little bit of sense.

RIP, Joe.

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29 minutes ago, kevwun said:

A curious person would question why a lifelong isolationist is suddenly so interested in international affairs.

Probably because he is a lifelong non-interventionist and not an isolationist.


26 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

Slorch once again proves he is incapable of viewing anything outside of the narrow lens of “things I have personally experienced.”

Unsurprisingly, @slorch is no where to be found.


Slorch is the kind of guy who tells you this gas chamber isn't bad at all cause they got the a/c turned down real comfy like and nobody's died yet. 

53 minutes ago, kevwun said:

He claims he's neither.  He's full of shit.

I've read where he stated he was neither an isolationist nor an interventionist but never heard him deny being a non-interventionist. Perhaps I missed it, do you have a link?

He has been fairly consistent on foreign policy since he entered Congress. I know that he has attempted to craft a "pragmatic" noninterventionist approach to foreign policy which turned off a lot of his father's supporters, primarily in regards to Middle East policy. However, he has been consistent on calling for international diplomacy since he became a Senator. His current actions are in keeping with stated views on foreign policy.


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21 minutes ago, F250 said:

I've read where he stated he was neither an isolationist nor an interventionist but never heard him deny being a non-interventionist. Perhaps I missed it, do you have a link?

He has been fairly consistent on foreign policy since he entered Congress. I know that he has attempted to craft a "pragmatic" noninterventionist approach to foreign policy which turned off a lot of his father's supporters, primarily in regards to Middle East policy. However, he has been consistent on calling for international diplomacy since he became a Senator. His current actions are in keeping with stated views on foreign policy.


He's still a complete fuck muffin that is eyeball deep in the Russia mess.

22 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

so why does a parade, which may last only 5 or 6 hours,  cost more than $20 mil anyway? WTF are they purchasing?

turns out moving a shitload of military hardware and personnel, then driving said hardware on civilian roads not designed for tanks and troop carriers to be driven on it can be expensive.

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21 minutes ago, Captainant said:

turns out moving a shitload of military hardware and personnel, then driving said hardware on civilian roads not designed for tanks and troop carriers to be driven on it can be expensive.

And the costs of Police and city employees to manage road closures, detours, barricades, etc. Undoubtedly there is going to be overtime costs for these individuals because it will be an all-hands event. Then the event and security costs for the President to sit in his little canopy area to watch and salute from. This will include a large sniper presence, air support, etc. 


But hey, it's all in the name of Trump getting to see "his" toys so fuck you. 

  • Like 1
27 minutes ago, Captainant said:

turns out moving a shitload of military hardware and personnel, then driving said hardware on civilian roads not designed for tanks and troop carriers to be driven on it can be expensive.

govt bloating. I'm pretty sure some guys from Craigslist could do it for $5800. 

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1 hour ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

One slight correction the stock market is artificially inflated at the moment due to the lower corporate tax and corporations are buying back stocks which props up their value. That's far and away not at all the same thing as a strong, robust, healthy economy or stock market.

If you look at DJIA over the last year there have been some ups and downs but it really hasn't done anything. 25,000ish.  There was a presidential bump, a bump for the corporate tax cut (present value of future tax flows) and a continuation of a bull market that started after 2008-which is fine but lets not act like this is the end all be all either as you pointed out.

Also, pointed out that the 2008 and beyond market was also a bit of a smoke screen considering that after a down market stocks must go up. 

34 minutes ago, F250 said:

I've read where he stated he was neither an isolationist nor an interventionist but never heard him deny being a non-interventionist. Perhaps I missed it, do you have a link?

He has been fairly consistent on foreign policy since he entered Congress. I know that he has attempted to craft a "pragmatic" noninterventionist approach to foreign policy which turned off a lot of his father's supporters, primarily in regards to Middle East policy. However, he has been consistent on calling for international diplomacy since he became a Senator. His current actions are in keeping with stated views on foreign policy.

Of course all of this is true, BUT RUSSIA!

If you think that military interventions should be approved by Congress you are an isolationist. If you think that diplomacy should always be part of the play, you are an isolationists.  Rinse repeat.  These cruise missiles ain't gonna sell themselves, OK. 


so i've come to believe that it's important to view trump tweets in the cluster context of his posting them. last night was a special night. somebody upthread said "our president is sundowning" and that's EXACTLY what these tweets seem like. having taken care of an elderly person, something does happen around sundown that makes them extra special crazy. let's look at our president's sundown last night:

so, essentially, he's asking the wonderful christian pastor to rot for us. obviously, we do not negotiate with terrorists, though in this case, it's our guy accused of terrorism. i know next to nothing about the charges or the case, but i would presume our guy is probably innocent. however, this tweet does nothing but pour gas on an existing fire. dumbass.

this has no context. i have no idea what he's on about here. it's his old Rigged Witch Hunt saw playing, I see. There's a name in there I do not recognize (who the fuck is bruce ohr and what has he done to donald trump?), and he can again try to pick on strzok, but i'm not sure what this is about. this seems like a confused man trying to craft a message, but who cannot get the clauses right so it comes out all muddled.

no puppet. no puppet. you're the puppet. in other news, our president does almost no work during his day, instead choosing to watch tv, and more incredibly, live tweet his experience! THIS HAPPENS DAILY. 

i guess that's fine. anyways, he's still on about the steele dossier. 

this means the pee tape is real. i'm convinced.

here's the mysterious bruce ohr again. the time stamps are important. this tweet is 15 minutes after his last mention of bruce ohr and the Rigged Witch Hunt. 

in case you forgot he thinks this investigation is a Rigged Witch Hunt, he'll tell you again 15 minutes later. 

like an old person telling you something they told you 15 minutes ago.

that's our president.

anyways, i guess bruce ohr is next in some kind of crosshairs. i'm not sure how one becomes a target, but when you have a man like donald trump, who deals only in projection and targets, nobody is safe.

still watching tv, seeking affirmation from the ever-befuddled tucker carlson, who really is just asking questions, right?

now, let's try not to linger on the absurdity of tucker fucking carlson calling someone else "limited intellectually," but this is what our president is choosing to focus upon. justification of his revocation of brennan's clearance. AFFIRMATION, BABY! drink in that drug, and enjoy that dopamine, bro!

but really, this is simple stream of consciousness, with no real thread of coherency. what does the latter have to do with the former? nothing. just something else upon which to harp. i guess richard blumenthal is an important figure who also must be targeted!

11 minutes between tweets. and again about richard blumenthal. what the fuck did this guy do?


he called out the cost of the parade that would aggrandize trump as commander in chief of all this military might. mistake, richard. tsk tsk. donald has no bones of forgiveness in his old frame.

it's been an hour. donald will probably slow down and cool off, right?

nope! he goes back to an old standby - some hack from the ever credible judicial watch! at this point, he's posting opinions that agree with his worldview. this is important, i think, because he isn't he one saying that brennan has gone off the deep end. someone has taught this old dog about plausible deniability, but he's so transparent that we can so easily see through these tweets to the rotten core of a man.

so, here we are, still seeking affirmation for a much criticized decision. and we are still watching tv and live tweeting it. not only that, but here we are, speculating as to possible things that may have happened, to get that dopamine wave. GOD IT FEELS SO GOOD THANK YOU LOU DOBBS FOR THIS NOW I CAN GO TO BED GOODNIGHT MOON

  • Like 7
41 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

He's still a complete fuck muffin that is eyeball deep in the Russia mess.

Thank you for that insightful response, now you can to proceed with flinging shit with Slorch.



1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

Who even uses the phrase "jet fighters?"  Is he quoting fucking "Rock the Casbah?"

....because if he is.....fuckin' a, he finally did something I can respect.


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so now, let's pivot to this morning's cavalcade of crazy.

wait, shit, that's not crazy. that's actually a fairly decent idea. i don't know how to react. i'm not saying we SHOULD do this, but it's not a half terrible idea. it's not a parade. it's not a war. shit. maybe this guy isn't so crazy.

oh, fuck, he is crazy. let's all remember, this is the guy who uttered "what, you think we are so innocent" when it comes to foreign policy. anyways, i guess we are supposed to know hat cuomo said and the context. fuck, now i got to find that out.

in a campaign speech, cuomo said america was never that great.


"We have not reached greatness. We will reach greatness when every American is fully engaged," Cuomo added. "We will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping of women, 51% of our population, is gone, and every woman's full potential is realized and unleashed and every woman is making her full contribution."

well, i guess. that's not the best stepping off point, govnah, but you've done one thing: you've put yourself in the president's crosshairs. congrats?

ten minutes after lambasting cuomo, the reality sets in for trump. 

fuck, man, this parade is probably not my best idea. it's expensive. it must be someone else's fault. it's definitely not my fault. nothing is my fault. it's the local politicians. they are the reason that moving military assets around and quartering them somewhere costs $92M. suppose we may need some security and crowd control. WHY CAN'T I JUST HAVE MY PARADE GODDAMN IT MOMMA, fine, i'll just take my ball and go home. but i'll go to the paris parade, which gave me this awesome idea in the first place, and remember how awesome that fucking DOPAMINE RUSH MUST BE WHEN THOSE TANKS THOSE MEN AND THOSE PLANE OH GOD IT MUST BE SO GREAT

"when i get to office, i won't have time to watch tv, except every morning when i live tweet to the world what i'm watching."

growth of what? what are you talking about, man? details? who needs fucking details. my johnson had double the growth rate in your mom last night.

it's been 2.5 hours since i mentioned govnah cuomo's statement. i must reinforce this point! because i'm great and i'm making (check that, I'VE FUCKING MADE, THE JOB IS DONE MOTHERFUCKERS!) america great. 

"choked." at least he didn't choke like a dog.

wait, what? when did cuomo say that we are not going to make america great again? oh, he didn't? fuck it, i'll make some shit up like i always do, these rubes will believe me. 

and i had no idea andrew cuomo was chris's brother. i kind of actually like chris's show. 

many are wanting. many. wanting. do something.

guess it's time to get out of the PJs, put on the extra long tie, and go to work.

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27 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

So the great negotiator asked for a price from DC, didn't like the quote, and cancelled the parade?   Is that the art of the deal? 

He's not gonna get held up. 

He's the one who does the holding up, goddamn it. 

27 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

So the great negotiator asked for a price from DC, didn't like the quote, and cancelled the parade?   Is that the art of the deal? 

I can already see it in my head:

Trump: We're doing this. It'll cost $14 million.

Bowers/DC: Actually it'll cost $92 million. Can you show your work?


Bowers/DC: Okay, great. Pleasure not doing business with you.

3 hours ago, slorch said:



There’s the belief that no matter how crazy things get with Trump, and there is a hyper-overreaction by many on this front; it’s not possible to be worse than if his opponent had been elected.

The story has yet to be played out...

Which is completely, 100% irrational.  


25 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:
  • US gave Turkey $154mm in aid in 2017
  • Trump won't pay them anything to release the American pastor
  • But if they don't release him, Trump cuts back on the aid.


So... more american tacos al pastor and less turkey.  


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53 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Trump’s grab-a-random-citizen-and-tweet-about-him-as-a-part-of-a-grand-conspiracy thing is going to create dozens of Steve Bartmans before we are done.  

This Steve Bartman?



I watched the Prince interview with Andrea Mitchell. I think he is right about the use of Special Forces in Afghanistan. We were having success there with them until they were pulled from there to handle the northern theater in the brilliant Iraq invasion. I think pulling them from Afghanistan took our best chance for success there.

I don't think a mercenary force using "Taliban rules of engagement" is the kind of representative the United States wants anywhere. Prince comes across as a lying sleaze. I'd never seen or heard him before. He dodged the China training question and the Seychelles question.

I think the US should do something about spending a million dollars training elite soldiers only to have them leave the service and sell there skills on the private market. Maybe we should pay a competitive rate for these soldiers even if it means that they get paid more then colonels and some generals. Special forces are the best weapon against unconventional enemies.

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4 hours ago, slorch said:

It doesn’t feel nearly as terrible as the hysteria on this board makes it seem.  Seriously.


How has your life been negatively impacted?

Straight out of the modern Republican voter playbook.  As long as your life is not impacted in a negative way, everything is good.  This mindset has overrun our country and is the biggest obstacle moving forward. Critical thinking goes out the door. Awareness fades. Got mine, fuck y'all.  I don't know if it's a long term effect of capitalism, but whatever this country was intended to be is dying. Trumpism is the malignant tumor that might kill it.


  • Like 8
2 hours ago, Orca of Peace said:

govt bloating. I'm pretty sure some guys from Craigslist could do it for $5800. 

They can't repair pot holes in DC for $5800.

26 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Straight out of the modern Republican voter playbook.  As long as your life is not impacted in a negative way, everything is good.  This mindset has overrun our country and is the biggest obstacle moving forward. Critical thinking goes out the door. Awareness fades. Got mine, fuck y'all.  I don't know if it's a long term effect of capitalism, but whatever this country was intended to be is dying. Trumpism is the malignant tumor that might kill it.


It's the crisis of ME.  If nothing happens to ME, RIGHT NOW, all is fine, no need for concern.

Nevermind that my neighbor (a word from the Bible, perhaps you've heard of it?  I THINK it even sold more copies than "Art of the Deal," although Trump may disagree) has been separated from her young child.  My neighbor has lost his job due to a stupid trade war.  My jewish neighbor, who had never even held a gun before last year, now owns one, because nazis are a real thing.  Nevermind that my neighbors have been fired from government jobs for exercising their First Amendment-protected right to free speech.  Nevermind that when it comes to our position in the globe vis-a-vis other nations, we are in that spot right before the tsunami hits -- hey, more beach.  Everyone, come stand out here, the beach is bigger than ever! [a bit later, wave comes and drowns all the idiots]



That's the only existence in America that matters to way too many people.  Pretty fucked up state of affairs for a country whose charter document LITERALLY BEGINS WITH THE WORD "WE."

  • Like 7
It doesn’t feel nearly as terrible as the hysteria on this board makes it seem.  Seriously.
How has your life been negatively impacted?

Family member’s business is negatively impacted by Trump’s attempts to undermine Obamacare. By undermining Obamacare without a viable alternative, family member’s business is hurt. If a viable alternative was introduced, then no matter the parameters her business could plan and thrive.

Since I’m also concerned with other human beings, the Trump administration is clearly an abomination.
4 hours ago, kevwun said:

A curious person would question why a lifelong isolationist is suddenly so interested in international affairs.

Maybe somebody has video of him fucking the neighbor’s wife and he’s afraid of getting his ass kicked again. 

3 hours ago, Orca of Peace said:

so why does a parade, which may last only 5 or 6 hours,  cost more than $20 mil anyway? WTF are they purchasing?

The recent Unite the Right rally in DC cost the city around 2.6 million.  For a couple of dozen inbreds to wave Nazi flags.  

Thousands of troops marching a lot farther, with vehicles, with a lot more security and road closures, should probably cost more han $2.6 million.  

And that’s not getting into fuel and transportation costs, housing costs, etc. etc.  


To say again what I said on the "say something good about trump" topic. Personally I'm doing fine. My IRA has never been better and I benefited some from the tax break. But I understand the idea of it not being just about me. I care about my fellow human being and when they hurt, I hurt. If folks want to call me a cry baby libtard then I'll wear that name proudly. I've always said that I'm a citizen of the world who happens to live in this country, and I'm concerned for all my fellow citizens. 

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