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Donald Trump 2018


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13 minutes ago, retread said:

This might deserve its own thread, but I was thinking about how lucky we are that certain people are in place.

Mueller - beyond reproach from both sides of aisle

Rosenstein - sticks to his guns

Sessions - probably neck-deep in whatever collusion happened, but at least he recused himself

Comey - shameless self-promoter who is trying to do the right thing

Cohen - redneck New York fixer who fancies himself as a real world Ray Donovan; involved in everything related to Trump including payoffs, intimidation (?), talking to Russians in Prague as a fixer (?); by taping conversations, may have found a way to document whatever he and Trump were up to

There's a whole list of complicit enablers on the unlucky side of the ledger. Like Ryan, McConnell, Dershowitz, Fox, etc.

Hard to tell who will win.


I don’t see any winners.  What constitutes victory for either side? 

The November election is all that matters IMO.

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4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I don’t see any winners.  What constitutes victory for either side? 

The November election is all that matters IMO.

I just hope justice is served and rule of law remains intact. That's would be a win for the US.

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Gonna be a 3 scoop night 

James Comey ✔ @Comey
 My book is about ethical leadership & draws on stories from my life & lessons I learned from others. 3 presidents are in my book: 2 help illustrate the values at the heart of ethical leadership; 1 serves as a counterpoint. I hope folks read the whole thing and find it useful.

1:18 PM - Apr 15, 2018

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36 minutes ago, Chewy's Hairy Horn said:

I thought this was a still from the movie "Clue".

This is the reveal scene. The murderer was Colonel Mustard Gas. The murder took place in the parlor. The murder weapon was a wildebeest. 


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Murder Weapons in Trump White House Clue Board Game:

mini fridge, nuclear football, polonium, gold plated putter, executive order pen, MLK Bust, extra long red tie, morphine (Melania’s).

Suspects: General Kelly, Kushner, Hope Hicks, POTUS, Melania, Steven Miller, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Dan Scavino, Professor Bolton.

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9 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

From right to left, Colonel Mustard Gas and Professor Plump.

I stole your Colonel Mustard Gas and added it above. Huckabeef is obviously a perfect Wildebeest, but I felt Colonel Mustard was a bit too respectful for Bolton. 

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Because there is no mention of it and I dearly love goading my GOP brethren, those past and present.



I am told regularly by people I admire and respect to hold my cynical tongue about all the career conservatives and television flotsam from the late and unlamented Avignon Presidency who now are all over the airwaves deploring the terrible things being done to the Republic by the president* and his dwindling band of loyalists down at Camp Runamuck. Be nice, I am told. These are valuable allies.

Try not to say so loudly that, as soon as the Republican Party casts off the First Millstone, these people all will be right back to promoting the ideas and the policies that made him possible in the first place—voodoo economics, wars of choice based on deceit, ticking-bomb excuses for torture, and night sweats over the impending rise of the liberal power elite. Keep that stuff to yourself, they say.

I am nothing if not coachable, so I’ve laid off as best I can. But, on Thursday night, kindly Doc Maddow hosted Nicolle Wallace to talk about the Comey book and other symptoms of our current attack of virulent political botulism. Wallace has proved to be a great—not, good, but great—TV host qua TV host. She’s smart and she’s personable and she comes across wonderfully on camera.


That said, on Friday night, if I had a firearm, I’d have Elvis-ed my electric teevee screen over something Wallace said to KDM concerning the Trump camp’s attacks on good ol’ James Comey, Man of Immutable Integritude. To wit:

WALLACE: Look, I just think it's another illustration of the complete 
decimation of the Republican Party's standing for anything that it was 
supposed to stand for. And I know you've never been a fan, but I'm a 
former practicing member of the party, and it never stood for character 
assassination of a man like Jim Comey, 
who served Republican presidents. And you may disagree with every single policy that George W. Bush advanced, 
but Jim Comey was a faithful and loyal servant in the George W. Bush 
Justice Department. So to have today's RNC crafting a plan and staff a war 
room to smear him is a disgrace.

Bold face mine, indicating the exact point in the show when I had a stroke.


Instead of venting my anger, and in my usual attempt to calm the roiling political sea, I offer the following test questions to all the Republican Penitents currently d/b/a Never Trumpers. These questions are based on Wallace’s remarkable assertion above as to what Republicanism is and is not, and what it has been and has not been, over the course of my life of political observation.

So, Nicolle, and Steve Schmidt, and Michael Steele, and Rick Wilson, and Joe Scarborough, and Butcher’s Bill Kristol, and Andrew Sullivan, and David Frum, and the rest of you. Please take out your No. 2 pencils, open your test booklets and begin. We start with an easy one.


1) Many of you have expressed your dismay at how Sinclair Broadcasting forced its local anchors to read a canned statement about the curse of “fake news,” divining, correctly, that this was the company’s way of delegitimizing serious coverage of the many and varied corruptions of the current administration*. In 2004, when Sinclair forced its local stations to run a meretricious fake documentary slandering John Kerry’s service in Vietnam, were you as offended as you are today? Were you public with your disapproval? Did you take your concerns to upper echelons in the Bush campaign and the Bush White House? To whom did you take them?



give the man his clicks. You know you want to know the other nine. Nine barbs to sting on the end of the goad


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Night after night — for many months — Trump’s sycophant-in-chief, Sean Hannity, has been softening the ground. And his message is sinking in.

In a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, three of four Republicans said they believed the Justice Department and the FBI are actively working to undermine Trump.

“Hannity has been poisoning the well for Mueller’s ‘deeply corrupt’ investigation and laying the groundwork to support the president if he seeks an authoritarian recourse,” wrote Matthew Gertz, of the progressive watchdog group Media Matters for America. That was back in October.

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50 minutes ago, retread said:



This is very much the truth. The GOP isn't turning on Trump unless FOX does. FOX is still very apologetic and Hannity is pushing forward full throttle towards the abyss. 

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12 minutes ago, Pods said:

This is very much the truth. The GOP isn't turning on Trump unless FOX does. FOX is still very apologetic and Hannity is pushing forward full throttle towards the abyss. 

It’s like straight out of a movie. The movie plot would involve someone like Hannity pushing the agenda for a shot at being like a propaganda minister in an authoritarian government. This is getting ridiculous 

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8 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

It’s like straight out of a movie. The movie plot would involve someone like Hannity pushing the agenda for a shot at being like a propaganda minister in an authoritarian government. This is getting ridiculous 

V for Vendetta comes to mind.

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23 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

The GOP will turn on Trump when they get throttled in November.

It really depends on what FOX decides to do. If FOX decides ratings are good with Dems impeaching Trump and FOX being the outlet for outrage, they may force them to double down.

A good chunk of the GOP voting base is watching FOX many hours a day. The GOP goes as FOX goes. 

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Did nazi this coming 


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Sunday defended his use of the phrase “Mission Accomplished” to describe a U.S.-led missile attack on Syria’s chemical weapons program, even as his aides stressed continuing U.S. troop involvement and plans for new economic sanctions against Russia for enabling the government of Bashar Assad.

Stepping up the pressure on Syria’s president, U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley indicated the sanctions to be announced Monday would be aimed at sending a message to Russia, which she said has blocked six attempts by the U.N. Security Council to make it easier to investigate the use of chemical weapons.

“Everyone is going to feel it at this point,” Haley said, warning of consequences for Assad’s foreign allies.

“The international community will not allow chemical weapons to come back into our everyday life,” she said. “The fact he was making this more normal and that Russia was covering this up, all that has got to stop.”

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36 minutes ago, Pods said:

It really depends on what FOX decides to do. If FOX decides ratings are good with Dems impeaching Trump and FOX being the outlet for outrage, they may force them to double down.

A good chunk of the GOP voting base is watching FOX many hours a day. The GOP goes as FOX goes. 

Fox would be making a lot more money if Hillary was in office.  

Not sure how they would do with Pence. 

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