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Donald Trump 2018


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4 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

The important thing about this link is not the fact that Trump was badgering people to pay for something he wants (history repeating itself, yada) but "John Barron" mentioned in the link....that we now know was Trump himself posing as a Trump employee.




It gets even more surreal when you realize he named his youngest son after his fake alter-ego.

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6 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

You can fool some of the people all of the time....
Like 30-40%

That piece quotes “John Barron”. Wasn’t that Trump’s sock?

I am going to overpay for this thing, but eventually I want you to pay me back. But I will establish no specific contractual terms. And if you renege, I'll just whine incessantly about it, because I have no leverage.


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Surprise, surprise.





A source who has been talking to President Trump throughout the Kavanaugh crisis told Axios that “you have no idea” how hard it has been to keep him from attacking his Supreme Court nominee's accuser.

A White House official said yesterday: “Hopefully he can keep it together until Monday. That’s only, like, another 48 hours right?”



At a rally in Las Vegas last night, Trump praised Kavanaugh and added with rare restraint: "I'm not saying anything about anybody else. ... So we gotta let it play out. ... I think is everything is going to be just fine."

Be smart: Kavanaugh's Republican strategists are holding it together, but are still nervous about the unknowns — and nervous about additional stories.

There’s a constant rumor mill that X publication has more female accusers. (Yesterday's rumor circulating Trumpworld was that it was the WaPo. Over the weekend, the rumor was Ronan Farrow.) Just very feverish.

Testimony in limbo: Lawyers for Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that it's “not possible” to appear Monday ("and the Committee's insistence that it occur then is arbitrary in any event"), but that she could testify later in the week, CNN reports.

"Ford's lawyer made clear that at no point ... could Ford be in the same room as Kavanaugh."

"There was also a request that Kavanaugh testify first at the hearing — which a ... source said ... committee Republicans were unlikely to grant."


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President Trump likes to mock Nancy Pelosi, but a private survey conducted for the Republican National Committee finds that she’s actually more popular—and beats the president when the midterm election is framed as a contest between the two.

The internal poll, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and obtained by Bloomberg Businessweek, asks registered voters who they support “when the November election is framed by Trump and Pelosi.” Overall, respondents prefer Pelosi-aligned candidates over Trump-aligned candidates by 5 points, 50 percent to 45 percent. Among independents only, Pelosi still prevails by a 4-point margin.


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16 minutes ago, Js1 said:

God, that has to be devastating internally for the GOP.  Their own poll shows the boogey-person they have railed against for the better part of a decade is polling better than their president.  


On one hand, you have to continually harp the name Pelosi in order to gin up the base.  On the other, just tossing the name Pelosi raises the profile of her candiates over the President's choices.







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I was wondering why Trump was so reserved on Kavanaugh the past few days and I bet the Senate leadership told him something like:

”Mr. President, we will take care of this situation but it’s very important you don’t weigh into this if you want Kavanaugh confirmed.  

The only thing that can derail this nomination is you getting involved and alienating more of our voters.

If you do get involved, there’s no guarantee we can push Kavanaugh through with enough votes, this is politics after all.


Be best.”

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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I still can't get over the fact that Trump believes the F-35 is literally invisible.  Fucking CEO of Lockheed even goes along with this shit. lmao


Yet again, President Donald Trump has offered evidence that he may think Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is literally invisible. What’s worse, the firm’s top executive, Marillyn Hewson, agreed with his remarks and made no attempt to correct him at a time when her company finds itself in increasingly acrimonious negotiations with the U.S. military over the stealth fighter’s costs.  


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"Can we divert funds from that program for HIV and cancer patients and use that to pay for the continuation of detaining children in makeshift prison camps?"

"Well sir, according to the 'Fuck Everything' clause, we absolutely can do that."

"Great news!  Let's get that started right away.  Gentlemen, fuck everything!"

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19 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

I still can't get over the fact that Trump believes the F-35 is literally invisible.  Fucking CEO of Lockheed even goes along with this shit. lmao


It's pretty obvious after reading Trump quotes that he's 100% retarded.

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51 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

It's gonna hit these simpletons like a ton of Maga shit bricks when Mueller gets him

It will never hit them. He has become their pyrite god. Him getting thrown in jail will do nothing to detract from their support. They’ve been completely blinded by the methanol in their Trump vodka. 

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I still can't get over the fact that Trump believes the F-35 is literally invisible.  Fucking CEO of Lockheed even goes along with this shit. lmao
Yet again, President Donald Trump has offered evidence that he may think Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is literally invisible. What’s worse, the firm’s top executive, Marillyn Hewson, agreed with his remarks and made no attempt to correct him at a time when her company finds itself in increasingly acrimonious negotiations with the U.S. military over the stealth fighter’s costs.  

See that runway sir? It is full of your new invisible F-35s. We are also working on an invisible self-sufficient robot Navy that does not require people and reports directly to the President at a cost of 1 trillion dollars. It seems high sir, but it is totally self sufficient and no labor is required to maintain and operate it. Saving lives and money.
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1 hour ago, Nivek said:


See that runway sir? It is full of your new invisible F-35s. We are also working on an invisible self-sufficient robot Navy that does not require people and reports directly to the President at a cost of 1 trillion dollars. It seems high sir, but it is totally self sufficient and no labor is required to maintain and operate it. Saving lives and money.

Ummm . . . the F-35 is invisible to the naked eye.  I don't know where you are getting your information.

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