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Donald Trump 2018


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Some messianic Jews may be Jewish but this rabbi is not.


Loren Jacobs studied at the Moody Bible Institute, run by evangelical Christians, and at Northeastern Bible College, run by Baptists. He is explicitly a Christian who wants to convince Jews to become Christians

From his website -

In one sense, Messianic Judaism and Christianity are the same thing. There is only one faith. Messianic Jews and Christians share the same core beliefs. Messianic Judaism is the same faith but it is expressed within the Jewish heritage.

And how did that “rabbi” open the service?

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I'm really thinking we may not come back from this.  If the events of the past week, piled on top of two years of absolute madness and stupidity, aren't enough to drop his approval below 40% and according to most numbers the turnout from Rs is just as high as the Dems, I don't have much hope.  One week left I suppose.  Closure is imminent.

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Just imagine your grandchildren reading about this in the history books.


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies continued. Attack ads stayed on the airwaves. Political combat largely carried on.

Amid a wave of election season violence that left many Americans on edge, the contentious midterm campaign has barreled forward with little pause. Trump and other politicians disavowed the pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and condemned the massacre of 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue this past week. But the divisiveness that has dominated the nation’s politics kept creeping back.



It really is like reading about some shit that happened in the 1960s.

Except it was two days ago. 

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2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trivial bitching here but Trump hijacking the democrat “Blue Wave” and pushing the notion of a “Red Wave” was really dumb.  

First of all, waves are blue.  

Red wave? What the fuck does that even mean? Red waves don’t exist you fucking idiot. 

Come on Trump.

Roll Tide! /s

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2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trivial bitching here but Trump hijacking the democrat “Blue Wave” and pushing the notion of a “Red Wave” was really dumb.  

First of all, waves are blue.  

Red wave? What the fuck does that even mean? Red waves don’t exist you fucking idiot. 

Come on Trump.

There are red tides and they usually kill everything, so...

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4 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:


He specifically said he wasn’t referring to neo-Nazis when he said that.


Excuse me...excuse me...excuse me..but what about the alt-left?  The alt-left that came charging at the alt-right?  I’m telling you there were very fine people there....on both sides. 


Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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1 hour ago, Ted Lange said:

They are all a bunch of phony Christians.  And the GOP voters lap up them espousing Christian values. Fucking rubes

This occurred at a conference held by the Federalist Society on Religious Liberty.

The audience booed the ministers.


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42 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

Oh ok. He also said he convinced those in power to open the NYSE on 9/12. 

A very close second to the memory of where they were in the city on 9/11 to any longtime New Yorker, is what they did the next morning.  To wake up to the sunrise and make sense of what surely must have been a dream.  To still see the smoldering rubble downtown/across the river from you.  To wake up and check your messages and your desktop email for alerts from loved ones.  To try and go on with the rest of your workweek (9/12 was a Wednesday, middle of the grind for every New Yorker). 

Did you stay at home, did you go through muscle memory and dress your kids for school, did you walk all the way to your subway stop only to find it closed and just huddled with others lost like you and just weep for what had happened, but yet hold a stranger close in a city of cold shoulders because at least you were alive?  Every New Yorker I know has the memory of what happened that next morning seared just as deep in their souls because it was then the real confusion how to pick up and move on slowly began.  

So how in the fuck does somebody think they may, or may not, have helped open up the New York Stock Exchange the next day?  Forget calling him a liar or tripping over the details of who he heard it from.  Just fucking ask him what he found himself doing the next morning?  Every single New Yorker remembers it vividly and you guys are getting too far afield with this...focus on this point instead:.  "Mr. President, on the morning of September 12th 2001...were you making calls to open up the New York Stock Exchange or were you with your family and friends and team members of your organization trying to form a path forward in a time of great uncertainty and grief?  How the fuck do you not remember the difference between those two activities? 

Edited by Lobo
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This is a good synopsis article on all the legal issues facing Trump and company, not just the Mueller investigation. 


1) Russian Conspiracy

2) Obstruction of Justice

3) Michael Cohen Fallout: Tax Evasion, Fraud, and Campaign Violations

4) Non-Disclosure Lawsuits by Stormy Daniels; Defamation Suit Dismissed

5) First Amendment Violations by PEN America over Threats to Bezos, Amazon, CNN, and Others

6) Emoluments Cases Brought by Maryland and Washington, D.C., and by Democrats

7) Self-Dealing and Mismanagement of the Trump Foundation

8} State Tax Law Violations by the Trump Foundation

9) Racketeering Lawsuit Alleges Duping Vulnerable Investors in Exchange for Secret Payments

10) Defamation Lawsuit Related to Sexual Assault Allegations by Summer Zervos


And those are just the greatest hits...not all the ones that center around his property operations, like personal injury and failure to pay for goods or services.  Nor does it get into anything international. 


Two things come to mind:

First, how delusional or stupid does someone with all this baggage have to be to go into the White House and feel they can get out unscathed?   And it wasn't just Trump, it was Cohen, Stone, Manafort and all the others moving in as a group.  You would think if you have a pretty comfortable life, why risk it going under the microscope that comes along with the Executive Branch?  

Second, how the hell do any of them sleep?   Seriously?  Are they so stupid to believe they can skate on ALL of this?  



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1 minute ago, pyrohornIII said:

First, how delusional or stupid does someone with all this baggage have to be to go into the White House and feel they can get out unscathed?  

I mean, at this point, regardless of the outcome, it was totally worth it for Trump.  He’s 72 and probably going to die soon anyway.  Why not be President of the United States? even if just for a little while.  

You might think he would want to protect his fortune or his kids... but miss out on being the center of attention every single day?  Lol no, fuck the kids. 

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2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Just imagine your grandchildren reading about this in the history books.


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies continued. Attack ads stayed on the airwaves. Political combat largely carried on.

Amid a wave of election season violence that left many Americans on edge, the contentious midterm campaign has barreled forward with little pause. Trump and other politicians disavowed the pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and condemned the massacre of 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue this past week. But the divisiveness that has dominated the nation’s politics kept creeping back.



It really is like reading about some shit that happened in the 1960s.

Except it was two days ago. 

Oh the history books are going to be brutal to Trump.  Which I guess gives him what he wants. He actually is going to be one of the most famous Presidents we ever have. When the last US President gets up there and dissolves this republic, whether 10, 100, or 1000 years from now, he will reference Trump. 

Ok, maybe not 1000.  If we make it that far, Trump is a distant memory.  Pretty damn unlikely we make it that far though. Trumpism is separatist. That can spread to states just as well as it can spread to European countries. So we will eventually either get Trumpist dissolution or leftest global integration. Neither leaves an intact USA.

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3 hours ago, Ted Lange said:

They are all a bunch of phony Christians.  And the GOP voters lap up them espousing Christian values. Fucking rubes

Thanks for finding that. I'm not a Christian, but I admire the Christian who speaks the best tenets of that philosophy. Kindness and love are good things no matter where they originate.

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2 hours ago, Lobo said:

A very close second to the memory of where they were in the city on 9/11 to any longtime New Yorker, is what they did the next morning.  To wake up to the sunrise and make sense of what surely must have been a dream.  To still see the smoldering rubble downtown/across the river from you.  To wake up and check your messages and your desktop email for alerts from loved ones.  To try and go on with the rest of your workweek (9/12 was a Wednesday, middle of the grind for every New Yorker). 

Did you stay at home, did you go through muscle memory and dress your kids for school, did you walk all the way to your subway stop only to find it closed and just huddled with others lost like you and just weep for what had happened, but yet hold a stranger close in a city of cold shoulders because at least you were alive?  Every New Yorker I know has the memory of what happened that next morning seared just as deep in their souls because it was then the real confusion how to pick up and move on slowly began.  

So how in the fuck does somebody think they may, or may not, have helped open up the New York Stock Exchange the next day?  Forget calling him a liar or tripping over the details of who he heard it from.  Just fucking ask him what he found himself doing the next morning?  Every single New Yorker remembers it vividly and you guys are getting too far afield with this...focus on this point instead:.  "Mr. President, on the morning of September 12th 2001...were you making calls to open up the New York Stock Exchange or were you with your family and friends and team members of your organization trying to form a path forward in a time of great uncertainty and grief?  How the fuck do you not remember the difference between those two activities? 

He wasn't doing any of those things. He was probably busy docking the pay of his workers who couldn't make it in from the outer boros because of transit, bridge, and tunnel closures.  It was a tragic day for him. Tough to get a steak burned to perfection with only midtown residents available to work. 

Seriously, the guy is a piece of shit who bragged that his building became the tallest downtown after 911.  He should never be allowed to talk about 911 again. 

Edited by FondrenRoad
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