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Donald Trump 2018


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Id think even with a majority of conservative activists on then supreme court, completely overturning a constitutional amendment through executive order will be struck down.  How would that even be possible or explained?  

I agree it's just more red meat to people who don't know any better.  I've already seen a couple of Facebook posts praising God that Trump is ending birthright citizenship.  If a president can just strike down entire amendments with the stroke of a pen, this American experiment is finished.

Edited by Tom
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52 minutes ago, Js1 said:

The Democrats should pretty much just say it's unconstitutional and would be overturned and go back to talking about health care for the next 7 days.

What they should actually do is spend the next week blasting that statement by Trump to minorities (particularly Latinos, obviously) all over the country and scare them into thinking that this might literally be their last chance to vote EVER if they don't vote against Republicans.

Fear-mongering has worked for decades on the other side. Stop trying to rise above if you want to win.

Edited by Huckleberry
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10 minutes ago, Tom said:

Even with a majority of conservative activists on then supreme court, overturning a constitutional amendment through executive order will be struck down.  How would that even be possible or explained?  

I agree it's just more red meat to people who don't know any better.  I've already seen a couple of Facebook posts praising God that Trump is ending birthright citizenship.  If a president can just strike down entire amendments with the stroke of a pen, this American experiment is finished.

It’s understandable but crazy nonetheless that clear thinking people are seeking assurances that Trump can’t make Constitutional amendments with the jerk  of a sharpie.

But yesterday these Trumps had a civil RICO suit filed against them for a pyramid fraud scheme.

It’s the same Trump who settled a civil fraud suit over his fake university for $25M just before the inauguration.

It’s not like they’ve been involved in money laundering, bribery, payoffs, tax evasion or even lying every waking moment.

For someone considered to communicate at a 3rd grade level, he’s a champion con, and the more you support him, the more vulnerable you are to getting beat by him.

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This is like a 12 ring circus.  You don't even get to fully appreciate an act before they have pushed a new one at you.   Say what you will about the dotard, to keep juggling all this in the air at one time is pretty impressive.  It does seem to be his business model though, so he has had years of practice in floating lots of shady shit simultaneously.

I do think though, like with the umbrella, we are seeing signs of cracking.  I personally can't see him lasting much longer, certainly not long enough to make a run in 2020.  The law will catch up to his ass, and his childrens' asses by then.  They will be drowning in their own swamp.  I think he figures his ace in the hole is the power of the pardon.  And while the pardon can keep him and cohorts out of jail, it won't repair the damage done to their reputations as "very smart people", it can't erase the grifter label they will all be wearing their whole lives. 


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The guy who plotted to kill Muslims back in 2016 is relying on Trump and the RW fever swamp for his defense.


“Trump’s win changed everything, and it is reasonable to speculate that it would have changed things among the defendants as well,” the attorneys wrote. “The urgency for action would be gone. The feeling of a losing battle would be gone. The conspiracies, in part, would be disproven as the transition from Obama to Trump took place. It is logical to conclude that the discussed attack would never have happened in the world that existed post-Trump.”

Stein’s attorneys said their client got caught up in the anti-Muslim information he was devouring online. His knowledge of the Quran, his attorneys wrote, “came directly from the internet and conservative talk-show hosts such as Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. Patrick himself had never read the Quran, nor had he participated in a comparative study of any religion.”

Stein, his attorneys wrote, was “the perfect, vulnerable target” for the FBI, and had relapsed into alcoholism and “had used methamphetamine regularly,” including after he met FBI informant Dan Day. They said that Stein’s crimes “demonstrated an extreme level of hatred and fear, but they also demonstrated an utter lack of sophistication.”

They argued that 15 years in prison and 10 years of supervised release would “adequately reflect the seriousness of the offense, promote respect for the law and provide just punishment.”



Edited by Fozzz
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Bad idea jeans. Legislate. No EO. 

I would like to hear any positive arguments in support of Jus Soli and how it benefits our country TODAY?  It seems like the ultimate incentive for illegal immigration. 

Without this you don’t need a wall and you fix half of the problems with illegal immigration and birth holiday tours in one shot.

Then focus resources on asylum claims (set up large centers for processing in the origin countries - don’t force the dangerous walks) and increasing legal immigration and work visas. The border becomes more open. 

Use technology and resources now freed to look for criminals and smugglers. Use freed up recourse to help clear the back logs for immigration, citizenship and asylum claims.   

But Trump is not a King and shouldn’t act as so. Amendend if wish but EOs are dangerous. 

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Just now, ChickenSandwich said:

Bad idea jeans. Legislate. No EO. 

I would like to hear any positive arguments in support of Jus Soli and how it benefits our country TODAY?  It seems like the ultimate incentive for illegal immigration. 

Without this you don’t need a wall and you fix half of the problems with illegal immigration and birth holiday tours in one shot.

Then focus resources on asylum claims (set up large centers for processing in the origin countries - don’t force the dangerous walks) and increasing legal immigration and work visas. The border becomes more open. 

Use technology and resources now freed to look for criminals and smugglers. Use freed up recourse to help clear the back logs for immigration, citizenship and asylum claims.   

But Trump is not a King and shouldn’t act as so. Amendend if wish but EOs are dangerous. 

Ah, yes, the "the executive branch is the wrong branch to illegally overturn the plain meaning of the Constitution" argument. Always my favorite.

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5 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Ah, yes, the "the executive branch is the wrong branch to illegally overturn the plain meaning of the Constitution" argument. Always my favorite.

So no benefits?

*too late to add to other

but I also think it is proper for all children born to Legal immigrants and Asylum recipients to be citizens immediately - even if not born on US soil

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6 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

This is like a 12 ring circus.  You don't even get to fully appreciate an act before they have pushed a new one at you.   Say what you will about the dotard, to keep juggling all this in the air at one time is pretty impressive.  It does seem to be his business model though, so he has had years of practice in floating lots of shady shit simultaneously.

I do think though, like with the umbrella, we are seeing signs of cracking.  I personally can't see him lasting much longer, certainly not long enough to make a run in 2020.  The law will catch up to his ass, and his childrens' asses by then.  They will be drowning in their own swamp.  I think he figures his ace in the hole is the power of the pardon.  And while the pardon can keep him and cohorts out of jail, it won't repair the damage done to their reputations as "very smart people", it can't erase the grifter label they will all be wearing their whole lives. 


Yeah, my hope is that all his legal woes come to a head in the fall of 2020.  This piece of shit gets reelected and we're all fucked. 

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16 hours ago, SimonBolivar said:

I know more people are voting than usual in the midterms, but I still don't think he has that much to worry about. A split legislative branch and a few more D governors isn't going to do much to him.

While the Senate will ultimately protect him, a Dem House could easily expose things like his net worth, the Russia stuff, etc.


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Just now, atomheartbevo said:

While the Senate will ultimately protect him, a Dem House could easily expose things like his net worth, the Russia stuff, etc.


If we are already fighting this much after two years, I can't imagine what will happen in the next two if the real gore starts coming out and congress doesn't act.

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4 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

So no benefits?

Other than elimination of stateless individuals, extreme promotion of immigrant assimilation into American society, defending and ensuring the idea that American society should not be based on bloodlines, and promotion of immigration you're right that there aren't benefits.

That last one will blow your mind, I'm sure, because you don't realize that immigration is a good thing.

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Oh yeah, he's totally not racist for wanting to remove the citizenship of millions by executive order and altering the constitution. But again, let's hear the right cry about activist judges inventing laws. 

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1 hour ago, Js1 said:

Trump forgot that the GOP was actually rebounding a tiny bit after Kavanaugh and when Trump stayed out of the news.

Now he's back to crater their chances further.

Steve Bannon's true genius was taking away Trump's phone the last 10 days of the 2016 election.  That, along with the Comey Memo and wikileaks is the reason Trump is president.  It turned him into Generic GOP Candidate for undecided voters. 

Trump's current behavior is not doing that.

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Just now, DigglerontheHoof said:

Yeah, my hope is that all his legal woes come to a head in the fall of 2020.  This piece of shit gets reelected and we're all fucked. 

We will have a much clearer picture on Trump’s likelihood of running in 2020 in eight days.  

If it’s a blue tsunami, I can’t see him running in 2020.  And if he does, he’s getting primaried.

Moreover, if the Dems by some miracle take both houses, you are going to see an all out civil war within the Republican Party.  

Many Republicans will defect from Trumpism because the message will be so crystal clear that the country is moving in a different direction.  They will move towards power, not away from it. 

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2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Other than elimination of stateless individuals, extreme promotion of immigrant assimilation into American society, defending and ensuring the idea that American society should not be based on bloodlines, and promotion of immigration you're right that there aren't benefits.

 That last one will blow your mind, I'm sure, because you don't realize that immigration is a good thing.


"Well then the best thing to do is to give them equal citizenship."



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What time is Capt. Dipshit supposed to get wheels-down in Pittsburgh?  May have to turn on the news for this stellar appearance.  

I've never liked the man since we were forced to read his autobiography 25 years ago.  And I've never had, and never will had a positive thing to say about him.  But one thing I had to give pushback as a minority myself was that the, "He's an anti-semite" rhetoric was bullshit.  Only because I know a dozen Jewish real estate guys in New York that said they hate dealing with him but only because he's a fucking sociopathic asshole, nothing to do with him not liking Judaism.  But I'm betting dollars to bagels today, he does something anti-Semitic, or at the very least, woefully insensitive. 

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Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

We will have a much clearer picture on Trump’s likelihood of running in 2020 in eight days.  

If it’s a blue tsunami, I can’t see him running in 2020.  And if he does, he’s getting primaried.

Moreover, if the Dems by some miracle take both houses, you are going to see an all out civil war within the Republican Party.  

Many Republicans will defect from Trumpism because the message will be so crystal clear that the country is moving in a different direction.  They will move towards power, not away from it. 

Donald Trump is not giving up power voluntarily. That's even dumber than your earlier Jeff Flake fandom.

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Just now, wildcat09 said:

Donald Trump is not giving up power voluntarily. That's even dumber than your earlier Jeff Flake fandom.

Trump is a coward and will run away in the end. 

Assuming dem house and impeachment, he’s either facing a public trial in the Senate or resignation.  My guess is he negotiates a deal on an exit strategy to avoid criminal prosecution for himself and his family.

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1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Pretty sure this can be easily arranged 

We raised $3 million for Susan Collins' unnamed 2022 opponent. 

Internet could definitely raise $300 million for Trump to go the fuck away, easily.

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Oh he'll definitely try to take the government down with him. You aren't paying attention if you think he'll go quietly. When faced with the possibility that his party will lose power, and by extension HE will lose power, he's already thrown out the idea of nullifying the election results with talk of voter fraud. He won't go quietly. He'll try to stoke a mini civil war. And the pussies in the Republican Party who have capitulated to him time and time again, will do nothing.

Edited by mdmost
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Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trump is a coward and will run away in the end. 

Assuming dem house and impeachment, he’s either facing a public trial in the Senate or resignation.  My guess is he negotiates a deal on an exit strategy to avoid criminal prosecution for himself and his family.

Hitler was a coward too.

Trump would much rather attack the legitimacy of an election he loses and encourage his supporters to riot. He's been laying that groundwork for years. If he steps down, he goes to prison. His sons go to prison. His daughter goes to prison. He won't trust anyone he could negotiate a deal with to keep to it, because he's a bad faith negotiator and expects that everyone else is too. His ability to pardon and the submissiveness of the Republican party are the most important things to him. The GOP has spent literally decades laying the groundwork to challenge the legitimacy of an election that goes in the Democrats' favor. They don't want to lose power either and will help him attack the legitimacy of any election they lose. They are no longer in any way good faith participants in American democracy. All they care about power and maintaining it by any means necessary.

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8 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Donald Trump is not giving up power voluntarily. That's even dumber than your earlier Jeff Flake fandom.

If his presidency gets neutered by Mueller, midterms, 2020 primaries, economy and he is ousted one way or the other, those that know him have said he will not go quietly, and even once he is gone he will sow his brand of hate around the country .

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2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trump is a coward and will run away in the end. 

Assuming dem house and impeachment, he’s either facing a public trial in the Senate or resignation.  My guess is he negotiates a deal on an exit strategy to avoid criminal prosecution for himself and his family.

A Dem controlled House with pending Mueller outcomes would alter the forecast and timeline for upheaval.   The level of upheaval will track with the level of conjoined corruption and treason.

It boils down to how damning all the evidence is.

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11 minutes ago, mdmost said:

Oh he'll definitely try to take the government down with him. You aren't paying attention if you think he'll go quietly. When faced with the possibility that his party will lose power, and by extension HE will lose power, he's already thrown out the idea of nullifying the election results with talk of voter fraud. He won't go quietly. He'll try to stoke a mini civil war. 

I never claimed he would go quietly just that he will go.  It’s going to be very ugly and there will be plenty of casualties. 

He will claim his departure as a victory in the end like he does when he loses a court case. 

It’s not the actual power Trump loves, it’s the perception of power and his ability to control the narrative. 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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19 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

I could see a 25th Amendment invocation if the GOP thinks the life of the party is on the line, but yeah, he's not leaving voluntarily unless someone pays him hard cash.

He does not want the public to find out how much he’s actually worth, and who he owes money to. 

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1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I never claimed he would go quietly just that he will go.  It’s going to be very ugly and there will be plenty of casualties. 

He will claim his departure as a victory end like he does when he loses a court case. 

It’s not the actual power Trump loves, it’s the perception of power and his ability to control the narrative. 

That’s the type of power narcissists like him love when they don’t have actual power. Now he’s got the actual power of the most powerful office in the world. If you don’t think he’ll kill thousands if not millions of people to keep that you haven’t yet seen him for what he actually is.

If he is forced out, and he will have to be forced out, he will certainly try to frame it as a victory but that doesn’t mean that the actual power wasn’t extremely important to him.

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3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Disagree.  The perception of the evidence is what matters.

Like I said, it boils down to how damning all the evidence is.  

While there is a serious skew effect based on perception that has been ongoing and protective, an order of magnitude or two increase in criminality and perp walks along with House leadership willing to do something will change that calculus, imo.  We haven’t reached it yet, but there is a threshold.

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