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Donald Trump 2018


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2 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

There's stuff all over Twitter and other social media suggesting that Trump can't read. I don't think that's the case, but it would explain a lot. Maybe he just needs reading glasses and is just too vain to wear them. 

Oh hell yes it's vanity.

Show me a 73 year old or whatever the fuck he is man that doesn't need any reading glasses, much less corrective lenses of any kind.



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It is really weird seeing someone who graduated from an Ivy and can't spell.  My closest comparison is my dad who holds a lot of degrees, but all in engineering.  He is a mediocre speller, but still well above DOTUS.  


Spelling is also just an offshoot of reading.  You see a word a ton of times, and that is what looks right to you.  And we've heard all these reports about him not getting past page 1 of any brief, always needing to simplify reports, etc.  

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19 hours ago, Lobo said:

It's gotta be weird for the Donald (and admittedly, I do feel a tad sad for him)...to know that he'll probably attend the funerals of both H.W. and Carter (not to mention two first ladies and a state funeral for McCain)...and see what it means for a nation to put aside bullshit to come together to mark the lives of remarkable leaders who gave their all to the Republic.  And even a sociopath like him has to know his grave will be danced upon and his casket will lie in State in the Capitol only due to formalities.  And like Franco in El Valle de Los Caidos, most will come by just to make sure he's still dead. 

You seem like an intelligent person, but he can no more understand that people will hate him forever than my dogs understand general relativity. He is a narcissist, he will believe forever he is the best, smartest, handsomest, whatever-est president ever.

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27 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:



Everyone would love me of not for that meddling Mueller! Do something!


Again, he has a mental illness.  He is mentally ill.   That is not a punchline.   It needs to be seriously covered by the media with professionals in that community.

I'm obviously not saying this glob of goo is going to shoot up a school, but for all these folks who clamor that there needs to be more of spotlight on the handling of the mentally ill, there's patient number 1 right there.

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5 minutes ago, SameSame said:

Again, he has a mental illness.  He is mentally ill.   That is not a punchline.   It needs to be seriously covered by the media with professionals in that community.

I'm obviously not saying this glob of goo is going to shoot up a school, but for all these folks who clamor that there needs to be more of spotlight on the handling of the mentally ill, there's patient number 1 right there.

The glob of goo may start a nuclear war though.

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7 minutes ago, SameSame said:

Again, he has a mental illness.  He is mentally ill.   That is not a punchline.   It needs to be seriously covered by the media with professionals in that community.

Good idea, but that's not ethical for mental health professional to do from afar...

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14 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

It is really weird seeing someone who graduated from an Ivy and can't spell.  My closest comparison is my dad who holds a lot of degrees, but all in engineering.  He is a mediocre speller, but still well above DOTUS.  


Spelling is also just an offshoot of reading.  You see a word a ton of times, and that is what looks right to you.  And we've heard all these reports about him not getting past page 1 of any brief, always needing to simplify reports, etc.  

I'm another one of those engineering types that can't spell. It's very frustrating because I can almost always tell a word is misspelled but have no idea how to fix it. But knowing that about myself, I take the time to make sure I don't look like an idiot in professional correspondence. 

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17 minutes ago, seven said:

I'm another one of those engineering types that can't spell. It's very frustrating because I can almost always tell a word is misspelled but have no idea how to fix it. But knowing that about myself, I take the time to make sure I don't look like an idiot in professional correspondence. 


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17 hours ago, GRHorn said:

I would argue that criticizing the President’s behavior at the funeral of a President you probably didn’t even like is entirely nonproductive and won’t change a thing.

But, I guess if talking about it online is a release for you, then go for it.

I just heard that part of Simpson’s eulogy and thought the hate comment was good. Figured it’d be interesting to see what was going on here and boom, obsessing over POTUS.


Trump is complete loser. He's navel lint. He's an infected pimple on the ass of America. 

What most of us are "obsessed" about is the 50-60 million people that have ditched decency, morality, and genuineness in favor of an obvious con man. There are dozens of moments DAILY where Trump shows his ass, and it's incredulous that his supporters continue to ignore it. The moment that we all stop caring about even the simplest gesture of decency or empathy is when this country is fucked for good.  So myself and others will continue to call it out. 




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Just now, Hank Kingsley said:

Trump is complete loser. He's navel lint. He's an infected pimple on the ass of America. 

What most of us are "obsessed" about is the 50-60 million people that have ditched decency, morality, and genuineness in favor of an obvious con man. There are dozens of moments DAILY where Trump shows his ass, and it's incredulous that his supporters continue to ignore it. The moment that we all stop caring about even the simplest gesture of decency or empathy is when this country is fucked for good.  So myself and others will continue to call it out.

To ditch something, one must first possess it.

This was always inside them.

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GHWB's funeral is on in the background while I work.

It's making me wonder what Trump's funeral will look like.  I mean, he is a president.  Will any meaningful dignitaries show up?  Will there be any of this pomp and national coverage?  Will Don Jr, Ivanka, and the rest of the gang get a day off from prison to attend?  Will it just be a bunch of Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes?  

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2 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

GHWB's funeral is on in the background while I work.

It's making me wonder what Trump's funeral will look like.  I mean, he is a president.  Will any meaningful dignitaries show up?  Will there be any of this pomp and national coverage?  Will Don Jr, Ivanka, and the rest of the gang get a day off from prison to attend?  Will it just be a bunch of Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes?  

people lined up for miles waiting to take a piss

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5 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

GHWB's funeral is on in the background while I work.

It's making me wonder what Trump's funeral will look like.  I mean, he is a president.  Will any meaningful dignitaries show up?  Will there be any of this pomp and national coverage?  Will Don Jr, Ivanka, and the rest of the gang get a day off from prison to attend?  Will it just be a bunch of Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes?  

A quiet service in Crimea. After several years of legal wrangling, his ashes will be returned to NYC.

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1 hour ago, lemonlime said:


I'll take "potatoe" over this abuse of apostrophes and capitalization. 

The worst thing about the "potatoe" fiasco wasn't that the VP seemed goofy.  It was the potato spelling insecurity it instilled in my brain.  Prior to that I was confident in my potato syntax.  After, not so much.  I still have to double-check.

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15 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

Hear, hear.

In politics and religion.

We don't value critical thinking or learning as a culture not just in politics and religion. I'd say a good example is how we view college today. How many people talk about the opportunity to learn vs the opportunity to get a better job when talking about colleges? All that matters is to get the piece of paper so that you can afford to sit comfortably in your 3 bed 2 bath home watching The Voice.

Edited by SimonBolivar
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4 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

The worst thing about the "potatoe" fiasco wasn't that the VP seemed goofy.  It was the potato spelling insecurity it instilled in my brain.  Prior to that I was confident in my potato syntax.  After, not so much.  I still have to double-check.

Interesting. I would've thought it would cement the correct spelling in your brain so you'd never make the same mistake Dan Fucking Quayle did. And he did it while trying to correct a school child in a spelling bee, making him look particularly stupid. It's a simple mnemonic device to associate Dan Quayle with "potatoe" and know that's the wrong spelling. Dan Quayle = wrong. 

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40 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

GHWB's funeral is on in the background while I work.

It's making me wonder what Trump's funeral will look like.  I mean, he is a president.  Will any meaningful dignitaries show up?  Will there be any of this pomp and national coverage?  Will Don Jr, Ivanka, and the rest of the gang get a day off from prison to attend?  Will it just be a bunch of Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes?  

It will have all the dignity of a pet funeral.

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8 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

How about a goldfish funeral?  Someone pretends to care and says a couple of words, then we flush him down a giant toilet.

Posted this yesterday for my thoughts on what a vice-presidents funeral would look like, but it works for Trump's "state" funeral:


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55 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Interesting. I would've thought it would cement the correct spelling in your brain so you'd never make the same mistake Dan Fucking Quayle did. And he did it while trying to correct a school child in a spelling bee, making him look particularly stupid. It's a simple mnemonic device to associate Dan Quayle with "potatoe" and know that's the wrong spelling. Dan Quayle = wrong. 

Meh potatoe tomatoe. 

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2 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

There's stuff all over Twitter and other social media suggesting that Trump can't read. I don't think that's the case, but it would explain a lot. Maybe he just needs reading glasses and is just too vain to wear them. 


2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Oh hell yes it's vanity.

Show me a 73 year old or whatever the fuck he is man that doesn't need any reading glasses, much less corrective lenses of any kind.



yeah, we know he's literate, because he manages to tweet. granted, his tweets are often grammatical disasters, but he does know some words. maybe not the best words, but some words.

but it could be a case of can't vs won't. it could be he needs readers. it could be that he's so used to not reading that it takes him a long time to digest content. he couldn't even be bothered to glance at the funeral program yesterday and at least mouth along with the prayers.

i do think his brain has atrophied. he's barely cognizant of where he is.

watch him at formal events. you know when you're hammered or way too stoned, but you think you're keeping it together? that's what he looks like. he broods and has that scowl, but in reality, he's trying to digest exactly what's happening around him. that's his mask. he's confused, and he knows he's confused, and he's trying to hide it. it's obvious. if you've ever had a relative with dementia, you can see the signs very clearly.

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