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25 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

Correct me if I’m wrong but second is “he planned on killing him” in that moment (not premeditated).  Third degree is “he didn’t plan on him dying but he did his job so negligently that death happened?”

I don’t think he intended to kill but was so horribly negligent that a reasonable person would expect that death could occur from his actions. Don’t get me wrong I’m not making the case that his sentence should be lighter.  If he ended up getting the max 25 correct?) for third degree, I’d say he deserves more.  

I’m just questioning if an entire jury can be convinced that in his mind he was actually thinking “I’m going to kill this guy.”  Any chance upgrading to second degree was a way to convince him that accepting a third degree plea for 25 years is a good deal he should take?  

Yes, and to try to quell the public outcry 

23 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

Correct me if I’m wrong but second is “he planned on killing him” in that moment (not premeditated).  Third degree is “he didn’t plan on him dying but he did his job so negligently that death happened?”

I don’t think he intended to kill but was so horribly negligent that a reasonable person would expect that death could occur from his actions. Don’t get me wrong I’m not making the case that his sentence should be lighter.  If he ended up getting the max 25 correct?) for third degree, I’d say he deserves more.  

I’m just questioning if an entire jury can be convinced that in his mind he was actually thinking “I’m going to kill this guy.”  Any chance upgrading to second degree was a way to convince him that accepting a third degree plea for 25 years is a good deal he should take?  

I know a few people that have worked with Ellison and the general consensus is he's smart but lazy and not a details oriented guy.  So basically not who you want heading up the prosecution on a high profile murder case.

I hope he is smart enough to delegate to competent staff and not try to run this show himself.  I shudder to think of the backlash if he fucks this up.

He looks like a 70 year old grandfather that couldn’t have possibly even imagined he was about to get hurt or possibly die. 
This seems to be heading towards total anarchy. I don’t see another outcome here.

You could very well be right on the age.. didn’t think of that
I was really hoping you were being sarcastic, MN. Fuck, you are really fucking awful as a poster now. He stood there and motioned that he couldn't move around them. So the cop shoved him backwards because no one was getting in his way. That's abuse. The old man did nothing wrong except not submit to their authority. 

The thought of the guy being an elder never crossed my mind...dead honest.
Probably. Especially on tape. The guy was touching cops(I know posed no real threat). He fell awkwardly like he was on something. Of course you have to be on something if you approach 60 pissed off testosterone raging cops like that

Shame on you.

Seriously. You should take some time for introspection.
The silver lining here is that video of white people posing zero threat to cops and being murdered by them will actually bring about change.

Or it won’t. /brisket
Just now, DDD Dad said:

Or it won’t. /brisket

Yeah I should have clarified. If there was ever going to be a solution here that brings positive change, innocent white people being murdered by cops expedites that change.

but yeah, we’re fucked here. I think we’re probably watching this grand experiment die.

decent run, though.

The silver lining here is that video of white people posing zero threat to cops and being murdered by them will actually bring about change.

The silver lining is that it demonstrates not all police brutality is racist.
4 hours ago, mdmost said:

If you don't want to believe something that doesn't align with your confirmation bias even though people go in, research, and say it's bullshit then okay. 

I was talking about the project veritas video

  • Fuck You 2

Shame on you.

Seriously. You should take some time for introspection.

This same site prides itself in mocking Asian names after an Asia airline plane crashes in San Francisco. Calm the fuck down. I thought it was hardly a push after the guy laid his hands on police. I didn’t think at the time the guy could perhaps be an elder which would make my initial thoughts very wrong.
1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

One cop tried to duck down and (maybe) render some aid. The other cop shoved him away. Pretty much the larger problem exemplified. 

But remember, only a few bad apples....


Racists self-doxxing is hilarious...My daughter is in HS in Houston and she kind of lives on TikTok these days...She was telling me quite a few white students were going on there and spewing all kinds of racist crap, like they'd been waiting to do it all their lives, and figured now was the time...One girl, a student at Westside HS in Houston, did herself up in blackface and took a selfie and posted it..."She made it on Black Twitter," my daughter said, with something almost like pity.

And then there was this creep...Most of us probably knew a guy like this in HS...He's in his early to mid 20s and he sold drugs and / or macked on the kids for sex...In this case, the guy sold weed vapes and he went on a racist tirade a couple of days ago, hurling n-bombs around and promising that he would from then on only sell his vapes to white kids because black kids were "animals."

So three devious genius HS kids my daughter knows upped the ante bigtime. They catfished this idiot into showing up for a To Catch a Predator-like "date" with a fake jailbait girl and then posted the screenshots and photos, total Chris Hansen style.


Fuckin' HS kids, man. Don't fuck with 'em...

I don't think they went to the cops, but dude is ruined with both his customer base and potential dating pool. I guess except for the white racist ones... 

"And this all happened in one day!" my daughter said. She was so excited about all the drama and overwhelmed with schadenfreude.


  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

Another angle where you can hear how hard he hit his head. 


Official report from the cops is he tripped and fell as they were arresting someone disturbing the peace. Why should we believe anything the police say ever again?

What make cycles so angry? I got cussed out a couple years ago by some guy who was mad I didn’t use my blinker to turn into my driveway 

Was he buried in your windshield when he was yelling at you? J/k
  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Michael Knight said:

Official report from the cops is he tripped and fell as they were arresting someone disturbing the peace. Why should we believe anything the police say ever again?



There is a time and place for stupid, off color humor. That you don’t see the distinction here is telling.


I’m not trying to pick a fight with you.

3 people died on that flight. I already said I was off base with my comments. I’m taking the L and moving on. Bad move by the cops and they all know it

3 people died on that flight. I already said I was off base with my comments. I’m taking the L and moving on. Bad move by the cops and they all know it

I pulled my comments.

Can we hug it out?
  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

One cop tried to duck down and (maybe) render some aid. The other cop shoved him away. Pretty much the larger problem exemplified. 

Yep that had it all in one video. 

  • Like 2

The problem is that Buffalo officer will be fired but he won’t be prosecuted. He’ll then be free to be hired by some other PD to continue doing shit like that which probably won’t be caught on video. 

  • Like 2

This same site prides itself in mocking Asian names after an Asia airline plane crashes in San Francisco. Calm the fuck down. I thought it was hardly a push after the guy laid his hands on police. I didn’t think at the time the guy could perhaps be an elder which would make my initial thoughts very wrong.
What the hell are you talking about with "laid his hands on police"? The guy is clearly holding a helmet in his left hand and a piece of paper in his right hand. He doesn't lay his hands on anyone. He walked up to the cops and spoke to them. That's it
They shoved that old guy over and he falls, cracks his head open and is bleeding out. One attempted to help but was grabbed away. To let this old guy just lay down and bleed like some piece of meat. This is why the whole "well it's only one bad apple. All other cops are great". Bullfuckingshit. Not one single cop did a damn thing. They kept on marching like some fake ass army. If cops were actually held accountable, one of them would have made an arrest right there for assault. And sent him to jail. But nope, they just leave him there. But don't worry, they will type up some cute post on social media or make a video telling us how much they stand with us and are against this stuff. Fuck off losers. Every single cop would have did the same actions as those cops and the cops who were around the murder of George Floyd. Every cop is one of the same. They stick together and protect and cover up for their own. Don't let them fool you otherwise. The cops speaking out on social media have never once took a stand against the corrupt criminal activities of their own. So fuck off.

You know the “one bad apple” idiom includes “spoils the bunch”. That’s the point.
  • Like 3
What the hell are you talking about with "laid his hands on police"? The guy is clearly holding a helmet in his left hand and a piece of paper in his right hand. He doesn't lay his hands on anyone. He walked up to the cops and spoke to them. That's it

At :03 in the first vid he touches the pusher with his paper on the arm

At :03 in the first vid he touches the pusher with his paper on the arm
Not even in kindergarten was "his paper touched me" a legitimate excuse. Adults need to act like adults. Especially those to whom we give badges.
  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

At :03 in the first vid he touches the pusher with his paper on the arm

You're right, anyone who touches a cop deserves to be assaulted and denied medical care by a first responder. Since you only cared once you realized he was elderly, and all...

25 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:

Official report from the cops is he tripped and fell as they were arresting someone disturbing the peace. Why should we believe anything the police say ever again?

Of course that's the official report.

Of course it is.

Of course that's the official report.
Of course it is.

Filing a false report. That’s another crime. Charge them. FUCKING CHARGE THEM. If you or I did that in front of 50 cops, we’d be in the can right away. Treat them the same way you’d treat the rest of us. That’s it.
  • Like 5
11 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

At :03 in the first vid he touches the pusher with his paper on the arm

That cop is lucky he didn't get his arm sliced off by a massive paper cut. Probably should gone for center mass on the old man just to be safe. 

21 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

Every single cop would have did the same actions as those cops and the cops who were around the murder of George Floyd. Every cop is one of the same. They stick together and protect and cover up for their own. Don't let them fool you otherwise. The cops speaking out on social media have never once took a stand against the corrupt criminal activities of their own. So fuck off.

Replace cops in this rant with black people and it sounds like some something my great grandma would say. They’re not all the same, but there are enough bad apples to create a very corrupt system which needs to be overhauled.

Posted (edited)


Just spitballing here Brisket, but I've read my share of police reports knowing the actual facts of what they purported to describe.  I would guess that 80 to 85% of all police reports contain at least one intentional provarication.

And I'm being conservative.

There's a whole bunch of 'em that need to be rounded up by your standard.  (Note: I'm not disagreeing with you, but tagging onto your thought)

Edited by Cajun
1 minute ago, Casual Encounter said:

Replace cops in this rant with black people and it sounds like some something my great grandma would say. They’re not all the same, but there are enough bad apples to create a very corrupt system which needs to be overhauled.

Replace "cops" and "black people" with Art Acevedo and...

Just spitballing here Brisket, but I've read my share of police reports knowing the actual facts of what they purported to describe.  I would guess that 80 to 85% of all police reports contain at least one intentional provarication.
And I'm being conservative.
There's a whole bunch of 'em that need to be rounded up by your standard.  (Note: I'm not disagreeing with you, but tagging onto your thought)

You’ve heard my idea before. A lie told in order to prompt a criminal charge against someone should 1) absolutely be a crime, and 2) should be punishable by the sentence of the crime the lie was meant to support. Lie to get me charged with jaywalking? Won’t be a long sentence. Lie to get me charge with assault? Bye, for a long time.
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Cajun said:


Just spitballing here Brisket, but I've read my share of police reports knowing the actual facts of what they purported to describe.  I would guess that 80 to 85% of all police reports contain at least one intentional provarication.

And I'm being conservative.

There's a whole bunch of 'em that need to be rounded up by your standard.  (Note: I'm not disagreeing with you, but tagging onto your thought)

Prevarication, but your point stands. 


Edited by DDD Dad
  • Like 2
4 hours ago, Parliament said:
6 hours ago, Pancho said:
A kid. A fucking kid. Really?!?

Why didn't that soy boy behind the camera sock him in the face or something?

Little girl held him off better than the cameraman?  

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