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May be a long summer in this country. A lot more people with a lot less to lose than usual. Just need something to set it off. 

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Yeah, the resonse to Mr. Floyd's murder by cop was going to be bad, regardless, but right now, in this environment?  It's going to be brutal.

Posted (edited)

I probably would't be out there with them (as much or more due to COVID than any objection to the protest/riots) but I certainly don't condemn it. The small fraction of people that go looting is shitty.

Edited by gmr548

The crazy thing is that this could have been avoided had the city police actually done fucking ANYTHING about the murderers in their ranks. These riots spun out of protests from their own inaction. I'm sure the cops will be very cool about all this

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Say what you want about Spike Lee, it took me a long time to finally understand his point about the riot scene in Do The Right Thing. Many people will always value a white man's property over a black man's life. 

Many of the rioters may be people truly fed up with their reality, but the ones that loot just see an opportunity for greed and take it.  

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May be a long summer in this country. A lot more people with a lot less to lose than usual. Just need something to set it off. 
Like political party national conventions?
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This makes me sad.  A dude was murdered by the police and the world actually stood up and took notice.  Not even the usual retards were defending it.  Maybe something would have actually happened from it.  If nothing else, it seemed like a lot of people suddenly had their eyes opened.  Now we have the biggest distraction ever to refocus on racial us v. them.


Don’t worry Turkleton and his marauding horde have been waiting to see a civil war start so they can play soldier now. This summer is going to be the shitshow to end all shitshows thanks to our narcissistic and incredibly obese president fanning the flames of discord every chance twitter gives him to.

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Posted (edited)

Conservative media is going to dedicate 1,000,000,000 times more coverage to black people looting a target than they will to Trump and the GOP letting a virus kill over a hundred thousand Americans.

Edited by wildcat09
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10 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

Can't they just use the lakes to put out the fires?

Dotard probably ordered them to save the water for the raging forest fires this summer that will be started by improper raking techniques.

1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

Conservative media is going to dedicate 1,000,000,000 times more coverage to black people looting a target as they will to Trump and the GOP letting a virus kill over a hundred thousand Americans.

Absolutely. This is the distraction those racist clowns were hoping for. All those dead people can now just be further ignored and forgotten.


I hate the looting but dwelling on it is taking your eye off the ball.  It's like ignoring all of the coronavirus deaths and being really mad about the fact some people bought up the hand sanitizer at the grocery store and sold it for a bunch of money on Amazon.  

  • Fuck You 1

Everyone needs to listen to that MLK clip. It basically makes all the good points and counterpoints that are being raised here, except it's MLK and oratorically / rhetorically perfect. 

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Continental Op said:

I don't even know where to start with this.  

Fore, my bad. Get off my dick.

If you didn't notice, fathers for some reason had an apostrophe.


Edited by workswithseed
7 minutes ago, Grandioso said:

Everyone needs to listen to that MLK clip. It basically makes all the good points and counterpoints that are being raised here, except it's MLK and oratorically / rhetorically perfect. 

I did and you're correct. Worth the couple minutes.


Is the idea of looting a political reaction or is it opportunistic people who don't care one way or another stealing things under the cover of mayhem? Looting has always confused me, but yea, people are gonna die tonight and this is insane.

40 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

Is the idea of looting a political reaction or is it opportunistic people who don't care one way or another stealing things under the cover of mayhem? Looting has always confused me, but yea, people are gonna die tonight and this is insane.


19 minutes ago, DCA_HORN said:
28 minutes ago, Topper13 said:
No need for a talking head to show you news in this era, just go to the source. I've been watching a few different feeds for hours. Here's one:

Yeah I know. Started with the boston marathon but just figured they would be all over it.

Like 40,000 journalists have lost their jobs in the last couple months due to covid/shitty ownership of media companies.


What an embarrassing and pathetic response. This will muddy the waters on what shouldve been a nationwide uniting against the senseless death of Floyd. Leave it to the fringe criminal assholes to fuck it up for everybody. 

What an embarrassing and pathetic response. This will muddy the waters on what shouldve been a nationwide uniting against the senseless death of Floyd. Leave it to the fringe criminal assholes to fuck it up for everybody. 
Why would it muddy the waters? How does this response make Floyd's murder justified?

I know what you're trying to say, that some will use the rioting to deflect, but I think it's up to us to not let that happen. Force it to be two different discussions.
Just now, tchookem said:

Why would it muddy the waters? How does this response make Floyd's murder justified?

I know what you're trying to say, that some will use the rioting to deflect, but I think it's up to us to not let that happen. Force it to be two different discussions.

It will muddy the waters, just watch. Doesnt make his death less tragic or anything like that. But when the whole world wakes up tomorrow and sees headlines of Minneapolis burning and being looted, it will make people turn away from the whole situation entirely, both Floyd and the looting. 

1 minute ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Eh, fuck off with that. You know what finally brought about change to the LAPD? Massive rioting. 

As has been noted upthread, violent resistance is the basis on which America and Texas were founded...The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots, as Jefferson memorably noted. 

If the looters are your patriots, you are one stupid ass person. What is happening in Minnesota is mayhem. Burn the police station down, dont go rob a million stores. 

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

It will muddy the waters, just watch.

Yes, people like you will help the fascists muddy the waters by endlessly expressing ~*~*~*~ concern ~*~*~*~ about the ~*~*~*~ optics ~*~*~*~ of it all.

Pick a side. If you're on the side of the protesters shut the fuck up about meaningless shit. If you're on the side of the cops and fascists, keep whining about fucking looting.

No one cares about your punditry.

(edited out reference to political party)

Edited by bad_teammate
  • Like 2
Just now, bad_teammate said:

Yes, people like you will help the GOP muddy the waters by endlessly expressing ~*~*~*~ concern ~*~*~*~ about the ~*~*~*~ optics ~*~*~*~ of it all.

Pick a side. If you're on the side of the protesters shut the fuck up about meaningless shit. If you're on the side of the cops and fascists, keep whining about fucking looting.

No one cares about your punditry.

Looting and burning down a city is not a winning strategy. You know its fucked up, it is flat out not defensible.

Just now, The_Great_Hornsby said:

If the looters are your patriots, you are one stupid ass person. What is happening in Minnesota is mayhem. Burn the police station down, dont go rob a million stores. 

Yeah, just like the patriots in the Boston Massacre, right?


Tensions ran high in Boston in early 1770. More than 2,000 British soldiers occupied the city of 16,000 colonists and tried to enforce Britain’s tax laws, like the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts. American colonists rebelled against the taxes they found repressive, rallying around the cry, “no taxation without representation.”

Skirmishes between colonists and soldiers—and between patriot colonists and colonists loyal to Britain (loyalists)—were increasingly common. To protest taxes, patriots often vandalized stores selling British goods and intimidated store merchants and their customers.

Absent colonialist and loyalist stores, the rest will have to do...Note the massacre did not begin with an assault on the British army barracks. 

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