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3 hours ago, AngryDragon said:

Yup I know from some of your other posts. I lived there for 5 years and didn't have a single interaction with a cop(lived in gangnam at the time). It actually felt like they there to help/protect(outside of the DWI stops hey had in the busier areas). Almost every foreigner I ever met there always said they felt very safe there in regards to crime/theft. I never really had to deal with the foreigner stigma since I'm ethically Korean. But I think that's changing as well since so many foreigners are going there to live/study/work/marry.  I tripped out a few times when I went to the winter olympics in Pyeongchang and would meet white foreigners whose Korean was better than their English. 

Agree with everything you said. The one part of Korean society I don't really like is how money is basically the cure all to most crimes but I guess it's the same here - just paid to lawyers.


I was there for a year in the mid 90s.  I was always amazed at how crazy Itaewon was, basically New Orleans Mardi Gras right after the saints won the SB levels of drinking every fucking weekend and no one was getting shot and arrested.  Of course, the military had US cops help clean up the US meatheads that would get angry drunk, but overall it was amazingly hands off.  Koreans would pass out on trains and in the street and you didn’t have cops roughing them up over it. 

Protesting is a very big deal over there, Koreans do (did?) it all the time, and the police have a very big response to it. Bus loads of cops in riot gear will roll into an area and start massing at subway exits. I do remember them having massive fucking batons, like 6 feet long and always thinking I wanted to be nowhere near them if they decided to go ham. That’s about the only time I would ever see cops, but it also never felt like they wanted to just bust heads and slap people in jail. They would politely warn you that a protest was coming and that you should probably leave the are.  

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4 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

I've already explained my position.  I have no interest in elaborating, other than to reiterate that I have experienced two distinct expressions of law enforcement in the 1970s, for years and years, and by my observation, things were different then.  You don't have to take my word for it, but you sure shouldn't imply that I am kidding myself.

I just get really fucking tired of the surly know-it-all perspective that never fucking ends.  Yeah, I know.  I'm guilty too.

Houston stories...Joe Campos Torres, beating halfway to death and tossed in the bayou, where he drowned...Ida Delaney, murdered by a drunk off duty cop in a road rage incident.

Delaney's killer got 7 years: 



Mike Howard, president of the Houston Police Patrolman’s Union, said he was disgusted by the jury’s verdict.

″It’s an indictment on the whole police department,″ Howard said. ″The line has been drawn and we’re going to fight this.″


My dad got busted with half a pound of weed in 1973...By the time his case came up, seven ounces had disappeared into thin air...I've personally had cops casually say "nigger" in front of me twice, so I was far from shocked by the Mark Fuhrman testimony; in fact, I was surprised that anyone else was surprised....Back in the early '50s, there was a huge scandal when it came to light a few of Houston's top cops were heavily involved in the city's heroin trade...That case culminated with the mysterious "suicide" of a high-ranking cop / witness in his own office at 61 Riesner St...

Cops were different back then my ass...


  • Like 2
This is how I thought of cops.  And it was reenforced by my time in Boy Scouts.  Cops were the good guys.
Then I started working in the restaurant industry.  Fun fact: Waitresses date a lot of cops, because cops work late shift and often drink in the same after hours bars.  Another interesting tid bit: A lot cops beat the shit out out of their girlfriends or are stalker assholes that hide behind the thin blue line when people speak up. I don’t know how many times I heard a waitress or stripper say “Don’t date a cop, you can never leave the relationship until they are done.” And that’s just scratching the surface.  Party with cops a few times and it is an eye opening experience.  
And I’m a white person of extreme privilege.  I understand now why the Latino chefs used to clear out of house parties when the cops showed up. 

My wife went out with a local cop a couple of times before she and I started dating. After she broke it off, he would send her text messages about things outside of her house that needed to be fixed. Things like the numbers on the mailbox were gone or a hedge needed to be trimmed. He had never been to her house so the only way he knew where she lived was by looking up her address. He even went so far as to leave some fucking little book in the mailbox with “I hope you find the perfect man” written in the inside cover. Once he started seeing my vehicle there all the time he left her alone and she never heard from his bitch ass again. One of the first things I did for her was fix every fucking thing he pointed out so every time he drove by he saw it.

I still bring up from time to time how she’s lucky to have me since I’m the perfect man.

TLDR: Fuck the police.
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  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:


Houston stories...Joe Campos Torres, beating halfway to death and tossed in the bayou, where he drowned...Ida Delaney, murdered by a drunk off duty cop in a road rage incident.

Delaney's killer got 7 years: 

My dad got busted with half a pound of weed in 1973...By the time his case came up, seven ounces had disappeared into thin air...I've personally had cops casually say "nigger" in front of me twice, so I was far from shocked by the Mark Fuhrman testimony; in fact, I was surprised that anyone else was surprised....Back in the early '50s, there was a huge scandal when it came to light a few of Houston's top cops were heavily involved in the city's heroin trade...That case culminated with the mysterious "suicide" of a high-ranking cop / witness in his own office at 61 Riesner St...

Cops were different back then my ass...


On of the searing moments I remember is a girl I knew who was stripping and waiting tables, had started dating an APD.  He would routinely show up at the bar after we got off shift and pick up the tab.  He would always say “I had a couple of good traffic stops today”.  That’s the first time I heard of asset seizure.  Almost 30 years ago.

Edited by Bateshorn
When you need some moonshine or weed. Cops always have the best moonshine, and weed at their disposal....  Just have to find the right cop...
It's worse today. Cops are all tatted up (not a swipe at tats, I'm a fan), quasi military, wanna be types in swat riot gear, and looking for trouble it seems.  
They have a definite attitude problem being that they believe they have absolute authority over you, and can dictate to you what you will, and won't do beyond just law enforcement.  They don't like being questioned, and will step up their aggression when you do it.
It's time for a new model.  I don't know the mechanics of it, but it starts with taking away power from the police forces around the country.

End the war on drugs

End for profit prisons

End “warrior cop” culture training that makes the citizenry the “enemy.”

Demilitarize the police.

Train to deescalate.
  • Like 7
7 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

Pointing out the truth about the underlying inequities that lead to this while the demographic he inspired/s with his "Not Me, Us" campaign are leading this historical movement against police brutality.

Lol. Not that Bernard bro.  

  • Like 4
5 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

Buckle up, Kids.  It’s gonna get weird AF over the next 5 months.

Anything short of satanic alien pedophiles funded by George Soros to commit widespread voter fraud and I will be disappointed. 

  • Like 2
9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Anything short of satanic alien pedophiles funded by George Soros to commit widespread voter fraud and I will be disappointed. 

Can't wait to see which poster is going to float the conspiracy theory propaganda as an innocent "what if?" elsewhere on this site.

1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

Holy fuck. 


Interesting. Likes and replies are running about even. Is it even conceivable that the president could get ratioed? I mean, this is his worst tweet. I mean, ever. 

5 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Murkowski is struggling with how to intepret this tweet. Collins is concerned it may be a bad look.

Tucker Carlson thinks he left out a lot of important details

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

Do these fucking people not have grandparents?  They think a 75 year old has the balance of a gymnast? God fucking damn they are stupid.

libsips are aliens. Who knows what they're capable of.

Edited by Bevo14
26 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Can't wait to see which poster is going to float the conspiracy theory propaganda as an innocent "what if?" elsewhere on this site.

"I'm concerned that Joe Biden's embrace of satanic alien pedophiles could hurt him with formally GOP voters."

  • Haha 1
17 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Murkowski is struggling with how to intepret this tweet. Collins is concerned it may be a bad look.

Ben Sasse believes we need to elevate the rhetoric on both sides of the issue.  It's time to return to a time when American's could speak constructively about beating the shit out of 75 year olds.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Chad Fuck said:

End the war on drugs

End for profit prisons

End “warrior cop” culture training that makes the citizenry the “enemy.”

Demilitarize the police.

Train to deescalate.

Yep, a very good start.

7 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

Ben Sasse believes we need to elevate the rhetoric on both sides of the issue.  It's time to return to a time when American's could speak constructively about beating the shit out of 75 year olds.

Certainly you are aware that as a 75 year old, his Human Capital Stock had plummeted and since he did not sacrifice himself  by dying of the prostrate cancer from which he suffered nor the COVID-19 virus, one must treat him as being so rude as to interfere with our great reawakening economy. His efforts to hinder the brutal beatings to keep our economy functioning during these trying times will not be tolerated as LAW & ORDER must be maintained for a fully functioning society that administers justice to those who are not deserving of America's bright and white future.


Seriously, though, that the far right is pushing this and texags, etc are eating it up is beyond scary. This narrative of overcoming what is a traditional more toward our older citizens and that it is being pushed by the wealthy in that age demographic should ring alarm bells. Big ones.

1 hour ago, Bateshorn said:

Buckle up, Kids.  It’s gonna get horrifically bad over the next 5 months.

FIF awful accuracy.

And if he loses in November.....the horrors of the next 5 months will pale in comparison to the horrors of his lame-duck 2.5 months till January 20th.

  • Like 4
3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

FIF awful accuracy.

And if he loses in November.....the horrors of the next 5 months will pale in comparison to the horrors of his lame-duck 2.5 months till January 20th.

I literally said on an industry coalition call the other day: "I think it's safe to assume this administration with seek to break everything it can on it's way out of town." 

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

I literally said on an industry coalition call the other day: "I think it's safe to assume this administration with seek to break everything it can on it's way out of town." 

I'm not kidding here -- if I was on the Biden team (shit, I'll be hanging out this summer with someone who will be in line for a spot in a potential Biden admin, maybe I'll strongly suggest this), he should have in place a separate "governmental disaster mitigation team" just to undo the damage to the government done in that period.  Undo executive orders, claw back classified materials, whatever can be done.  It will be its own task.

This is going to be "blowing up all the bridges and ordering the wehrmacht to flood the Berlin U-bahn with people inside" bad.

Of course.....that all assumes that we will have a free and fair election.  Being that we've already seen that multiple GOP officials, including the president himself, have committed and are continuing to commit active felony voter fraud, how do you think things are going to go?  Yeah.  Our last free and fair presidential election is in our past.

Edited by Brisketexan
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

I literally said on an industry coalition call the other day: "I think it's safe to assume this administration with seek to break everything it can on it's way out of town." 

I have have (modestly) more confidence in state and local election officials than Brisket does, but think if he doesn't win he will almost certainly contest the results of the election and that there will need to be a special advisory commission in every executive agency  focused on repair. 

Edited by Bozo_Casanova
Posted (edited)

I just think it's going to be an orgy of records destruction, staff reassignments, lack of serious transition planning, illegal executive orders, misappropriated funds, etc. They'll do as much policy damage as possible, then change the locks and lose the keys, rhetorically speaking.  A ton of staff will attempt to burrow in or just flat refuse to resign as is customary and force Biden to physically fire and remove them from the premises. The Biden folks are going to walk into a trashed house.

Edited by Bateshorn
3 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

Did the Dems clear peaceful protesters with tear gas to take that?

Looks like they just walked down the hall, into a public space in the US Capitol Visitor's Center...


Media: "Photo op!"

Um, it was the very definition of a photo op. They walked across the street, took a few pictures, didn't say anything, and walked back. It was literally an opportunity to take a photo. 

  • Like 2
I'm not kidding here -- if I was on the Biden team (shit, I'll be hanging out this summer with someone who will be in line for a spot in a potential Biden admin, maybe I'll strongly suggest this), he should have in place a separate "governmental disaster mitigation team" just to undo the damage to the government done in that period.  Undo executive orders, claw back classified materials, whatever can be done.  It will be its own task.
This is going to be "blowing up all the bridges and ordering the wehrmacht to flood the Berlin U-bahn with people inside" bad.
Of course.....that all assumes that we will have a free and fair election.  Being that we've already seen that multiple GOP officials, including the president himself, have committed and are continuing to commit active felony voter fraud, how do you think things are going to go?  Yeah.  Our last free and fair presidential election is in our past.

So worse than removing all the W keys from the computer keyboards?
1 minute ago, Surly Bevo said:

I don't know about you guys but I tend to like my pandering photo ops to come with a side of no violence/violation of constitutional rights.

Just what a pussy libtard would say.  Real men believing in shitting on one of the core Constitutional rights and hurting people for their photo ops.  That's what a manly man does.

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Media will focus on something Joe Biden says tomorrow.  “OMG, can he recover!!??”

Yeah, the concern trolling about “defund the police” being a bridge too far but not a peep from those same people when the president says this literal garbage tells you all you need to know about how this election is going to be.
1 minute ago, DDD Dad said:

So worse than removing all the W keys from the computer keyboards?

Well, I don't think we have to worry about shenanigans like that -- I doubt that many members of this admin even know the fucking alphabet.

1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

Well, I don't think we have to worry about shenanigans like that -- I doubt that many members of this admin even know the fucking alphabet.

The seem to know their Konsonants and their Konstituents.

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