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The Texas Democratic Convention is online this year and has a schedule released of different training, caucuses and conversations. I know past cycles after I vote in the primary, I tell myself I'll go, but then the time gets near and I don't want to go downtown and pay downtown parking prices.

Free to register, but they will hound you for donations on every page you open. https://texasdemocraticconvention.com/

Schedule posted on google doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tr5KT7sHJwT9NNnvnRlfygjo7jhN2iA603u937qIJnw/edit?ts=5ece8a10#gid=863660811

Announcement of panels: https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/release-texas-democratic-party-unveils-fourth-set-of-panel-announcements-and-second-set-of-exclusive-events-for-the-texas-democratic-convention/

Biden, Beto, Hakeem Jeffries, Kamala, Warren, Pelosi, and Julian Castro are headline speakers.

Will end on June 6th with Primary debate between Royce West and MJ Hegar.

Posting this here in case anyone gets the bug to watch any discussions and report back any good, bad, and ugly. The site has a dignified but drunk legal roster that may want to watch Judicial candidates panel.


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Convention stream is live now. Kickoff starts at noon, but there is an executive committee meeting being streamed now thats primarily just a roll call.



Schedule for today:

6/1/2020 11:00 AM SDEC Meeting Meeting txdem.co/live
12:00 PM Virtual Convention Kickoff Panel txdem.co/live
1:00 PM The Local Democrats Leading the Fight Against COVID-19 Panel txdem.co/live
2:00 PM The Future of Healthcare in Texas, Sponsored by the Texas Medical Association Panel txdem.co/live
3:00 PM Fighting Back Against the Rise of Anti-Asian Racism Panel txdem.co/live
4:00 PM Making History: The Story Behind the First-Ever LGBTQ+ Caucus Panel txdem.co/live
6:00 PM Queer Victories: Winning Battleground States (Delegate Danica Roem, Emmett Schelling) Exclusive Event txdem.co/live
7:00 PM PRIDE Kickoff: Oral Histories Panel Panel https://zoom.us/j/92581199032?pwd=UTAvbFRMQ1M5RzNDalFtLysyU2ZnZz09
7:00 PM A Seat at the Table: Black Women in Politics Speaker Series Panel txdem.co/live
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Of the slate today, I only watched the Kickoff and future of Healthcare panel. My thoughts are, it didnt suck. Most of the speaking segments were taped, but a good mix. I think once the heavy hitters come out near the end of the week it will pick up steam.


Today's schedule. Probably going to check out the 230 and 5 o clock streams




6/2/2020 10:00 AM So You Want to Run? Training
Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 915 7333 8989 | Password: 710058
11:30 AM Cyber Security Training https://zoom.us/j/94958480016?pwd=Wm5vODFrMElMSXcyVVFaWGJLR3pJQT09
Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 949 5848 0016 | Password: 918385
12:00 PM Women Doing the Work, Sponsored by Annie's List Panel txdem.co/live N/A
1:00 PM Workers and their Stories Panel txdem.co/live N/A
2:00 PM RegisterTexas.com: Registering voters during COVID-19 Panel txdem.co/live N/A
2:30 PM The Fight to Protect and Expand the Vote Panel txdem.co/live N/A
3:30 PM Democratic Veterans: Serving Veterans, Winning the Veteran Vote Panel txdem.co/live N/A
5:00 PM Non-Urban/Rural Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95326061632?pwd=RzQydWZhRUt6a0J2alNHOHBEakVDZz09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 953 2606 1632 | Password: 409332
6:00 PM Stonewall Democrats Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94233774308?pwd=OEFkelhZMUgzaVFiLzJVVUs2UnBtZz09 Phone Number: 346-248-7799 | Webinar ID: 942 3377 4308 | Password: 979285
6:15 PM Nominations Committee for Party Officials (DNC Members) Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99351547844?pwd=bHhvUHZnQnRvdEZTU0I1ZXlJcmZXdz09 N/A
7:00 PM Meeting in the Ladies' Room hosted by Dr. Carla Brailey Meeting https://www.mobilize.us/txdemconvention/event/276758/ N/A
8:00 PM Texas College Democrats Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92207126621?pwd=RGZvT3lOa3NzRzB5V3lydDdyVi9vdz09
On 6/1/2020 at 11:15 AM, StassneyHorn said:

Convention stream is live now. Kickoff starts at noon, but there is an executive committee meeting being streamed now thats primarily just a roll call.



Schedule for today:

6/1/2020 11:00 AM SDEC Meeting Meeting txdem.co/live
12:00 PM Virtual Convention Kickoff Panel txdem.co/live
1:00 PM The Local Democrats Leading the Fight Against COVID-19 Panel txdem.co/live
2:00 PM The Future of Healthcare in Texas, Sponsored by the Texas Medical Association Panel txdem.co/live
3:00 PM Fighting Back Against the Rise of Anti-Asian Racism Panel txdem.co/live
4:00 PM Making History: The Story Behind the First-Ever LGBTQ+ Caucus Panel txdem.co/live
6:00 PM Queer Victories: Winning Battleground States (Delegate Danica Roem, Emmett Schelling) Exclusive Event txdem.co/live
7:00 PM PRIDE Kickoff: Oral Histories Panel Panel https://zoom.us/j/92581199032?pwd=UTAvbFRMQ1M5RzNDalFtLysyU2ZnZz09
7:00 PM A Seat at the Table: Black Women in Politics Speaker Series Panel txdem.co/live

Odd post to be negged.

On 5/28/2020 at 3:27 PM, StassneyHorn said:


Posting this here in case anyone gets the bug to watch any discussions and report back any good, bad, and ugly. The site has a dignified but drunk legal roster that may want to watch Judicial candidates panel.


Wait a minute... There are attorneys on surly?  None of them have bothered to tell us they are attorneys nonstop so I am very surprised by this!  In other news I am hearing rumors that there is a poster who lives in New York City but we have no way of knowing for sure.  

27 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Odd post to be negged.

Sack went and neg bombed me after I hit him with a neg in the Minneapolis thread. Riot cop had a gun pointed at a guy and his daughter on his shoulders and he asked if it was a paintball gun.

5 hours ago, Continental Op said:

Wait a minute... There are attorneys on surly?  None of them have bothered to tell us they are attorneys nonstop so I am very surprised by this!  In other news I am hearing rumors that there is a poster who lives in New York City but we have no way of knowing for sure.  

Are there any Vegans? 



Was listening in to the non-urban/ rural panel now and the Blanco chair remarked how their caucus really has no choice but to fully embrace digital outreach thru textbanking and online outreach, then spoke on the results. Glad it was stated, but traditional mailers are still being sent but without Texas Democratic Party branding. Cant remember exactly what it was but along the lines of Rural Blanco Coalition, Apparently Blanco doubled their # of democratic voters in 2018. 

Royce West was on the zoom meeting and made his pitch. Second time I've seen him in one. Haven't seen MJ in any, but that could easily be by chance. Spoke on his experience and how he has always been a Democrat, and his accomplishments. Really emphasized how he has always been a Democrat and always shows up (in comparison to MJ Hegar before 2016 and how she was absent through most candidate forums in the primary, did not name her though). "Make Royce your choice" continues to be his High School jingle.


Todays schedule


12:00 PM The Latinx Community: Movimiento and Voting Panel txdem.co/live N/A  
1:00 PM Earning the Black Vote Panel txdem.co/live N/A  
2:00 PM Building Democratic Strength in Rural Texas Panel txdem.co/live N/A  
3:00 PM Building a Sustainable Economy through Renewable Energy and Green Jobs Panel txdem.co/live N/A  
3:30 PM Building an Equitable Future Through Education Panel txdem.co/live N/A  
4:00 PM Caucus: County Chairs Association Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91584875372?pwd=K0ZnS3Zhb2JVRE5ZakJaVnBYTnpHZz09 Phone Number: 346-248-7799 | Webinar ID: 915 8487 5372 | Password: 953793 https://2020archive.1capapp.com/event/cca
5:00 PM Interview with Best Selling Author Julissa Arce Exclusive Event txdem.co/live Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 993 6429 9788 | Password: 243397 https://2020archive.1capapp.com/event/robles
5:00 PM Democratic Women's Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98943274614?pwd=TXFsazhqMnJWcjk2ZG9XRmVSbDQ2QT09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 989 4327 4614 | Password: 392234 https://2020archive.1capapp.com/event/women
6:00 PM Coalition of Black Democrats Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95739421841?pwd=b3VwcWVjRng1bTQwQ3A1NXd2b0RqZz09 Phone Number: 346-248-7799 | Webinar ID: 957 3942 1841 | Password: 953793 https://2020archive.1capapp.com/event/africanamerican
7:00 PM Hispanic Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99600459523?pwd=VkhKdjhrMkNacVNkN09XNVdTcWc1QT09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 996 0045 9523 | Password: 392234 https://2020archive.1capapp.com/event/hispanic
8:00 PM Environmental Democrats Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93213900853?pwd=Q2lrM1hwWStoTjYrVnZzbm5Cb3VTZz09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 932 1390 0853 | Password: 953793 https://2020archive.1capapp.com/event/environmental

Todays slate. Yesterdays Latino Movement call spent more than half the time driving home the message on how they feel Abbott is more anti-Latino and anti-immigrant than Trump. Started with much hope regarding DACA and in state tuition for some undocumented immigrants.

Currently on Vote by Mail session, have to leave at 1:30 will be missing the State Judicial slate and Gun Violence session I was wanting to see.


10:00 AM Sustainability Beyond Activism Training https://zoom.us/j/92676402148?pwd=MXpKSWMxdEZnMVhDWlFIcThzbHJwZz09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 926 7640 2148 | Password: 109945
11:00 AM Vote by Mail in 2020 Training https://zoom.us/j/97167739614?pwd=ZlQ1eW5hVW5BNDQvZEt2Zm0zN3d2QT09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 971 6773 9614 | Password: 588208
11:30 AM Data Team / VAN / New Score Training https://zoom.us/j/94285396746?pwd=L1RVVjBveDJpUzlEQXJCUUs1MFB4QT09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 942 8539 6746 | Password: 601483
12:00 PM Young Voters and the Future of Democratic Politics Panel txdem.co/live N/A
1:00 PM People with Disabilities and the Fight for Equal Access Panel txdem.co/live N/A
1:30 PM A Conversation with the 2020 Statewide Democratic Judicial Slate Panel txdem.co/live N/A
2:30 PM Saving Texas: The Movement to End Gun Violence Panel txdem.co/live N/A
3:30 PM Featured Session: Texas Democrats and Our Growing Movement Panel txdem.co/live N/A
4:00 PM Asian American Democrats Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95090381570?pwd=dlpNYTJ5R2JYd2QvNkhLUWpBazJoQT09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 950 9038 1570 | Password: 496578
5:00 PM Democratic Veterans Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94633104149?pwd=aGVWQlJMM1ZIT3hYSk9QVStEWXVCZz09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 946 3310 4149 | Password: 662887
6:00 PM Labor Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93203054816?pwd=bzNpcmRmTStVL1o3aUtvVDFIbGlmQT09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 932 0305 4816 | Password: 929088
6:30 PM A Conversation with Meena Harris Exclusive Event txdem.co/live Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 960 7595 0715 | Password: 517145
7:00 PM Texas Democrats with Disabilities Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92616871523?pwd=TVpkYUIwNjBHL2tnOVNDbzFpdXpKQT09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 926 1687 1523 | Password: 022080
8:00 PM The Future of Belonging Exclusive Event txdem.co/live  
8:00 PM Young Democrats Caucus Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91756245983?pwd=d2FXd0U2WnlybzIxWlpMUjVqbGVOdz09 Phone Number: 346 248 7799 | Webinar ID: 917 5624 5983 | Password: 392234

General session starts today at 4, with an organizing 101 session at 230.

Took some notes on the desktop yesterday that I don’t have with me, but the Houston chapter said they were sending applications  for vote by mail to all voters over the age of 65. If it happens, we’ll have to wait and see. They were throwing around some pretty big numbers but it wasn’t communicated consistently IMO through the panel. Over 500k was the final number I heard on the meeting.



General session details


4:00 PM CT | General Session with Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, State Representative Trey Martinez Fischer, US Senator Elizabeth Warren, US Senator Kamala Harris,Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, Congressman Joaquin Castro, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher,Congressman Colin Allred, Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia, Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, Texas Senate Democratic Leader Carol Alvarado, Former State Senator Kirk Watson, Texas House Democratic Leader Chris Turner, Texas House Democratic Campaign Committee Chair Celia Israel, State Representative Gina Hinojosa, State Representative Rhetta Bowers, State House Nominee Elizabeth Beck, State House Nominee Ann Johnson, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins, Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa, Texas Democratic Party Vice-Chair Dr. Carla Brailey, and Pearland ISD Trustee, Place 2 Mike Floyd.


Democratic debate between MJ Hegar and Royce West tonight. MJ has skipped multiple candidate forums during the primary and has resulted with Royce getting most of the previous candidates endorsements. With BLM protests flaring up, it could bring a highly engaged number of voters for the runoff and would benefit him, IMO. Starts at 6 and can be viewed on the links at the top post.

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