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I'm An Alcoholic

El Diablo

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20 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

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And I’m first on the list to admit that seems simplistic and callous - but facts are most alcoholics end up in jails, institutions, or dead while trying to answer that question and deciding if they’re ready for AA or recovery.

Normal drinkers don’t ponder questions about whether they need to go to AA or what type of alcoholic they may be.

His gut is telling him there’s a problem and his mind (disease / dis-ease) is telling him to form a research committee as a stall tactic. 

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Man, June was rough.  Going back to my regular meetings tonight.  I really missed swimming.  It was not just good for me health-wise, but helped me get out my usual mental state of bullshit.  But my daughter got this skin infection from her church school, and I got it.  Doctor says I'm more vulnerable to it because of previous organ damage.  So I can't get into the pool because of the chemicals onto my skin.  So I'm walking a lot more and riding my bike.  Says I need more Vitamin D, but the shitty part is, this time of year---I sweat and that irritates the shit outta my arms/legs.  I really wish this was happening last February instead.  I knew there'd be hell to pay down the road for a decade of heavy drinking.  Hopefully, it'll just be another month or so according to the prescription and I can move on to the next problem and the one after that.  I know recovery was going to be hard.  And I need to step up my game on a daily basis.  But I did not have "Hottest Summer Ever to irritate your skin ailment from your kid's school because you drank too much three years ago" on my 2024 Recovery Bingo Card.  

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