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Matt Gaetz aka "Botoxed Butthead"

Gil Bang

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16 minutes ago, RPM said:

I'll be honest. You can't trust anyone with that hairdo.



I can't quite put my finger on it. He looks like a cross between a Warren Beatty Dick Tracy villain and somebody from a Primus video.




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5 hours ago, OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys said:

that shaky voice on the fox interview from last night means gaetz knows its over for him.

It reminded me of the look Tom Herman had when he was about to cry on the sidelines BEFORE the Mountaineers went for 2.  Definitely over, only a matter of when...


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1 hour ago, 956 Worldwide said:

Tucker did his job. Gaetz had space to spew a bunch of nonsense that makes no sense but still leaves the viewer with the unsettling feeling that there is more to the story than Gaetz being investigated for creeping on a teenager. And that something has to do with the Corrupt Deep State. Just asking questions, express a bit of disbelief at the weirdness but none at the overall narrative. 

This is how disinformation works.

I don’t think we watched the same segment. That was horrible (and likely self incriminating) for Gaetz. And TC had the look of someone who knows he will shortly be sitting across a table from a couple of FBI agents talking about that dinner he and his wife had with Gaetz and the teeny bopper 

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That Tucker Carlson segment was hilarious.  It reminded me of the SNL skit where Neil Diamond is on "Storytellers," and the story  he tells about each of his songs is something horrific (his racism, the time he was drunk driving and killed someone).  And Neil (Will Farrell) keeps including a band member (John Goodman) in each story, and Goodman keeps giving a nervous laugh and saying, "Hey, leave me out of this one, Neil"), and Farrell snaps, "OH, I WILL LEAVE YOU **IN**!"

Edited by Paul Wesley
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13 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Miami Herald investigative reporter and author of "Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story"


I dunno.  It's a tough call for the Department of Justice.  Bring down the Seminole County Tax Assessor, or sitting U.S. Rep./future Senate & Presidential Candidate, Matt Gaetz.  I could see this going either way. I mean, Matt serves on Armed Forces and Judiciary.  But Greenberg collects hotel taxes for the Altamonte Springs properties that are distantly affordable for those going to Disney World.  


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2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:


Gaetz was literally working Gob Bluth's playbook:


First place chick is hot, but has an attitude, doesn’t date magicians. Second place is someone weird usually, like a Chinese girl or a geologist. But third place, although a little bit plain, has super low self-esteem. So I step in and, uh, lay her crown upon my sweet head.


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On 3/30/2021 at 5:03 PM, Dark Horse said:

Shocked it was a girl. 


23 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

While I hope this is true, cause Gaetz is a douche, I'd be more apt to believe if it was 17 year old boys.

I told y'all awhile back, I decided that the gay thing probably wasn't true because I never met a gay guy that would go out in public in suits as ill fitting as he wears.  Maybe he's bi.  Or maybe he just likes them underaged and he doesn't care about the equipment.  That ain't no gay.

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2 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:


I told y'all awhile back, I decided that the gay thing probably wasn't true because I never met a gay guy that would go out in public in suits as ill fitting as he wears.  Maybe he's bi.  Or maybe he just likes them underaged and he doesn't care about the equipment.  That ain't no gay.

Uh, it's not "Bi-Sexual" anymore dude.  It's Pansexual.  But you did call it, pos rep.  

Beards, Broads, Underage, Undercarriage, Cubans, Cabals, Queers, Qanons, Trumpers, Trans, Magas and Fagas.  If there's an awkward sexual encounter to be had, followed by a shopping spree at a John Varvatos irregular sale, Gaetz is in like Flynn.  

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46 minutes ago, Paul Wesley said:

That Tucker Carlson segment was hilarious.  It reminded me of the SNL skit where Neil Diamond is on "Storytellers," and the story  he tells about each of his songs is something horrific (his racism, the time he was drunk driving and killed someone).  And Neil (Will Farrell) keeps including a band member (John Goodman) in each story, and Goodman keeps giving a nervous laugh and saying, "Hey, leave me out of this one, Neil"), and Farrell snaps, "OH, I WILL LEAVE YOU **IN**!"

Few people know my creativity is fueled by my hatred of immigrants. Gary and I were up all night discussing how we hate foreigners, right Gary?

Hey man. Leave me out of this one. 

This next song i wrote after i killed a drifter to get an erection.

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19 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:




So Gaetz is admitting that he's under investigation by the FBI for sex trafficking, political corruption, etc., but that he's also being extorted by someone who claims they can make the investigation go away?  Do I have that correct?

Bold strategy, Cotton...


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He’s pretty much admitted to fucking a 17 year old. If he fucked her in a state other than her home state, and he paid for her travel and / or food and lodging, it’s a pretty open and shut case. Not sure how often that shit gets prosecuted unless the girl's parents force the issue, but if you’re a public figure who is as big an asshole as he is you are going to have someone come after you for it. 

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Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican known for his fierce allegiance to former president Donald Trump, had been under Justice Department investigation for months for a possible sex crime when two men approached his father with a proposal, people familiar with the matter said.

The men had learned of the investigation, they wrote to Don Gaetz, and wanted to offer an opportunity to help his son, the people said. He could give a huge sum of money to fund their effort to locate Robert A. Levinson — the longest held American hostage in Iran whose family has said they were told he is dead. If the operation was a success, he would win favor with the U.S. government and help alleviate Matt Gaetz’s legal woes.



But Don Gaetz, a prominent Florida Republican who once led the state Senate, viewed the communication suspiciously, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe a continuing and politically sensitive probe. The investigation into Matt Gaetz’s alleged crime — he is suspected of having sex with a 17-year-old girl, as well as funding her travel — was not public knowledge. Fearing his family was being extorted, Don Gaetz contacted the FBI.

Rep. Matt Gaetz faces Justice Dept. investigation over alleged sex with teen girl

The messy political drama has in some ways diverted attention from a grim reality for the congressman. He remains under investigation for possible sex crimes, leaving him vulnerable to potentially serious legal jeopardy.



The men who approached Gaetz’s father, people familiar with the matter said, had no apparent connection to the sex crimes investigation of his son, other than having somehow learned about it before it was publicly reported. But when news of law enforcement’s interest in Gaetz surfaced Tuesday, the congressman asserted that the allegation was “rooted in an extortion effort against my family for $25 million,” and he identified by name a former federal prosecutor who he said was part of the effort.

While the Justice Department investigates possible sex crimes, the FBI is separately examining whether the request to his father about Levinson might constitute extortion, with Gaetz and his family as possible victims.



Substantiating criminal charges in the extortion probe could be difficult, people familiar with the matter said, noting that, when the two men — who have not been identified — first contacted Don Gaetz, they did not explicitly threaten to expose the congressman unless they were paid. Even if investigators do come to believe there was an attempt to extort the Gaetz family, it appears connected to the sex-crimes investigation only because the men involved discovered it and used it as leverage for personal purposes, people familiar with the matter said.


Don Gaetz and a spokesman for Matt Gaetz did not return messages seeking comment Wednesday. The congressman has not been charged with any crimes and has insisted he did nothing wrong.

Gaetz has told associates he is contemplating leaving Congress early, possibly for a position at Newsmax. Brian Peterson, a Newsmax spokesman, declined to comment on any discussion between Gaetz and the network, saying, “Newsmax doesn’t comment on possible talent negotiations or plans the network may have underway. But a person familiar with the deliberations said that Gaetz and Newsmax were talking, and Gaetz was interested in a possible role at the conservative media outlet, but Newsmax had not extended him an offer.

Gaetz said in a statement Tuesday night that his family had been cooperating with federal authorities in the extortion probe and that his father had “even been wearing a wire at the FBI’s direction to catch these criminals.” In an interview on Fox News, he identified one person he claimed was involved in the effort: David McGee, a former federal prosecutor in Florida now at the firm Beggs & Lane.


McGee has long represented the Levinson family in their more than a decade-long quest to find the FBI agent. In an interview Tuesday night, he said Don Gaetz “called me and asked to talk to me,” though would only say of their talk, “It is a pleasant conversation of a dad concerned about his son, and the trouble his son was in.” McGee disputed that he was part of an effort to extort Gaetz or that he was connected to the Justice Department’s investigation of possible sex trafficking by the congressman.


The initial communication to Don Gaetz referencing Levinson’s case came from two others, people familiar with the matter said, though McGee appeared to have had at least broad knowledge of the men’s interaction with Don Gaetz.

“It’s a blatant attempt to distract from the fact that he’s under investigation for sex trafficking of minors,” McGee said of the congressman’s allegations against him, adding, “I have no connection with that case at all, other than, one of a thousand people who have heard the rumors.”

McGee declined to comment Wednesday, but his firm issued a statement saying the congressman’s allegation was “false and defamatory.”

Levinson’s case has long vexed his family and the U.S. government. The retired FBI agent disappeared under murky circumstances in March 2007 while on Kish Island, a tourist spot off the coast of Iran, during an unauthorized trip for the CIA to gather intelligence on Iran’s nuclear program. He was not spotted publicly again, and was last viewed alive in a 2010 hostage video.


The State Department and the Justice Department had offered a combined reward of $25 million for information on Levinson, and officials repeatedly pressed Iran on the matter. But last year, the government concluded he was dead, and the FBI briefed the family on the evidence they had found pointing to that result.

According to “Missing Man,” a 2016 book about the Levinson case by New York Times reporter Barry Meier, McGee befriended Levinson when the lawyer was working as a federal prosecutor in Florida and Levinson was serving as an FBI agent.

By 2005, they had both left government for the private sector — Levinson as a private investigator and McGee as a defense attorney. Meier reported that Levinson sought legal advice from McGee when the FBI began asking questions about whether he was involved in cigarette smuggling along with one of his sources. Levinson denied involvement but told McGee he feared indictment, the book reports.


According to people familiar with the matter, the sex-crimes investigation into Gaetz grew from a different investigation into a Florida politician: former Seminole County tax collector Joel Greenberg. The exact nature of the connection is unclear, but investigators are exploring whether they might have had overlapping and illegal sexual contacts, people familiar with the matter said.


A 2019 photograph that Greenberg posted on Twitter shows him with Gaetz at the White House. He also posted a picture in 2017 of him with Gaetz and Roger Stone, another well-known Trump political ally.

Greenberg was charged last summer with a host of crimes, including sex trafficking of a child, and on Wednesday, prosecutors docketed a superseding indictment, adding a host of new allegations and charges against him.


Greenberg was accused of abusing his access to a statewide database, using it to look up the personal information of people with whom he was in “sugar daddy” relationships, including the minor he is accused of having abused, and to help produce fake identification documents to “facilitate his efforts to engage in commercial sex acts,” according to court documents. But the superseding indictment made public Wednesday made clear prosecutors believe his wrongdoing was far more widespread and eclectic.

The indictment alleged Greenberg, as tax collector, embezzled more than $400,000 and purchased cryptocurrency for himself or other personal items, including sports memorabilia autographed by basketball stars Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan.

It also alleged that, while out on bond for the charges he faced initially, Greenberg worked with an employee of the Small Business Administration and another friend to obtain loans fraudulently from the Economic Disaster Injury Loans program, a coronavirus-relief measure. Greenberg, according to the indictment, reinstated two corporations that had dissolved, and lied about their operations and the people they employed while the SBA employee took bribes to help process his applications. In total, he is now charged with 33 criminal counts, including bribery and wire fraud.

Fritz Scheller, a lawyer for Greenberg, declined to comment, citing attorney-client privilege and local rules prohibiting disclosures to the media. Greenberg had previously pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to go to trial in June.


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2 minutes ago, Chooky said:

The core of Matt Gaetz shines through in that tucker interview every time he says "my father."

I'm still laughing from your reference to that great Will Ferrell sketch awhile back.  But when Gaetz keeps saying "My Father", I think of how his dad got him out of that mysterious death of his roommate, helped him get elected to the state legislature, helped him pass the Florida bar exam, etc.  And now he's still letting his son throw him under the bus to stay in office (who the fuck says, "My dad's a rat wearing a wire!"???).  Anyway, it reminds me of that mahchild from "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" who calls himself, "a Real Daddy's Boy."  And everybody on the show says, "Yeah, that's not really a thing."  But Gaetz reminds me of this guy:



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4 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

The extortion alleges the FBI has sexual pictures of Gaetz with underage girls. Whoopsi 

This dipshit literally wouldn't be able to see an actual god damn elephant in a room.  And yes, assholes, I used literally correctly here...

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Not many folks know this but a year back, Matt bought some very special porpoises. They were immortal. But only if you fed them a special diet of seagull hatchlings from a remote beach in Western Florida. As Matt spent a lot of time in Washington D.C. and wanted to keep his new pets nearby, he paid some friends to catch the necessary gulls and bring them up north for his porpoises.

But while in transit, the truck carrying the birds encountered a circus train in North Carolina that was bringing a pair of older, rare lions, to a farm where they could live their remaining regal days in peace. It was a dark and stormy night, and visibility was poor. So their truck ran right over the train car carrying the lions. It created a serious furor.

Since it was Matt Gaetz who bought the gulls, and it was Matt who owned the porpoises, the federal prosecution charged him with transporting young gulls, over stately lions, for immortal porpoises.

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The core of Matt Gaetz shines through in that tucker interview every time he says "my father."


He’s glided through life knowing his powerful daddy will always clean up his mess.

Too bad someone like, say, Liz Cheney has a MUCH more powerful daddy.
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1 minute ago, Bama Chick said:


He’s glided through life knowing his powerful daddy will always clean up his mess.

Too bad someone like, say, Liz Cheney has a MUCH more powerful daddy.

Liz is licking her chops.  God damn, I have my popcorn ready.  We may need to rename this thread 'fuck around and find out'...actually the entire CR should be named that.  Or just 'Gritty' for short.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz is facing one of the biggest public scandals of his career, amid a federal probe of his alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl, and his claims he’s actually the victim of an extortion plot. For weeks, before news of the investigation broke, the MAGA congressman explored the possibility of a soft landing in right-wing media, reportedly including a potential job at Newsmax and, as The Daily Beast has learned: One America News Network and Fox News.



Two sources familiar with the situation said that Gaetz also indicated to OAN that he was interested in exiting politics for a TV gig. When asked by The Daily Beast whether he inquired with the network about a possible post-congressional job, Gaetz confirmed on Wednesday afternoon: “Yes. I’ve had many conversations with many people about life after Congress. These conversations have been very general in nature and have never included me soliciting or receiving an offer of employment.”



He continued: “There is not a single conservative television station I haven’t had a passing conversation with about life after Congress. I have neither received nor solicited offers from any of them. But yes, I’ve talked to either executives, producers or hosts at Newsmax, OAN, Fox, Fox Business, Real America’s Voice and probably others I’m forgetting in this moment as I focus intently on refuting false accusations against me.”

A Fox News Media spokesperson said in response: “No one with any level of authority has had conversations with Matt Gaetz for any of our platforms and we have no interest in hiring him.”



Two OAN insiders said Gaetz’s interest in their network was made especially apparent when he visited OAN’s San Diego headquarters on February 22, appearing in OAN’s studios for a live interview with Real America host Dan Ball. OAN’s founder and CEO Robert Herring said Wednesday of reports that Gaetz had been inquiring about cable-news gigs: “Somebody did call me and say that Congressman Gaetz might be looking for a job, possibly at Newsmax.”

Axios first reported that Gaetz, one of former President Trump’s favorites on Capitol Hill, had privately mused to confidants that he was considering leaving Congress for a Newsmax gig. The Florida lawmaker, Axios reported, had early conversations with the upstart right-wing cable network about what his role could look like.

But as for his own network, Herring said, “Right now, I’m not really hiring anybody for talk shows. I think he is a great congressman, and I told [that ‘somebody’] to tell him to stay there. That’s what I want Congressman Gaetz to do.”

Herring said he did not recall when he received that call, and declined to say who called him.

Gaetz has become a near-constant presence on Fox News and other conservative media outlets over the past few years, and he has not been shy about making his media ambitions known.

Fox News primetime star Sean Hannity has offered in the past to let Gaetz guest-host his radio show. And over the past 12 months, the congressman has averaged about 90 minutes of screentime per month on Fox News and also once served as a guest co-host of Fox’s daytime panel show Outnumbered. Earlier this month, Hannity himself even mused on-airabout a potential show co-hosted by Gaetz and Fox & Friends Weekendhost Pete Hegseth, a similarly devoted Donald Trump loyalist.

Amid this new scandal, however, Gaetz’s hopes of a potential transition from Congress to a cable-news career may for now be dashed, at least in some corners of Trumpist media.

“Probably not,” one of the OAN insiders told The Daily Beast when asked if Gaetz has a chance to be hired by the network after the news that the feds are probing his alleged payment for the 17-year-old girl’s travel alongside him—a potential violation of sex-trafficking laws. Gaetz has repeatedly denied the allegations and claimed the investigation is part of an extortion effort against his family.

Multiple Newsmax insiders also echoed similar doubts that Gaetz has any future as a cable-news host, with one source pointedly declaring, “Highly doubt it, highly.” A Newsmax spokesperson said in a statement to The Daily Beast: “We don’t comment on talent discussions or future programming plans.”

At the same time, though, one OAN insider remarked that it’s just as possible that the network may decide to look past the accusations as the conspiracy-peddling channel embraces controversy and could paint Gaetz as a victim of the so-called deep state. And one Newsmax insider even commented that the Times bombshell “looks like a smear.”


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5 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Amid this new scandal, however, Gaetz’s hopes of a potential transition from Congress to a cable-news career may for now be dashed, at least in some corners of Trumpist media.

Incredible. He's untouchable for NewsMax and OAN so I guess he'll just have to stick around and be a member of the United States House of Representatives. 

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30 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:


He’s glided through life knowing his powerful daddy will always clean up his mess.

Too bad someone like, say, Liz Cheney has a MUCH more powerful daddy.

Is daddy willing to pay the sugar baby enough to keep quiet? She’s got the potential to be more than just Insta-famous here

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