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2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Brisketexan: "The soliders WILL commit acts of violence. It's who they are."
JBJ: "You could just as easily be talking about the protestors."
Huckleberry: "What a stupid thing to say."
JBJ: "How many times have they set federal buildings on fire? That's why the federal soldiers have to be there and protect buildings."
Huckleberry: "Good question. How many?"
JBJ: "I dunno."
Huckleberry: "I thought you knew. I don't know of any. They set local municipality buildings on fire twice."
Many others: "Yeah, they haven't set any federal buildings on fire."
JBJ: "Nobody can answer me, that's why my point is awesome."

I literally see Mike Nifong stating JBJ's comments. That's how fucking dishonest it is, and it's as if he has no idea how it comes off.

56 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Oh, I don't disagree at all on the numbers (and of course, anecdotal evidence from me is no evidence at all).  Polling data tends to reflect the kind of breakdown you're noting.  That said, what I think is interesting is the unambiguous/entrenched nature of their views, and the passion that goes with them.

I was politically involved and passionate in my teenage years (yeah, I was a dork in that respect).  But I never had such bright-line love-hate passion the way I'm hearing young people express it.  Hell, even as a young center-right advocate, I openly said that I was absolutely willing to vote for Dems in any given election if they indeed presented the better candidate, and once I turned 18, I did just that.

My daughter is voting age now.  She will not vote GOP in any race.  If a GOP candidate is running unopposed, she will write in an opponent.  My son isn't voting age yet, and again, he's more center-right, but I can't see him voting for a GOP candidate in anything.  They came of age in the era of Trumpism, and I don't see that stink ever washing off the GOP for them.  It will be interesting to watch over the years.

When I was a teenager and 18 I cared about scoring beer, listening to music and getting laid (mostly unsuccessfully). My biggest political beef was with Bush the first for threatening to veto the motor voter bill and the cops for making getting beer marginally more difficult. 

Times have unfortunately changed, And not for the better. 

Posted (edited)

Oh, and American hero, Navy veteran Christopher David: https://apnews.com/4c521336d47c25d76d18000a3ea04511?fbclid=IwAR2aXsrALDwZcQFFNcJwomdlZBDyF9pH0xqCbh_8WCPwdkFE8syFdcgajeQ


David, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a Navy veteran, was so disturbed by what he’d heard that he came to a protest site outside the federal building in downtown Portland on Saturday night.

He put on a sweatshirt with “Navy” emblazoned across the chest and a Navy ballcap, figuring the federal officers would be, like him, a military veteran. He figured they’d listen as he reminded them “that you take the oath to the Constitution; you don’t take the oath to a particular person.”

“What they were doing was unconstitutional,” David said. ”Sometimes I worry that people take the oath of office or the oath to the Constitution, and it’s just a set of words that mean nothing. They really don’t feel in their heart the weight of those words.”

There was no talking. The federal officers, in full tactical gear, came charging out of the federal building.

“They came out in this phalanx, running, and then they plowed into a bunch of protesters in the intersection of the street and knocked them over. They came out to fight,” David said. One officer pointed a semi-automatic weapon at David’s chest, he said, and video shows another shoving him backwards as he tried to talk with the officers.

“I took a couple steps back, straightened up, and then just stood my ground right there, arms down by my side,” David recalled.

One officer began whacking at David with the baton. When he doesn’t fall or even flinch, another officer sprays him full in the face. David then retreats a few steps while making an obscene gesture.

“They are thugs and goons,” David said. “I couldn’t recognize anything tactically that they were attempting to do that was even remotely related to crowd control. It looked to me like a gang of guys with sticks.”

David will need reconstructive surgery with pins and plates on his ring finger that was shattered. A bone in his hand was also broken.

He’s not going back out to protest.

My ex-wife and my daughter would kill me if I did that. They’re so angry at me for doing it in the first place because I got beat up,” he said. “I’m not a redwood tree. I’m an overweight, 53-year-old man.”

I have one correction.  Mr. David misstated things in the last sentence.  He's not a redwood tree -- he's a gotdamn American hero.  He IS the oath, he IS the Constitution.  Those things are only as strong as the men and women who stand up for them.  He is 10,000 times the American than any of the paramilitary goons who got their jollies attacking Americans.  Again, let's state that - there are paramilitary forces attacking Americans.

If this was happening to Americans in another country....we'd have invaded it by now to protect them.  Under this regime....we have bootlickers cheering it on.

Edited by Brisketexan
  • Like 7
1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

If this was happening to Americans in another country....we'd have invaded it by now to protect them.  Under this regime....we have bootlickers cheering it on.

Incorrect. This happened to Americans in this country and it was done to them by foreign officials and our current administration didn't do anything but kiss Erdogan's ring.



  • Like 6
57 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Never was an overstatement.  But escriva was wont to drop a b_t level bomb and not come back and defend or elaborate.

So GRHorn with better taste in food?

3 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

Is there going to be a follow up to your question to me, or did you just really not know how I would answer the do you love america and freedom for all question and wanted some clarity?  I know you are not a fan of logic games, so let's play your pick an option game:  A) you had a point, or B) you just felt like typing something to flex internet authority.  Of course I can't delete posts if you choose not to answer and even if I could I wouldn't on account of that being ridiculous and ironically something a cop would do, but it seems you want to participate so maybe you can participate like any other poster and drop the internet sheriff routine.  

You were either trolling or you weren't. Also the phrasing you used wasn't the question, the question was specifically worded. You are on record saying what your stance is. If you go against that stance: people are allowed to call you out for either trolling or being a disingenuous piece of shit without consequence from the mods. 

I gave you a clear cut opportunity to continue to be a contributing member of the community as long as you let it be known where you stood. If you start trolling I'll give you time off.

3 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

So GRHorn with better taste in food?

Naw, Escrica was a total asshole and deeply weird but he was much smarter than GR Horn.

1 minute ago, immamac said:


I can play this game all day. same question for you. Your posts get deleted till you answer.

Which side are you on?
A) The side that fights unequivocally for equal rights for all american citizens.
B) The side that doesn't fight unequivocally for equal rights for all american citizens.

I'm on A.  I don't think you and I will hold the same preferences surrounding that point.  Are you okay with using tear gas to disperse a crowd who set a fire in the vestibule of a federal court?

@Huckleberry.  Thanks for answering, but wrong.  I've already given the answer as far as the first page of a few google searches tells me.

  • Fuck You 3
1 minute ago, Axiom of Choice said:

People have been accusing me of trolling and being a disingenuous piece of shit without consequence from the mods.  You are not going to intervene on that, nor should you.  Why bother telling me that something will be allowed when it is already being allowed and there aren't going to be any changes?

yeah, I needed to know if you were actually trolling or not.

1 minute ago, JBJ said:

I'm on A.  I don't think you and I will hold the same preferences surrounding that point.  Are you okay with using tear gas to disperse a crowd who set a fire in the vestibule of a federal court?

@Huckleberry.  Thanks for answering, but wrong.  I've already given the answer as far as the first page of a few google searches tells me.

Please post your sources here so we have the same information for this discussion. 

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, JBJ said:

I'm on A.  I don't think you and I will hold the same preferences surrounding that point.  Are you okay with using tear gas to disperse a crowd who set a fire in the vestibule of a federal court?

@Huckleberry.  Thanks for answering, but wrong.  I've already given the answer as far as the first page of a few google searches tells me.

no, my preferences are irrelevant - same thing as axiom. I need to know if people are just threadshitting and trolling or if you are really genuinely trying to argue for something. 

3 minutes ago, JBJ said:

I'm on A.  I don't think you and I will hold the same preferences surrounding that point.  Are you okay with using tear gas to disperse a crowd who set a fire in the vestibule of a federal court?

@Huckleberry.  Thanks for answering, but wrong.  I've already given the answer as far as the first page of a few google searches tells me.

Post your sources. Because I and many others have spent time googling and come up with Jack shit. And your response to all of thst is “nope, wrong.” Fuck that, and if you won’t post sources then fuck off. 

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

People have been accusing me of trolling and being a disingenuous piece of shit without consequence from the mods.  You are not going to intervene on that, nor should you.  Why bother telling me that something will be allowed when it is already being allowed and there aren't going to be any changes?

That’s a lot of effort not to answer a simple question. I hope he just fucking bans your ass. 

2 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

I mean, I'm glad your kids are passionate. But it's probably not safe to blanket all "young kids" as similar to yours, because it's pretty safe to say their views and opinions and actions are all shaped by the household in which they were raised, and who their parents were/are. Which means at least 30% of their generation have been brainwashed by their trump loving parents. 

I heard a good question on NPR in an interview a couple weeks ago. The guy asked an author "Can someone explain to me how the hippies in the free love movement turned into Boomers?" I'm still flummoxed and scratching me head there. 


1 hour ago, Dahobbs said:

They didn't. The hippies were always a minority of that generation. A vocal and visible minority, but a minority nonetheless. 

yeah, for every hippie, you had ten okies from muskogee. i used to wonder the same thing, but came to realize that the protesters from the 60s were a minority, and that's why they had to be so vocal with their protest. nixon started his second term in 72 with something like a 65% approval rating before watergate.

  • Like 1
36 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Oh, and American hero, Navy veteran Christopher David: https://apnews.com/4c521336d47c25d76d18000a3ea04511?fbclid=IwAR2aXsrALDwZcQFFNcJwomdlZBDyF9pH0xqCbh_8WCPwdkFE8syFdcgajeQ

I have one correction.  Mr. David misstated things in the last sentence.  He's not a redwood tree -- he's a gotdamn American hero.  He IS the oath, he IS the Constitution.  Those things are only as strong as the men and women who stand up for them.  He is 10,000 times the American than any of the paramilitary goons who got their jollies attacking Americans.  Again, let's state that - there are paramilitary forces attacking Americans.

If this was happening to Americans in another country....we'd have invaded it by now to protect them.  Under this regime....we have bootlickers cheering it on.

Those guys flailing at him are eaten up with Little Man Disease.

  • Like 2
12 minutes ago, JBJ said:

I'm on A.  I don't think you and I will hold the same preferences surrounding that point.  Are you okay with using tear gas to disperse a crowd who set a fire in the vestibule of a federal court?

@Huckleberry.  Thanks for answering, but wrong.  I've already given the answer as far as the first page of a few google searches tells me.

I'll continue negging every single post until you acknowledge that people answered your question almost immediately, that you were full of shit when you said people refused to answer, and that you were full of shit when you said you knew how many fires had been set.

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, JBJ said:

I'm on A.  I don't think you and I will hold the same preferences surrounding that point.  Are you okay with using tear gas to disperse a crowd who set a fire in the vestibule of a federal court?

@Huckleberry.  Thanks for answering, but wrong.  I've already given the answer as far as the first page of a few google searches tells me.

Troll on guy

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

@JBJ thinks he's being slick by changing the question. First he asked how many times they've "set fire to federal buildings" which clearly implies the building was set on fire. Now he's changed it to "set fire at federal buildings" because he figured out he was wrong but refuses to admit it.

Protesters started a fire outside of a US Courthouse in Portland. The building was not set on fire, but the protesters burned a flag and then added fire and other material to make the fire bigger.

So JBJ will act like he was right all along when the reality is he was wrong and then changed the wording of the question so he'd seem correct.

18 hours ago, JBJ said:

How many times have they set fire to the federal buildings in Portland over the last month?


1 hour ago, JBJ said:

It hasn't been answered.

How many times have protesters set fires at Portland's federal buildings this month? 


24 minutes ago, JBJ said:

I'm on A.  I don't think you and I will hold the same preferences surrounding that point.  Are you okay with using tear gas to disperse a crowd who set a fire in the vestibule of a federal court?

@Huckleberry.  Thanks for answering, but wrong.  I've already given the answer as far as the first page of a few google searches tells me.

This is how you move goalposts around, folks.

Edited by Huckleberry
  • Like 5
9 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

yeah, for every hippie, you had ten okies from muskogee. i used to wonder the same thing, but came to realize that the protesters from the 60s were a minority, and that's why they had to be so vocal with their protest. nixon started his second term in 72 with something like a 65% approval rating before watergate.

Which is why I never bought into the bullshit story of "oh well the baby boomers started out as rebellious hippies and turned into yuppies when they got older and wiser." Bullshit, the few hippies they actually had either died or just got tired and the assholes we always knew the rest of that generation were took over.

10 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Post your sources. Because I and many others have spent time googling and come up with Jack shit. And your response to all of thst is “nope, wrong.” Fuck that, and if you won’t post sources then fuck off. 

https://ktvz.com/news/oregon-northwest/2020/07/20/federal-officers-use-tear-gas-as-fire-set-at-portland-federal-courthouse/#:~:text=PORTLAND%2C Ore.,demonstrators to drive them away.

Protesters did set a fire in the portico of the federal courthouse early yesterday morning, but not inside the building.  However, the gestapo descended on Portlando last week so yesterday's fire could not possibly be the justification for their invasion.  Unless JBJ works for the pre-crimes unit.

3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

@JBJ thinks he's being slick by changing the question. First he asked how many times they've "set fire to federal buildings" which clearly implies the building was set on fire. Now he's changed it to "set fire at federal buildings" because he figured out he was wrong but refuses to admit it.

Protesters started a fire outside of a US Courthouse in Portland. The building was not set on fire, but the protesters burned a flag and then added fire and other material to make the fire bigger.

So JBJ will act like he was right all along when the reality is he was wrong and then changed the wording of the question so he'd seem correct.

I'm not counting the effegies, flags, or even cars.  Fires that damage or intended to damage federal property.

  • Fuck You 2
1 minute ago, JBJ said:

I'm not counting the effegies, flags, or even cars.  Fires that damage or intended to damage federal property.


Again, this is the post that a half dozen posters responded to:

18 hours ago, JBJ said:

How many times have they set fire to the federal buildings in Portland over the last month?

Own up to the fact that you were wrong. Own up to the fact that multiple people told you that you were wrong. Own up to the fact that the answer to the question was and is zero.

You were wrong. People are wrong sometimes. Refusing to ever admit you were wrong is the poor character trait, not the being wrong in the first place.

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, JBJ said:

I'm not counting the effegies, flags, or even cars.  Fires that damage or intended to damage federal property.

How about you answer MY question, you champion of law and order (which, it may shock you to learn, also includes the 1st amendment, 4th amendment, and due process of law) -- how many of "THEY" (the people beaten, gassed, and snatched off the street) set "fires that damage or indended to damage federal property?"

Please include the following individuals in the class of "they" (as each was beaten and gassed by irregular paramilitary forces loyal to the regime):



8 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:


Ok, thanks for answering.  

I've been posting on longhorn sites for about 15 years now, made several real life friends with folks here, participate on a range of discussions in various forums, never copy and paste or simply link tweets, posted lots of original content over the years (some is well received, some not so popular, but at least I make an effort).  Also, I'm willing to put internet disputes behind and apologize.  No reason at all to think I am a troll.  People are tense these days and are going to get agitated.  


Easy, tiger.  I answered it.

All good bro, I'm all for people having opinions and being able to express them even if they are contrarian to what the majority hold. I'm not trying to silence anyone, but I am trying to keep discussions that are straight trolling from happening. You have added valuable perspective to the conversation as long as you have been genuine and that is what matters here. JBJ was a trolling piece of shit. 

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, immamac said:

All good bro, I'm all for people having opinions and being able to express them even if they are contrarian to what the majority hold. I'm not trying to silence anyone, but I am trying to keep discussions that are straight trolling from happening. You have added valuable perspective to the conversation as long as you have been genuine and that is what matters here. JBJ was a trolling piece of shit. 

He was....but man, I really do want one of the bootlickers who repeatedly uses the "they were setting fire to federal buildings" and other bullshit excuses for violence and street-snatch-and-grabsto explain how this 'justification" supports violent action against the Navy sweatshirt guy, and the unarmed, peaceful moms.  Because I just want them to own this simple truth: they are terrorists, and support terrorism.

See, that's what you call it when someone supports acts of violence and kidnapping against innocents in order to "send a message to" (intimidate) a larger group.  So not only do these fucks SUPPORT state-sponsored terrorism....they support it when committed by THIS COUNTRY....AGAINST ITS OWN CITIZENS.  That's a fucking trifecta of evil.

JBJ and those like him 1) support terrorism when 2) America is the terrorist, and 3) ESPECIALLY when the victims of that terrorism are Americans.

Fuck, that sort of thinking makes me rethink my opposition to keeping Gitmo open.  Methinks we may need it.

Edited by Brisketexan
  • Like 2
18 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:


Ok, thanks for answering.  

I've been posting on longhorn sites for about 15 years now, made several real life friends with folks here, participate on a range of discussions in various forums, never copy and paste or simply link tweets, posted lots of original content over the years (some is well received, some not so popular, but at least I make an effort).  Also, I'm willing to put internet disputes behind and apologize.  No reason at all to think I am a troll.  People are tense these days and are going to get agitated.  


Easy, tiger.  I answered it.

For what it is worth, I don't think you're disingenuous. I do think you struggle answering direct questions, or perhaps more accurately answering questions directly.  But I think that results from the way you approach problems as opposed to an intention to deceive. For instance, your tendency towards long-winded posts, I believe, comes from your attempt to justify what is ultimately, though unintentionally, circular reasoning. I first noticed this on the old site in your thread on AI (if I recall correctly, presented as logical proof that computers were incapable of actual intelligence).  

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, RDCanecutter said:

Those guys flailing at him are eaten up with Little Man Disease.

I can't see shit.

With my eyesight, I'd be worthless at these nighttime protests.  And it's a shame, because I'd make out like a bandit with those Portland moms.

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

I can't see shit.

With my eyesight, I'd be worthless at these nighttime protests.  And it's a shame, because I'd make out like a bandit with those Portland moms.

You could be doubly lucky if you get divorced, and married and the guy is a cuck, so no threat of being shot killed.

Edited by workswithseed

Simply going by the thread topic, not going to spend an hour reading 19 pgs, but could someone give me the Cliff’s notes here?

Im struggling to identify Portland as anything but anarchy much less the President’s gestapo.

  • Fuck You 3
3 hours ago, Dahobbs said:

They didn't. The hippies were always a minority of that generation. A vocal and visible minority, but a minority nonetheless. 

Actually, hippies were a tiny minority of people that wanted to live on communes in a very peaceful way. Hippies and protesters were very much not the same thing back in the day. Over time, that distinction has been muddied generally by rightists (and Aggies) wanting to paint anyone who demonstrates as a dirty, unrealistic, and risible person whom should be paid no mind.

Hippies were not college students for one thing. College students led the white protesters back in the 60s and 70s. They also joined blacks in the Civil Rights movement. Some of those college students became despised boomers. Some just share a birth range with despised boomers.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

Actually, hippies were a tiny minority of people that wanted to live on communes in a very peaceful way. Hippies and protesters were very much not the same thing back in the day. Over time, that distinction has been muddied generally by rightists (and Aggies) wanting to paint anyone who demonstrates as a dirty, unrealistic, and risible person whom should be paid no mind.

Hippies were not college students for one thing. College students led the white protesters back in the 60s and 70s. They also joined blacks in the Civil Rights movement. Some of those college students became despised boomers. Some just share a birth range with despised boomers.

What is the overlay with "smells like patchouli?"  Because I fucking hate patchouli.  Growing up in Houston, I never really smelled it.  Got to Austin, and I immediately associated it with the unwashed hippies who always seemed to carry that smell.

Fucking patchouli, man.


1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:

Actually, hippies were a tiny minority of people that wanted to live on communes in a very peaceful way. Hippies and protesters were very much not the same thing back in the day. Over time, that distinction has been muddied generally by rightists (and Aggies) wanting to paint anyone who demonstrates as a dirty, unrealistic, and risible person whom should be paid no mind.

Hippies were not college students for one thing. College students led the white protesters back in the 60s and 70s. They also joined blacks in the Civil Rights movement. Some of those college students became despised boomers. Some just share a birth range with despised boomers.

This is 100% true. My mom was a hippie. My dad was (in the parlance of the times) a "street fighting man". Very different subcultures. 

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, Veerbone said:

Simply going by the thread topic, not going to spend an hour reading 19 pgs, but could someone give me the Cliff’s notes here?

Im struggling to identify Portland as anything but anarchy much less the President’s gestapo.

Out of curiosity, where sources are you relying on that have you identifying an entire major city as "anarchy?"

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, Foosters said:

Out of curiosity, where sources are you relying on that have you identifying an entire major city as "anarchy?"

It's not even entire, it's really concentrated in South Portland.

5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

What is the overlay with "smells like patchouli?"  Because I fucking hate patchouli.  Growing up in Houston, I never really smelled it.  Got to Austin, and I immediately associated it with the unwashed hippies who always seemed to carry that smell.

Fucking patchouli, man.


Smelling Patchouli reminds me of the Drag rats. 

14 minutes ago, Veerbone said:

Simply going by the thread topic, not going to spend an hour reading 19 pgs, but could someone give me the Cliff’s notes here?

Im struggling to identify Portland as anything but anarchy much less the President’s gestapo.

That's really convenient that you're not going to read the last 19 pages and struggling to identify the gestapo.  How about just the first page?  You cool with that?

  • Like 4
16 minutes ago, Veerbone said:

Simply going by the thread topic, not going to spend an hour reading 19 pgs, but could someone give me the Cliff’s notes here?

Im struggling to identify Portland as anything but anarchy much less the President’s gestapo.

some people are upset, and they protested.  some of those people broke laws while doing so.

some cops came out and confronted the protesters.  to prove they are the side of law and order, they decided to break the law and disrupt order to arrest the protesters.

that made some people upset, and they protested.  some of those people broke laws while doing so.

that made some more cops come out and confront the protesters.  to prove they are the side of law and order, the decided to break more laws and further disrupt order to arrest the protesters.

  • Like 5
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

I really don't feel like working for years and years to set up retirement. You guys mind setting me up with an annuity? TIA

Edited by RomaVicta
  • Like 1

Hey guys, I don't know shit about shit but I'm having a hard time not believing the side I wanted to believe before I even thought about trying to find information. Can y'all reinforce my confirmation bias for me? Thanks in advance. 

  • Like 8
20 minutes ago, Foosters said:

Out of curiosity, where sources are you relying on that have you identifying an entire major city as "anarchy?"

Well, take this chyron from Fox News yesterday, for example.  Apparently major cities are being rocked by violence.  I just can't find much about it in the, you know, news.  Ignore the black guy.  So most people think there are huge violent protests and anarchy all over the place.


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