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The federal courthouse (Hatfield Courthouse) and the Multnomah County Justice Center there has been under siege for over a month now. Lots of vandalization and destruction of federal property. Since it's federal property the federal government (DHS) has jurisdiction and so they've been rolling people up and citing them depending on their offenses. So far I think only 13 have actually been arrested, the rest were released.

Here is DHS' take on it:


Acting Secretary Wolf Condemns The Rampant Long-Lasting Violence In Portland

Release Date: 
July 16, 2020

“The city of Portland has been under siege for 47 straight days by a violent mob while local political leaders refuse to restore order to protect their city. Each night, lawless anarchists destroy and desecrate property, including the federal courthouse, and attack the brave law enforcement officers protecting it.  

“A federal courthouse is a symbol of justice - to attack it is to attack America. Instead of addressing violent criminals in their communities, local and state leaders are instead focusing on placing blame on law enforcement and requesting fewer officers in their community. This failed response has only emboldened the violent mob as it escalates violence day after day. 

“This siege can end if state and local officials decide to take appropriate action instead of refusing to enforce the law. DHS will not abdicate its solemn duty to protect federal facilities and those within them. Again, I reiterate the Department’s offer to assist local and state leaders to bring an end to the violence perpetuated by anarchists,” said Acting Secretary Chad Wolf 

Below is a snapshot of the lawless destruction and violence of the past several weeks that Department of Homeland Security and its subcomponents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border Protection, and Federal Protective Service have faced:


  • Violent anarchists broke a front window at the Hatfield Courthouse.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Hatfield Courthouse.
  • Overall, the cost of damages on federal property done by the violent mob this first night was estimated at $5,000.


  • Violent anarchists graffitied the BPA Building.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Hatfield Courthouse.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Edith Green-Wenell Wyatt Building.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Terry Schrunk Plaza.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied the 911 Federal Building.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Pioneer Courthouse.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Gus J. Solomon Courthouse.


  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Hatfield Courthouse.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied Terry Schrunk Plaza.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied The Pioneer Courthouse.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied The Gus J Solomon Courthouse.


  • Violent anarchists graffitied the U.S. Custom House.


  • Violent anarchists destroyed fencing surrounding federal property.


  • Violent anarchists damaged and breached the fence around the Hatfield Courthouse.
  • Portland Police were forced to deploy crowd control spray to disperse a crowd that was throwing animal seed at officers.


  • Violent anarchists broke a window at the Hatfield Courthouse while pelting the building with objects.
  • Violent anarchists cut a hole in the fence surrounding Hatfield Courthouse.


  • Violent anarchists removed the entire fence around Hatfield Courthouse and graffitied its front columns.
  • Violent anarchists attempted to remove wooden barriers from a window on the Hatfield Courthouse.


  • Violent anarchists dismantled a section of the fence protecting the Edith Green-Wenell Wyatt Federal Building.


  • Violent anarchists destroyed the card reader at the Hatfield Courthouse by ripping it off its mount.
  • Violent anarchists destroyed the fence at the Hatfield Courthouse.
  • Violent anarchists threw metal pipes at the Hatfield Courthouse, causing Portland Police to issue a disbursal warning for unlawful assembly.


  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Hatfield Courthouse.


  • Among a group of over 400 protesters marching in front of the Pioneer Courthouse, violent anarchists attempted to cause eye damage to officers with commercial grade lasers.
  • Violent anarchists graffitied the Gus J. Solomon Courthouse.


  • Violent anarchists vandalized an FPS camera at the Hatfield Courthouse.
  • Violent anarchists breached the fence of the Justice Center, adjacent to the courthouse.


  • Violent anarchists ripped down plywood covering the windows at the Edith Green-Wenell Wyatt Building, before breaking the windows.


  • Violent anarchists graffitied new plywood covering the windows at the Hatfield Courthouse and ripped down plywood on the other side of the building.
  • A group of over 200 violent anarchists blocked access to the building and proceeded to launch aerial fireworks at federal property.


  • Violent anarchists broke a front window to the Hatfield Courthouse and attempted to enter the building.
  • Violent anarchists refused orders to vacate the Hatfield Courthouse area, and instead launched fireworks and threw objects at officers, while attempting to cause eye damage with lasers. One explosive firework was shot into the courthouse.
  • FPS law enforcement officers were forced to utilized crowd control measures for safety.


  • After ongoing riots around the Hatfield Courthouse, crowds were dispersed only to make a return later into the night.
  • Violent Anarchists broke the front window of the Hatfield U.S. Courthouse and shot fireworks into the building.
  • Violent anarchists firebombed the building. Federal law enforcement extinguished the fire.


  • Around 1,000 violent anarchists spray painted, threw rocks, and shot fireworks (including mortar style fireworks) at the Hatfield Courthouse. They also destroyed a security camera at the facility.
    • A CBP team supporting FPS at the courthouse arrested suspects from the graffiti and camera vandalism incidents.
    • The mob continued to throw rocks and paint-filled balloons, while attempting to breach the doors.
    • Teams were forced to utilize crowd control measures for safety.
  • Multiple individuals were seen carrying rifles, including the driver of a vehicle who attempted to strike a Portland Police Bureau officer with his car in front of the Hatfield Courthouse.


  • A hostile crowd of about 250 violent anarchists returned to the vicinity of Hatfield Courthouse to vandalize and attack numerous facilities and police, while failing to comply with dispersal order.
  • Violent anarchists surrounded and blocked law enforcement from the area as extremists proceeded to attack police with thrown projectiles and large mortar style fireworks.
  • Two Portland Police Bureau officers were injured by the crowd (possible concussion). 
  • Portland Police Bureau took five into custody for directing lasers against aircraft.
  • Violent anarchists set fires in front of Hatfield Courthouse and Chapman park.
  • At the entrance of Hatfield Courthouse, Violent Anarchists fired large fireworks and threw other dangerous objects toward the entrance and the personnel protecting it.
  • The mob was pushed completely out of the area of Hatfield Courthouse; FPS made two arrests during push.
  • Portland Police made multiple arrests and found a loaded weapon on one subject.
  • Two more violent anarchists were arrested, and one was found to be carrying what appears to be a pipe bomb.
  • Violent anarchists assaulted construction crews by targeting them with fireworks while they repaired Hatfield Building.
  • A joint team had to be deployed to create buffer between violent anarchists and construction crew to protect construction workers.


  • Violent anarchists attempted to cause vision damage to personnel with lasers. Five arrests were made for assaulting law enforcement.


  • Violent anarchists held a “Night of Rage,” in which a 400-500-person protest devolved into riots, assaulting law enforcement officers and federal property.
  • Approximately 200 violent anarchists began pursuing law enforcement officers to disrupt enforcement actions, assaulting them with rocks and bottles.
  • Around 150 violent anarchists in front of the Justice Center began attacking personnel with lasers and peppered the area with fireworks.
  • Three violent anarchists were arrested for attacking law enforcement.


  • Approximately 200 violent anarchists attacked DHS law enforcement officers while apprehending a subject who was wanted for property damage.
  • One arrest was made after three law enforcement officers were injured.
  • Law enforcement officers’ personal information was publicly exposed, including FPS, ICE, and CBP personnel.
  • Violent anarchists continued to attack officers with lasers. 


  • Violent anarchists attacked DHS law enforcement officers while apprehending a subject who was wanted for property damage.
  • A violent anarchist graffitied the Hatfield courthouse.
  • An unidentified subject fired several shots from a gun into the air from the rear seat of a passing white SUV. 


  • Crowds of approximately 300 violent anarchists vandalized federal property and cameras with spray paint, blocked roadways, and assaulted law enforcement officers.
  • Three were arrested for Assault on a Federal Officer.
  • Violent anarchists attempted to ambush Portland Police Department PD during their shift change, but a DHS team was deployed and able to prevent any attacks.


  • DHS law enforcement officers supported local police to help a violent anarchist who overdosed.
  • Four violent anarchists were arrested, including one who attempted to assault an officer with a hammer.
  • Violent anarchists sieged the barricade of the courthouse and tried to damage it with a large hammer.
  • A law enforcement officer was assaulted with blows from a hammer. Violent anarchists fought officers while they were arresting those responsible.


  • Six violent anarchists were detained and cited.
  • A mob of 300 refused to comply with directions not to trespass on federal property.
  • Another mob of 200 individuals armed with sledgehammers, tasers and/or stun guns, gathered in Chapman Park across from the Hatfield Courthouse.
  • Violent anarchists launched fireworks, threw fecal matter and large objects, and pointed lasers at federal law enforcement officers.
  • Violent anarchists deployed a plywood blockade while graffitiing the Edith Green-Wenell Wyatt Federal Building, before firing wrist rockets at the facility.
  • When an arrest team was deployed to apprehend a rioter who encroached on a police barrier and refused to leave, they were assaulted by violent anarchists.
  • A rioter trespassed on the steps of the Hatfield Courthouse and was confronted by federal law enforcement Officers, then swallowed a large amount of narcotics. Law enforcement called medical services after the individual started to convulse.
  • Despite more orders to stay off of federal property and to cease unlawful activity, FPS was forced to push back violent anarchists. The Portland Police Bureau declared the mob an unlawful assembly.


  • Violent anarchists released personal information of federal law enforcement officers to the public, publishing names of those in Portland.
  • Violent anarchists continued to assault law enforcement officers with lasers, slingshots and fireworks. Others were armed with sledge hammers, tasers, and stun guns, and dragged flaming debris into the scene.


  • Violent anarchists set a container of liquid on fire at the Terry Schrunk Plaza.
  • Violent anarchists jumped a fence and attempted to breach the Edith Green Federal Building.
  • Violent anarchists assaulted federal law enforcement officers with cans and other hard objects while they attempted to unblock the entrance of the Edith Green Federal Building.


  • Violent anarchists doxed members of federal law enforcement.
  • Violent anarchists attempted to damage the Hatfield Courthouse by throwing objects at it and spray painting it. Numerous fireworks were also lit.
  • Violent anarchists trespassed on federal property and destroyed a card reader at the Justice Center.

Edited by MillerEP
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1 minute ago, workswithseed said:

So as I defend you, you'd leave me like a coward? Thanks.

Maybe you could enlighten us on the point you are trying to prove here. 

22 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

This story is depressing. I fear it’s a dry run for November. Anyone doubt these federal goons will be deployed to “enforce Law & Order” at urban polling locations?


The urban polling plan already works like a charm. Open late, machines don't work, everyone in line for 8-12 hours in whatever weather, run out of provisional ballots by mid-morning.

My guess is this is more of a dry run for future George Floyds so local PDs don't have to do all the violence themselves.

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46 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

I don't think so, but the person was released after 90 minutes. Seriously, it just says police, and nothing else. That shit shouldn't fly.

Would they have been released in 90 minutes if there was no one recording the abduction?  Just asking innocent questions.


Wait, let me get this straight. So I'm supposed to walk around armed to protect myself from Law and Order because the *checks notes* Attorney General's personal army never shoots first, fires chemical weapons, or lets famous people or unknown not famous people die in police custody? Me shooting first is not going to end well either, so I'm not liking this scenario.

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So you're OK with officers with zero insignia taking people off the street without identifying themselves?  If they pull that shit in Texas couldn't somebody say they were being kidnapped and drop a few rounds in those guys? 

1 minute ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Wait, let me get this straight. So I'm supposed to walk around armed to protect myself from Law and Order because the *checks notes* Attorney General's personal army never shoots first, fires chemical weapons, or lets famous people or unknown not famous people die in police custody? Me shooting first is not going to end well either, so I'm not liking this scenario.

Well then you shouldn't have been resisting!  Isn't it a fun catch 22? 

9 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

They are Border Patrol.

It’s insanity.

Exactly which border is Portland near that requires this type of involvement?  Not directed at you, obviously.  Just another innocent question I’m asking.

1 minute ago, Continental Op said:

Well then you shouldn't have been resisting!  Isn't it a fun catch 22? 

Or in this case, you don't even need to resist. You just get shot in the face or dragged off in an SUV by unidentified paramilitary forces.

America is doing great.

4 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

Would they have been released in 90 minutes if there was no one recording the abduction?  Just asking innocent questions.

I don't know, I was just giving a fact.  

1 hour ago, Superhero said:

Oregon is pretty far from the border, and these protesters aren't dang ferriners. What legitimate reason does US Customs and Borders have to do there?

I don't pretend to understand all the details of this, but apparently it's a thing.


The Problem

  • The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects Americans from random and arbitrary stops and searches.
  • According to the government, however, these basic constitutional principles do not apply fully at our borders. For example, at border crossings (also called "ports of entry"), federal authorities do not need a warrant or even suspicion of wrongdoing to justify conducting what courts have called a "routine search," such as searching luggage or a vehicle.
  • Even in places far removed from the border, deep into the interior of the country, immigration officials enjoy broad—though not limitless—powers. Specifically, federal regulations give U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) authority to operate within 100 miles of any U.S. "external boundary."
  • In this 100-mile zone, Border Patrol agents have certain additional authorities. For instance, Border Patrol can operate immigration checkpoints.
  • Border Patrol, nevertheless, cannot pull anyone over without "reasonable suspicion" of an immigration violation or crime (reasonable suspicion is more than just a "hunch"). Similarly, Border Patrol cannot search vehicles in the 100-mile zone without a warrant or "probable cause" (a reasonable belief, based on the circumstances, that an immigration violation or crime has likely occurred).
  • In practice, Border Patrol agents routinely ignore or misunderstand the limits of their legal authority in the course of individual stops, resulting in violations of the constitutional rights of innocent people. These problems are compounded by inadequate training for Border Patrol agents, a lack of oversight by CBP and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the consistent failure of CBP to hold agents accountable for abuse. No matter what CBP officers and Border Patrol agents think, our Constitution applies throughout the United States, including within this “100-mile border zone.”
  • Like 2
1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

Or in this case, you don't even need to resist. You just get shot in the face or dragged off in an SUV by unidentified paramilitary forces.

America is doing great.

Right, but I'm talking about what happens if unidentified camo-garbed oper8ors walk up and you whip out a piece when they accost you and things do not end well for you. 

Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

So you're OK with officers with zero insignia taking people off the street without identifying themselves?  If they pull that shit in Texas couldn't somebody say they were being kidnapped and drop a few rounds in those guys? 

It's difficult to see due to the bad lighting in that video, but most do have "police" written across their front and back, except for this yolked dude on the left. 

Police confront demonstrators as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate in Portland, Oregon on July 4, 2020 for the thirty-eighth day in a row at Portland's Justice Center and throughout Portland, with a riot declared about 12.20 am on July 5. CS tear gas and less-lethal weapons were used, and multiple arrests were made.

Edited by MillerEP
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Just now, workswithseed said:

I don't know, I was just giving a fact.  

That’s cool and I’m some what happy they got released in 90 minutes.  My problem is was there any reason for them to be kidnapped in the first place (being released in 90 mins says no).  

  • Like 1
41 minutes ago, 'stache said:

Why are they wearing camo in the city?

so they don't clash.

Just now, Bevo said:

Any chance you all could go back to the politics board?

What exactly has been political about anything in our posts, fucking snowflake?

Citizens being snatched off the streets by unidentified goons is news, not politics.

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1 minute ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

That’s cool and I’m some what happy they got released in 90 minutes.  My problem is was there any reason for them to be kidnapped in the first place (being released in 90 mins says no).  

No, he shouldn't have. I agree fully.

  • Like 1

As I said earlier, Portland is a test case. Chicago, LA, Detroit, etc. Wait until it comes to Houston. Black mayor, lots of guns, and Gregg and Dan (Patrick not Crenshaw). What will Ted & Big Bad John do? They have 3 months and about a week to get this rolling. In the middle of a pandemic. Right before school (of a sort) starts. With (I've lost count) millions of people out of work.

2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

This country is a fucking basket case.

DT is creating the country he lied about being in his inauguration speech. This is ALL ON HIM. This is all his doing. 

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4 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

Right, but I'm talking about what happens if unidentified camo-garbed oper8ors walk up and you whip out a piece when they accost you and things do not end well for you. 

I believe this is the confusion that is part of the plan. It works well for them.

5 minutes ago, MillerEP said:

It's difficult to see due to the bad lighting in that video, but most do have "police" written across their front and back, except for this yolked dude on the left.

Police confront demonstrators as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate in Portland, Oregon on July 4, 2020 for the thirty-eighth day in a row at Portland's Justice Center and throughout Portland, with a riot declared about 12.20 am on July 5. CS tear gas and less-lethal weapons were used, and multiple arrests were made.

Well that solves it.  Just the po-lice, not federal officers.  Nothing to see here other than why they throw a person in an unmarked car and refused to identify themselves when clearly asked.

I mean it’s not like someone could go to Icono’s tailor and get a tailored ‘Police’ patch with a velcro backing stitched up pretty quick.

9 minutes ago, MillerEP said:

It's difficult to see due to the bad lighting in that video, but most do have "police" written across their front and back, except for this yolked dude on the left. 

Police confront demonstrators as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate in Portland, Oregon on July 4, 2020 for the thirty-eighth day in a row at Portland's Justice Center and throughout Portland, with a riot declared about 12.20 am on July 5. CS tear gas and less-lethal weapons were used, and multiple arrests were made.


2 hours ago, workswithseed said:

I hate that you'll just give up when the government comes at your door to take you, and your loved ones away, since it's so futile.

Wait, the justification is actually this? 

So that you can suicide by Fed and maybe kill a couple of them before they kidnap your family?

That's what all the litigation and "hold our nose votes" is for?

3 hours ago, Foosters said:

Why would we do that? It's your side that jerks off to the idea of gun battles with the Feds. Most sane people see the futility in that?

You do too, right?

You said that. You didn't mention anything about voting.

  • Like 1
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19 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

So you're OK with officers with zero insignia taking people off the street without identifying themselves?  If they pull that shit in Texas couldn't somebody say they were being kidnapped and drop a few rounds in those guys? 


12 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

I'm scared that y'all would be okay with a fascist take over.

The idea is you resist by posting brow furrowing Tweets and complain about the Feds violating the Constitution as the Feds continue to violate the Constitution. Maybe some Senators can complain on Twitter as Trump continues to do whatever the fuck he wants. Then talk about how Trump is going to steal the election while he is illegally using Federal LEOs to terrorize American citizens but think that the use of force against tyranny is a bridge too far.


  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, Bartles said:

The urban polling plan already works like a charm. Open late, machines don't work, everyone in line for 8-12 hours in whatever weather, run out of provisional ballots by mid-morning.

My guess is this is more of a dry run for future George Floyds so local PDs don't have to do all the violence themselves.

First paragraph is damn sure normal in the hood. Grew up in pleasant grove and my grandma had been through it all to deter voting over decades one thing we always did was walk to the vote. She said  it allowed her time to pray and reflect but damn i get pissed after 20 minutes of waiting now. She was a a good woman

  • Like 2
Just now, F250 said:

The idea is you resist by posting brow furrowing Tweets and complain about the Feds violating the Constitution as the Feds continue to violate the Constitution. Maybe some Senators can complain on Twitter as Trump continues to do whatever the fuck he wants. Then talk about how Trump is going to steal the election while he is illegally using Federal LEOs to terrorize American citizens but think that the use of force against tyranny is a bridge too far.


I asked if people were gonna arm up, they said no. I said that they should. 

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33 minutes ago, Bartles said:

No one ever came clean on who the DC guys were a few weeks back, right? I assumed national guard especially the ones in matching Texas shirts. Or maybe whatever Blackwater is called in 2020.

Border Patrol and some kind of response unit from the Federal Prison system.  The Texas insignias/whatever were federal prison guards from Texas.

1 hour ago, workswithseed said:

This man is Biden's gun Czar.  Oh, but that's only for semi autos. You only need 1 bullet to stop a man. I mean the Miami shootout says different, or Ruby Ridge, or any other shooting that took more than one bullet to kill a person. 

That is a campaign speech of an unelected official. Huckleberry was asking for an elected leader advocating for taking a citizen's guns. Something like this:


  • Like 3
28 minutes ago, MillerEP said:

The federal courthouse (Hatfield Courthouse) and the Multnomah County Justice Center there has been under siege for over a month now. Lots of vandalization and destruction of federal property. Since it's federal property the federal government (DHS) has jurisdiction and so they've been rolling people up and citing them depending on their offenses. So far I think only 13 have actually been arrested, the rest were released.

Why are they going after people who aren't near the courthouse/justice center?

I mean, at least they are releasing people after they tell them they are lawyering up and not going to say anything.  So I guess they've got that going for them.

3 minutes ago, Irwin F Fletcher said:

If this is part of Trump's plan to scare the electorate it will backfire. The more that this story sees the light of day the more it will motivate people to exercise their power at the voting booth.

The electorate:

squirrel GIF

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What does the unit badge on the biceps say/mean?  And then the AH-1 shit on the first guy who has no Police markings?  

1 minute ago, workswithseed said:

I asked if people were gonna arm up, they said no. I said that they should. 

Are you? Do you think this is acceptable?

1 minute ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

That is a campaign speech of an unelected official. Huckleberry was asking for an elected leader advocating for taking a citizen's guns. Something like this:



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