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36 minutes ago, BearSchlong said:

The fact that they are trying to obscure their identities and using unmarked vehicles......for fuck's sake, it's the feds, they have the power to do quite a bit without resorting to some kind of banana republic bullshit.

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The DHS addresses it in the post above. They were wearing normal uniforms and name tapes, but then their full names, family members, and home addresses began getting posted online by antifa, so they were told to go sanitized. 

  • Like 4
2 hours ago, workswithseed said:

You have to pay $340 for a handgun license and $140 for shotgun and rifle license. You also have $90 for a finger printing. That wasn't made for the poor of New York for sure. It also takes 6 months to process it, and after all that they can still say no. Out of 8 million people only 4,000 people have a concealed carry. 


It also goes through all states. You're welcomed to read through it.

You apparently misread my question. I'll write it out again. 

Who has tried to legislate away the ability of Americans to protect themselves against tyranny using firearms?  Specific examples of a legislative process to repeal the Second Amendment, please. 

If you haven't figured it out yet, this is me not letting you run away from the question. Keep trying.

  • Like 3
1 hour ago, BearSchlong said:

This week the local feds charged 4 people with aiming lasers at police planes/helicopters.

Hm yes, lets try to blind pilots while they're flying overhead.  Excellent idea.  

2 hours ago, MillerEP said:

The federal courthouse (Hatfield Courthouse) and the Multnomah County Justice Center there has been under siege for over a month now. Lots of vandalization and destruction of federal property. Since it's federal property the federal government (DHS) has jurisdiction and so they've been rolling people up and citing them depending on their offenses. So far I think only 13 have actually been arrested, the rest were released.

Here is DHS' take on it:




lol "under siege" hahahah

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3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

You apparently misread my question. I'll write it out again. 

Who has tried to legislate away the ability of Americans to protect themselves against tyranny using firearms?  Specific examples of a legislative process to repeal the Second Amendment, please. 

If you haven't figured it out yet, this is me not letting you run away from the question. Keep trying.

Wait, you think only making it harder so much that only .002% of a city has a legal concealed carry permit isn't basically that?  Do you also think that someone who haves thier finger over you after you asked to stopped being touched isn't annoying. They aren't touching you.

29 minutes ago, clapclapclap said:

Mostly peaceful protesters in Portland, good kids, definitely not Antifa....


"and also other things that we didn't have video of but just trust us because you're a moron"

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

Wait, you think only making it harder so much that only .002% of a city has a legal concealed carry permit isn't basically that?  Do you also think that someone who haves thier finger over you after you asked to stopped being touched isn't annoying. They aren't touching you.

Your problem is that distraction attempts don't work on people who are smarter than the people you're used to hanging out with.

Answer the question you've been avoiding.

Who has tried to legislate away the ability of Americans to protect themselves against tyranny using firearms?  Specific examples of a legislative process to repeal the Second Amendment, please.

Once you are able to admit that your initial accusation was a complete load of horse shit, we will move on to discussing the other issues you've brought up in attempt to sidetrack the discussion.

  • Like 3
1 minute ago, Huckleberry said:

Your problem is that distraction attempts don't work on people who are smarter than the people you're used to hanging out with.

Answer the question you've been avoiding.

Who has tried to legislate away the ability of Americans to protect themselves against tyranny using firearms?  Specific examples of a legislative process to repeal the Second Amendment, please.

Once you are able to admit that your initial accusation was a complete load of horse shit, we will move on to discussing the other issues you've brought up in attempt to sidetrack the discussion.

Any law that limits is a law against the 2nd amendment. You're not gonna make me budge.

Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

"and also other things that we didn't have video of but just trust us because you're a moron"

Well it seems like the violent troublemakers want to control who's filming, in order to control the narrative:

Meanwhile, their fellow mostly peaceful protesters in Chicago seem to want similar (one of those cops in the first vid must have been a defensive back):


But there's still lots more video out there.

Edited by clapclapclap
  • Like 1
20 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

Any law that limits is a law against the 2nd amendment. You're not gonna make me budge.

The 1st amendment has limits, you dolt.

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Bevo said:

Any chance you all could go back to the politics board?

One day you'll have to face that fact that most of what we do here on earth is political in some respect. 

  • Like 1
26 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

Any law that limits is a law against the 2nd amendment. You're not gonna make me budge.

Just quit being such a pussy and stop hiding behind guns you fucking pussy. Fuck. 

  • Like 4
2 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

I very much respect your thoughts on theological matters such as these and I will just assume you are correct on your take on what is the Christian way to act in such situations, but in the hypothetical where a pack of dudes in camo with no identification roll up in an unmarked minivan and try to take some family member or friend, and also assuming I'm armed (which I never am these days), there is a very good chance I am shooting at them.  I don't say this because I think it is good or righteous or that I'm a bad ass or any thing like that.  But if I'm being honest that is how I think I would react.  No way I am leaving my own bloods fate in the hands of such people.  That would be like allowing them to be kidnapped to me.  And if I go down in the shoot out then I will say the Lords prayer and may He have mercy on me.  

I think that’s most people’s natural reaction. Just another example of how The Way is difficult.

I will say that, while my views on this subject are consistent with what we know about the actions of the earliest Christians, I think there are reasonable arguments to the contrary that are also rooted in Scripture. For instance, in your hypothetical, it’s an innocent being defended versus defending myself. Does love of my neighbor compel me to act, even with lethal force, in their defense? 

There are difficult questions to wrestle with in this area, and I won’t pretend that my view is universal by any means. What troubled me about his statements was 1) it was solely about self-defense, and I think that’s much less murky; but more so 2) it was taken for granted, encouraged even, that we should be armed and ready to kill. I can respect that someone might work this out differently, but even then it must be a regrettable last resort, not shoot first and let God sort it out.

  • Like 2
18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Except there are already a stack of laws that limit your ability to possess, own, or carry certain guns. The average citizen can’t just obtain a .50 cal machine gun and carry it around. And even if he could, he couldn’t take it into a school, bar, etc. As just a few examples. We can add the fact that you can’t own an M1 tank, a B-1 bomber with a rack of bombs, etc. The myth of “the 2nd amendment lets me possess and carry any arms I want!” is the dumbest fucking myth.

Shit man you mean I can’t get an RPG?

Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

Any law that limits is a law against the 2nd amendment. You're not gonna make me budge.

Do you believe that every citizen of the United States has an inviolable right to possess nuclear warheads? 

You've given up on the original question because you realize the answer is that there has never been a legislative effort to repeal the Second Amendment, so let's just move on with the understanding that you waved that white flag. 

Edited by Huckleberry
6 minutes ago, clapclapclap said:

Has a CR regular suddenly quit posting?

Here's the video, otherwise it never happened, right?

Maxwell listened to "If I had a hammer" one too many times.

Lol, well that ambush plan didn't work out well for him. Like 40 dudes came outta there. Definitely looks like a siege to me.


So, what happened when Texans got hold of a rumor that Obama was planning to round up political dissidents in Texas? Didn’t Abbott quell the hysteria by sending the Texas National Guard to monitor Jade Helm. Why no hysteria now?

Don't do it to yourself. I had a local talk show on the other day where they were talking about the new mask requirement. 3/4 of the bubbas were calling in bragging about their clever methods of walking around breathing on everybody.
I was ready to get a bat and just start popping fuckers upside the head.
Then I realized, if you sit around on hold to call a talk show, you're not the sort of person who actually goes anywhere.
No actually they do. They go terrorize the local gas station clerk and ruin his day. Those clerks work there because they can't handle stress or conflict. And they are scared and already risking Covid. Those bubba's are spreading shit and assaulting someone weaker somewhere.
13 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Except there are already a stack of laws that limit your ability to possess, own, or carry certain guns. The average citizen can’t just obtain a .50 cal machine gun and carry it around. And even if he could, he couldn’t take it into a school, bar, etc. As just a few examples. We can add the fact that you can’t own an M1 tank, a B-1 bomber with a rack of bombs, etc. The myth of “the 2nd amendment lets me possess and carry any arms I want!” is the dumbest fucking myth.

I've been saying this for years.

We ALL believe in arms control.  If you think you don't, ask yourself if it's okay for your neighbor to have a nuclear weapon to defend his home.  Or a biological weapon.  If you say, "sure," you're too intellectually dishonest to try to reason with.

Of course your neighbor cannot be allowed to own such things.  We all understand that the risk to a high number of innocent people outweighs his right to defend his home from hypothetical SWAT teams of invaders.

Now apply the same logic to an assault rifle that can be modded to fire 30 rounds in about four seconds.

Look, all reasonable people agree that public ownership of arms must be limited; the only thing we disagree on is where to draw the line.  And there's a conversation to be had to figure that out, but we can't even start that conversation until everyone admits that there is absolutely nothing in the 2nd Amendment that makes guns an all-or-nothing debate and we shouldn't be stupid enough to let the NRA convince us otherwise for its own obvious and self-serving reasons.


  • Like 8
52 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

Any law that limits is a law against the 2nd amendment. You're not gonna make me budge.

In your own tiny mind, you think you’re exhibiting strength with this sentence. You’re not. You’re displaying a level of cowardice and weakness that’s very hard to describe.

  • Like 3
16 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Do you believe that every citizen of the United States has an inviolable right to possess nuclear warheads? 

You've given up on the original question because you realize the answer is that there has never been a legislative effort to repeal the Second Amendment, so let's just move on with the understanding that you waved that white flag. 

I'd be okay with that.

35 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Except there are already a stack of laws that limit your ability to possess, own, or carry certain guns. The average citizen can’t just obtain a .50 cal machine gun and carry it around. And even if he could, he couldn’t take it into a school, bar, etc. As just a few examples. We can add the fact that you can’t own an M1 tank, a B-1 bomber with a rack of bombs, etc. The myth of “the 2nd amendment lets me possess and carry any arms I want!” is the dumbest fucking myth.

At the end of the day, I'd rather this not be the case. I'm glad that Huck is okay with only .002 percent of people to be armed. They still have the second amendment, don't they! It's technically not gone.


"You have to pay $340 for a handgun license and $140 for shotgun and rifle license. You also have $90 for a finger printing. That wasn't made for the poor of New York for sure. It also takes 6 months to process it, and after all that they can still say no. Out of 8 million people only 4,000 people have a concealed carry. "

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

My extremely liberal sister is a lawyer with the DOJ in that building.  A month ago she had my nephews marching and chanting "no justice, no peace, no racist police."

She's starting to sound like a republican.

This is not an uncommon way for people to be. 

No justice, no peace... unless you're around me then be peaceful even if injustice remains!


*edited out response that might be construed as "political"*

Edited by bad_teammate
  • Like 2
12 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

I'd be okay with that.

So in your world a terrorist could be stopped by NYPD in midtown Manhattan with a large nuclear device in their van but the police would have to let it go if they had no proof of an imminent attack?

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

So in your world a terrorist could be stopped by NYPD in midtown Manhattan with a large nuclear device in their van but the police would have to let it go if they had no proof of an imminent attack?

If New York City is okay with all thier restrictions, why not the other way around? It'd probably never get there though, and if you think that is be able to make that happen, thanks.

Edited by workswithseed
Eh, I don't need to be rude.


7 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

First you make a roue. Then you mate a Guido with a Mick, tell their kid he's French when he knows damn well he's not French, give him bugs to eat, and then tell him he's French again.

There's gonna be some anger.

roux... come on, RDC.

I might expect that from these uneducateds that put fucking mushrooms in their crawfish boils, but you been tailgating in BR long enough to know better.

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5 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:


roux... come on, RDC.

I might expect that from these uneducateds that put fucking mushrooms in their crawfish boils, but you been tailgating in BR long enough to know better.

Mushrooms? In a crawfish boil? Who does that?

50 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

One day you'll have to face that fact that most of what we do here on earth is political in some respect. 

I try to avoid the politics board so I hate when it seeps into other boards on this site. But some motherfuckers want to be heard. They bring it over here and claim innocence and attack when called out on it. If it is pointed out that Portland has a Dem. mayor and 0 Republican city council members who are tired of the tactics being used by protesters all hell breaks loose on the site. So fuck getting into an argument with the bunch. Just get them back in their hole.

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  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, clapclapclap said:

Mostly peaceful protesters in Portland, good kids, definitely not Antifa....


 Absolutely unbiased source. 
only retards repped this if they believe anything Ngo posts 

  • Like 4
I try to avoid the politics board so I hate when it seeps into other boards on this site. But some motherfuckers want to be heard. They bring it over here and claim innocence and attack when called out on it. If it is pointed out that Portland has a Dem. mayor and 0 Republican city council members who are tired of the tactics being used by protesters all hell breaks loose on the site. So fuck getting into an argument with the bunch. Just get them back in their hole.

But this isn’t Portland leaders cracking down - it’s uninvited anonymous feds geared up for war.

State and local leaders have asked them to leave. DHS said “lol no”.

This is dictator shit.
  • Like 9
25 minutes ago, Js1 said:

 Absolutely unbiased source. 
only retards repped this if they believe anything Ngo posts 

I agree Andy has an agenda, but if you ignore his words he posted above it, it's still a video of actual events. You can argue it's photo shopped or whatever the video equivalent is I guess, but otherwise it's a video of actual events. You can form your own opinions off just that alone without completely rejecting it because of the source (unless you can prove its doctored in some way). 

Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

But this isn’t Portland leaders cracking down - it’s uninvited anonymous feds geared up for war.

State and local leaders have asked them to leave. DHS said “lol no”.

This is dictator shit.

How is it uninvited? They work 5 times a week M-F in those buildings. They can't help but be in the middle of it. State and local leaders don't over-rule the federal government on what happens on federal government land.


Imagine you're a ICE agent with a nice federal government job. The government is still one of those places that offers a pension that allows you to retire after 20 years. Your place of business is the Justice Center in Portland, Oregon. You show up everyday at 8am, and work until 5pm, doing your job. Suddenly for 50 consecutive days your workplace has become a war zone, your building is constantly under protest. Your name, families name, and home of residence is being put out online because you work there. On your daily commute people are angrily yelling at you and vandalizing your building, and now after years of working there the city is telling you to leave. That's what these federal employees are in the middle of.

Edited by MillerEP
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