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1 minute ago, Continental Op said:

Ha.  A thread about this gets bounced off of Daily Texan but 30 pages of people freaking the fuck out about the CHAZ that definitely goes beyond the dispassionate reporting of news/facts stays?  The moderation here is fucking hilarious.  

It’s odd there’s only one side that wants to keep the discourse on these issues divided. 

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I can’t help but notice that a lot of our right wing shithead posters like icono, after being mainly awol, are all suddenly congregating and posting in this thread. A memo must have gotten sent out somewhere. Just more trump supporting nazi fascist bullshit. 

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No one cares about a dead Nazi. Murderize all Nazi scum.

“Won’t somebody think of the poor Stasi?!?!”
Can you fucking imagine someone posting that when East Germany was still a thing? That’s what our bootlickers are saying [checks calendar] right fucking now.

Note: the motto for the Stasi was “the shield and the sword of the party.” History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes like a motherfucker.
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If philosophy/ideology is "political" then this is the right call.

Of course, if philosophy/ideology is "political" then there should be zero actual discussions allowed in DT, just posting of links/excerpts from legitimate news websites.

5 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

I can’t help but notice that a lot of our right wing shithead posters like icono, after being mainly awol, are all suddenly congregating and posting in this thread. A memo must have gotten sent out somewhere. Just more trump supporting nazi fascist bullshit. 

Looks like somebody moved a bunch of random shit from DT over here and shitcanned the DT thread.


Remember that time that obama sent federal agents dressed up in military gear into US cities teargassing people, arresting them and throwing them into unmarked vans? 

I was pretty upset when that happened. Thankfully now got trump and Stephen Miller to correct all that. 

  • Like 4
4 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

Looks like somebody moved a bunch of random shit from DT over here and shitcanned the DT thread.

That explains why icono is in here. Maybe I should feel bad about the neg. I don't. 

1 hour ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Are the Boogaloo boys out every night causing problems in Portland? No it’s these antifa punks. What you will see soon if this keeps up will be a  organized and armed group of patriots protecting their property if this madness isn’t put down. You should be thankful that the DHS is stepping up and tamping down the insurgents before armed militias on the side that I’m on step in. More than half of the country when polled support bringing troops in to stop riots. Law and order has ALWAYS won in this country in the end and it has always resulted in a backlash against those inciting violence. Finally, I would be 100% ok with this going down in Houston if it was needed. Antifa knows it can’t get away with their bullshit in Texas so it’s a moot point.

Says the fascist nazi. 

52 minutes ago, CowboyFred said:

Ahhh...I see the far-right is on their monthly “ANTIFA is coming” freakout?  Lol sad sacks of shit scared of a boogeyman 

They really are the most gigantic pussies to ever walk the planet. Scared of their own shadow and invisible boogeymen. They are fucking pathetic. 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Are the Boogaloo boys out every night causing problems in Portland? No it’s these antifa punks. What you will see soon if this keeps up will be a  organized and armed group of patriots protecting their property if this madness isn’t put down. You should be thankful that the DHS is stepping up and tamping down the insurgents before armed militias on the side that I’m on step in. More than half of the country when polled support bringing troops in to stop riots. Law and order has ALWAYS won in this country in the end and it has always resulted in a backlash against those inciting violence. Finally, I would be 100% ok with this going down in Houston if it was needed. Antifa knows it can’t get away with their bullshit in Texas so it’s a moot point.

Shocking that the meth headed fascist supports fascism.

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  • Haha 1
11 hours ago, MillerEP said:

I disagree with them wanting fascism as the solution to their problem, you may be going to the extreme. They just want stability and normalcy. Back to the way their lives were 60 days ago. To be hunted down for your job choices is pretty shitty, we're not talking about prison executioners here, but employees of the department of homeland security. Everybody has to put food on their plate. If you think anyone choosing a job that affords them some level of "comforts" as a bad thing, then I really don't know what to tell you, to me that seems the epitome of the American Dream.

“Hunted down” eh? 

Here is a doll. Show us where Antifa touched you. 

  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

Looks like somebody moved a bunch of random shit from DT over here and shitcanned the DT thread.

Yeah looks like you’re right. I guess that explain that. 

12 hours ago, MillerEP said:

I disagree with them wanting fascism as the solution to their problem, you may be going to the extreme. They just want stability and normalcy. Back to the way their lives were 60 days ago. To be hunted down for your job choices is pretty shitty, we're not talking about prison executioners here, but employees of the department of homeland security. Everybody has to put food on their plate. If you think anyone choosing a job that affords them some level of "comforts" as a bad thing, then I really don't know what to tell you, to me that seems the epitome of the American Dream.

Who is hunting whom? You have things way fucking backwards. 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, CowboyFred said:

Ahhh...I see the far-right is on their monthly “ANTIFA is coming” freakout?  Lol sad sacks of shit scared of a boogeyman 

Bingo. And they jack off with one hand while the other trembles as it grips the AR. Then, you get on the internet and stand tall against the illusory enemy and take your place in the self-pissing ranks of America's defenders who are an army of the irony-deaf. 


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If cities won't protect federal property and want feds out, they should just leave.
Keep a tally of the the feds monitary loss, and withhold fed funding for those cites to pay for it.

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  • Fuck You 1

They don't want antifa to post their identities online? What kind of pathetic excuse is that?


More like, "we don't want to be identified while we violate people's rights that the president swore to uphold, under the orders of that same president".

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3 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

Just FYI, my friend who lives in SW Portland indicates that if you stay out that part of downtown, life goes on normally (at least for COVID-19)

So the Republicans finally got the "no-go zones" they've been afraid of all these years?

Only now they're in favor of them.

Because of course they are.

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1 hour ago, cactusflinthead said:

Welcome back to the mosh pit. 

Here's your neg. Fuck off.

that post and a bunch of other BuT wHaT aBoUt AnTiFa!?!?1 got moved out of the DT gestapo in el portlando thread. 

22 minutes ago, BNB said:

If cities won't protect federal property and want feds out, they should just leave.
Keep a tally of the the feds monitary loss, and withhold fed funding for those cites to pay for it.

So you’re a moron? 


The local authorities knew this would be the response, which is why they want the feds to fuck off.

But Trump and his fascist fanbase doesn't want peace, they want state violence against the weak.

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The Nazi party, just like the current republicans, was always a minority. What allowed them to take power in Germany in the 30s was the submission and acquiescence of good people who knew better. 

Not here Nazis. 

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The protests in Portland will only get bigger. Then trump and the Trumpkins will back down because they are all cowards and gigantic pussies. Then trump will move on to the next outrage. Meanwhile thousands of Americans will die because a whole bunch of shitheads still support trump to this day. It’s fucking obscene. 

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44 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:


So much this. Call hearings, issue subpoenas. If they don’t show, use your power to arrest the officials that don’t comply. When they complain just respond that at least the arresting officer wears a name and badge visible. Have some fucking balls

  • Like 8
41 minutes ago, maninblack said:

When do we start lighting up Federal Reserve and IRS locations? Asking for a friend 

Right after I hear that Jerome Powell put someone who was protesting against Hooters being closed in a full nelson.  


You fuckers aren’t patriots. You’re freelance fascists. 

I’m definitely stealing this. It’s a bullseye.
Germans in the 30s had a choice. They chose submission and acquiescence. 
Not here. Fuck you trumpkins. 

This. Resist. 3x what it was before. 10x what is was before. They bring the gestapo? Cool. We bring the people. Fuck you.
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14 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

Right after I hear that Jerome Powell put someone who was protesting against Hooters being closed in a full nelson.  

Top rope?

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11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

I’m definitely stealing this. It’s a bullseye.

This. Resist. 3x what it was before. 10x what is was before. They bring the gestapo? Cool. We bring the people. Fuck you.

This is going to require more people out in the streets protesting. This can’t just be left to the people doing this now. Some of the people on this board who advocate passionately for change are going to have to set down the keyboard and join in. If that stings anyone here I would suggest you ask yourself the following question. Are you cheering on others from the sidelines or are you out there making your voice heard alongside your fellow citizens?

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Posted (edited)

I've got a stash of carbon filters, which work well against tear gas, to distribute at the next protest here in Austin. I dont have the masks they fit into but people can wrap them onto their snouts with a bandana or t shirt.

Edited by MissingInAction
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I've been out of touch and only heard whisps of this story. The White House should be stormed and Trump dragged out, tarred and feathered, then put on display in a hanging cage. 

This is an outrage.

"Portland under siege." What bullshit. The echo chamber has been calling demonstrations riots for weeks. 

And for about the fifth time during this administration, I have to wonder where the Army and the Guard stand on all of this. In the United States of (Central) America. 


I think maybe we've all been naive about waiting for an election, having an election, or the impact of an election. 

Y'all have likely already posted this from the DHS site


“The city of Portland has been under siege for 47 straight days by a violent mob while local political leaders refuse to restore order to protect their city. Each night, lawless anarchists destroy and desecrate property, including the federal courthouse, and attack the brave law enforcement officers protecting it. " 


It should be signed by Wm B Travis for fuck's sake.



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  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, BNB said:

If cities won't protect federal property and want feds out, they should just leave.
Keep a tally of the the feds monitary loss, and withhold fed funding for those cites to pay for it.

This always sounds great until you realize librul bastions send way more money than they get back.  Won’t you think of all the poor dumbshits in buttfuck, America?

Edited by ChiTownDoc
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4 minutes ago, F250 said:

Massie is just a fucking cafeteria conservative.

True but so is the official Libertarian Party. Fuck I'd take Massie over Sarwark every day

Just now, maninblack said:

True but so is the official Libertarian Party. Fuck I'd take Massie over Sarwark every day

Massie is ass, my dude. I'll take Amash's farts over Massie.

4 hours ago, ztejas said:

Not parading around trying to start shit in para military gear like a bunch of insecure 8th graders. 

I believe firearms are required to qualify as "para military"- like these guys who not only were not shuttled away in unmarked vans, but were actively encouraged by the president to violate lawful state orders (since, in his opinion, pandemics should be handled by the state, and the federal gov is just "back-up") via his "LIBERATE!" tweets.




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